Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Lea, Isaac, 1792-1886

titleCarey, Lea & Blanchard Correspondence, 1823-1849.
repositoryUniversity of Pennsylvania
descriptionCollection consists of mostly single letters from approximately 40 individuals addressed to Henry Charles Carey, Isaac Lea, or William A. Blanchard. Senders with more than one letter have the number of letters in parentheses following their names.

The majority of the letters are from authors, including George Bancroft, Robert Montgomery Bird, Charles Lucian Bonaparte, William Cullen Bryant, Fleetwood Churchill, Willis Gaylord Clark (2), James Fenimore Cooper, George William Featherstonhaugh, Henry D. Gilpin, John D. Godman, Mary Griffith, John Griscom, Washington Irving (2), John Kennedy Pendleton (4), James Kent, William Francis Lynch (3), Grenville Mellen, Eliza Robbins, L. H. Sigourney, Nathaniel Parker Willis, and William B. Wood.

Other senders write to order books, settle accounts, recommend or complain about publications, and deal with other publishing business. These include former University of Pennsylvania provost Frederick Beasley, William Shepard Biddle, clergymen George Washington Doane and Samuel Miller (filed under D. Fenton), Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, U.S. congressman Edward Everett (2, including one about copyright law), Joseph Henry, John McLean, and American Journal of Science editor Benjamin Silliman (2). Senders directly involved with the company as employees or booksellers include Edward L. Carey, A. W. Griswold, Robert Walsh, and M. L. Weems.

Philadelphia publishing company.

Cite As:
Carey, Lea & Blanchard Correspondence, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania.

Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts
Call Number: Ms. Coll. 421
extent1 box.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleCorrespondence with Henry Charles Lea, 1861-1867.
repositoryUniversity of Pennsylvania
descriptionArchival/Manuscript Material

Contained in:
Henry Charles Lea Papers, ca. 1830-1935. Folder 150.

Includes letter dated July 15, 1867 from Binney to Isaac Lea.

Other Contributors: Lea, Isaac, 1792-1886.

Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts
Call Number: Ms. Coll. 111
extent2 items (2 leaves).
record source
finding aidIn repository and electronically via the university's Web site.
acquisition informationHenry Charles Lea willed his library and manuscripts to the University of Pennsylvania. Some items are a gift of his son, Arthur H. Lea, and daughter, Nina Lea, with additional correspondence and scrapbooks donated by Henry Lea Hudson, H. C. Lea's great-grandson. A few items have been acquired through purchases. 1925-1938. Scrapbooks donated by Henry Lea Hudson were received April 23, 1970.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleLedgers and letter books, 1776-1832.
repositoryUniversity of Pennsylvania
descriptionConsists of nine ledgers and letter books belonging to James Vanuxem and Lardner Vanuxem.

Also includes 79 leaves of background material supplied by Edith Hunter, arranged in 7 folders in Box 1. These items discuss the history of the Vanuxem family and the manner in which the ledgers were found. Includes two memoirs by Francis Van Uxem (1845-1940), the last living male descendant of James Vanuxem.

An addition to the collection received in 1995 (Folders 8-13) includes typed copies of letters from James Vanuxem to his son Lardner dated 1817-1824 (52 items); 1 item from James Vanuxem to an unidentified recipient dated 1793; and 6 items from James Vanuxem [Jr.] to his brother Lardner regarding their father’s estate dated 1824 and 1825. Copies appear to have been made ca. 1898 (watermark). These letters frequently mention Vanuxem’s friends Mathew Carey and his son-in-law Isaac Lea.

Also includes histories and genealogies of the Peirce family by Ruth Peirce De Cou; F. A. Emmerton, and others, and includes a newspaper obituary for Charles W. Peirce (Folders 14-18).

The Vanuxem family were a prominent Pennsylvania family of French origin. James Vanuxem (or Jacques Van Uxem, 1746-1824) immigrated from France in 1760 and became a wealthy merchant in Philadelphia and Bristol. His son Lardner Vanuxem (1792-1848) was an eminent geologist.

The ledgers are arranged more or less according to size. A container list is included in the first folder in box 1.
Armstrong Hunter, one of the donors of these items, is the great great great grandson of James Vanuxem.
See also Ms. Coll. 58, Peirce family business ledgers.

Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts
Call Number: Ms. Coll. 57
extent7 boxes
formatsFinancial Records Correspondence
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationGift of the heirs of Harold Peirce, 1992, 1995.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleCorrespondence with Henry Charles Lea, 1881.
repositoryUniversity of Pennsylvania
descriptionComprises one early letter, undated [ca. 1837], written by Henry Charles Lea to his parents and ten letters from Isaac Lea written during the summer of 1881, some concerning the assassination of James A. Garfield.

Biography/History: Isaac Lea, a scientist and member of the American Philosophical Society, was the father of Henry Charles Lea.

Contained in: Henry Charles Lea Papers, ca. 1830-1935. Folder 730.

Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts
Call Number: Ms. Coll. 111
extent11 items (11 leaves).
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationContained in: Henry Charles Lea Papers, ca. 1830-1935. Folder 730.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleLetter, 1884-1886.
repositoryUniversity of Pennsylvania
descriptionContained in: Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Collection of Miscellaneous Manuscripts.

Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts
Call Number: Ms. Coll. 75
extent8 items (8 leaves).
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationContained in: Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Collection of Miscellaneous Manuscripts.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleMiscellaneous manuscripts, 1825-1865, n.d.
repositoryUniversity of Pennsylvania
descriptionConsists of two folders.

First folder contains 12 letters (dated 1825) to Henry Charles Carey, from E. L. Carey, Isaac Lea and Philip Nicklin (also known as Peregrine Prolix); one letter (dated 1825) from Henry Charles Carey to Miss Maria Carey; and one undated note from Henry Charles Carey to a Mr. Carleton.

Second folder contains one letter dated 1865 to an unknown correspondent, in which Carey discusses the death of Abraham Lincoln.

Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts
Call Number: Misc Mss
extent15 items (15 leaves).
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationLetter to Maria Carey gift of Seymour Adelman, 1964. Letter concerning Lincoln’s death purchased from The 19th Century Shop in Baltimore, Md., 6 December 1989.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38