Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Adolph Loewi, Inc.

titleRelated materials
repositoryLos Angeles County Museum of Art
descriptionFirm originally established by Adolph Loewi with a branch in New York. In 1939 when Loewi left Italy, he turned the firm over to Alessandro Morandotti, who took the stock to Rome, where he established the firm as Antiquaria in Palazzo Massimo. Loewi moved first to New York and within six months to Los Angeles. Morandotti continued to run the gallery in Rome, purchasing it from Loewi in 1950. The firm sold decorative arts, sculpture, paintings, and especially textiles. The textile business eventually split off as Loewi-Robertson under the direction of his daughter, Kay Robertson, and her husband.
Pre-war files burned in Venice; pocket stock books (with Mrs. Robertson) have some information; 1939-88?
LACMA/DSC: Documentation and photographs concerning textiles, paintings, decorative arts, furniture, sculpture.
formatsStock Books
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record sourceYeide, Nancy, Konstantin Akisha, and Amy Walsh, The AAM Guide to Provenance Research, 2001. American Association of Museums: Washington, D.C., page. 230.
updated03/16/2023 10:29:45