Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Gardner, Elizabeth Jane, 1837-1922
title | Elizabeth Gardner Bouguereau papers, ca.[1856]-1977 (bulk 1864-1920) |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Correspondence, printed material, and photographs. REEL 3135: 7 photographs, including Bouguereau and Imogene Robinson Morrell, ca. 1856 and ca. 1868; Bouguereau, 1862 and ca. 1865; of Adolphe William Bouguereau, 1875 and 1896; and Bouguereau's wedding photographs, 1896. REEL 3464: Ca. 360 letters, 1864-1920, from Bouguereau to her mother, Jane Lowell Gardner, her sister, Maria (Ria) P. Gardner, her brother, John Edward Gardner, her sister-in-law, Miriam Gardner, and her nephews, Perley and John; writings; 4 photographs of Bouguereau, including one with her husband Adolphe William Bouguereau; and photocopies of an exhibition announcement, 1878 and clippings on Bouguereau and her husband, 1896-1977. REEL 3967: A letter, 1890, to John Gardner, in which Bouguereau mentions the success of her painting in London and other matters; a postcard, 1910, to Miriam Gardner, describing the Paris floods; a postcard and 2 letters to Perley Gardner, 1914-1917, commenting on the war and the defense of Paris and family matters. Bio / His Notes: Painter; New Hampshire and Paris, France. Born Elizabeth Jane Gardner in Exeter, New Hampshire. She lived and painted in Paris, France, returning to the United States 1870-1871 and 1876-1877. She married French painter Adolphe William Bouguereau in 1896. |
extent | 0.4 linear ft. (on 3 partial microfilm reels) reels 3135, 3464, and 3967 |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Printed Materials Ephemera Photographs |
access | Use of unmicrofilmed materials requires an appointment and is limited to Washington, D.C. storage facility. Microfilmed materials must be consulted on microfilm copy. |
record source | |
acquisition information | Donated 1983-1986 by Miriam Gardner Dunnan, grand niece of Bouguereau, except photographs which were lent for microfilming on reel 3135. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:33 |
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title | Artist file: Bouguereau, Elizabeth Gardner , 1851-1922 |
repository | National Portrait Gallery Library |
description | Folder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs. |
extent | 1+ folders (check with repository) |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Folder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library |
record source | |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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