Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Pinchot, James W., 1831-1908

titleGifford Pinchot papers, 1770-1972 (bulk 1870-1946).
repositoryLibrary of Congress
descriptionPrimarily correspondence and subject files, together with diaries, memoranda, speeches, articles, reports, financial papers, bulletins, pamphlets, clippings, memorabilia, and other papers relating chiefly to Pinchot’s activities in conservation and forestry and to his terms as governor of Pennsylvania.

Family papers (circa 1830-1914) include correspondence of his parents, James W. and Mary Eno Pinchot with William T. Sherman; financial papers of his grandfather, Amos R. Eno; and Civil War correspondence of John S. and Mary Whitney Phelps. Pinchot’s support of Theodore Roosevelt and Robert M. La Follette’s campaigns for the presidency and Progressive Party activities in Pennsylvania are documented, as is his dispute with Richard Achilles Ballinger, secretary of the interior, that led to his dismissal as chief forester in 1909. Other papers relate to his interest in the American Farm Bureau Federation, American Federation of Labor, American Legion, American Liberty League, flood control, prohibition, and public utilities; his travels to Russia (1902) and to the South Seas (1935); his service on the Commission for Relief in Belgium (1914-1915); and his affiliation with the Tomlinson Church of God.

Includes subject files compiled by Pinchot on such public figures as William Edgar Borah, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, William Jennings Bryan, Thomas A. Edison, Henry Ford, John Charles Frémont, and William Randolph Hearst. Also includes correspondence and other papers of Philip P. Wells, Eugene S. Bruce, and Herbert A. Smith, employees under Pinchot in the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Division of Forestry; Morris E. Gregg, Pinchot’s secretary; and W. Brooke Graves, author of an analysis of letters received by Pinchot as a result of his support of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1944 presidential election.

Biographical/Historical Data:
Conservationist, chief forester for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, professor of forestry at Yale University, and governor of Pennsylvania.

Architectural drawings, blueprints, and photographs transferred to Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
Maps transferred to Library of Congress Geography and Map Division.
Selected financial documents, legal papers, printed material, memorabilia, and photographs transferred to U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.

Additional Formats:
Microfilm edition of diaries, 1872-1946, available, no. 16,158 (4N-4P).
Microfilm edition of scrapbooks available, no. 17,897 (26N-26P).
Microfilm edition of letterbooks, 1892-1899, (17 volumes) available, no. 20,142 (7N-7P).

Microfilm produced from originals in or formerly in the Manuscript Division. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, 1975, 1986, & 1990.
extent1,095 linear feet.
formatsMicrofilm Correspondence Subject Files Diaries Ephemera
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidFinding aid available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room.
acquisition informationGift, Pinchot family, 1951-1990. Other gifts and transfer, 1955-1989.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleAmerican Committee of the Statue of Liberty records, 1875-1901.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionCorrespondence between Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and members of the committee including Richard Butler, William M. Evarts, and Henry F. Spaulding. Also, a few letters from Joseph Pulitzer and J. W. Pinchot. In addition, there is a proposal for the erection of the statue, and clippings and miscellany relating to the project.

Letters from Bartholdi are in French with an English translation.
extentca. 150 items (on partial microfilm reel)
formatsMicrofilm Correspondence Clippings Ephemera
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationMicrofilmed 1956 by the Archives of American Art with other art-related papers in the Manuscript Division of the New York Public Library. Included in the microfilming project were selected papers of the Art Division and the Prints Division. Originals in the New York Public Library, Manuscript Division.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37