Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919
title | Andrew Carnegie letters, 1884-1936. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carnegie. Included are four from Edwin A. Abbey concerning the price of one of his paintings and accepting an invitation to visit, one from William M. Chase accepting an invitation, one from Ben Foster praising a portrait which Mr. Roche has painted of Mrs. Carnegie, two from F. D. Millet and two from Cass Gilbert accepting invitations, six from Frank O. Salisbury about a portrait Salisbury painted of Andrew Carnegie, one from Samuel Longfellow explaining that he mistakenly informed Carnegie that a watercolor was by Lord Elgin when in fact it was by Lord Dufferin, and one from George H. Boughton writing for a mutual friend. |
extent | 16 items (on partial microfilm reel) reel N4 (frames 1242-1280) |
formats | Correspondence Microfilm |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | Microfilmed 1956 by the Archives of American Art with other art-related papers in the Manuscript Division of the New York Public Library. Included in the microfilming project were selected papers of the Art Division and the Prints Division. Originals in the New York Public Library, Manuscript Division |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:33 |
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title | John White Alexander papers, 1870-1942. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Biographical material; correspondence; writings; art works; scrapbooks; medals and awards; photographs; and printed material. REELS 1727-1731: Biographical sketches; an incomplete biography; typescript of De Witt Lockman's interview with Elizabeth Alexander, 1928; letters from Edwin Austin Abbey, Edwin Blashfield, John Burroughs, Andrew Carnegie, Timothy Cole, Frederic Crowninshield, Leon Dabo, Charles Dana Gibson, Lowell Birge Harrison, Thomas Alexander Harrison, George E. Hopkins, Henry James, John La Farge, Frank D. Millet, John Singer Sargent, Robert Louis Stevenson, Harry W. Watrous, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Woodrow Wilson and others; legal and financial papers; manuscripts of speeches by Alexander and of short stories by his wife. Also, lists of paintings and exhibitions; art works, including sketchbooks, sketches, prints, including wood engravings of his paintings and of his commercial illustrations for The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, done by various engravers, 1 engraving plate, and 1 etching plate by Mark Twain; exhibition posters; 8 scrapbooks; clippings; exhibition catalogs; printed miscellany; and medals & awards. Also included are Alexander's letters to the Col. Edward Jay Allen family and Edward E. Phelps about working in Harper & Bros. art department in New York and studying in Europe, and letters to his wife about painting Sarah Whitman's portrait, and some correspondence belonging to his wife. REEL 1807: Photographs of Alexander, his works, and his studios in New York, New Hampshire, and Paris. Included are a photograph of his New Hampshire studio by Jessie Tarbox Beals, portraits of Alexander by Curtis Bell (6), Zaida Ben-Yusuf (4), Elizabeth Buehrmann (4), Davis & Sanford (2), one is also microfilmed on reel 1817 (fr. 131) with Photos of Artists II., Aimé Dupont (2), Miss Higgins (8), George Rockwood (4), and Napolean Sarony (6); photographs of Edwin Austin Abbey, William Merritt Chase, Robert Louis Stevenson, the National Academy of Design's annual dinner (1915), and several other Academy gatherings; and a photo of the Carnegie Institute Jury, 1913, by R. W. Johnston Studios, Pittsburgh. REEL 3483: Photographic copy prints made from 57 negatives (32 on glass), undated, of Alexander, his studio, his family, and of 20 paintings by him - 19 of them portraits. Sitters for the portraits include: Mrs. C. Leyard Blair, Mr. Bronson, William Bunker, Andrew Carnegie, William Denny, Col. George Haney, Professor Jillson, Mrs. G. B. Johnson, Richard McCurdy, Mr. George G. McMurtry, Dr. Rev. Patten, A Quiet Hour (a painting), Dorothy Roosevelt, Charles H. Russell, Geraldine Russell, Mrs. Homer Sage and son, Mrs. Stokes, Dr. Henry Van Dyck, Dudley E. Wartens, and Mary Waters. Bio / His Notes: Portrait painter; New York, N.Y. |
extent | 12.0 linear ft.; reels 1727-1731, 1807, and 3483 |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Works of Art Scrapbooks Photographs |
access | Collection is open for research. Use requires an appointment. |
record source | |
acquisition information | Donated 1978 and 1981 by Irina Reed, Alexander's granddaughter. |
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title | Howard Russell Butler papers, 1874-1936. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Writings, journals, organizational papers, correspondence, biographical information, printed matter, art works, and diaries. REELS 347-349: Ca. 1700 letters concerning Butler's art work, his interest in astronomy, support for the League of Nations and the World Court, his investigation of the Lincoln statue controversy, his management of the Andrew Carnegie house and property, and extensive correspondence about the various activities of the National Academy of Design and the American Fine Arts Society. Also includes biographical information, addresses, and articles by Butler; miscellaneous printed materials; clippings; exhibition catalogs; and sketches. REELS 1189-1190: Letters from Howard Russell Butler to family and friends written from Princeton University, Cuba, Mexico, California, Colorado, and Europe; five diaries, 1876-1877; one drawing; and two oil sketches after a painting by Titian. REEL 89: A book, HOWARD RUSSELL BUTLER, of Butler's works, including an appreciation by F. Newlin Price. REEL 93: An unpublished autobiography written from a journal kept by Butler. In it he records travel impressions in Canada and the U.S. Northwest, Mexico, and Cuba; experiences as agent and executive in the telegraph business; thoughts on acquaintances as an art student in Paris, and artist in New York, including memories of William A. Coffin, Kenyon Cox, George de Forrest Brush, and others; work as founder of the American Fine Arts Society, which introduced him to George Vanderbilt and Andrew Carnegie; and his 10-year association with Carnegie, including various business dealings. Bio / His Notes: Businessman, lawyer, landscape painter; New York, N.Y. Founded the American Society of Fine Arts. |
extent | 3.0 linear ft. (on 7 microfilm reels) reels 89, 93, 347-349, and 1189-1190 |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Works of Art Diaries Clippings |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record source | |
finding aid | Finding aid to reels 347-349 available at AAA offices. |
acquisition information | Donated and lent 1970-1975 by H. Russell Butler, Jr., Butler's son. Reels 89 and 93: Originals returned to lender, H. Russell Butler, Jr., after microfilming. |
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title | Andrew Carnegie collection papers 1851-1987 |
repository | Hunt Library, Archives Department |
description | Correspondence, photographs, cartoons, addresses, journal articles, newsclippings, ephemera, and memorabilia, 1851-1946),1977-1987. Includes photographs and cartoons of Carnegie in various stages of his life. Correspondence includes discussion of the founding and establishment of Carnegie Technical Schools, 1900-1914. Other letters include reminiscencess of Carnegie from family members. Correspondents include A.A. Hammerschlag, William J. Diehl, William McConway, Louise Carnegie, A.W. Tarbell, and Thomas S. Baker. The addresses were given at the opening of the Carnegie Free Library, Pittsburgh, and the Carnegie Technical Schools, 1895, 1907. There are additional materials from the Carnegie Day Celebrations, also known as Founder's Day, 1915-1946. Carnegie's philanthropic work is discussed in newsclippings and journal articles. Biographical Note: Andrew Carnegie 1835-1919. Born in Dumferline, Scotland on November 25, 1835. Carnegie's family moved to Allegheny, PA in 1848. Carnegie worked in a cotton factory, telegraph office, and for the Pennsylvania Railroad, where in 1859 he became head of the western division. In 1865 Carnegie formed the Keystone Bridge Company. Recognizing the importance of steel, Carnegie began buying up steel mills, and in 1899 consolidated his holdings by forming the Carnegie Steel Company. In 1901 Carnegie sold the company to J.P. Morgan's United States Steel Company. Until his death on August 11, 1919 Carnegie devoted himself to philanthropy donating over $350 million to various causes. |
extent | 5 linear ft. boxes + 2 video tapes. |
formats | Personal Papers Photographs Printed Materials Video recording Clippings |
access | See repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source | |
finding aid | Unpublished guide in the archives. |
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title | Andrew Carnegie Image Collection |
repository | Hunt Library, Archives Department |
description | In recognition of the 100th anniversary of Carnegie Mellon University, Lucian Ebner Caste, CFA 1950 and Trustee, and wife Rita, Honorary 1990, donated important Andrew Carnegie materials to the University Archives including this collection of slides depicting Carnegie family photographs. These remarkable photos, taken by Andrew's wife Louise reveal Andrew, daughter Margaret, and friends at their leisure in and around Skibo Castle in the early 1900s |
formats | Electronic Resource |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Electronic Resource |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:33 |
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title | Papers of James Bonar, 1886-1924. |
repository | University of Pittsburgh, Libraries |
description | James Bonar was a late nineteenth and early twentieth century Pittsburgh businessman born in Dunfermline, Scotland, the birthplace of Andrew Carnegie. Bonar migrated to the United States where he was employed for a time by the Carnegie Steel Co. and later formed his own steam appliance company. Bonar was also an artist and served for a number of years as president of the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh. This collection contains correspondence, scrapbooks, and photographs. Included in the correspondence are several letters to and from Andrew Carnegie and one from H.C. Frick Bio/History: James Bonar was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, the birthplace of Andrew Carnegie, and was educated in London, England. Bonar came to the United States in 1884 and was employed in the machine shop of the Carnegie Steel Company for twelve years. When the Pittsburgh Gage and Supply Company was organized in 1893, Bonar, along with William Rogers, was a principal organizer and was selected to act as secretary of the company. Several years later, Bonar organized the firm of James Bonar and Company for the handling of all kinds of steam appliances and conducted this business for fifteen years. After the outbreak of World War I, he was made superintendent of expediting with the U.S. Steel Corporation. In 1919, Bonar was selected as Superintendent of Buildings by the Pittsburgh Board of Public Education. James Bonar was also an artist and served for many years as President of the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh. His paintings were exhibited at the Corcoran Art Gallery, St. Louis Museum of Art, the Memorial Hall in Philadelphia, and in Pittsburgh. Among his paintings were those entitled Eliza Furnaces, Clinton Furnace, Hubbard Furnace, October in the Alleghenies, Ligonier Fall Scene, and Across Sixth Street Bridge. In the forward to the program note for the 1920 Bonar Exhibition of Painting at the J.J. Gillespie and Company Gallery in Pittsburgh, John L. Porter wrote, "but some there were of such undaunted courage and perseverance, that by steady, unrelenting effort, they were able to turn the thoughts of some of these people into seeing a weird beauty in the great steel plants with their ever-changing halos of steam and smoke, in bridges, river activities, cliffs, inclines and hillside frescoes." |
extent | 42 pieces + 1 folder + 2 v. |
formats | Correspondence Ephemera Scrapbooks Photographs |
access | No Restrictions. |
record link |;c=ascead;view=text;subview=outline;didno=US-PPiU-ais196513 |
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finding aid | Available in repository and on Internet |
acquisition information | James Bonar was a late nineteenth and early twentieth century Pittsburgh businessman born in Dunfermline, Scotland, the birthplace of Andrew Carnegie. Bonar migrated to the United States where he was employed for a time by the Carnegie Steel Co. and later formed his own steam appliance company. Bonar was also an artist and served for a number of years as president of the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh. This collection contains correspondence, scrapbooks, and photographs. Included in the correspondence are several letters to and from Andrew Carnegie and one from H.C. Frick |
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title | Carnegie autograph collection, 1867-1945. (MssCol 474) |
repository | New York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division |
description | Collection consists of letters written to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carnegie chiefly relating to social matters. |
extent | 2.2 linear feet (11 boxes) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence |
access | Apply in the Special Collections Office for admission to the Manuscripts and Archives Division. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available in repository. |
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title | Papers of Andrew Carnegie, 1803-1935 (bulk 1890-1919). |
repository | Library of Congress |
description | Correspondence, reports, memoranda, speeches, articles, book files, financial papers, printed materials, and other papers relating to Carnegie’s steel manufacturing and other business and philanthropic activities. Topics include African Americans, corporations, education, imperialism, industrial arbitration, industrial relations, investments, Panama Canal, peace, and Scottish Americans. Includes materials concerning the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., Carnegie Institution of Washington, and Carnegie Steel Corporation. Correspondents include Lord Acton, Lord Balfour, John Barrett, James P. Bertram, William Jennings Bryan, Lord Bryce, Nicholas Murray Butler, Joseph Hodges Choate, Samuel Harden Church, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Grover Cleveland, W. Evans Darby, Frank Nelson Doubleday, Theodore W. Dwight, Charles William Eliot, Robert Erskine Ely, Baron d’Estournelle de Constant, Robert A. Franks, Henry Clay Frick, Richard Watson Gilder, Daniel Coit Gilman, W. E. Gladstone, Lord Grey of Fallodon, Edward Everett Hale, William Vernon Harcourt, John Hay, Abram S. Hewitt, Robert Green Ingersoll, Robert Underwood Johnson, Philander C. Knox, George Lauder, Sr., George Lauder, Jr., David Lloyd George, Henry Cabot Lodge, Francis T. F. Lovejoy, Seth Low, and Frederick H. Lynch. Correspondents also include Theodore Marburg, S. S. McClure, Nelson Appleton Miles, Thomas N. Miller, J. Pierpont Morgan, John Morley, Simon Newcomb, Walter Hines Page, Alton Brooks Parker, George Foster Peabody, Henry Phipps, Henry S. Pritchett, Whitelaw Reid, John D. Rockefeller, Theodore Roosevelt, Elihu Root, John Ross, Carl Schurz, Charles M. Schwab, James Brown Scott, William H. Short, Goldwin Smith, James Carnegie (Earl of Southesk), Herbert Spencer, Hermann Speck von Sternberg, Oscar S. Straus, James Moore Swank, William H. Taft, Charles L. Taylor, J. Edgar Thomson, Charlemagne Tower, Joseph P. Tumulty, Booker T. Washington, Andrew Dickson White, Henry White, Horace White, Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, Woodrow Wilson, and Robert Simpson Woodward. |
extent | 72 linear feet. |
formats | Clippings Correspondence Ephemera Writings Printed Materials |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source | |
finding aid | Finding aid available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room. Index to correspondents available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room. |
acquisition information | Gift, Mrs. Andrew Carnegie, Margaret Carnegie Miller, Florence Anderson, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1932-1983. Other gifts and purchases, 1946-1996. |
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title | The Fototeca Berenson (Villa I Tatti Photo Archives) |
repository | Biblioteca Berenson, Villa I Tatti |
description | The collection contains about 300,000 photographs, many of them collected by Berenson himself from the 1880s until the time of his death in 1959. Many have notes on the back in his handwriting. Many show works of art before restoration, and others show images since destroyed. An important section, "Homeless paintings", contains photographs of works whose current location is unknown. The photographs are almost exclusively black and white in a variety of photographic media, such as albumen, gelatine, or carbon. About 3000 large-format photographs are stored separately. In addition, there is a considerable amount of documentary material in the form of clippings, notes and printed reproductions. The photographs are arranged according to Berenson's original scheme, by school: Florence, Siena, Central Italy, Northern Italy, Lombardy, Venice, Southern Italy. Within each school they are arranged by artist, then by topography, followed by homeless. Paintings and drawings are arranged separately. The main focus of the collection is on Italian painting and drawing from the mid-thirteenth to the mid-sixteenth centuries. This part of the collection continues to be developed through the acquisition of new materials and through photographic campaigns. Later periods are also represented but in smaller scale, without systematic updating. There is also material on medieval painting, arranged topographically; manuscript illumination, arranged according to present location; archeology; Byzantine art and architecture, arranged both by artist and by location; and non-Italian art, arranged by country. Finally a section of 8000 photographs is devoted to the art of the Far East, India and Islam. In addition to the original Berenson nucleus, collections of prints, glass plates, negatives and transparencies have entered the Fototeca. These include the collections of Emilio Marcucci (nineteenth-century projects for the completion of various Florentine monuments), George Kaftal (representations of saints in Italian painting of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries), Henry Clifford (painting thirtheenth to seventeenth centuries), Giorgio Castelfranco (Italian art thirteenth to twentieth centuries), Giannino Marchig (restoration), Frederick Hartt (Michelangelo, Giulio Romano), Giuseppe Marchini (Italian art and stained glass), and Craig H. Smyth (Renaissance painting and drawing). There is a small collection of micropublications and microfiche (162,386 frames): L=index photographique de l'art en France (95,648); Sotheby's Pictorial Archive - Old Master Paintings (45,472); Christie's Pictorial Archive Italian School (9,898); Christie's Pictorial Archive - New York 1977-95 Old Master Paintings & Drawings (11,368). The microfilm of the Bartsch Corpus comprises about 42,000 frames. Notes Most photographers not identified. |
extent | 300,000 + photographs |
formats | Photographs Reproductions Microfilm Artist Files |
access | Contact Ilaria Della Monica the archivist at the Berenson Library for restrictions and appointments. |
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finding aid | Currently, there is no catalog of the photographs at Villa I Tatti. In some cases, Artist Files, can be found school (i.e. Venetian, Lombard, Northern Italy, Central Italy, etc. . .) and some are cataloged in Harvard's online catalog, HOLLIS. |
acquisition information | Originally formed by Bernard Berenson the Library continues to add to the file. |
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title | Carnegie Institute, Museum of Art records, 1883-1962, bulk 1885-1962 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | The records of the Carnegie Institute, Museum of Art are complete record of the museum's work, starting with the planning of the first loan exhibition in 1885 and ending with the cancellation of the International at the start of World War II in 1940. The museum's day-to-day relationships with all aspects of the contemporary art world are documented within the historical context. Extensive correspondents related to the art world include artists, dealers, galleries, collectors, museum directors, , shipping and insurance agents, and museum trustees museum staff, art directors, associations, societies, clubs, critics, press, and governments. These exchanges include general requests for information; requests related to the museum's exhibitions, including the International; letters regarding the museum's involvement in the events of other art organizations; loan, sales, and provenance information for specific works of art; and information regarding the events of other art organizations. Series 1: Correspondence, 1883-1962, (Boxes 1-153, OV 267; 152.5 linear feet) Series 2: Department of Fine Arts, 1896-1940, (Boxes 153-184, OV 268; 31.6 linear feet) Series 3: Exhibitions, 1901-1940, (Boxes 184-204; 20 linear feet) Series 4: International, 1895-1940, (Boxes 204-234, 265-266; 30.2 linear feet) Series 5: Letterpress Books, 1900-1917, (Boxes 235-251; 17 linear feet) Series 6: Card Catalogs, 1895-1940, (Box 252-264; 11 linear feet) The Exhibitions and International Series (Series 3 and 4) and the correspondence of directors John W. Beatty and Homer Saint-Gaudens were digitized in 2011 and are available via the Archives of American Art's website. Blank pages, blank versos of photographs, photographs of artwork, and duplicates have not been scanned. In most cases, only the cover, title page, and individual relevant pages have been scanned from published materials. |
extent | 264 Boxes, 264.3 Linear Feet |
formats | Electronic Resource Correspondence Administrative Records Exhibition Files Catalogs |
access | Use of original papers requires an appointment. |
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finding aid | Available online: |
acquisition information | The Carnegie Institute, Museum of Art records were loaned for microfilming in 1966 and later donated to the Archives of American Art in 1972. A small addition of corrrespondence was donated in 2017 by Elizabeth Tufts Brown. |
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