Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Cahill, James, 1926-
title | James Cahill Papers, 1945-1996 |
repository | Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives |
description | Papers created by Asian art historian, curator, and collector Dr. James Francis Cahill. Includes personal and professional correspondence and project files documenting his many publications, lectures and activities in the Asian art field. Portions record his early career at the Freer Gallery of Art, where he served as curator of Chinese art from 1957-1965, and his tenure (1965-1994) as Professor of the History of Art at the University of California, Berkeley. The correspondence files include communication with some of the most influential members of the Asian art community including: Richard M. Barnhart, Wen Fong, Shen fu, Thomas Lawton, Lothar Ledderose, Sherman Lee, Chu-tsing Li, John A. Pope, Alan Priest, Laurence Sickman, Osvald Siren, Alexander Soper, C.C. Wang, Fangyu Wang, and Nelson Wu, aswell as letters exchanged with art organizations such as the San FranciscoAsian Art Museum, Freer Gallery of Art, College Art Association, National Palace Museum, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The project files include Cahill's notes; clippings; publicity and announcements; photographs; drafts of articles and speeches; and correspondence pertaining to specific projects such as the Taiwan photo project, exhibitions, and numerous lectures and symposia in which he participated. |
extent | 11 linear feet |
formats | Correspondence Writings Subject Files Printed Materials |
access | Access to correspondence may be restricted and/or delayed. A minimum of two week's notice is required to view any correspondence; consult repository for details. Access is by appointment only. Please contact the Archives to make an appointment. |
record source | |
acquisition information | Gift of James Cahill, 2001. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:32 |
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