Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Whittemore, Harris, 1864-1927
title | August Jaccaci papers, 1889-1935 (bulk 1904-1914). |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters, mostly concerning Jaccaci's joint editorship with John La Farge of the book, Noteworthy Paintings in American Collections; typescript pages of research material relating to the book and photographs (unmicrofilmed) of works of art. The papers cover the one published volume as well as the unrealized volumes. Also included are photographs of early American wall stencils. The collection documents Jaccaci's work as an art historian, writer, and editor, primarily during the period he researched, compiled, and published his book, "Noteworthy Paintings in Private American Collections." More than one-half of the collection consists of extensive correspondence to and from many notable artists, collectors, and art historians, including John La Farge, Kenyon Cox, Isabella Stewart Gardner, and Bernard Sickert concerning the research and publication of the book. The papers also house legal files, writings and notes, art collection research files, and photographs of artwork. Correspondents include art historians, critic, artists, and art collectors, as well as publishers, photographers, printers, and agents. These letters discuss the research of famous American art collections, writing of essays for the book, and the book production and publication. There is extensive correspondence with his co-editor John La Farge, and with his employee Carl Snyder who was working in Europe. Other correspondence is with magazines, art associations, academic institutions, and French service organizations. Also included is a small amount of personal correspondence with friends and colleagues. Correspondents, many of whom were contributors, include Samuel H. Adams, American Academy in Rome, R. B. Angus, Sir Walter Armstrong, John W. Beatty, Cecilia Beaux, Bernard Berenson, Ernest L. Blumenschein, Wilhelm Bode, Louis De Monvel Boutet, James Britton, George De Forest Brush, Bryson Burroughs, Charles H. Caffin, Alexis Carrel, Mary Cassatt, Willa Cather, John Jay Chapman, Sir Martin Conway, Kenyon Cox, Eyre Crowe, Elsie De Wolfe, William H. Downes, Charles L. Freer, Daniel C. French, Max Friedlander, Roger Fry, Isabella Gardner, Jules Guiffrey, Jay Hambidge, Charles Henry Hart, James J. Hill, Lewis C. Hind, Sir Charles J. Holmes, Elbert Hubbard, James Huneker, Samuel Isham, Thayer Jaccaci, Bettina E. Johnson, John La Farge, Oliver La Farge, Ernest Lawson, Will H. Low, Frank J. Mather, Henry McCarter, Samuel McClure, Francis D. Millet, Paul E. More, George F. Of, Ivan Olinsky, Walter Pach, Ernest Peixotto, Elizabeth Pennell, Michael I. Pupin, Jean F. Raffaelli, Salomon Reinach, Henry Reuterdahl, Corrado Ricci, Jean P. Richter, Gisela M. Richter, Frederic Sherman, Bernhard Sickert, Osvald Siren, Joseph L. Steffens, Ida Tarbell, Anne Taylor, Carl Taylor, Alexander Teixeira de Mattos, Wilhelm Valentiner, John C. Van Dyke, Adolfo Venturi, J. Alden Weir, John F. Weir, William A. White, Helen H. Whitney, and Rufus Zogbaum. Research material includes information on the following collections: R. B. Angus, George Baker, Charles T. Barney, August Belmont, Chauney J. Blair, Cleveland Burke, A. M. Byers, Thomas M. Davis, G. A. Drummond, William L. Elkins, James W. Ellsworth, Henry Clay Frick, Isabella S. Gardner, J. W. Gates, George Jay Gould, L. C. Hanna, Henry O.Havemeyer, John Hay, James J. Hill, Charles L Hutchinson, Hyers, John J. Johnson, Mr. Lodge, Frank G. Logan, Cyrus Hall and R. Hall McCormick, James H. McFadden, Emerson McMillan, Samuel Mather, Frank G. Morgan, Horace Morison, Ada Brooks Pope, James Ross, Martin A. Ryerson, Albert A. Sprague, Charles W. Taft, Herbert L. Terrell, Edward R. Thomas, William H. Vanderbilt, William Van Horne, J. H. Wade, Harris Whittemore and P. A. B. Widener. Also included (reel D126) are photographs of early American wall stencils. Forty-eight unmicrofilmed photographs of works of art are from the Henry C. Frick, William Van Horne, and P. A. B. Widener files. Legal files include contracts and legal agreements for the August F. Jaccaci Company, as well as legal agreements with John La Farge concerning the research and publication of their joint book. Writings and notes include Jaccaci's lists and notes pertaining to the Noteworthy Paintings project, as well as other miscellaneous notes. Also found are writings by John La Farge that include drafts of a book, lectures, and notes about his artwork. Writings by others in this series also include draft essays by many art historians for Jaccaci's book. For the Noteworthy Paintings project, Jaccaci created numerous research files for American art collections and collectors that would be included. These research files include lists of works of art, essays and other notes about the collection written by prominent art historians. Photographs are of works of art supporting the research files. Also found in this collection are photographs of and notes about New England stencil designs. It is unclear what the connection is between Jaccaci and the stencil designs. Author(s): Jaccaci, Augusto Floriano, 1857-1930. Beaux, Cecilia,; 1855-1942. Berenson, Bernard,; 1865-1959. Blumenschein, Ernest Leonard,; 1874-1960. Bode, Wilhelm von,; 1845-1929. Boutet de Monvel, Louis-Maurice,; 1851-1913. Britton, James,; 1878-1936. Brush, George de Forest,; 1855-1941. Burroughs, Bryson,; 1869-1934. Caffin, Charles Henry,; 1854-1918. Carrel, Alexis,; 1873-1944. Cassatt, Mary,; 1844-1926. Cather, Willa,; 1873-1947. Chapman, John Jay,; 1862-1933. Conway, William Martin,; Sir,; 1856-1937. Cox, Kenyon,; 1856-1919. Crowe, Eyre,; Sir,; 1864-1925. De Wolfe, Elsie,; 1865-1950. Downes, William Howe,; 1854-1941. Freer, Charles Lang,; 1856-1919. French, Daniel Chester,; 1850-1931. Friedländer, Max J.,; 1867-1958. Fry, Roger Eliot,; 1866-1934. Gardner, Isabella Stewart,; 1840-1924. Guiffrey, Jules,; 1840-1918. Hambidge, Jay,; 1867-1924. Hart, Charles Henry,; 1847-1918. Hill, James Jerome,; 1838-1916. Hind, C. Lewis; 1862-1927. ; (Charles Lewis), Holmes, C. J.; 1868-1936. ; (Charles John), Hubbard, Elbert,; 1856-1915. Huneker, James,; 1857-1921. Isham, Samuel,; 1855-1914. Jaccaci, Thayer. Johnson, Bettina Eastman. La Farge, John,; 1835-1910. La Farge, Oliver,; 1901-1963. Lawson, Ernest,; 1873-1939. Low, Will Hicok,; 1853-1932. Mather, Frank Jewett,; 1868-1953. McCarter, Henry,; 1866-1942. McClure, S. S.; 1857-1949. ; (Samuel Sidney), Millet, Francis Davis,; 1846-1912. More, Paul Elmer,; 1864-1937. Of, George F.; b. 1876. ; (George Ferdinand), Olinsky, Ivan G.; 1878-1962. ; (Ivan Gregorewitch), Pach, Walter,; 1883-1958. Peixotto, Ernest,; b. 1869. Pennell, Elizabeth Robins,; 1855-1936. Pupin, Michael Idvorsky,; 1858-1935. Raffaëlli, Jean François,; 1850-1924. Reinach, Salomon,; 1858-1932. Reuterdahl, Henry,; 1871-1925. Ricci, Corrado,; 1858-1934. Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta,; 1882-1972. Richter, Jean Paul,; 1847-1937. Sherman, Frederic Fairchild,; 1874-1940. Sickert, Bernard,; 1862-1932. Sirén, Osvald,; 1879- Steffens, Lincoln,; 1866-1936. Tarbell, Ida M.; 1857-1944. ; (Ida Minerva), Taylor, Anne. Taylor, Carl. Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander,; 1865-1921. Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold,; 1880-1958. Van Dyke, John Charles,; 1856-1932. Venturi, Adolfo,; 1856-1941. Weir, Julian Alden,; 1852-1919. Weir, John F.; b. 1841. ; (John Ferguson), White, William Allen,; 1868-1944. Whitney, Helen Hay,; 1875-1944. Zogbaum, Rufus F.,; 1849-1925. Adams, Samuel Hopkins,; 1871-1958. Angus, R. B. Armstrong, Walter,; Sir,; 1850-1918. Beatty, John W.; 1851-1924. ; (John Wesley) Bio / His Notes: Jaccaci, a mural painter and writer, was born in France and came to the United States in the 1880s. He and painter John La Farge were editors for what they hoped would be a multi-volume series to be called Noteworthy Paintings in Private Collections. The first volume was published in 1907, but with the untimely death of La Farge, Jaccaci abandoned the project. |
extent | 7.2 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 9 reels) |
formats | Correspondence Photographs Research Files Notes Legal Files |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires an appointment. |
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finding aid | Finding Aid Online |
acquisition information | Papers were purchased from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which had acquired them for director Francis Henry Taylor's research for Taste of Angels. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Correspondence associated with: Whittemore, Arthur Harris, 1864-1927 |
repository | Online Edition of Correspondence of James McNeill Whistler |
description | Harris Whittemore was the recipient, sender or subject of 7 documents, dated between 1894-1901, associated with Whistler and his work. They are available online in either digital form or by transcript, and in some cases both. The individual documents are located in the following repositories: Glasgow University Library New York Public Library |
extent | 7 documents |
formats | Correspondence Electronic Resource |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:32 |
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title | Artist File: Whittemore, Harris, 1864-1927 |
repository | Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives |
description | Folder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs. |
extent | contact repository |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Folder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Mary Cassatt collection, 1871-1955. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Mary Cassatt and Cassatt family papers collected by Frederick Arnold Sweet for research on Cassatt. Included are Cassatt family correspondence, a typescript of a family history written by Cassatt's father, and other genealogical and biographical material; letters from Cassatt to Cecilia Beaux, Electra Havemeyer Webb, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Theodate Pope, Mary Gardner Smith, Carroll S. Tyson, Ambroise Vollard, Harris Whittemore, and others. [Microfilm label: Frederick A. Sweet papers] |
extent | 1.0 linear ft. ( on 1 microfilm reel) reel C1 |
formats | Correspondence Transcript |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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finding aid | Finding aid available at AAA offices. |
acquisition information | Lent for microfilming in 1955 by Frederick Sweet, author of the exhibition catalog Sargent, Whistler, and Mary Cassatt (1954) and Miss Mary Cassatt, Impressionist From Pennsylvania (1966). The owners of the letters at the time of microfilming are listed on the microfilm and the inventory. Frames 1-869 on reel C1 were subsequently donated by the Thayer family to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1967. See also under Sweet, Frederick, for Sweet's research materials on Cassatt, donated to AAA in 1975. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Letters and one postcard, 1965 June 4-1973 August 30, Norwich, Vt. and Paris, France to Harris and Roberta Whittemore, Naugatuck, Conn. |
repository | Dartmouth College |
description | Gives details about his life, illnesses and literary activity. Note(s): Holographs and typescripts signed. Other authors: Whittemore, Harris, 1864-1927. Laing, Alexander, 1903-1976. Cramer, Kenneth Clarence, 1928- |
extent | 28 items. 28 cm. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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acquisition information | Gift of Harris Whittemore, Jr., March, 1974. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:42 |
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title | George Robert Stibitz Papers, 1937- |
repository | Dartmouth College |
description | Collection consists of the papers of the mathematician, George Robert Stibitz. Includes notes, lectures, correspondence, patents, reports, drawings, photographs; and other papers related to his contributions to the development of the computer and his work at Bell Telephone Laboratories and the National Defense Research Committee and as a private consultant for government and industry. Includes patents and patent applications made by other people, notebooks, reports, articles, catalogs, manuals, and miscellaneous materials related to the history of the development of the computer. Also includes material related to airline reservation systems ad to the patent litigation cases: Technitrol vs. Sperry Rand (1958-1962) and Sperry Rand vs. Bell Telephone Laboratories (1960-1962) History Stibitz was born in York, Pa. in 1904. He received his Ph.D from Denison University and his M.S. from Union College. Completing his post-graduate studies at Cornell University, he received his Ph.D in Mathematical Physics in 1930. He worked as a Research Mathematician at Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1930-1941. While at Bell, he began to experiment with an "automated calculator" and the "Complex Computer". During World War II he worked as a Technical Aid in Section 7 of the National Defense Research Committee. He completed work on the "Stibitz Computer", the Ballistic Computer, and the Mark 22 Error Computer during this period, 1941-1945 In 1946 Stibitz moved to Burlington, Vt. and became a consultant in applied mathematics for several businesses and government agencies, including the Barber-Coleman Company, Hamilton Propeller of United Aircraft, Remington Rand, and the Dept. of Defense. He also became involved in the field of patent expertise and worked on patent litigation cases. In 1964 he became a professor of physiology at Dartmouth Medical School and pursued his interest in the application of computer technology to the field of biomedical research Alternate Author Whittemore, Harris. Location Rauner Manuscript Call Number ML-27 |
extent | boxes ( ft.) |
formats | Business Papers Notes Writings Correspondence Photographs |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Unpublished guide, entitled An inventory of the papers of George Robert Stibitz concerning the invention and development of the digital computer, is available in the repository |
acquisition information | 1966 Stibitz, George Robert Gift |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:42 |
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title | Edward Waldo Forbes Papers, 1867-2005. |
repository | Harvard Art Museum Archives |
description | These papers of Fogg Art Museum Director Edward Waldo Forbes document his administration of the museum and a wide range of personal and professional activities and interests. The bulk of the collection dates from 1909 to 1944. The papers consist primarily of correspondence, including a series of correspondence with art dealers, and also include photographs, reports, expedition field notes and journals, printed material, newspaper clippings, blueprints, meeting minutes, letters of recommendation, insurance records, invoices, page proofs, telegrams, rubbings, sketches, visiting cards, shipping documents and press releases. History notes : Edward Waldo Forbes was born July 16, 1873 on Naushon Island, southwest of Cape Cod. He was the son of William Hathaway Forbes, founder and first president of the American Bell Telephone Company, and Edith Emerson Forbes, daughter of poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson. Forbes studied at Milton Academy before entering Harvard University, where he received an A.B. in 1895. During his studies at Harvard, Forbes’ interest in the fine arts was encouraged by professor Charles Eliot Norton. He traveled in Europe in the years following his graduation, studying English literature at Oxford University from 1900 to 1902. Forbes continued to cultivate his interest art, and he became a trustee of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts in 1903 and of the Fogg Museum in 1904. In 1907, he married Margaret Laighton, an accomplished gardener and watercolorist. They were married until her death in 1966 and raised five children at Gerry’s Landing, the Forbes’ Cambridge home. In 1907, Forbes taught his first course, on Florentine painting, at Harvard. He became lecturer in Fine Arts in 1909, the year he became Director of the Fogg Museum. Forbes continued to teach throughout his years as Director and was named Martin A. Ryerson Lecturer in Fine Arts in 1935. He retired from the museum in 1944. The technical study of works of art was one of Forbes’ most passionate interests. He founded the Center for Conservation and Technical Studies (now named the Straus Center for Conservation) in 1928; it was the first fine arts conservation treatment, research and training facility in the United States. Forbes received many awards and distinctions throughout his career, and he was named the first honorary fellow of the Institute of Conservation in 1958. Edward Forbes died in Belmont, Massachusetts on March 11, 1969. Location : Harvard Art Museum Archives HC 2 HOLLIS Number : 011763828 |
extent | 119 boxes + oversize materials |
formats | Administrative Records Correspondence Photographs Clippings Notes |
access | Unrestricted. |
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finding aid | Electronic finding aid available |
acquisition information | The papers were left at the Fogg Art Museum by former director Edward Waldo Forbes. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:42 |
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title | Theodate Pope Riddle Papers, 1865-1946 (bulk 1885-1920) |
repository | Hill-stead Museum |
description | Correspondence, diaries, postcards, printed materials, many photos, and other papers of Riddle, her father, Alfred Atmore Pope, industrialist and art collector, mother, Ada Brooks Pope, husband, John Wallace Riddle, diplomat, and other family members. Of special interest are Theodate Pope's diary documenting the education of a young woman in the 1880s, including a description of the family's "grand tour" of Europe; transcriptions of sittings and correspondence relating to spiritualism and psychical research; and receipts for French impressionist art collected by Alfred Atmore Pope. Correspondents include Mary Cassatt, Anna Roosevelt Cowles, Helena Gleichen, Alice Hamilton, August Jaccaci, Henry James, William James, Belle Sherwin, Marina Van Rensselaer (Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer), and James McNeill Whistler. Contains no drawings and only minimal references to Riddle's architectural career and her husband's business and diplomatic career. |
extent | 24 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Diaries Postcards Printed Materials Photographs |
access | Researchers are welcome by appointment during business hours, Monday - Friday. Please contact Melanie Anderson Bourbeau, Curator, 860.677.4787 ext 122 or |
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finding aid | Finding aid in the repository |
acquisition information | Bequest |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:50 |
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