Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: R. Stora and Company

titleStora Art Galleries stock sheets, ledger and auction catalog, 1937-1963.
repositoryThe Getty Research Institute
descriptionContents of two clip binders containing ca. 529 stock sheets from the fine art dealer Stora Art Galleries, Inc., and dated from 1937 to 1963. The stock sheets are typescript and handwritten inventories or transaction records arranged alphabetically by purchaser and show date, price of sale and provenance of acquisitions.

Other information includes ultimate sales date, descriptions for the object, drawings, ca. ten photographs and ephemera relating to works of art sold. One journal (ca. 95 pp.) arranged by date (1943-1949) and handwritten in pencil and pen, contains notes Stora wanted to remember about offers, clients, objects and desciptions of works of art. Also included is one auction catalog for a M. & R. Stora, Paris(?) liquidation sale: Objets de curiosité...(June 8, 1944) at the Hotel Drouot, Paris. Also, a Metropolitan Museum of Art "Fellow for Life" certificate presented to Raphael Stora, January 21 1952.

Biographical or Historical Notes:
Raphael Stora was an art dealer in Paris and New York, primarily handling sculpture and decorative arts.


Call Number:

Holdings at This Location:
1 box
ADD1 - 1 box
extent0.5 linear ft.
formatsBusiness Papers Inventories Financial Records Photographs Ephemera
accessOpen for use by qualified researchers.
record link
record sourcehttp://
acquisition informationGift of Gerard and Marianne Stora.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33

titleThe Raphael Stora Negative Collection
repositoryThe Metropolitan Museum of Art
descriptionCollection includes primarily negative films measuring 5 x 7 or 4 x 5 inches (with a very small amount of corresponding photographic prints) representing artworks that were held in the gallery of the art dealer Raphael Stora.

Negatives are primarily black and white and seem to date ca. 1930s - 1950s. The collection also includes 38 xeroxed invoices for objects sold ca. 1955.

Cloisters Archives Collection no.33 (Invoices and Negatives)

The Cloisters Library and Archives
Hours: Monday–Friday 10:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Telephone: (212) 396-5319
Fax: (212) 795-3640

extentApproximately 1000 photographic negatives (3.3 linear feet)
accessConsult the Met Photo Studio or Cloisters Library staff for access.
record link
record source
finding aidThe Stora Negatives Collection container list and Stora Gallery Sales Invoices are available over the Museum's web site.
acquisition informatione collection was donated to The Cloisters in May of 1986 by Mr. Gerard Stora, son of Raphael Stora. The negative collection was transferred to the Metropolitan Museum Photo Studio's cold storage facilities in 2007.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:51