Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Chrysler, Walter P. (Walter Percy), 1909-1988

titleWalter P. Chrysler interview, 1964 Sept. 5.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionAn interview of Walter P. Chrysler conducted by Dorothy Seckler for the Archives of American Art. Chrysler speaks of Provincetown as an art colony; the role of the Chrysler Art Museum in Provincetown, Mass.; and the museum's collections, acquisitions, and exhibitions.

Bio / His Notes:
Art collector; Provincetown, Mass.; d. 1988. Chrysler opened his museum in 1958 in Provincetown in an old church, then moved the museum in 1970 to a larger permanent location in Norfolk, Va.
extentSound recordings: 1 sound tape ; 5 in. Transcript: 6 p.
formatsSound Recording Transcript Online Transcript
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationThis interview is part of the Archives' Oral History Program, started in 1958 to document the history of the visual arts in the United States, primarily through interviews with artists, historians, dealers, critics and others.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33

titleThomas Clyde Colt papers, 1853-1979.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionCorrespondence; biographical data; photographs; scrapbooks; business and financial records; exhibition announcements; and clippings.

REEL 1559: Letters, postcards, three photographs and several clippings relating to Colt's retirement from the Dayton Art Institute in 1976; and four scrapbooks containing letters, clippings, photographs, exhibition catalogs and announcements, and memorabilia.

REELS 1619-1620: Business and personal correspondence, with Corrine Melchers, Waldo Pierce, Gordon Washburn, Lamar Dodd, Curt Valentin, Francis Henry Taylor, Mahonri Young, Adelyn Breeskin, Mitchel Wilder, and others; biographical data and curriculum vitae; 14 personal photographs; files on the Gari Melchers Memorial, Fredericksburg, Virginia, and a 1956 exhibition of paintings owned by Walter Chrysler; clippings and press releases.

UNMICROFILMED: Exhibition invitations and announcements; appointment calendars; treasurer's and trustees' reports, minutes, and financial records of the Portland Art Association, Portland, Oregon, and the Dayton Institute of Art, Dayton, Ohio.

Bio / His Notes:
Museum director; Dayton, Ohio. Director of the Portland Art Association, 1948-1956,(the owner and governing body of the Portland Art Museum), and the Dayton Art Institute, 1957-1975.
extent4.0 linear ft. (on 3 microfilm reels) reels 1559 and 1619-1620
formatsCorrespondence Photographs Scrapbooks Business Papers Financial Records
accessMicrofilmed portion must be consulted on microfilm. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires an appointment and is limited to Washington, D. C. storage facility.
record source
acquisition informationDonated and lent April 1979 by Thomas Clyde Colt. Location of Original: Reel 1559: Originals returned to Thomas Clyde Colt after microfilming.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33

titleLewis & Valentine Collection, 1918-1970
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionBrochures, photographs, books, trade catalogs, company papers, and letters from clients, dating from 1916 to 1970. Lewis & Valentine customer list and history of company written by Harold Carman Lewis. Photographs include properties of Hugh D. Auchincloss, Eugene duPont, Walter P. Chrysler, Otto H. Kahn, F. W. Woolworth, Pierre S. duPont (Longwood Gardens), Charles M. Schwab, Edward T. Stotesbury, the Rodin Museum in Philadelphia, PA, and estates in Long Island, New York.
extent1 linear ft.; 366 photographs.
formatsEphemera Photographs
accessAccess to original images by appointment only. Researcher must submit request for appointment in writing. Certain items may be restricted and not available to researchers. For information or study purposes only. Use or copyright restrictions may exist. All requests for duplication and use must be submitted in writing and approved by Archives of American Gardens.
record source
acquisition informationGift from Hewlett Withington Lewis, former owner of Lewis & Valentine Co.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33

titleThe Fototeca Berenson (Villa I Tatti Photo Archives)
repositoryBiblioteca Berenson, Villa I Tatti
descriptionThe collection contains about 300,000 photographs, many of them collected by Berenson himself from the 1880s until the time of his death in 1959. Many have notes on the back in his handwriting. Many show works of art before restoration, and others show images since destroyed.

An important section, "Homeless paintings", contains photographs of works whose current location is unknown. The photographs are almost exclusively black and white in a variety of photographic media, such as albumen, gelatine, or carbon.

About 3000 large-format photographs are stored separately. In addition, there is a considerable amount of documentary material in the form of clippings, notes and printed reproductions.

The photographs are arranged according to Berenson's original scheme, by school: Florence, Siena, Central Italy, Northern Italy, Lombardy, Venice, Southern Italy. Within each school they are arranged by artist, then by topography, followed by homeless. Paintings and drawings are arranged separately.

The main focus of the collection is on Italian painting and drawing from the mid-thirteenth to the mid-sixteenth centuries. This part of the collection continues to be developed through the acquisition of new materials and through photographic campaigns. Later periods are also represented but in smaller scale, without systematic updating.

There is also material on medieval painting, arranged topographically; manuscript illumination, arranged according to present location; archeology; Byzantine art and architecture, arranged both by artist and by location; and non-Italian art, arranged by country. Finally a section of 8000 photographs is devoted to the art of the Far East, India and Islam.

In addition to the original Berenson nucleus, collections of prints, glass plates, negatives and transparencies have entered the Fototeca.

These include the collections of Emilio Marcucci (nineteenth-century projects for the completion of various Florentine monuments), George Kaftal (representations of saints in Italian painting of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries), Henry Clifford (painting thirtheenth to seventeenth centuries), Giorgio Castelfranco (Italian art thirteenth to twentieth centuries), Giannino Marchig (restoration), Frederick Hartt (Michelangelo, Giulio Romano), Giuseppe Marchini (Italian art and stained glass), and Craig H. Smyth (Renaissance painting and drawing).

There is a small collection of micropublications and microfiche (162,386 frames): L=index photographique de l'art en France (95,648); Sotheby's Pictorial Archive - Old Master Paintings (45,472); Christie's Pictorial Archive Italian School (9,898); Christie's Pictorial Archive - New York 1977-95 Old Master Paintings & Drawings (11,368). The microfilm of the Bartsch Corpus comprises about 42,000 frames.

Most photographers not identified.

extent300,000 + photographs
formatsPhotographs Reproductions Microfilm Artist Files
accessContact Ilaria Della Monica the archivist at the Berenson Library for restrictions and appointments.
record link
record source
finding aidCurrently, there is no catalog of the photographs at Villa I Tatti. In some cases, Artist Files, can be found school (i.e. Venetian, Lombard, Northern Italy, Central Italy, etc. . .) and some are cataloged in Harvard's online catalog, HOLLIS.
acquisition informationOriginally formed by Bernard Berenson the Library continues to add to the file.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:44