Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Mackay, John W, 1831-1902

titleMackay, Fair, Flood, and O'Brien records, 1862-1890
repositoryNevada State Historical Society
descriptionBusiness records, legal documents, and correspondence including operational records, payrolls, and insurance policies from the Gould & Curry Silver Mining Company, Best and Belcher Mining Company, Ophir Silver Mining Company, Mexican Gold and Silver Mining Company, Consolidated Virginia Mining Company, Consolidated California and Virginia Mining Company, Hale and Norcross Consolidated Mines Company, and Pacific Mill and Mining company and the various ore mills it operated.

Also known as the "Bonanza Firm"; business partnership of John W. Mackay (1831-1902), James G. Fair (1831-1894), James C. Flood (1826-1889), and William S. O'Brien (1826-1878), which owned the most important mines and mills and supporting business enterprises, on Nevada's Comstock Lode during the 1870s and 1880s.
extent2 linear ft.
formatsBusiness Papers Legal Papers Correspondence Financial Records
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidFinding aid in the repository.
acquisition informationGift of A.J. ("Bart") Hood, 1976. Transfer from Nevada State Museum, 1983, 1985. Gift of Karen L. Benna and Lynn Jackson, 1997. Gift of Roy Ohl family, 1996. Purchase from Vigilante Rare Documents, 2002.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleMackay, Fair and Company Records, 1871-1887.
repositoryUniversity of Nevada, Reno
descriptionContains letterpress copybooks of outgoing correspondence and one volume of quicksilver cash receipts and disbursements.

One of the largest silver producing companies in the Comstock Lode, Nevada, owned by John W. Mackay and James G. Fair.
extent5 v.
formatsCorrespondence Financial Records
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record sourceContact repository for restrictions and policies.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleDenis J. Mahoney papers, 1937-ca. 1940.
repositoryNevada State Historical Society
descriptionLetter (16 June 1940), from Friedmans' booksellers to Mahoney in his capacity as librarian of the Virginia City, Nev., library; historical research notes, possibly for Nevada history articles Mahoney wrote for the WPA's writers' project; article, "Senator John P. Jones: Personal Recollections of Him and His Kindred," (ca. 1938), in which Mahoney also relates some events of his own life; and a book-length ms. biography (ca. 1940), of Comstock Lode "Bonanza King" John W. Mackay.

Librarian and writer for the Works Progess Administration (WPA); of Virginia City, Nev.
extent.1 linear ft.
formatsResearch Files Notes Writings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidFinding aid in the repository
acquisition informationManuscript biography of John W. Mackay was removed from the Effie Mona Mack papers at the Nevada Historical Society in 1982
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleGrant Horace Smith collection of manuscripts and notes chiefly concerning the Comstock Lode, 1859-1936.
repositoryUniversity of California, Berkeley
descriptionMaterial gathered in preparation for books on Mark Twain, John W. Mackay and the Comstock Lode. A collection of Shakespeareana and a few miscellaneous essays included.

The first four cartons contain papers of general historical interest, as follows: 1. Looseleaf notebooks concerning the Comstock, including photostats of contemporary newspaper items, chronologically arranged, 1853-ca. 1893; other notes on census, directories, society, roads, stocks, milling, theaters, Adolph Sutro, etc.; historical sketches; accounts of individual mines; five miscellaneous articles; part of the original draft of Smith's Ms. on Comstock history; maps and pictures. 2. Material on John W. Mackay and the Comstock story, in 11 looseleaf notebooks, a scrapbook, and an envelope of loose clippings (used in part in his History of the Comstock Lode [Reno, 1943]). Includes notes on Mackay's interests in the Nevada Bank, Water Company, Pacific Cable Company, and Postal Telegraph. 3.

Material on Mark Twain in Nevada. Includes Smith's completed manuscript, with pictures; miscellaneous Twain articles; and notes, clippings, and photostats. (Cont.) 4. Miscellaneous notes on early Nevada and California, relating to the Comstock, Twain, and Mackay; includes three file cases of correspondence.
extent6 cartons.
formatsSubject Files Notebooks Legal Papers Printed Materials
accessAdvance notice required for use.
finding aidIndex and guide to arrangement prepared by his son, Grant H. Smith, Jr. Nov. 1953, available in the repository.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleOphir Silver Mining Company records, 1875-1919
repositoryNevada State Historical Society
descriptionPayroll (1875-1878); certification (18 Dec. 1896), of the election of directors and officers of the company; checks; and financial documents signed by superintendents James G. Fair, John W. Mackay, Joseph R. Ryan, Gilbert McMillan Ross, and T.F. McCormick.

Historical Note
Mining company of Virginia City, Nev.

extent.1 linear ft.
formatsFinancial Records
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidFinding aid in the repository.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleChecks signed by James G. Fair and J.W. Mackay: Virginia City, Nevada : DS, 1869-1870.
repositoryUniversity of California, Berkeley
descriptionChecks signed by James G. Fair and J.W. Mackay: Virginia City, Nevada : DS, 1869-1870.
extent2 pieces.
formatsFinancial Records
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidA Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the Bancroft Library
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleOrmsby House records, 1877-1884
repositoryNevada State Historical Society
descriptionGuest registers (1877; 1883-1884), from the prominent Carson City, Nev., hotel. Among the 1877 guests noted are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thumb (Charles S. and Lavinia Warren Stratton), John W. Mackay, James G. Fair, Robert G. Ingersoll, and Samuel J. Tilden.

Hotel in Carson City, Nev.; built in 1860; hotel lasted until the early 1900s and later demolished.
extent1 linear ft.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleDan De Quille papers, [ca. 1860-1914].
repositoryUniversity of California, Berkeley
descriptionLetters concerning the Territorial Enterprise, Mark Twain, and the writing of his book on the Big Bonanza ; manuscripts of sketches written for newspapers and magazines; clippings; notes and notebooks; a few papers of other members of his family.

The correspondence consists of a letter to his brother- in-law, Dr. J.M. Benjamin, Omega, California, 1860; 18 to his sister Lou (Mrs. Benjamin), 1874-1885; one by his daughter Mell to Mrs. Benjamin, 1878; and 37 letters received, 1875-1897; from Hiram C. Clark, 1878; Samuel Clemens ("Mark Twain") (3), 1864-1875; E.D. Cope, 1880; Amos J. Cummings (2), 1885-1886; Wells Drury, 1897; James G. Fair, 1875; L.W. Ferris, 1875; Henry J. Ford (2), 1887; Joseph Wasson, 1880; John Greenleaf Whittier, 1897; and B.B. Wiley (1887). With the Twain letters is a first draft of Twain's letter to W.K. Cutler, Virginia, May 28, 1864, offering to accept a challenge to a duel, and the cover of Twain's wedding announcement, with remarks to "Dan." Accompanying the correspondence are drafts of five letters written by his daughter, Lura G. Wright, from Newport, Oregon, ca. 1914-1915, in connection with proposals of George Wharton James to publish Dan DeQuille's sketches, a letter from her cousin "Harry," and from Edward E. Hale, Roxbury, Massachusetts, 1901, and biographical sketch of Wright. Miscellaneous family papers include four Civil War diaries written by Wright's brother, John M. Wright (1836-1918), while serving as a private in the Second Iowa Cavalry, December 9, 1861-September 23, 1864.

He campaigned in Missouri, Tennessee, and Mississippi, fought at Corinth, and engaged in many skirmishes against Nathan Bedford Forrest. With the diaries are his honorable discharge, Davenport, Iowa, October 3, 1864; a deed to a lot at Newport, Oregon, 1910; and a deed to a cemetery plot at Newport 1914. Another diary, by Mrs. Benjamin, July 28-September 1, 1879, and July 29-August 5, 1880, describes vacation trips to the Eastern states and Minnesota from West Liberty, Iowa.
extent3 boxes, 2 cartons.
formatsCorrespondence Manuscript Notes Notebooks Drawings
accessCollection is open for research.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid available in Library. Electronic version available on the Internet.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleMackay Mansion guest register, 1956-1962.
repositoryNevada State Historical Society
descriptionGuest register for the Mackay Mansion when it was owned and operated as a museum by C. Jack Duggan.

Historic building and museum; built and occupied in 1859 by a young mining superintendent named George Hearst; became an office for the Gould and Curry Mining Company; served in the 1870s as residence for Comstock Lode mining magnate John W. Mackay.
extent.1 linear ft.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidFinding aid in the repository.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleManuscripts and notes chiefly concerning the Comstock Lode, 1859-1936.
repositoryUniversity of California, Berkeley
descriptionMaterial gathered in preparation for books on Mark Twain, John W. Mackay and the Comstock Lode.

A collection of Shakespeareana and a few miscellaneous essays included. The first four cartons contain papers of general historical interest, as follows: 1. Looseleaf notebooks concerning the Comstock, including photostats of contemporary newspaper items, chronologically arranged, 1853-ca. 1893; other notes on census, directories, society, roads, stocks, milling, theaters, Adolph Sutro, etc.; historical sketches; accounts of individual mines; five miscellaneous articles; part of the original draft of Smith's Ms. on Comstock history; maps and pictures. 2. Material on John W. Mackay and the Comstock story, in 11 looseleaf notebooks, a scrapbook, and an envelope of loose clippings (used in part in his History of the Comstock Lode [Reno, 1943]). Includes notes on Mackay's interests in the Nevada Bank, Water Company, Pacific Cable Company, and Postal Telegraph. 3. Material on Mark Twain in Nevada.

Includes Smith's completed manuscript, with pictures; miscellaneous Twain articles; and notes, clippings, and photostats. (cont.) 4. Miscellaneous notes on early Nevada and California, relating to the Comstock, Twain, and Mackay; includes three file cases of correspondence.
extent7 cartons.
accessCollection is open for research.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid available in Library. Electronic version available on the Internet
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleHistory of the Comstock Lode, 1943
repositoryUniversity of California, Berkeley
descriptionIncluded are research notes, correspondence, production tables, and clippings either about Smith's Comstock book or used by Smith to write his book. Subjects researched include John W. Mackay, James G. Fair, business as well as technical aspects of mining in the Comstock Lode, details about individual mines, lists of production figures for the mines, data on the cost of production figures for the mines, data on the cost of living, and information on wood and water companies; typescripts of original correspondence and documents are also present.

Attorney, teacher and author; resident of Nevada and California.
extent.5 cu. ft.
formatsCorrespondence Research Files Clippings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidUnarranged
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titlePacific Wood, Lumber and Flume Company Records, 1869-1904
repositoryUniversity of Nevada Reno, Nevada 89507
descriptionRecords of operation include titles of real estate and water rights, correspondence between trustees, a time book, account ledgers, articles of incorporation, and agreements with other comapnies.

Incorporated in January, 1875 for the purpose of cutting and manufacturing lumber and wood, and fluming; also buying, selling and dealing in real estate and personal property of any description. Founding trustees were John B. Hereford, president and superintendent; James G. Fair, vice president; Timothy B. Stoner, Secretary; and John W. Mackey and Henry B. Penoyer, trustees; the company's office was in Virginia City, Nevada. In 1875 the company constructed a flume from near Huffacker's Mill, north Lake Tahoe, to the junction of Hunters Creek and the Truckee River, four miles west of Reno. In May, 1875 the company agreed to transport timber, lumber and wood for the Virginia & Truckee Railroad. In November, the company name was changed from the Pacific Wood, Lumber and Flume Company of Nevada to the Wood, Lumber and Flume Company of California.
extent1 cu. ft.
formatsBusiness Papers Legal Papers Correspondence Financial Records Ephemera
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidUnpublished finding aid available in repository.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35