Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Fry, Roger Eliot, 1866-1934
title | Roger Eliot Fry papers, 1909-1936 |
repository | Washington State University Libraries |
description | Legal documents concerning Fry's various trust accounts and personal property holdings. Four of the documents are signed by Leonard Woolf, a trustee of Fry's estate. |
extent | 1 linear foot |
formats | Legal Papers |
access | Contact repository for restrictions. |
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finding aid | Guide online and in repository. |
acquisition information | The papers of Roger Eliot Fry, 1866-1934, were purchased from a Massachusetts bookseller in 1986 (86-20). The papers were processed in June 1987 by Jennifer Brathovde. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | August Jaccaci papers, 1889-1935 (bulk 1904-1914). |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters, mostly concerning Jaccaci's joint editorship with John La Farge of the book, Noteworthy Paintings in American Collections; typescript pages of research material relating to the book and photographs (unmicrofilmed) of works of art. The papers cover the one published volume as well as the unrealized volumes. Also included are photographs of early American wall stencils. The collection documents Jaccaci's work as an art historian, writer, and editor, primarily during the period he researched, compiled, and published his book, "Noteworthy Paintings in Private American Collections." More than one-half of the collection consists of extensive correspondence to and from many notable artists, collectors, and art historians, including John La Farge, Kenyon Cox, Isabella Stewart Gardner, and Bernard Sickert concerning the research and publication of the book. The papers also house legal files, writings and notes, art collection research files, and photographs of artwork. Correspondents include art historians, critic, artists, and art collectors, as well as publishers, photographers, printers, and agents. These letters discuss the research of famous American art collections, writing of essays for the book, and the book production and publication. There is extensive correspondence with his co-editor John La Farge, and with his employee Carl Snyder who was working in Europe. Other correspondence is with magazines, art associations, academic institutions, and French service organizations. Also included is a small amount of personal correspondence with friends and colleagues. Correspondents, many of whom were contributors, include Samuel H. Adams, American Academy in Rome, R. B. Angus, Sir Walter Armstrong, John W. Beatty, Cecilia Beaux, Bernard Berenson, Ernest L. Blumenschein, Wilhelm Bode, Louis De Monvel Boutet, James Britton, George De Forest Brush, Bryson Burroughs, Charles H. Caffin, Alexis Carrel, Mary Cassatt, Willa Cather, John Jay Chapman, Sir Martin Conway, Kenyon Cox, Eyre Crowe, Elsie De Wolfe, William H. Downes, Charles L. Freer, Daniel C. French, Max Friedlander, Roger Fry, Isabella Gardner, Jules Guiffrey, Jay Hambidge, Charles Henry Hart, James J. Hill, Lewis C. Hind, Sir Charles J. Holmes, Elbert Hubbard, James Huneker, Samuel Isham, Thayer Jaccaci, Bettina E. Johnson, John La Farge, Oliver La Farge, Ernest Lawson, Will H. Low, Frank J. Mather, Henry McCarter, Samuel McClure, Francis D. Millet, Paul E. More, George F. Of, Ivan Olinsky, Walter Pach, Ernest Peixotto, Elizabeth Pennell, Michael I. Pupin, Jean F. Raffaelli, Salomon Reinach, Henry Reuterdahl, Corrado Ricci, Jean P. Richter, Gisela M. Richter, Frederic Sherman, Bernhard Sickert, Osvald Siren, Joseph L. Steffens, Ida Tarbell, Anne Taylor, Carl Taylor, Alexander Teixeira de Mattos, Wilhelm Valentiner, John C. Van Dyke, Adolfo Venturi, J. Alden Weir, John F. Weir, William A. White, Helen H. Whitney, and Rufus Zogbaum. Research material includes information on the following collections: R. B. Angus, George Baker, Charles T. Barney, August Belmont, Chauney J. Blair, Cleveland Burke, A. M. Byers, Thomas M. Davis, G. A. Drummond, William L. Elkins, James W. Ellsworth, Henry Clay Frick, Isabella S. Gardner, J. W. Gates, George Jay Gould, L. C. Hanna, Henry O.Havemeyer, John Hay, James J. Hill, Charles L Hutchinson, Hyers, John J. Johnson, Mr. Lodge, Frank G. Logan, Cyrus Hall and R. Hall McCormick, James H. McFadden, Emerson McMillan, Samuel Mather, Frank G. Morgan, Horace Morison, Ada Brooks Pope, James Ross, Martin A. Ryerson, Albert A. Sprague, Charles W. Taft, Herbert L. Terrell, Edward R. Thomas, William H. Vanderbilt, William Van Horne, J. H. Wade, Harris Whittemore and P. A. B. Widener. Also included (reel D126) are photographs of early American wall stencils. Forty-eight unmicrofilmed photographs of works of art are from the Henry C. Frick, William Van Horne, and P. A. B. Widener files. Legal files include contracts and legal agreements for the August F. Jaccaci Company, as well as legal agreements with John La Farge concerning the research and publication of their joint book. Writings and notes include Jaccaci's lists and notes pertaining to the Noteworthy Paintings project, as well as other miscellaneous notes. Also found are writings by John La Farge that include drafts of a book, lectures, and notes about his artwork. Writings by others in this series also include draft essays by many art historians for Jaccaci's book. For the Noteworthy Paintings project, Jaccaci created numerous research files for American art collections and collectors that would be included. These research files include lists of works of art, essays and other notes about the collection written by prominent art historians. Photographs are of works of art supporting the research files. Also found in this collection are photographs of and notes about New England stencil designs. It is unclear what the connection is between Jaccaci and the stencil designs. Author(s): Jaccaci, Augusto Floriano, 1857-1930. Beaux, Cecilia,; 1855-1942. Berenson, Bernard,; 1865-1959. Blumenschein, Ernest Leonard,; 1874-1960. Bode, Wilhelm von,; 1845-1929. Boutet de Monvel, Louis-Maurice,; 1851-1913. Britton, James,; 1878-1936. Brush, George de Forest,; 1855-1941. Burroughs, Bryson,; 1869-1934. Caffin, Charles Henry,; 1854-1918. Carrel, Alexis,; 1873-1944. Cassatt, Mary,; 1844-1926. Cather, Willa,; 1873-1947. Chapman, John Jay,; 1862-1933. Conway, William Martin,; Sir,; 1856-1937. Cox, Kenyon,; 1856-1919. Crowe, Eyre,; Sir,; 1864-1925. De Wolfe, Elsie,; 1865-1950. Downes, William Howe,; 1854-1941. Freer, Charles Lang,; 1856-1919. French, Daniel Chester,; 1850-1931. Friedländer, Max J.,; 1867-1958. Fry, Roger Eliot,; 1866-1934. Gardner, Isabella Stewart,; 1840-1924. Guiffrey, Jules,; 1840-1918. Hambidge, Jay,; 1867-1924. Hart, Charles Henry,; 1847-1918. Hill, James Jerome,; 1838-1916. Hind, C. Lewis; 1862-1927. ; (Charles Lewis), Holmes, C. J.; 1868-1936. ; (Charles John), Hubbard, Elbert,; 1856-1915. Huneker, James,; 1857-1921. Isham, Samuel,; 1855-1914. Jaccaci, Thayer. Johnson, Bettina Eastman. La Farge, John,; 1835-1910. La Farge, Oliver,; 1901-1963. Lawson, Ernest,; 1873-1939. Low, Will Hicok,; 1853-1932. Mather, Frank Jewett,; 1868-1953. McCarter, Henry,; 1866-1942. McClure, S. S.; 1857-1949. ; (Samuel Sidney), Millet, Francis Davis,; 1846-1912. More, Paul Elmer,; 1864-1937. Of, George F.; b. 1876. ; (George Ferdinand), Olinsky, Ivan G.; 1878-1962. ; (Ivan Gregorewitch), Pach, Walter,; 1883-1958. Peixotto, Ernest,; b. 1869. Pennell, Elizabeth Robins,; 1855-1936. Pupin, Michael Idvorsky,; 1858-1935. Raffaëlli, Jean François,; 1850-1924. Reinach, Salomon,; 1858-1932. Reuterdahl, Henry,; 1871-1925. Ricci, Corrado,; 1858-1934. Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta,; 1882-1972. Richter, Jean Paul,; 1847-1937. Sherman, Frederic Fairchild,; 1874-1940. Sickert, Bernard,; 1862-1932. Sirén, Osvald,; 1879- Steffens, Lincoln,; 1866-1936. Tarbell, Ida M.; 1857-1944. ; (Ida Minerva), Taylor, Anne. Taylor, Carl. Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander,; 1865-1921. Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold,; 1880-1958. Van Dyke, John Charles,; 1856-1932. Venturi, Adolfo,; 1856-1941. Weir, Julian Alden,; 1852-1919. Weir, John F.; b. 1841. ; (John Ferguson), White, William Allen,; 1868-1944. Whitney, Helen Hay,; 1875-1944. Zogbaum, Rufus F.,; 1849-1925. Adams, Samuel Hopkins,; 1871-1958. Angus, R. B. Armstrong, Walter,; Sir,; 1850-1918. Beatty, John W.; 1851-1924. ; (John Wesley) Bio / His Notes: Jaccaci, a mural painter and writer, was born in France and came to the United States in the 1880s. He and painter John La Farge were editors for what they hoped would be a multi-volume series to be called Noteworthy Paintings in Private Collections. The first volume was published in 1907, but with the untimely death of La Farge, Jaccaci abandoned the project. |
extent | 7.2 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 9 reels) |
formats | Correspondence Photographs Research Files Notes Legal Files |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires an appointment. |
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finding aid | Finding Aid Online |
acquisition information | Papers were purchased from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which had acquired them for director Francis Henry Taylor's research for Taste of Angels. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Isabella Stewart Gardner papers, 1760-1956. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters, business records, diary, and photographs. REEL 380-413: Primarily correspondence, mostly Gardner's own, but including family correspondence and Gardner Museum correspondence. Also included are misc. items and printed material. Correspondents include: Edwin Austin Abbey, Lyman Abbott, Brooks Adams, Alexander Agassiz, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, Louis Agassiz, Luigi Agostini, Hamilton Aide, Thomas B. Aldrich, Abram P. Andrew, Boris Anisfeld, George Arliss, Anne L. Balch, George G. Barnard, Grace Edith Barnes, Cecilia Beaux, Martin Birnbaum, William Sturgis Bigelow, William Phipps Blake, Edwin Howland Blashfield, Wilhelm von Bode, Martin Brimmer, J. Appleton Brown, Dennis Miller Bunker, Bryson Burroughs, Theodore Byard, Morris Carter, Paul Chalfin, Conrad Chapman, John Jay Chapman, Alfred Q. Collins, Frederick Shepard Converse, Walter William Spencer Cook, Archibald Cary Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Charles Townsend Copeland, Kenyon Cox, Ralph Adams Cram, Francis Marion Crawford, Raymond Crosby, Sally Cross, Ralph W. Curtis, Howard G. Cushing, Charlotte Cushman, Walter Damrosch, Richard Harding Davis, Elsie De Wolfe, Mary Dexter, Nathan H. Dole, John Donoghue, Ruth Draper, Duveen Brothers, J. S. Dwight, Theodore F. Dwight, Louis Dyer, Charles W. Eliot, Barry Faulkner, Gabriel Faure, Minnie Maddern Fiske, Daniel Chester French, Helen C. Frick, Roger E. Fry, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, John Lowell Gardner, William Amory Gardner, I. M. Gaugengigl, Richard Watson Gilder, Rene Gimpel, Edwin L. Godkin, Leon Gordon, Lady Augusta Gregory, Louise I. Guiney, Edward E. Hale, Mary (Mrs. Richard Walden) Hale, Philip Leslie Hale, Mrs. Philip Hale, Richard Hammond, Walter Hampden, George C. Hazelton, Paul Helleu, Henry Lee Higginson, Thomas W. Higginson, Robert Hinckley, Malvina Hoffman, Edward W. Hooper, Harriet Hosmer, Julia W. Howe, Archer M. Huntington, Vincent d'Indy, Henry Irving, August F. Jaccaci, Clarence King, William Kittredge, Louis Kronberg, Petr A. Kropotkin, Anna C. Ladd, John La Farge, Charles Rollinson Lamb, Charles Lanman, Charles G. Loring, James R. Lowell, Dodge Macknight, Mary L. Macomber, Richard Mansfield, Paul Manship, Frank J. Mather, Francis John McComas, Nellie Melba, Francis Davis Millet, S. Weir Mitchell, Helena Modjeska, Pierre Monteux, John S. Mosby, Gilbert Murray, (cont.)Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Andrews Norton, Lily Norton, Richard Norton, William O'Connell, Kazuzo Okakura, Jean N. Oliver, William O. Partridge, Walter Pater, Anna Pavlova, Waldo Peirce, Joseph Pennell, Harper Pennington, Lilla Cabot Perry, Edward C. Pickering, Sophia L. Pitman, Matthew Stewart Prichard, John Quinn, Robert Reid, Amelie Rives, Elizabeth W. Roberts, Auguste Rodin, Denman Ross, Will Rothenstein, Lillian Russell, Paul J. Sachs, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Ruth St. Denis, Franklin B. Sanborn, Charles Sprague Sargent, John Singer Sargent, J.M. Sears, C. Arnold Slade, Irene Slade, Henry Davis Sleeper, F. Hopkinson Smith, George Warren Smith, Joseph L. Smith, Albert Spaulding, Maurice Sterne, William James Stillman, Julian Story, Thomas W. Story, Henry Swift, John Addington Symonds, Ellen Terry, Celia Thaxter, Abbott H. Thayer, William R. Thayer, Mary A. Tiffany, Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Francis Amasa Walker, Mrs. Humphry Ward, Mrs. Fiske Warren, Edmund March Wheelwright, James McNeill Whistler, Margaret White, Sara de Prix Wyman Whitman, Wildenstein Galleries, Owen Wister, Charles H. Woodbury, Rufus F. Zogbaum, Anders Zorn, Mrs. Anders Zorn, and others. REELS 631-632: Personal papers of Gardner and some records of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum including dealers' files containing invoices, notes, cancelled checks, and letters; a record book, "Prices Paid for Paintings," 1917; a record book, "Prices Paid for Works of Art"; 118 installation photographs of the museum as arranged by Gardner, 1924; a diary kept in Egypt, 1874, with sketches; a diary kept in Shanghai and India, 1883-1884; "Directions for my funeral," 1912; and "Suggestions for Running a Museum," 1913. REELS 696-698: Letters from Bernard Berenson to Gardner, 1887-1924. Letters contain references to literary topics, Berenson's impressions of Europe, various paintings and artists, advice to Gardner on the purchase of paintings and information on their sale. REEL 846: Checklist of Gardner's letters to Bernard and Mary Berenson, 1894-1924; typescripts of personal and official correspondence (originals found on AAA microfilm reels 696-698), 1887-1924. |
extent | 40 microfilm reels. reels 380-413, 631-632, 696-698, and 846 |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Photographs |
access | Microfilm copies. Originals in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, Mass. |
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finding aid | Reels 380-413: Finding aid available at AAA offices. |
acquisition information | Microfilm lent by Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum for duplicating, 1972-1975. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Jacques Maroger papers, 1923-1990. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Biographical material; letters; business records; writings; notes and notebooks; printed material; photographs. Included are a biographical sketch; letters, 1924-1958, from Louis Anquetin, Raoul Dufy, Roger Fry, Augustus John, Gerald Kelly, and Sure Toudu; letters from Henri Verne of the Louvre Museum regarding Maroger's appointment as technical director of conservation for the Louvre, 1930-1939; business records, 1948-1962, containing correspondence and receipts from galleries, museums, and publishers regarding Maroger's paintings and his book The Secret Formulas and Techniques of the Masters, among them Galerie Louis Carre & Co. (Paris), Grand Central Art Galleries (New York City), Studio Publications, and Thomas Y. Crowell publishers; a typescript of a speech delivered by Maroger at the "Conference de Londres"; typescript chapters from his book; writings by unidentifed authors on the preparation of heated oil for painting, 1923 and paint mediums, 1949; notes, undated and 2 notebooks, 1923-1937, containing research on paint mediums, pigments, techniques and the artists who used them; a scrapbook of clippings, 1930-1935 mainly from French newspapers regarding his research, and one, 1941-1949, from Baltimore and New York papers about his students at the Maryland Institute, College of Art and exhibitions of his paintings; loose clippings, 1950-1964; exhibition announcements and catalogs, 1947-1962, from Maroger's group and one-man shows at Ferargil Galleries, the Grand Central Art Galleries, including the Maroger Baltimore Group of Painters which showed there, (cont. .) Evergreen House Foundation, Sagittarius Gallery, the Six Realists Gallery, and elsewhere; miscellaneous printed material, 1948-1966; and photographs, 1962, 1990 and undated and a photo album, 1953-1971, of Maroger, his wife Olga, Evergreen House, and works of art (annotated with size and price); of Harry Ladew and a painting of Ladew by Maroger; and of painted furniture, possibly examples for Maroger's painted furniture designs of the Goblins Tapestries. Biographical and Historical Notes: Painter, conservator; Paris, France, New York, N.Y., and Baltimore, Md. In the 1930s, Maroger was technical director of the laboratories of the Louvre Museum, a professor at the School of the Louvre, and President of the Association of French Restorers. He received the Legion of Honor in 1937. Maroger came to the U.S. in 1939 and taught at the Parsons School of Design and for 20 years at the Maryland Institute of Art in Baltimore. He studied the paint mediums of the masters, and outlined them in his book, The Secret Formulas and Techniques of the Masters (New York: Studio Publications, 1948). Co-Creator: Anquetin, Louis, 1861-1932 Dufy, Raoul, 1877-1953 Fry, Roger Eliot, 1866-1934 John, Augustus, 1878-1961 Kelly, Gerald, Sir, 1879-1972 Toudu, Sure Verne, Henri, b. 1880 Evergreen House Foundation (Baltimore, Md.) Ferargil Galleries Galerie Louis Carré Grand Central Art Galleries Sagittarius Gallery (New York, N.Y.) Six Realists Gallery (Baltimore, Md.) |
extent | 1.0 linear ft. (on 1 microfilm reel) reel 4589 |
formats | Business Papers Correspondence Ephemera Writings Notes |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
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acquisition information | Lent for microfilming 1992 by Simone LeFaivfre, sister of Maroger's widow Olga. Originals returned to the lender, Simone LeFaivre, after microfilming. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Roger Eliot Fry Letters, 1889-1927. |
repository | Washington State University Libraries |
description | Letters to Felix Boillot, Hubert D. Henderson(?), E. Gambier Howe, andMrs. Mitcheson, chiefly about finances, art, art restoration, and personal matters. |
extent | 15 items. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | The Papers of Roger Eliot Fry, 1873–1969. |
repository | King's College Archive Centre, Cambridge |
description | Roger Fry was born in Highgate, London in 1866. He was educated at St George's School, Ascot and Clifton College, and studied Natural Sciences at King's College between 1885 and 1889. He was elected to the Cambridge Apostles in 1887. In 1889 he attended Francis Bate's art school in Hammersmith. Roger Fry became an expert on old Italian masters and French Post-Impressionist painters. He was Curator of the New York Metropolitan Museum between 1906 and 1910. On his return to England he put on two controversial exhibitions of modern French art. Fry opened the Omega workshops in 1913 to encourage young artists into interior decoration, and helped John Maynard Keynes to form the London Artists' Association in the 1920s. Fry wrote several books about art and gave popular public lectures. In 1933 he became the Slade Professor at Cambridge University. His own paintings included portraits of friends in the Bloomsbury Group. Roger Fry married Helen Coombe on 3 December 1896; they had two children, Pamela and Julian. Helen became mentally unstable and spent most of her life in a home. From 1920 Fry spent a large part of each year in Provence. The collection includes lectures, correspondence, sketchbooks etc. accumulated by Fry during his lifetime. It also contains secondary material comprising correspondence, photocopies, notes and news cuttings assembled since Fry's death by his sister Margery, daughter Pamela Diamand, biographer Virginia Woolf, bibliographer Donald Laing and editor Denys Sutton. The majority of Fry's papers were presented by his daughter, Pamela Diamand between 1976 and 1981. The first listing was prepared in the late 1970s. A new catalogue was produced in 1995 which has separated records which may be considered Fry's own from those subsequently acquired. |
extent | 34 boxes; paper, glass negatives and photographs |
formats | Writings Slides Correspondence Diaries Photographs |
access | opyright in the unpublished writings of Roger Fry is held by Mrs A. Cole. Please contact the Archivist for further information. Please cite as King's College Archive Centre, Cambridge, The Papers of Roger Eliot Fry, REF |
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finding aid | Catalogue online and in repository. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Artist file: Fry, Roger Eliot , 1866-1934 |
repository | National Portrait Gallery Library |
description | Folder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs. |
extent | 1+ folders (check with repository) |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Folder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Office of the Secretary records, 1870-[ongoing]. |
repository | The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
description | Records comprise correspondence and subject files created by the Secretary and General Counsel, Trustees and several past Directors of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. This material relates to all aspects of Museum operations and administration including: acquisition of artworks through purchase, gift and bequest, exhibitions, building maintenance and construction, relations with City and State agencies, drafting and negotiating contracts, managing litigation, cultural property issues, legal and business affairs, grants and corporate donations. Files documenting the tenures of each Secretary of the Museum are included. In addition, there is substantial original documentation created by: former Directors of the Museum, including Luigi Palma di Cesnola, Caspar Purdon Clarke, Edward Robinson, Herbert E. Winlock; past Trustees, including: John Taylor Johnston, Henry Gurdon Marquand, Robert W. De Forest, and J. Pierpont Morgan; and key curatorial and administrative staff. Biography or History The Metropolitan Museum of Art was founded in 1870 in New York City by a group of businessmen, financiers, artists and collectors. On April 13 of that year the New York State Legislature granted an Act of Incorporation "for the purpose of establishing and maintaining in said City a Museum and Library of Art, of encouraging and developing the Study of the Fine Arts, and the application of Art to manufacture and natural life, of advancing the general knowledge of kindred subjects, and to that end of furnishing popular instruction and recreations." Railroad executive John Taylor Johnston served as the institution’s first President. Luigi Palma di Cesnola was appointed the first Director in 1879. The Office of the Secretary was established concurrently with the founding of the Museum, and is the central repository for official Trustee records, administrative correspondence and legal files of the Museum’s General Counsel. The Secretary is a member of the Museum staff who performs administrative duties under the general direction of the President or as may be assigned by the Chairman or Board of Trustees. The Secretary is responsible for coordinating and recording the proceedings of meetings the Board of Trustees and Trustee committees. The Secretary attends to official correspondence, has custody of and preserves the corporate seal and the archives, and oversees the legal affairs of the Museum. The following have served as Secretary of the Museum: William J. Hoppin (1874-1877), Luigi Palma di Cesnola (1877-1904), Robert W. DeForest (1904-1913), Henry W. Kent (1913-1940), George Lauder Greenway (1941-1942), Dudley T. Easby, Jr. (1945-1969), Ashton Hawkins (1969-1987), Linden Havemeyer Wise (1987-1992), Sharon H. Cott (1992-present). Citation [Title of item], [date], [folder title], Office of the Secretary Records, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives. Note Most materials in English; French, Italian, German and other languages are represented as well. |
extent | 2500 linear feet. |
formats | Correspondence Subject Files Administrative Records Financial Records Legal Papers |
access | Consult Archives staff regarding permission to quote or reproduce. |
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finding aid | npublished index and folder level database; access restricted to Archives staff only. |
acquisition information | Transferred from Office of the Secretary. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:43 |
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