Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Munson Gallery

titleLarom Munson papers and gallery records, 1952-1961.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionREEL 3483: Two letters, May 15, 1961 and August 26, 1961, from Maxfield Parrish to Munson in New Haven, Conn. in which Parrish asserts that he has only a small number of paintings for an exhibit due to the success of an exhibition at Scott and Fowles in 1925 "which just about cleaned me out" and a "sell out" at the Boston sale of illustrations for Edith Wharton's Italian Gardens. Parrish discourages Munson from planning an exhibition of his work.

UNMICROFILMED: Files, 1952-1956, on artists Leonard Baskin, George Grosz, John Held, Jr., Seong Moy, Josef Scharl, Lee Townsend, and Cy Twombly containing mostly letters to Munson from the artists, as well as price lists and press releases, relating to exhibitions at Munson's Little Gallery, Princeton, N.J.
extent48 items. reel 3483
formatsCorrespondence Financial Records
accessMicrofilmed portion (Maxfield Parrish letters) must be consulted on microfilm. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires.
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationMaxfield Parrish letters donated 1975 by Munson. He donated the remainder in 1994. Additions are expected.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:27

titleUna Hanbury papers, 1910-1994
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionPersonal and business records, project files, estate papers, photographs, video recordings, and printed material relating to Hanbury's career as a portrait sculptor.

Personal papers, 1926-1970, consist of correspondence with family and friends, memorabilia, public speaking files, pencil drawings by Hanbury and a silkscreen by her grandson, Colin Poole. Business records, 1965-1991, include correspondence with galleries, museums, and foundries, also ledgers, and price lists. Project files, 1963-1989, (arranged alphabetically by title/commission) contain photographs of sitters, letters, casting records, and related printed matter. Estate records, 1990-1994, include correspondence, inventories, appraisals, price lists, and a contract with Saunders Sculpture International. Printed matter, 1926-1990, consists of Hanbury's published writings, exhibition catalogs, announcements, invitations, articles about Hanbury and her work, obituary and memorial service brochure. Photographs, ca. 1910-1985, are of Hanbury as a child and young girl, and include a view of a sculpture class at the Royal Academy, 1925, as well as later photographs of Hanbury, 1964-1985, at special events, with horses, and in her studio, and photographs of her work.

ADDITION: Files on galleries, including the Munson Gallery and the Robertson Gallery; files on portrait sitters Richard Neutra, S. Dillon Ripley, Robert Oppenheimer, Georgia O’Keeffe, and others, containing letters, printed material, and photographs; photographs of Hanbury and her works of art; a videotape of a demonstration by the artist; appraisal information, and inventory and price lists; exhibition announcements; newspaper clippings; and miscellany

Bio / His Notes:
Sculptor; Washington, D.C. and Santa Fe, N.M.; b. 1904; d. 1990 [Birthdate also cited as 1909, although daughter confirmed 1904 birthdate.] Studied at both London's Polytechnic School of Art and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in London. She is best known for bronze portrait busts of distinguished individuals such as Rachel Carson, Buckminster Fuller, Georgia O'Keeffe, among others others
extent 3.75 linear ft.
formatsBusiness Papers Personal Papers Legal Papers Photographs Ephemera
accessUse requires an appointment.
record link
record source
finding aidElectronic finding aid available at
acquisition informationDonated 1999 and 2006 by Jillian Poole, Hanbury's daughter.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:36