Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Parke-Bernet Galleries

titleDealer Photo Archives: Parke-Bernet
repositoryNational Gallery of Art, Image Collection
descriptionDealer's Archives, Image Collections: Photographs
Acquired by Sotheby's in 1964, Parke-Bernet was the United States' largest auction house. This collection includes not only the photographs documenting sales from the mid-1930s to spring 1972, but also the accompanying catalogues (130,000 photographs and negatives)
extent130,000 photographs and negatives
formatsPhotographs Negatives
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33

titleFrancis Patrick Garvan papers, 1912-1953
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionCorrespondence with antique, art and rare book dealers, museums, curators, conservators, Garvan's employees, George Parmly Day, Andrew Keough, and John Marshall Phillips of Yale University regarding the 1930 gift of the [Mabel Brady] Garvan Collection to Yale, the American Art Association-Anderson Galleries, Inc., Francis Bigelow, Robert Ensko, Richard T. Haines Halsey, E. Alfred Jones, Fiske Kimball, William Macbeth, Inc., Wallace Nutting, Richard W. Symonds, and others; auction catalogs, and records from Parke-Bernet and Plaza Art Auction Galleries, 1942-1949; loan records; files regarding the Garvan estate, sales, gifts, and appraisals; inventories; catalog cards, some with photographs; and miscellaneous photographs and printed material.

Co-Creator: Jones, E. Alfred (Edward Alfred), 1872-1943
Keough, Andrew, 1869-1953
Kimball, Fiske, 1888-1955
Nutting, Wallace, 1861-1941
Phillips, John Marshall, 1905-1953
Bigelow, Francis Hill, 1859-1933
Day, George Parmly, 1876-1959
Ensko, Robert
Halsey, R. T. Haines (Richard Townley Haines), 1865-1942
Parke-Bernet Galleries
Plaza Art Auction Galleries
American Art Association, Anderson Galleries (Firm)
extent37.0 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Auction Catalogs Estate Papers Appraisals Photographs
accessUnmicrofilmed; use requires an appointment and is limited to Washington, D.C. storage facility.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid (box inventory) available at Archives of American Art offices.
acquisition informationDonated 1981 by Anthony N. B. Garvan and Phil Hoyt for the estate of Mabel Brady Garvan.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleAuction catalogs, 1938-1990.
repositoryUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
descriptionAuction catalogs of Parke-Bernet and Sotheby firms in the United States and Europe, spanning the years 1938-1990.

Call Number
Southern Regional Library
extent33.75 linear ft.
formatsAuction Catalogs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidCollection arranged chronologically under each firm.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleRosenbach Company Correspondence, 1903-1953.
repositoryRosenbach Museum & Library
descriptionRosenbach Company Correspondence, found in: Rosenbach Company Records, 1903-1953.

Historical Note
Book sellers
extent186 boxes (ca. 153,750 items)
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidComputer-generated guide available in library; folder-level control.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleEarle J. Bernheimer Letter, 1951 January 13, 1951.
repositoryDartmouth College
description Letter to Herbert West, January 13, 1951, commenting on the sale of Bernheimer's collection of Frost, including the only copy of Twilight, at auction at Parke-Bernet Galleries in 1950. Refers to Frederic Melcher's essay on the sale.
extent4 leaves.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationGift of Herbert Faulkner West.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleStable Gallery records, 1916-1999 (bulk 1953-1970)
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionRecords include Artist Files containing a wide variety of materials, such as biographical notes, correspondence, price lists, sales and payment information, printed matter, and photographs.

Also included are administrative and financial records, printed matter, sketchbooks and drawings, photographs; personal papers and estate records of gallery founder and owner Eleanor Ward; an interview of Ward, 1969-1970; a video tape of the 1973 Robert C. Scull Collection auction at Sotheby Parke Bernet; and a history of the gallery by Alan Groh, Ward's assistant.

Artist files for: Jeremy Anderson, Janice Biala, Robert Birmelin, Varujan Boghosian, Elie Borgrave, Ernest Briggs, James Brooks, Daniel Brustlein, Fritz Bultman, Paul Burlin, Alberto Burri, John Cage, Nicholas Carone, Giorgio Cavallon, Janet Chase, Joseph Cornell, Jan Cox, Elaine de Kooning, Richard Diebenkorn, Thomas Downing, Edward Dugmore, Robert Engman, Ernesto, John Ferren, Joseph A. Fiore, Ron Garrigues, Robert Goodnough, John Graham, Dorothy Heller, Solomon Hyde, Robert Indiana, Robert Insley, Alex Katz, Lee Krasner, Michael Loew, Conrad Marca-Relli, Marisol, Fred Mitchell, Joan Mitchell, Kyle Morris, Robert Motherwell, Lowell Nesbitt, Isamu Noguchi, John Opper, George Earl Ortman, Stephen Pace, Walter Plate, Jeanne Reynal, Oli Sihvonen, Richard Stankiewitz, Paul Thek, Cy Twombly, Jack Tworkov, Andy Warhol, Neil Welliver, Robert Zakanych, Henrique Zanartu, and Wilfred Meynell Zogbaum.
extent2.8 linear ft. (filmed on 3 microfilm reels) reels 5821-5823
formatsPhotographs Correspondence Drawings Financial Records
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record link
record source
finding aid
acquisition informationDonated 1984 by Alan Groh, Eleanor Ward's assistant at the Stable Gallery and the executor of her estate; in 1997 by Buzz Miller, Groh's partner; and a final small addition by Paul Gardner, Miller's executor, 1999.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleRecords of the Library Endowment Fund and of the Development Fund, 1920- (bulk 1964-)
repositoryGrolier Club
descriptionGeneral files for the Library Fund include correspondence and reports and some financial statements. The material documenting the Benefit Auctions held in 1929, 1964, 1975, and 1980 contain correspondence, itemized receipts of materials donated, publicity and invitation, and some newspaper clippings and photographs.

The 1980 auction included an important collection of Bronte manuscripts. There is also material from the auction houses associated with the auctions, notably Parke-Bernet Galleries, Christie's (New York), and Swann Galleries. There are some records and catalogs for materials sold at general auctions for the benefit of the Fund. The files for the Development Fund (ca. 1961-1965) include extensive correspondence and reports by Donald F. Hyde, Club president from 1961 to 1965, as well as printing plates for a fund raising brochure. Other correspondents substantially represented in these files include J. Terry Bender, Club Librarian 1961-1964, and Robert Graff, Chair of the 1980 Ad Hoc Auction Committee.

The Grolier Club was founded in Jan. 23, 1884 by a group of seven New York City book collectors with the object, as stated in its constitution, "of literary study and promotion of the arts pertaining to the production of books." From its early days the Club has maintained a library related to collecting, bibliography and books about books. A library endowment fund (sometimes referred to as the "Library Fund) for the Grolier Club was first proposed in 1921, and the first fund-raising campaign among the membership took place in 1923. The funds have been used to increase and preserve Library holdings of relevant books, serials, auction, and antiquarian dealers' catalogs.

Since the 1920s the Club has held special benefit auctions to raise monies for the Library Fund. The catalog collections date back to the 17th century, and include United States, British and Continental houses and dealers. The Development Fund was launched ca. 1961 to enable the creation of a room to house these collections.
extent4 linear ft
formatsCorrespondence Financial Records Ephemera Clippings Photographs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidUnpublished finding aid available in repository
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleHudson D. Walker papers, 1920-1982.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionCorrespondence; biographical material; artists files; files on organizations; business and financial records; photographs; writings and notes; diaries; scrapbooks; appointment calendars; exhibition catalogs and announcements; printed material; and miscellany.

REELS D351-D358: Biographical material; personal and business correspondence with family, artists, museums, and art organizations; 62 artists files containing photos of works of art, printed material, and correspondence; files on the American Federation of the Arts, Artists Equity Association, the Walker Foundation, and other organizations; business and financial records; material relating to Walker's work with Elizabeth McCausland in her studies of Marsden Hartley; printed material; and photos of Walker, his family, and miscellaneous works of art. Among the correspondents are: Berenice Abbott, Ben Benn, Theodore Brenson, Gene Charlton, Philip Evergood, Joseph Hirsch, Mervin Jules, Carl Sprinchorn, Harry Sternberg, and others.

REEL 130: Correspondence with Eugenia M. Fuerstenberg, Oct. 8, 1940-Sept. 25, 1941, concerning the consignment and sale of ca. 400 Alfred Maurer paintings owned by Mrs. Fuerstenberg. One letter is from Parke-Bernet Galleries, declining to handle the paintings.
REEL 1535: 4 volumes of a diary, 1929, 1930, 1942, and 1945. The first two volumes were kept while Walker was a graduate student at Harvard, the 1942 volume covers exhibitions and artists, including Marsden Hartley, and the 1945 volume details Walker's travels in Europe after World War II. Also included are 7 letters, a valentine, and two post cards from his wife, Ione G. Walker, and a 1967 letter from Hans van Weeren-Griek.

UNMICROFILMED: Correspondence with Henry Botkin, Philip Evergood, Susan Fuller, Marsden Hartley, Harry Sternberg and other artists and gallery directors; letters and poems by Harry Kemp, 1948-1955; essays by Walker on Joshua B. Cahn and Marsden Hartley; a report on the Walker Art Center by William Valentiner, 1930; notes from meetings, galleries and art associations; a silk screen by Seong Moy; financial records; 2 diaries, 1938-1939; 2 appointment calendars, 1950-1951; 8 school notebooks; 3 scrapbooks; exhibition catalogs; clippings; and photos of Walker and artists Cameron Booth, Byron Browne, Gladys Rockmore Davis, Carl Gaertner, Dorothea Greenbaum, Mervin Jules, Herman Maril, Dickson Reeder, Henry Schnakenberg, Miron Sokole, Harry Sternberg, Jean Tingley and Clifford West.
extent20.0 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 10 reels) reels D351-D358, 130 & 1535
formatsArtist Files Business Records Correspondence Financial Records Writings
accessMicrofilmed portion must be consulted on microfilm. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires an appointment.
record linkn/a
record source
finding aidReels D351-D358: Inventory available in AAA offices.
acquisition informationMaterial on reels D351-D358 & unmicrofilmed donated 1966-1982 by Hudson D. and Ione G. Walker; material on reel 1535 lent for microfilming 1979 by Ione G. Walker, widow of Walker; material on reel 130 donor unspecified. Location of Original: Reel 1535: Originals returned to Ione G. Walker after microfilming.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleTrade catalogs of artwork, 1887-1975
repositoryUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
descriptionPeriodicals and pamphlets on art, schedules and notices of art exhibitions, auction catalogs, catalog of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, and catalogs of Oriental rugs, museum reproductions, astronomical negatives, wood carvings, brass and other metal goods, etchings and engravings, reproductions of sculpture, photographs, and other ephemera relating to art.

box 3 artwork

Call Number
Special Coll., Romaine Trade Catalogs
extent51 items (1 box) : ill.
formatsEphemera Auction Catalogs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationForms part of: Romaine trade catalog collection.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleTrade catalogs of furniture, 1890-1956.
repositoryUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
descriptionTrade catalogs of antiques, Early American furniture, miniature furniture, wrought iron furniture, and other ephemera relating to furniture.

box 1 furniture

Call Number
Special Coll., Romaine Trade Catalogs
extent40 items (1 box) : ill.
formatsAuction Catalogs Ephemera
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationForms part of: Romaine trade catalog collection.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleAmerican art auction catalog collection, 1785-1962.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionAuction catalogs from the holdings of various libraries and auction houses in the United States, borrowed for microfilming for AAA's Auction Catalog Project, 1961-1965.

The majority of the catalogs are for auctions held in New York City and Philadelphia, although other locales are represented. Firms with significant numbers of catalogs include: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries, Associated Auctioneers, Bangs & Co., Barker, Benjamin S. Wise, Birch & Son, Bleecker & Van Dyke, C.F. Wetmore, C.G. Sloan & Co., Charles F. Libbie & Co., Chicago Book & Art Auctions, Clarke's Art Galleries, C.W. Brown, Daniel A. Mathews, Davis & Harvey, E. A. Haaseman Galleries, Elder Coin & Curio Company, Elliott, Blakeslee & Noyes, Field, Morris, Fenner & Co., Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, Galton-Orsburn Co., George A. Leavitt & Co., Haseltine Galleries, Henry A. Hartman, Leeds, Miner, Hiram H. Parke, Duveen, Leonard & Co., Hudson's, James P. Silo, J.C. Morgenthau & Co., Kende Galleries, Knickerbocker, Kreiser Gallery, Levy & Spooner, Lewis J. Bird & Co., Lihou Art Gallery, Merwin-Clayton Sales Company, Metropolitian Art Association, Miller & Morris, Monarch, Moore's, M. Thomas & Sons, National Art Galleries, Ortgies & Co., O. Rundle Gilbert, Parke-Bernet, Philadelphia Art Galleries, Plaza Art Auction Galleries, Rains Galleries, Ritter Galleries, Samuel T. Freeman & Co., Savoy, Schenck's Art Gallery, Scott & O'Shaughnessy, Stan V. Henkels, Swann Auction Galleries, Thomas Kirby, Walpole Galleries, William B. Norman, William D. Morley, and Young's Art Gallery; many others were also microfilmed.
extentca. 30,000 items (on 559 microfilm reels)
formatsMicrofilm Auction Catalogs
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
finding aidA list of auction houses and related microfilm reel numbers is available at AAA offices. In addition, the Washington, D.C. reference desk's copy of Harold Lancour's "American Art Auction Catalogs: A Union List" (1944) has been annotated with reel and frame numbers.
acquisition informationLent for microfilming for AAA's Auction Catalog Project, 1961-1965. Among the institutions who participated are the American Antiquarian Society (29 reels), Art Institute of Chicago (2 reels), Boston Public Library (1 reel), Brooklyn Museum (16 reels), Cleveland Museum of Art (2 reels), Cooper Union (21 reels), Enoch Pratt Free Library (1 reel), Huntington Library (1 reel), Library Co. of Philadelphia (1 reel), Library of Congress (1 reel), Metropolitan Museum of Art (25 reels), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, New York Historical Society (23 reels), New York Public Library (284 reels), New York State Library (1 reel), Parke-Bernet Galleries (128 reels), Pennsylvania Historical Society (2 reels), Philadelphia Museum of Art (10 reels), Walters Art Gallery (1 reel), and others.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleRosenberg & Stiebel Archive - Subject Files
repositoryThe Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library

Subject file from the Rosenberg & Stiebel, Inc. records. Files may include correspondence, invoices, statements, agreements, photographs, and printed material.

extent17 folders
accessThese records are open for research under the conditions of The Frick Collection Archives access policy. Material related to transactions after 1969 is subject to restrictions. Contact the Archives Department for further information at
record link
finding aidAvailable online.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:55