Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Cushman, Charlotte, 1816-1876

titleIsabella Stewart Gardner papers, 1760-1956.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionLetters, business records, diary, and photographs.

REEL 380-413: Primarily correspondence, mostly Gardner's own, but including family correspondence and Gardner Museum correspondence.

Also included are misc. items and printed material. Correspondents include: Edwin Austin Abbey, Lyman Abbott, Brooks Adams, Alexander Agassiz, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, Louis Agassiz, Luigi Agostini, Hamilton Aide, Thomas B. Aldrich, Abram P. Andrew, Boris Anisfeld, George Arliss, Anne L. Balch, George G. Barnard, Grace Edith Barnes, Cecilia Beaux, Martin Birnbaum, William Sturgis Bigelow, William Phipps Blake, Edwin Howland Blashfield, Wilhelm von Bode, Martin Brimmer, J. Appleton Brown, Dennis Miller Bunker, Bryson Burroughs, Theodore Byard, Morris Carter, Paul Chalfin, Conrad Chapman, John Jay Chapman, Alfred Q. Collins, Frederick Shepard Converse, Walter William Spencer Cook, Archibald Cary Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Charles Townsend Copeland, Kenyon Cox, Ralph Adams Cram, Francis Marion Crawford, Raymond Crosby, Sally Cross, Ralph W. Curtis, Howard G. Cushing, Charlotte Cushman, Walter Damrosch, Richard Harding Davis, Elsie De Wolfe, Mary Dexter, Nathan H. Dole, John Donoghue, Ruth Draper, Duveen Brothers, J. S. Dwight, Theodore F. Dwight, Louis Dyer, Charles W. Eliot, Barry Faulkner, Gabriel Faure, Minnie Maddern Fiske, Daniel Chester French, Helen C. Frick, Roger E. Fry, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, John Lowell Gardner, William Amory Gardner, I. M. Gaugengigl, Richard Watson Gilder, Rene Gimpel, Edwin L. Godkin, Leon Gordon, Lady Augusta Gregory, Louise I. Guiney, Edward E. Hale,
Mary (Mrs. Richard Walden) Hale, Philip Leslie Hale, Mrs. Philip Hale, Richard Hammond, Walter Hampden, George C. Hazelton, Paul Helleu, Henry Lee Higginson, Thomas W. Higginson, Robert Hinckley, Malvina Hoffman, Edward W. Hooper, Harriet Hosmer, Julia W. Howe, Archer M. Huntington, Vincent d'Indy, Henry Irving, August F. Jaccaci, Clarence King, William Kittredge, Louis Kronberg, Petr A. Kropotkin, Anna C. Ladd, John La Farge, Charles Rollinson Lamb, Charles Lanman, Charles G. Loring, James R. Lowell, Dodge Macknight, Mary L. Macomber, Richard Mansfield, Paul Manship, Frank J. Mather, Francis John McComas, Nellie Melba, Francis Davis Millet, S. Weir Mitchell, Helena Modjeska, Pierre Monteux, John S. Mosby, Gilbert Murray,

(cont.)Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Andrews Norton, Lily Norton, Richard Norton, William O'Connell, Kazuzo Okakura, Jean N. Oliver, William O. Partridge, Walter Pater, Anna Pavlova, Waldo Peirce, Joseph Pennell, Harper Pennington, Lilla Cabot Perry, Edward C. Pickering, Sophia L. Pitman, Matthew Stewart Prichard, John Quinn, Robert Reid, Amelie Rives, Elizabeth W. Roberts, Auguste Rodin, Denman Ross, Will Rothenstein, Lillian Russell, Paul J. Sachs, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Ruth St. Denis, Franklin B. Sanborn, Charles Sprague Sargent, John Singer Sargent, J.M. Sears, C. Arnold Slade, Irene Slade, Henry Davis Sleeper, F. Hopkinson Smith, George Warren Smith, Joseph L. Smith, Albert Spaulding, Maurice Sterne, William James Stillman, Julian Story, Thomas W. Story, Henry Swift,
John Addington Symonds, Ellen Terry, Celia Thaxter, Abbott H. Thayer, William R. Thayer, Mary A. Tiffany, Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Francis Amasa Walker, Mrs. Humphry Ward, Mrs. Fiske Warren, Edmund March Wheelwright, James McNeill Whistler, Margaret White, Sara de Prix Wyman Whitman, Wildenstein Galleries, Owen Wister, Charles H. Woodbury, Rufus F. Zogbaum, Anders Zorn, Mrs. Anders Zorn, and others.

REELS 631-632: Personal papers of Gardner and some records of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum including dealers' files containing invoices, notes, cancelled checks, and letters; a record book, "Prices Paid for Paintings," 1917; a record book, "Prices Paid for Works of Art"; 118 installation photographs of the museum as arranged by Gardner, 1924; a diary kept in Egypt, 1874, with sketches; a diary kept in Shanghai and India, 1883-1884; "Directions for my funeral," 1912; and "Suggestions for Running a Museum," 1913.

REELS 696-698: Letters from Bernard Berenson to Gardner, 1887-1924. Letters contain references to literary topics, Berenson's impressions of Europe, various paintings and artists, advice to Gardner on the purchase of paintings and information on their sale.

REEL 846: Checklist of Gardner's letters to Bernard and Mary Berenson, 1894-1924; typescripts of personal and official correspondence (originals found on AAA microfilm reels 696-698), 1887-1924.
extent40 microfilm reels. reels 380-413, 631-632, 696-698, and 846
formatsCorrespondence Financial Records Photographs
accessMicrofilm copies. Originals in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, Mass.
record link
record source
finding aidReels 380-413: Finding aid available at AAA offices.
acquisition informationMicrofilm lent by Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum for duplicating, 1972-1975.
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titleWilliam Page and Page family papers, 1828-1942.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionCorrespondence; journals; diaries; photographs; writings; drawings; oil paintings; financial material; clippings; and printed material.

REEL D312: Correspondence of Charles Frederick Briggs with William Page and James Russell Lowell, 1843-1846.

REELS 20-27: Ca. 1,400 dated and undated letters, including late family correspondence; 10 lectures; articles; 2 journals kept by Mrs. Page [Sophia ?], 1853-1854; notes; clippings; a carte-de-visite of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher by Harry Thorn, ca. 1874, and a photograph of William R. O'Donovan by Napoleon Sarony, ca. 1880's; and miscellany.

REEL 1091: Letters to Page from Charles F. Briggs, 1875, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, 1854-1855, Lydia Maria Child, R. S. Chilton, 1855, Charlotte Cushman, 1855-1859, [John W.?] Field, 1856, James Russell Lowell, 1842-1889, Levi and Tamer Page, 1828, and one unidentified letter, 1877. In addition there are letters from Charles A. Dana to a Mrs. Hitchcock, 1854-1855, and from Horace E. Scudder to George S. Page, 1899.

UNMICROFILMED: Personal and family letters, 1849-1892, letters from Lydia Maria Child, James Russell Lowell, Hiram Powers, B. F. Stevens, Emma Page Watson, Mary Page Williams (Mrs. Virgil Williams), and others, 1843-1885; draft of a letter from William Page to Charles F. Briggs, March 22, 1843; legal documents; a diary, 1869, 3 diaries with lengthy entries; a notebook of writings by Page; contracts and agreements; receipts; 5 glass negatives and ca. 200 photos of Page family members; 110 photographs of Page, residences connected with his family, literary figures and numerous unidentified figures; writings of Stephen Hitchcock, first husband of Mrs. William Page; letters to Sophie C. Page (Mrs. William Stevens Page) from Stephen Hitchcock, William Stevens Page, B. F. Stevens, Enos Stevens, George Stevens, and others; drawings, mostly portrait and figure studies, with one phrenological sketch; 8 oil paintings; and printed material.

Bio / His Notes:
Portrait, figure painter; New York. Page was married three times; his first wife was Lavinia Twibill, sister of painter,? divorced c. 1843, second was Sara A. Dougherty. In 1857 he married Sophia Candace Stevens Hitchcock, daughter of Henry Stevens, an important bibliographer and bookseller. William and Sophie had six children.
extent8.5 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 10 reels) reels D312, 20-27 & 1091
formatsMicrofilm Diaries Journals Photographs Drawings
record source
acquisition informationMaterial on reels D312, 20-27 & unmicrofilmed 110 photos and drawings donated 1963-1964 by Mrs. Lesslie S. (Pauline Page) Howell, a granddaughter of William Page; material on reel 1091 lent for microfilming 1964 by Howell and her nephew, William S. Page. Unmicrofilmed material (1849-1892) donated 1973 by William S. Page; unmicrofilmed material (1843-1929) donated 1980 by William Page Howell, son of Mrs. Pauline Howell. Location of Original: Reel 1091: Originals returned to William S. Page and Mrs. Pauline Page Howell after microfilming.
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titleALS : London, to Mr. Wallis, 1848 Oct.29.
repositoryBoston Public Library
descriptionWill authorizing payment for the beautiful repairing of her dresses
extent1 item (2 p. in folder) ; 25 x 30 cm. + 1 portrait.
formatsCorrespondence Photographs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleALS : [Rome], to the Spaldings, Hotel di Roma, 1866 Jan. 1.
repositoryBoston Public Library
descriptionAn invitation to an evening party with music.
extent1 item (1 p.) in folder ; 25 x 30 cm.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleALS Boston Row, Mayfair [London], to Madame Kasdov?, [18--] June 10.
repositoryBoston Public Library
descriptionAsks her correspondent to deliver an enclosed note.
extent1 item (3 p. in folder) ; 25 x 30 cm. + newspaper clipping.
formatsClippings Correspondence
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record sourceALS Boston Row, Mayfair [London], to Madame Kasdov?, [18--] June 10.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleAnnie Fields Papers, 1847-1912 [microform].
repositoryMassachusetts Historical Society Library
descriptionPapers include a diary in 61 volumes and European travel journals for 1859 and 1869 containing accounts of her meetings with Dickens, Tennyson and Thackeray. Boston diaries contain descriptions of New England literary figures--A. Bronson Alcott, Emerson, Holmes, James, Longfellow, Prescott and Whittier. Also mentioned are Charlotte Cushman, Sarah Orne Jewett and Lucy Larcom. In addition there are 75 letters, mostly written by Mrs. Fields during her European trips, and an 1847 diary of James T. Fields (1817-1881). Portions of the Annie Fields diaries have been published in Mark A. DeWolfe Howe, Memories of a Hostess (Boston, 1922) and some of her letters in James T. Fields, Yesterdays with Authors (Boston, 1872.).

Biographical Note
Annie Fields (1834-1915) was a well-known author, literary hostess, and social welfare worker in Boston, Mass. Following her marriage in 1854 to James Thomas Fields (1817-1881), editor, author, and partner in the Boston publishing house of Ticknor & Fields, she became intimately involved with many of New England's leading literary figures. Visitors to her Charles Street salon included Amos Bronson Alcott, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Henry James, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, William Hickling Prescott, and John Greenleaf Whittier. Fields counted among her personal friends Charlotte Cushman, Julia Ward Howe, Sarah Orne Jewett, and Lucy Larcom.
extentca. 150 items.
formatsMicrofilm Diaries Correspondence Ephemera Interview
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
bibliographyMemories of a Hostess, by Mark Antony De Wolfe Howe (Boston, 1922),
record source
acquisition informationGift of Boylston A. Beal and Zabdiel B. Adams, 1944.
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titleAutograph letter signed Charlotte C to: Mary.
repositoryWellesley College
New York, Friday 17, 1871
extent4 p
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleCharlotte Cushman Letters to Various Correspondents (MS Thr 130).
repositoryHarvard Theatre Collection
descriptionLetters from Cushman to various correspondents concerning finance, rehearsal times and schedules for plays, and how much Cushman charges for play readings. Letters also discuss the different plays in which Cushman was performing in, and a letter to a newspaper editor complaining about a bad review of Cushman's performance. Collection also contains some visiting cards with photographs on them, and a literary manuscript entitled Charlotte Cushman's Honeymoon.

Repository: Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University, MS Thr 130

Historical Note
Cushman was an American actress who excelled in tragic or character parts; she made her first appearance on stage in 1836 as Lady MacBeth.
extent1 v. (.16 linear ft.)
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
finding aidElectronic finding aid available Unpublished printed finding aid available in the Houghton Accessions Records, 1962-1963, under *62M-352.
acquisition information*62M-352 Received from various sources, various dates.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleLetters, 1840-1941, bulk: 1840-1865.
repositoryMassachusetts Historical Society Library
descriptionLetters written by American actress Charlotte Saunders Cushman from 1840 to 1865 to Samuel Judd and William F. Bridges, in which she discusses her career, health, and religion. Also includes several 1941 letters from Lyman Beecher Stowe, who planned to write a biography of Cushman, to Lewis S. Greenleaf, who sent him copies of some of Cushman's letters.
extent1 folder.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidMost items are individually described in the MHS manuscript catalog
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titleCharlotte Cushman papers, 1823-1941
repositoryLibrary of Congress
descriptionCorrespondence, biographical and genealogical material, annotated scripts and texts of plays, poetry, and readings, newspaper clippings, reviews, and souvenir programs relating chiefly to Cushman’s career in the theater in the United States and in London, England.

The papers include reviews chronicling her career and scripts for her most well-known Shakespearean roles. During Cushman’s residence in Rome, Italy (1856-1870), her correspondence relates chiefly to theatrical matters. but also reflects the reaction of Americans abroad to the U.S. Civil War and Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. Includes material on Cushman’s American tour for the benefit of the United States Sanitary Commission in 1863.

Correspondents include Henry W. Bellows, John Bigelow, Edwin Booth, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Jane Welsh Carlyle, Henry Fothergill Chorley, Wayman Crow, Charles Augustus Cushman, Edwin Charles Cushman, Emma Crow Cushman, Mary Eliza Cushman, James Thomas Fields, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Julia Ward Howe, Helen Hunt Jackson, Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury, Fanny Kemble, Rufus King, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, William Charles Macready, Christine Nilsson, John Howard Payne, Anna Wharton Seward, William Henry Seward, William T. Sherman, Emma Stebbins, Thomas Adolphus Trollope, Martin Van Buren, Lester Wallack, and John Greenleaf Whittier.

Additional Formats:
Microfilm edition (negative only) of Hamlet prompt book available, no. 16,717.
Microfilm produced from originals in the Manuscript Division. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, 1976.
extent5.5 linear feet; 1 microfilm reel.
formatsCorrespondence Printed Materials Writings Clippings Ephemera
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room.
acquisition informationGift, Mr. and Mrs. Victor N. Cushman, 1925-1927. Gift, Ethel B. Clark, 1947 Gift, Charles V. B. Cushman and others, via Lyman Beecher Stowe, 1949-1955. Purchase, 1957-1990.
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titleJames Thomas Fields Addenda, 1838-1901, 1767-1914 (bulk 1850-1914)
repositoryThe Huntington Library
descriptionThe collections consist primarily of letters from various American and British authors to James Fields, mostly relating to publication of their manuscripts by his firm Ticknor and Fields and in The Atlantic monthly. The collection, and especially the addenda, also includes letters to Annie Fields concerning literary matters. There are also poems, manuscripts, and correspondence by and about the following individuals: Thomas Aldrich, Charlotte Cushman, Charles Dickens, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Jessie Benton Frémont, Edward Everett Hale, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Julia Ward Howe, Helen Hunt Jackson, Sarah Orne Jewett, Lucy Larcom, Sara Jane Clarke Lippincott (better known by her pen name Grace Greenwood), Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Helena Modjeska, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Celia Thaxter, Booker T. Washington and John Greenleaf Whittier.

The collection also contains essays, notes, speeches, notebooks, photographs, and articles. The collections chiefly deal with the activities of Ticknor and Fields, as well as Fields' and his wife's own literary efforts. The following authors are subjects in the collections: Robert Burns, Lord Byron, John Milton and Percy Shelley.

Manuscripts Call #FI 1-5637

Biographical note
James Thomas Fields, American publisher and author, was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1817. At the age of 17, he went to Boston to clerk in a booksellers shop. While clerking, he often wrote for newspapers and in 1839 he became junior partner in the publishing and bookselling firm known after 1846 as Ticknor and Fields, and after 1868 as Fields, Osgood & Company.

He was the publisher of several prominent contemporary American and British writers. Besides just publishing the authors, he and his wife Annie Adams Fields, would have the writers to their home in Boston for dinners and literary discussions; the couple became close friends with several of the authors. From 1862 to 1870, Fields was editor of The Atlantic monthly, which his firm published. He retired in 1871 and focused on lecturing and writing. He died in Boston in 1881. Annie, Fields' second wife, was also a published author.
extentApproximately 6,200 items. 87 boxes.
formatsCorrespondence Manuscript Writings Notes Photographs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
finding aidUnpublished finding aid available in repository. An electronic version is available on the Web site of Online Archives of California (OAC).
acquisition informationA. S. W. Rosenbach, Gift, 1922. Boylston Beal, Gift, 1934 & 1936. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Bole, Jr., Gift, 1978 & 1986. Autograph Alcove, Purchase, May 1989.
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titleHarriet Goodhue Hosmer Papers, 1852-1972.
repositorySchlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
descriptionCollection includes Hosmer family correspondence, photographs, genealogical information, and research material and books concerning Hosmer.

History notes :
Sculptor and inventor, Hosmer was a native of Watertown, Mass., studied anatomy, and spent much of her life in Rome, where she was at first the pupil of the English sculptor, John Gibson. Her works were exhibited and purchased in England and the United States. For further information, see Harriet Hosmer, Letters and Memories, edited by Cornelia Crow Carr (1912); Notable American Women (1971); and Hosmeriana: A Guide to Works by and about Harriet G. Hosmer, by Joseph L. Curran (1975).

Location :
Schlesinger 97-M158
extentHarriet Hosmer Papers. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College.
formatsCorrespondence Photographs Research Files Printed Materials Ephemera
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidUnprocessed but available for research. Electronic container list available Unpublished container list.
acquisition informationGift of Alice Ward, 1997.
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titleFlorence Freeman Letters.
repositoryBoston Athenaeum
descriptionThis collection consists of letters written primarily by Florence (Flori) Freeman, and sent to her family in Boston. The letters are by and large personal in nature, and include quotidian updates on her work and life first in Florence and then in Rome, as well as occasional updates on current events such as the American Civil War and the ongoing conflicts of Italian Unification. Many of the letters document her intertwined social and professional life as a sculptor in Rome, where she was part of a community of women artists that coalesced around the actress Charlotte Cushman.
extent3 boxes
accessOpen to qualified researchers.
record link
record source
acquisition informationGift of Francis H. Bigelow, Esq., 1917
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titleJames Hubbard Weeks (1810-1885) Journal, 1862-1864
repositoryBoston Athenaeum
descriptionJournal (with gaps) detailing an extensive tour of European cities accompanied by his wife, Maria Faxon Weeks, in four volumes. Weeks talks about difficulties traveling, the weather and scenery, and the accommodations and meals in each place. Using the Murray guidebooks, Weeks visited churches, museums, and palaces, and comments on works of painting and sculpture, architecture and antiquities. He also visits with the American residents of each city; in Rome and Florence, he visits artists in their studios and notes the works that have been purchased by American patrons. Vol. 1 (1862 Oct. 19-1863 Jan. 11): Bologna, Florence, Pisa. Rome: William H. Herriman and family; news of the Civil War and concern about McClellan becoming military dictator; taking Italian lessons; Roman Forum; horseback riding. Artists' studios: Johann Friedrich Overbeck, Emma Stebbins, William Wetmore Story, John Rollin Tilton. Visits Charlotte Cushman and describes her apartment. Vol. 2 (1863 Jan. 12-1863 March 27): Rome. Tilton's studio; Mrs. Murray's copies; visits Charlotte Cushman; Rome flooded; Miss Stebbins' studio; Ludovisi Villa; shopping for jewelry; to see the opera "Semeramide," in the Prince Colonna's box, comments on the dignitaries in the hall; John Gibson's studio; audience with Pius IX; Alessandri's photographs; Protestant Cemetery; Meli's, Simonetti's, and Joseph Ropes' studios; the Vatican museum and collections; the Farnesina; Karl Wolff's studio; Roman lotteries; Roman beggars; the Forum toured; to Frascati; a steeplechase, Harriet Hosmer riding; Hadrian's Villa Vol. 3 (1863 March 28-1863 June 10): Purchases photographs of works of art and stereograph views; Vatican Museum; Naples; Pompeii; purchases mosaics. Florence: visits studio of sculptor Joel Hart. Fiesole, Genoa, Asti. Turin: sees Victor Emmanuel II, "the ugliest man in Europe." Dijon. Vol. 4 (1864 Feb. 19-1864 April 8): Lyons, Avignon, Nîmes, Marseilles, Barcelona; winter in Málaga; Cádiz, Jerez.Madrid: description of a tobacco factory. Detailed discussion of Spanish culture, food, and customs. Granada: detailed description of the Alhambra.
extent4 v., in slipcase ; 24 cm.
accessOpen for use by qualified researchers.
record source
acquisition informationGift of Mrs. John Mitchell, 1975.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleJennie Lorenz Collection Relating to Charlotte Cushman, 1830-1960 (MSS81445)
repositoryLibrary of Congress
descriptionEducator. Correspondence, research notes, reproductions of correspondence and portraits, and printed materials relating to Lorenz's research on the life of actress Charlotte Cushman.
extent1,750 items; 5 containers; 2.5 linear feet
formatsCorrespondence Research Files Printed Materials
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
finding aid
acquisition informationThe Jennie Lorenz Collection Relating to Charlotte Cushman was given to the Library of Congress by Lorenz's estate in 1963.
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