Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Adelman, Seymour, 1906-

titleSelections from the Seymour Adelman collection, 1845-1958.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionSelections from the Seymour Adelman Collection, 1845-1958 (ca. 1 ft.), relating to the Sartain family and Thomas and Susan Eakins.

The Sartain materials include letters, 1845-1945, to Emily, Harriet, John, Samuel, and William Sartain. Correspondents include John McClure Hamilton, William Trost Richards, Russell Smith, and Xanthus Smith. Microfilm roll 4567.

The Eakins materials include letters, 1931-1958, to Adelman from Charles Bregler, Thomas Eakins's protégé and Susan Ealdns's friend, including a few responses from Adelman; Susan Eakins's correspondence, 1931-1938, mostly from Eakins to Adelman regarding paintings, commissions, exhibitions, articles, and personal matters; postcards to Susan and Thomas, 1890-1933, including 1 from Walter Pach to Susan; 1 letter, 1868, from Thomas to Benjamin Eakins, and 2 letters to Thomas; 3 Thomas Eakins account sheets/ledger sheets, 1870-1895; miscellaneous Eakins family materials; and photographs by Thomas and Susan Eakins and others, primarily formal and informal portraits of Thomas and Susan, their families and pets. Selections filmed on microfilm roll 4567.
extent1 partial microfilm reel. reel 4567
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationLent for microfilming 1991 by Bryn Mawr College. Microfilmed as part of AAA's Philadelphia Arts Documentation Project. The material was selected from over 45 linear ft. of manuscript material in the Adelman Collection. Originals in: Bryn Mawr College Library.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titleLetters and cards: Philadelphia, to Seymour Adelman, 1931-1938.
repositoryBryn Mawr College
description92 postcards and notecards, 65 ALsS. Letters pertain mostly to her painting of portraits of Adelman, his sister Lenore, and his mother: times for sittings, accoutrements, etc. There is considerable comment on the Philadelphia art scene. She refers often to her husband's paintings and photographs, and to mutual friends Charles Bregler and Samuel Murray. Others discussed are Luigi Maraffi, Sadakichi Hartmann, Shane Leslie. She has much to say about her daily life and domestic affairs, including her health.
extent157 items (together 89 p.) ; varying sizes.
formatsNotes Postcards Diaries Personal Papers
accessThis collection is open for research.
record source
acquisition informationGift of Seymour Adelman.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titleSeymour Adelman Letters and Documents Collection
repositoryBryn Mawr College
descriptionSeymour Adelman was an enthusiastic collector with wide-ranging interests. His incredibly generous donations to the Library brought us important collections of A.E. Housman, Laurence Housman, Ralph Hodgson, Claud Lovat Fraser, and Thomas and Susan Eakins documents and ephemera, as well as a striking collection of boxiana. The Letters and Documents Collection represents additional interests, spanning the late 18th to the mid-20th centuries. The major components of this collections are 19th and 20th-century literary and artistic figures and documents relating to local history.

The literary and artistic figures whose correspondence Adelman chose to collect range from the world-famous to the obscure. Many letters and miscellaneous documents relate to the poet John Keats and others in his circle, such as Percy Bysshe Shelley and the painter Joseph Severn. Other poets and authors Adelman collected extensively include Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Matthew Arnold, James Flecker, James Stephens, Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke, Thomas Hardy, Francis Thompson, Haldane Macfall, Holbrook Jackson, and John Lemprière. Artists who figure prominently in the collection include Benjamin Robert Haydon, Sir William Rothenstein, and Sir Edward Poynter. In addition, Adelman amassed a collection of the correspondence of art critic Sadakichi Hartmann and prominent editors Leigh Hunt (The Examiner), Wilfrid Meynell (Merry England), J.M. Stoddard (Lippincott's), and John Scott (London Magazine).

Many items in the collection relate to Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia area, and local Friends. There are many documents to and from the Bettles, prominent Philadelphia Quakers whose sons attended Haverford College. Some are family letters, but other correspondents include bookseller Charles Coffin, Ministers Jesse Kersey, Elizabeth Robson, and Joseph John Gurney, and abolitionist Sarah Moore Grimke. The collections also includes documents from the Philadelphia Monthly and Yearly Meetings of Friends. Additional material includes letters and documents relating to Samuel Coates and the Pennsylvania Hospital just before 1800, documents printed by Benjamin Franklin's business, and deeds for land in and around Philadelphia.

Also contained in the Adelman Collection, but not falling under any larger category, are individual cards, letters, and documents, as well as manuscripts, autographs, and other small ephemera. There are letters from Winston Churchill - and additionally photographs and other memorabilia of Churchill. There are letters from Benjamin Disraeli, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Albert Einstein. A collection of over forty letters from Colonel Jonathan LaFausille and his wife to her sister were written from various British camps during the Seven Years War. Many other letters from prominent - and ordinary - Americans and Britons are contained in the collection, covering topics from society gossip to ornithology.

Letters and documents are listed alphabetically by the author of the letter or the subject of the document. Where the author of a letter could not be determined, the letter has been filed by the name of the recipient. Other documents are listed by their signers or the institutions which produced them.
extentTotal Boxes: 27, Linear Feet: 21
formatsCorrespondence Writings Ephemera Photographs Notes
accessThis collection is open for research.
record source
finding aidIn repository and online collection guide.
acquisition informationGift of Seymour Adelman.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titleLloyd and Edith Havens Goodrich, Whitney Museum of American Art, Record of Works by Thomas Eakins, 1894, 1903, 1915-1986
repositoryPhiladelphia Museum of Art
descriptionThe Lloyd and Edith Havens Goodrich, Whitney Museum of American Art, Record of Works by Thomas Eakins consists mainly of typescript and manuscript papers, correspondence, and a variety of research and reference materials pertaining to Lloyd Goodrich's major published and unpublished works on American artist Thomas Eakins. This collection documents more than 50 years of Eakins scholarship, during which Goodrich published "Thomas Eakins: his life and work" (1933) and the revised and augmented monograph, "Thomas Eakins" (1982). A revision of the 1933 publication's catalogue raisonne section, intended as a separate volume, never reached the final stages before Goodrich's death, but represents a significant volume of material. Of note is correspondence with Thomas Eakins's widow, Susan Macdowell Eakins; Goodrich's transcriptions of Thomas Eakins's own correspondence, much of which is now lost; and his interview notes with Eakins's sitters, students, friends, and relatives, including Charles Bregler, Charence W. Cranmer, Frances Eakins Crowell, Mary Elizabeth Hallock Greenewalt, Elizabeth Macdowell Kenton, Frank B. A. Linton, Samuel Murray, Mary Adeline Williams, Lucy Landon Williams Wilson, and Francis Joseph Ziegler.

extent42 linear feet
formatsNotes Photographs Writings Correspondence Clippings
accessThis collection is open for research
record link
record source
finding aidAvailable online
acquisition informationGift of Lloyd Goodrich and the Whitney Museum of American Art, 1985.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:48