Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Karshan, Donald H

titleDonald H. Karshan papers relating to Alexander Archipenko 1920-1973.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionPapers relating to work Karshan did as curator of the Archipenko collection and director of the Archipenko archive. Exhibition files include records concerning University of California, Los Angeles’s Alexander Archipenko Memorial Exhibition, 1967-1969, that traveled throughout the United States; an expanded version of the show was circulated in Europe by the Smithsonian Institution. The collection also contains general correspondence relating to the administration of the Archipenko Collection and Archipenko Archive, Leopold Survage, and writings on Archipenko’s work and life by Karshan with related correspondence.

Exhibition files, 1960-1972, n.d., include correspondence, photographs, and printed matter relating to UCLA’s Alexander Archipenko Memorial Exhibition, 1967-1969 at its various venues in the United States and its European tour sponsored by International Art Program of the Smithsonian Institution. There are similar records for Archipenko: The Parisian Years, an exhibition organized by the Museum of Modern Art.

General Correspondence, 1966-1973, relates to the Archipenko Collection and the Archipenko Archive, administered by Karshan and includes loan and reference requests, publication permissions, and sales information. Of particular interest is a file on Leopold Survage compiled in 1969 and documenting an attempt to purchase a Survage painting for Mrs. Arhcipenko to donate to the Museum of Modern Art; included is reference material consisting of photocopies of Archipenko’s letters to Survage and a letter from Theodore Doesburg, 1920-1963, n.d., printed matter, and photographs.

Writings by Donald H. Karshan, 1966-1968, consist of research notes and correspondence concerning his catalogue raisonné of Archipenko prints (1974). Also included are manuscripts of published articles and correspondence with editors.

Bio / His Notes:
Founder and Director, American Museum of Graphic Art, New York City; collector; Curator of Archipenko Collection and Director of Archipenko Archive.
extent1.8 linear ft.
formatsPhotographs Correspondence Writings Printed Materials
accessUnmicrofilmed: use requires an appointment.
record source
finding aidOnline and in repository - electronic finding aid available at
acquisition informationDonated 1982 by Mrs. Frances Archipenko Gray as part of the Alexander Archipenko Papers and later separated into a distinct collection.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleWNYC Views on Art radio program interviews, 1967-1973.
repositoryArchives of American Art
description72 interviews of artists, art historians, administrators, curators, and others, conducted by Bowman for WNYC's "Views on Art" series. Interviewees include Mario Amaya, Benny Andrews, Dore Ashton, Tracy Atkinson, Will Barnet, Gene Baro, John Baur (re: Lipman sculpture collection), Bernard Bothmer, Adelyn Breeskin (re: Mary Cassatt prints), James Brooks, J. Carter Brown, Mikhail Bruk, Nicolas Calas, Duncan Cameron, Chryssa, Rene D'Harnoncourt (re: Picasso sculpture exhibition), Rosa Esman, David Evans, Dan Flavin, Alfred Frankenstein, Tom Freudenheim (re: American art behind the iron curtain), Edward Fry, Henry Geldzahler, Inna Goncharova (re: U.S.S.R. exhibition),

Maurice Grosser, Peggy Guggenheim, George Hamilton, James Harithas (re: Prison Art), Thomas B. Hess (re: William De Kooning exhibition), John Hightower, Edward Hopper (4 min. on two paintings), Walter Hopps, Lita Hornick (re: Kulcher Press), Thomas Hoving, Robert Indiana, Wolf Kahn, Mrs. J.M. Kaplan, Alan Kaprow, Donald Karshan, Alex Katz, William King, Stan Kovan (co-interviewer of Fry), Max Kozloff, Edward Laning, Abram Lerner, Nicholas Marsicano, Garnett McCoy, John McKendry, Kynaston McShine (re: Gene Davis, Robert Irwin, and Richard Smith exhibition), Thomas Messer, Samuel Miller, Roy Moyer, John Bernard Myers, Konrad Oberhuber, Rafael Ortiz (re: El Museo del Barrio), Harry Parker, Beverley Pepper, Mrs. Marimar Quintana, S.Dillon Ripley, Robert Rosenblum, Sir John Rothenstein, William Rubin (re: Dada & Surrealism exhibition), Peter Selz, Roy Slade, Sylvia Sleigh, Leon Polk Smith, Hedda Sterne (re: exhibit at Betty Parsons Gallery), Betty Blayton Taylor, Dr. Joshua Taylor, Lisa Taylor, Ultra Violet, June C. Wayne (re: Tamarind Lithography Workshop), Monroe Wheeler, Carl Weinhardt, Ulfert Wilke, James Wines, William Woolfenden, and Mahonri Sharp Young (re: Morman paintings of C.C. Christiansen).

Bio / His Notes:
Art historian; curator; New York, N.Y. Bowman received her M.A. at NYU, and later was guest curator at the Grey Art Gallery.
extentSound recording, master: 74 sound tape reels ; 7 in. Sound recording, duplicate: 74 sound discs
formatsSound Recording
accessUntranscribed (except for Baur); use requires an appointment.
record link
record source
acquisition informationDonated 1989 by the Grey Art Gallery, New York University, at the request of Bowman, who had earlier deposited them at the Gallery.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34