Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Catlin, George, 1796-1872

titleGeorge Catlin Papers, 1838-1925; [1948]
repositoryMissouri History Museum
descriptionPapers include five letters to or from Clara B. Catlin while in England; four letters from George Catlin in Europe to his brother, Francis Catlin; printed admission card to Catlin exhibition in London of Indian costumes and weapons, ca. 1858; criticism of Catlin's paintings by Charles Baudelaire (French), 1925; manuscript "A Cure For Influenza" by George Catlin, n.d.; catalogue of Catlin's collection of Indian paintings containing marginal notes in his own hand; and correspondence regarding the acquisition of the Catlin letters.

extent35 items.
formatsCorrespondence Catalogs Writings Ephemera
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33

titleCatlin, George: artist pamphlet file.
repositorySaint Louis Art Museum
descriptionThe library continues to add material to its files, including articles, biographies, bibliographies, photographs, reviews, small catalogs, invitations, and correspondence.
extent1 folder
accessAccess through the Saint Louis Art Museum, Richardson Memorial Library. File available for photocopying only.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33

titleGeorge Catlin correspondence and papers, 1798-1874.
repositoryUniversity of California, Berkeley
descriptionLetters, diary, and family papers relating chiefly to Catlin's travels and the execution and exhibition of his Indian portraits. letters written by Catlin, 1834-1870 (folders 1-33); letters to Catlin (folders 34-62). Included also: Catlin family correspondence, with references to Catlin's life and work (folders 63-161) and miscellaneous papers, including his brother Francis' diary kept while he was visiting him in Brussels, 1868 (folder 174).

Contents note in Box 1. originals in New York Historical Society, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Missouri Historical Society and Smithsonian Institution. Include letters written by and to Catlin, 1828-1870 (with copy of printed letter describing O-Kee-pa ceremony of Mandan Indians, in the N.Y. Historical Society), family letters, business letters relating to sale of Catlin's collection (in N.Y. Historical Society and Smithsonian), catalog of his paintings with descriptive notes (in Missouri Historical Society), clippings, etc. Prints available for material from Smithsonian Institution (in Box 2).
extentPart I : 2 boxes. Part II : 1 microfilm reel : negative (Rich. 550:20) and positive.
formatsMicrofilm Correspondence Diaries Business Papers Clippings
accessContact repository for restrictions.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33

titlePapers and illustrations of George Catlin, 1868-1892
repositoryThe Huntington Library
descriptionCollection consists of the following: 1. an unpublished bound folio manuscript titled, The North Americans in the middle of the nineteenth century; 2. 239 unbound illustrations of both North and South American Indians, of which a large number were meant to accompany the manuscript text; 3. a small bound volume containing a list of the extant illustrations called for in the manuscript, along with correspondence and other materials concerning the collection. The unbound illustrations consist of the following: 24 finished color drawings, 26 unfinished color drawings, 28 finished pencil outlines, 107 unfinished pencil outlines (many are counterproofs), 43 line cuts (from Catlin's published works).

Manuscripts Call #mssHM 35183
extent239 pieces.
formatsManuscript Illustrations Drawings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
bibliographyGuide to American historical manuscripts in the Huntington Library (San Marino, Calif. : H. E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, 1979)
record source
finding aidUnpublished finding aid available in repository.
acquisition informationFrank Glenn, purchase, 11/9/54
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33

titleCatlin family papers, [ca. 1807]-1973 (bulk [ca. 1807-1900]).
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionFamily memorabilia, printed material, genealogical information, correspondence, writings, and notebooks.

REELS 3023-3024: Five notebooks kept by Horace P. Hartshorn, nephew of George Catlin, containing family histories, and genealogical information on Catlin and Raymond families; a handwritten copy of a letter to Edward Payne from Putnam Catlin, July 20, 1810; family letters; ten deeds for property conveyed to Asa Hartshorn, Horace P. Hartshorn, and Thomas C. Hartshorn, 1832-1899; a warrant for bounty land assigned to Horace P. Hartshorn, 1857; photographs, including studio cards, tintypes, cartes-de-visite, a daguerrotype of Mary Catlin Hartshorn (unfilmed), and a portrait album containing 24 photographs of Catlin family members; and newspaper clippings of obituaries and wedding announcements.

REEL 2707: A notebook of Horace P. Hartshorn containing family obituaries, clippings on George Catlin and his works of art, and transcriptions of funeral sermons for various family members, 1848; an album, 1832, of brothers, John and George Catlin, containing engravings, unpublished writings by family members and friends, and eulogies of John and Julius Catlin; the last will and testament of Putnam Catlin, 1841; and miscellaneous materials, including a writing desk.

Bio / His Notes:
Family of artists. Putnam Catlin and Polly Sutton Catlin had 14 children, one of whom was George Catlin, noted for his paintings of American West and Indian portraits.
extent1.0 linear ft. (on 3 microfilm reels) reels 2707, 3023 and 3024
formatsMicrofilm Correspondence Ephemera Printed Materials Writings
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record source
finding aidInventory and family genealogy available at all Archives of American Art offices.
acquisition informationDonated by David Morse, 1984. Morse purchased the papers from Thomas Lenz. Material on reel 2707 had been previously lent by Lenz for microfilming in 1982.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33

titleResearch material on George Catlin, [ca. 1863-1987].
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionPhotographs, photogravures and copy prints of images of George Catlin collected by National Museum of American Art curator William Truettner.
Included are: two photographs of Catlin, one at age 72, by Bernheim, Brussels, Belgium, 1886, and one taken between 1863 and 1865, by Cornelisse, Brussels, Belgium, and a copyprint, possibly of Catlin, taken in London, 1870. Copyprints and photogravure's of art works depicting Catlin include Catlin's self-portrait painted in 1824, a miniature of Catlin painted by W.H. Watkins in 1841, a portrait of Catlin from POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, 1891, after Watkins' 1841 miniature, a woodcut of Catlin by W.J. Linton, London, 1845, a watercolor of Catlin, possibly by Catlin, ca. 1851, and a half-length portrait of Catlin painted by William H. Fisk, 1849. Also included are photographs of Catlin's palette, and two letters regarding the photographs, 1987.
extent0.4 Linear ft.
formatsPhotographs Correspondence Photocopies
accessUnmicrofilmed; use requires an appointment and is limited to Washington, D.C. storage facility.
record source
acquisition informationTransferred from the National Museum of American Art by curator William Truettner, 1992. Truettner collected these images from various sources for his research on Catlin
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33

titleAlbert Duveen art reference files, [ca. 1831-1950].
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionFiles on ca. 150 American artists and art subjects, selected from Duveen's art reference files. Included are photographs of paintings in other collections, auction and exhibition catalogs, miscellaneous publications.

Files include: Francis Alexander, Washington Allston, William H. Bartlett, Ben-Zion, Thomas Birch, Joseph Blackburn, Ralph A. Blakelock, Charles F. Blauvelt, Peter Blume, Emile Branchard, Albertis D. O. Browere, John G. Brown, Jonathan Buddington, James E. Buttersworth, Carra, Dennis M. Carter, Mary Cassatt, George Catlin, Centurion, Paul Cezanne, Moura Chabor, Marc Chagall, T. Chambers, Jean Charlot, Thomas Cole, John Constable, George Cope, John S. Copley, Ralston Crawford, Jasper F. Cropsey, Arthur B. Davies, Charles Despiau, Roland Detre, Thomas R. Dibble, Enrico Donati, William Doriani, Thomas Doughty, Jessie Drew-Bear, Robert S. Duncanson, Dunlap, Asher B. Durand, George H. Durrie,
Frank Duveneck, Evert Duyckinck, Thomas Eakins, Jacob Eichholtz, Louis M. Eilshemius, Charles L. Elliott, Robert Field, Emil Ganso, Pablo Gargallo, Jan Gelb, Paul Gillman, Christian Gullager, George H. Hall, Chester Harding, William M. Harnett, George Harvey, William J. Hays, George P. A. Healy, Edward L. Henry, John Hesselius, Edward Hicks, Thomas Hicks, Holland House, Charles Fevret de Saint-Memin, Winslow Homer, S. A. Hudson, Daniel Huntington, Henry Inman, George Inness, John W, Jarvis, Eastman Johnson, Henrietta Johnston, John Johnston, Hilde B. Kayn, Dikran K. Kelekian, Fitz Hugh Lane, Ernest Lawson, M. F. Lefferts, William R. Leigh, Abraham Lincoln, George B. Luks, Edward G. Malbone, Alfred H. Maurer,
Louis Maurer, McKay, Alfred J. Miller, Louis C. Moeller, Samuel F. B. Morse, John Neagle, Donald Organ, Bass Otis, Walter Pach, Charles W. Peale, James Peale, Rembrandt Peale, William Penn, Enoch W. Perry, F. E. H. Philippoteaux, Charles P. Polk, T. B. Pope, Rufus Porter, William M. Prior, Walter Quirt, William T. Ranney, Reinhardt, Frederic Remington, Louisa Robins, Severin Roesen, Thomas P. Rossiter, Peter F. Rothermel, Charles M. Russell, Edward Savage, William Sawitzky, Nikol Schattenstein, Christian Schussele, D. Serres, James Sharples, Morris Shulman, John Smibert, Sergei Soudeikin, Haim Soutine, Frederick R. Spencer,
Albert Stewart, Robert Street, William J. Strong, Gilbert Stuart, C. (Charles ?) Sullivan, Thomas Sully, Arthur F. Tait, G. Tirrell, John Trumbull, John Vanderlyn, Pieter Vanderlyn, William Von Schlegell, Samuel L. Waldo, Abraham Walkowitz, George Washington, Elbert Weinberg, Julian A. Weir, Thomas B. Welch, Adolph U. Wertmuller, Benjamin West, Anne Whitney, Arnold Wiltz, William E. Winner, S. Wood, and Thomas W. Wood.

The Saint-Memin, Stuart, B. West and Wertmuller files contain material from Albert Rosenthal relating to the above artists.
extentca. 1000 items
formatsSubject Files Photographs Exhibition Catalogs Printed Materials Artist Files
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
finding aidMicrofilm inventory available in all AAA offices.
acquisition informationLent for microfilming 1958 by Duveen. A few of the items were subsequently donated.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titleArtist file: Catlin, George , 1796-1872
repositoryNational Portrait Gallery Library
descriptionFolder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs.
extent1+ folders (check with repository)
accessFolder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleArtist file: Catlin, George , 1796-1872
repositoryNational Museum of the American Indian Library
descriptionFolder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs.
extent1+ folders (check with repository)
accessFolder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40