Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Lewisohn, Adolph, 1849-1938

titleWilliam Henry Fox records, 1913-33 (bulk), 1908-35 (inclusive).
repositoryThe Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives
descriptionThe records of William Henry Fox's administration document all activities of the Museum and include correspondence with artists, donors, lenders, and vendors; Board of Trustees and Governing Committee members; New York City agencies, particularly the Parks Department; Museum staff; and staff of other museums and cultural institutions.

The activities of the curatorial departments can be tracked through files on the individual curators and departments. These files often contain letters reporting on collecting expeditions, information that may not be available elsewhere. In addition, the files document everyday activities, from routine memos to requisitions for works of art. Among the most important curatorial correspondents are Stewart Culin and Herbert Spinden (Ethnology); William Henry Goodyear, Herbert Tschudy, and Andre Rueff (Fine Arts, Paintings); George P. Engelhardt and Robert C. Murphy (Natural History); Elizabeth Haynes (Decorative Arts); Susan Hutchinson (Library ? and Tassilo Adam (Oriental Art). Donor correspondence documents the offer and acquisition (or rejection) of objects as diverse as a small curiosity or a major art collection. Bequest files also contain valuable acquisitions information. The provenance of objects in the collection can often be traced through these files.

Among the donors and artists found in the files are Edwin H. Blashfield, Charles Caryl Coleman, M.D.C. Crawford, Frank Crowninshield, Katherine and Dorothea Dreier, Michael Friedsam, Emil Fuchs, Albert E. Gallatin, Samuel E. Haslett, A. Augustus Healy, Paul Helleu, William H. Herriman, Alfred W. Jenkins, Joseph Pennell, Dick S. Ramsay, Augusta Saint-Gaudens, Louis Sparre, Joseph Stella, Theodora Wilbour, and Claggett Wilson. Correspondence with Trustees also provides valuable insights into administrative matters, collecting policy, and Museum activities. Several Trustees, including Frank L. Babbott, Edward C. Blum, A. Augustus Healy, Adolph Lewisohn, Luke V. Lockwood, John Hill Morgan, and Caroline A. L. Pratt took a very active interest in the day-to-day activities of the Museum and generated a significant amount of correspondence. During Fox's administration, a number of exhibition series were established, among them the biennials "Water Color Paintings by American Artists," beginning in 1921, and "Paintings, Sculpture & Drawings by American & Foreign Artists," beginning in 1928.

The Museum also hosted the annual exhibitions of the Brooklyn Society of Etchers from 1915, The Brooklyn Society of Miniature Painters from 1916, and the Brooklyn Society of Artists from 1922. The Director's files provide important adjunct material to the primary exhibition documentation, which appears in curatorial files. Of particular significance are exhibition files that document Fox's organization of circulating loan shows of contemporary art and decorative arts. Fox acted as curator for many shows, often assisted by art critic Christian Brinton.

The files include correspondence and lists compiled during trips to Europe to visit museums and artists, select works, and arrange loans; efforts to arrange venues; administration; and critical reaction. In addition, several important exhibitions organized by outside groups were held at the Museum. Among these, the Société Anonyme's "International Exhibition of Modern Art" (1925-27), the "International Exhibition Organized by the Carnegie Institute" (1928), and the American Union of Decorative Artists and Craftsmen (AUDAC) exhibition (1931), are of particular significance. Circulating exhibitions from the American Federation of Arts also appeared at the Museum. While the depth of information seen above does not exist in these files, they do provide critical material not found elsewhere.

The son of Daniel M. Fox, lawyer and mayor of Philadelphia, William Henry Fox received academic (1881) and law (1883) degrees from the University of Pennsylvania. He also studied studio art and drew and painted as an amateur. In 1904, Fox served as Secretary of the Fine Arts Department of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri, and the following year became the first Director of the John Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis. In 1910, he served as Secretary General of the American Section of the International Exposition of Art and History in Rome.

Brooklyn Archives

Call Number:
extent15.25 linear ft. plus. 1.25 linear ft. oversize materials plus. .5 linear ft photographs.
formatsAdministrative Records Correspondence Exhibition Files Notes Ephemera
accessSome folders may be restricted. Consult archivist for details.
record source
finding aidUnpublished finding aid available in repository. Folder-level descriptions available on-line in repository. Contemporaneous card index available in repository.
acquisition informationThese files were held by the Registrar's Office until accessioned by the Archives.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleJohn H. Finley papers, 1892-1940, bulk (1913-1935) (MssCol 1000)
repositoryNew York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division
descriptionCollection contains correspondence, addresses and speeches, writings, diaries, miscellaneous papers, photographs, and printed matter that document Finley's varied career. Correspondence, 1892-ca. 1939 reflects his professional activities, organizational memberships, biography of Grover Cleveland, and recreational interests.

Addresses and speeches, ca. 1902-1940, consist of autograph manuscript and typescript texts of Finley's presentations to groups, such as schools, learned societies, chambers of commerce, and at commencements and patriotic celebrations.
Many of the speeches are accompanied by correspondence, clippings, programs, menus, and photographs. Writings include manuscript and typescript drafts of his books, miscellaneous prose writings, poems, and scrapbooks of clippings of editorials by Finley published in the New York Times for the period 1921 to 1940. Diaries consist of personal diaries, 1910-1919, and desk calendars, 1922-1940. Miscellaneous papers include correspondence, letters of introduction, personal notes, travel documents, clippings, and other memorabilia relating to his European trips from 1921 to 1929.

There are also postcards, genealogical papers, receipts, menus, programs, and papers relating to railroad arbitration, 1913-1914; New York State Contitutional Convention, 1915; and New York State Agricultural Advisory Board, 1915.

Photographs consist mainly of pictures (negatives and positives) taken by Finley during his Red Cross mission to the Near East, from a trip along the Mississippi River, and while he was at City College. There are also lantern slides of scenes and people in the Near East. Printed matter includes books, pamphlets, ephemera, and some artifacts.

Historical Notes:
John Huston Finley (1863-1940) was an educator, editor, author, and civic leader. He was president of Knox College in Galesburg, Ill. from 1892 to 1899 (later trustee); editor of Harper's Weekly, 1899; professor of history at Princeton University, 1900-1903; and third president of the College of the City of New York from 1903 to 1913. He then served as Commissioner of Education for New York State and president of the University of the State of New York from 1913 to 1921 before becoming editor of the New York Times, 1921-1938. His career also included service with various educational, political, and charitable organizations.
extent105 linear feet (168 boxes)
formatsCorrespondence Diaries Photographs Clippings Ephemera
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
finding aidCollection guide available in repository and on internet:,1,1,B/l856~b2669564&FF=tjohn+h+finley+papers&1,1,,1,0/startreferer//search/tJohn+H.+Finley+papers/tjohn+h+finley+papers/1,1,1,B/frameset&FF=tjohn+h+finley+papers&1,1,/endreferer/
acquisition informationGift of John H Finley, 1943, 1944, and 1972
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleRoosevelt, Franklin D. Papers as Governor of New York
repositoryFranklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library
descriptionOffice files of Lehman as Lieutenant Governor, 1929-1932, containing correspondence, memoranda, reports, published materials, and clippings. Some materials concern family matters, financial affairs, and his philanthropic work. Subjects include banking, capital punishment, multiple dwellings, Palestine situation, Academy of Political Science, Amalgamated Clothing Workers, American Federation of Labor, Catholic Charities, Democratic State Committee, International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Jewish affairs, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Society of Tammany, prison riots and prison conditions, state historic sites, state employee matters, legislation, complaints and requests for assistance, labor disputes, alleviation of unemployment and economic depression, educational institutions, and other political concerns. Correspondents include Benjamin N. Cardozo, Calvin Coolidge, James A. Farley, Bernard F. Gimbel, Mrs. William Randolph Hearst, Alfred A. Knopf, Fiorello H. La Guardia, Adolph Lewisohn, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Robert Moses, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Julius Rosenwald, Alfred E. Smith, Jesse I. Straus, Robert Wagner, and William H. Woodin.

Biographical and Historical Notes:
Herbert H. Lehman was Lieutenant Governor and Acting Governor under Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Box 49 Folder/File Lewisohn, Adolph and Sons
extent43 microfilm reels.
formatsCorrespondence Ephemera Clippings Printed Materials Writings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidFolder list.
acquisition informationOriginals are at New York State Archives, Albany, NY.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleFelix M. Warburg Papers, 1895-1937.
repositoryAmerican Jewish Archives
descriptionCorrespondence, addresses, records, minutes of various committee meetings, and reports. A partial list of correspondents and organizations include Cyrus Adler, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, American Jewish Relief Committee, American Red Cross, American School of Oriental Research, Amos Society, Paul Baerwald, Jacob Billikopf, Boris D. Bogen, David M. Bressler, Bureau of Jewish Social Research, Educational Alliance, Albert Einstein, Abram I. Elkus, Hyman G. Enelow, Morris Engelman, Federation of Jewish Charities, Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City, Bernard Flexner, Lee K. Frankel, Felix Frankfurter, Julius Goldman, I.E. Goldwasser, Richard Gottheil, Hadassah, Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, Hebrew Union College, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Alfred M. Heinsheimer, Henry Street Settlement, Maurice B. Hexter, Herbert C. Hoover, Jewish Agency for Palestine, Jewish Chautauqua Society, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Max J. Kohler, George Alexander Kohut, Isaac Landman, Neville J. Laski, Morris S. Lazaron, Herbert H. Lehman, Irving Lehman, Adolph Lewisohn, Julian W. Mack, Judah L. Magnes, Louis Marshall, H. Pereira Mendes, Henry Morgenthau, National Conference of Jewish Social Service, and National Coordinating Committee for Aid to Refugees and Emigrants Coming from Germany.

Other correspondents and organizations include Palestine Economic Corporation, David de Sola Pool, James N. Rosenberg, Julius Rosenwald, Herbert Samuel, Jacob H. Schiff, Mortimer L. Schiff, Max Senior, Isidore Singer, Sol M. Stroock, Henrietta Szold, William H. Taft, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, United Jewish Appeal, Lillian D. Wald, Chaim Weizmann, World Jewish Congress, Young Men's Hebrew Association, Young Women's Hebrew Association, and Zionist Organization of America.

Banker, philanthropist, and Jewish communal leader, of New York, N.Y.
extent9 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Administrative Records Writings Ephemera
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleLouis Marshall Papers, 1891-1930.
repositoryAmerican Jewish Archives
descriptionPersonal and business correspondence; letters and reports relating to Palestine, anti-Semitism, politics, and Zionism; legal opinions; and printed matter concerning Marshall's participation in public affairs. Correspondence deals with the American Bar Association, (1926-1927), the American Jewish Committee (1899-1926), the American Jewish Relief Committee (1915-1924), the Council of the Y.M.H.A. 1898-1924), the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies, of New York (1917-1918), the HIAS (1908-1929), the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1923-1928), the Immigration Commission of the State of New York (1907-1912), the Jewish Welfare Board (1917-1922), the Kehillah of New York City (1908-1922), the Palestine Economic Corporation (1920-1929), the Romanian question (1916-1919), Alliance Israelite Universelle (1899-1929), American Jewish Congress (1902-1925), American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (1894-1929), American Red Cross (1917-1921), Central Conference of American Rabbis (1899-1928), Council of Jewish Communal Institutions (1908-1915), Council of Jewish Women (1908-1922), Educational Alliance (1891-1929), Federation of American Zionists (1899-1909), Intercollegiate Menorah Association (1914-1921), Jewish Chautauqua Society (1894-1924), Jewish Theological Seminary of America (1899-1939), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (1919-1929), and Union of American Hebrew Congregations (1894-1929).

Correspondents include Michael Aaronsohn, Cyrus Adler, Felix Adler, Max Adler, Simon Adler, Paul Baerwals, Newton D. Baker, Joseph Barondess, Bernard M. Baruch, James M. Beck, James H. Becker, Nissim Behar, Mendel Beilis, Samson, Benderly, Henry Berkowitz, Meyer Berlin, Isaac W. Bernheim, Herman Bernstein, Samuel Bettelheim, Jacob Billikopf, David Blaustein, Franz Boas, Boris D. Bogen, William E. Borah, Louis D. Brandeis, David M. Bressler, David A. Brown, Fulton Bryslawski, Abraham Cahan, Benjamin N. Cardozo, Emanuel Celler, Henry Cohen, S. Solis Cohen, Calvin Coolidge, Philip S. Cowen, Abraham Cronbach, Harry Cutler, Gotthard Deutsch, Samuel Dickstein, Max Drob, Abram I. Elkus, Nathaniel A. Elsberg; Hyman G. Enelow, Jacob Epstein, Wilhelm Felderman, Bernard Flexner, Henry Ford, Lee K. Frankel, Felix Frankfurter, Harry Friedenwald, Herbert Friedenwald, Israel Friedlaender, Louis Friedman, Henry M. Goldfogle, Richard J.H. Gottheil, Samuel Greenbaum, Daniel Guggenheim, Simon Guggenheim, Samuel B. Hamburger, Max Heller, Maurice B. Hexter, Herbert C. Hoover, Charles Evans Hughes, Mordecai Kaplan, Frances Kellor, Kaufmann Kohler, Max J. Kohler, Nathan Krass, Adolf J. Kraus, Isaac Landman, Albert D. Lacker, Herbert H. Lehman, Irving Lehman, David Leventritt, Adolph Lewisohn, David Lubin, Albert Lucas, Julian W. Mack, Judah L. Magnes, Mendes H. Pereira, Nathan J. Miller, Henry Morgenthau, Adoph S. Ochs, and David De Sola Pool.

Additional correspondents include James N. Rosenberg, Julius Rosenwald, Adolph Joachim Sabath, Herbert Samuel, Solomon Schechter, Jacob H. Schiff, Mortimer L. Schiff, Alfred E. Smith, Benjamin Stolz, Harlan F. Stone, Isidor Straus, Oscar S. Straus, Mayer Sulzberger, Cyrus L. Sulzberger, Henrietta Szold, William H. Taft, Henry M. Toch, Samuel Untermyer, Lillian D. Wald, Morris David Waldman, Felix M. Warburg, Paul M. Warburg, A. Leo Weil, Chaim Weizmann, Louis Wiley, Leo Wise, Stephen S. Wise, Simon Wolf, David Yellin, Israel Zangwill, and William Zukerman.

Biographical and Historical Notes:
Lawyer, civic and communal leader, civil rights advocate, labor union meditator, and philanthropist, of New York, N.Y.
extent50.4 linear ft.
formatsBusiness Papers Personal Papers Correspondence Writings Printed Materials
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid in the repository.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleGrace Thompson Seton Papers, 1878-1989 (inclusive).
repositorySchlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
descriptionCollection contains personal and professional correspondence, journals, legal and financial documents, notes for and drafts of writings, clippings about Seton and her work, organizational material, and photographs. Personal correspondence includes letters between Seton and her husband and daughter, condolence letters to her daughter on the death of Seton, and correspondence concerning taxes, investments, business and financial matters, and Seton’s divorce. Professional correspondence concerns travel, publications, and organizational and social activities. Other organizational material includes programs, reports, minutes, and publications of a number of organizations, as well as the questionnaires used to compile the Biblioteca Femina and its catalog. Two journals are of her trips to Egypt and the American West in 1912, and notes and drafts of manuscripts concern her trips to the Philippines, China, and other places in East Asia. Photographs include portraits of family and friends, her work in France during World War I, and her travels in East Asia, 1920-1930.

History notes :
Author, feminist, and committeewoman, Grace (Gallatin) Seton was born in Sacramento, Calif., and graduated from the Packer Collegiate Institute in New York City in 1892. During a trip to Europe in 1894, she met Ernest Thompson Seton, a naturalist and writer. They married in 1896 and had one child, a daughter Ann, nicknamed Anya, who became a well-known writer. Seton frequently accompanied her husband on camping trips, and in 1900 published her first book, A Woman Tenderfoot, describing a trip on horseback through the Rockies. She was instrumental in organizing a woman’s motor unit in France during World War I, bringing food and other aid to soldiers. By the late 1920’s, Seton had separated from her husband; they were divorced in 1935.

An active committeewoman and ardent suffragist, Seton served as vice-president and later president of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association (1910-1920). She was president of the National League of American Pen Women (1926-1928 and 1930-1932), doubling the number of branches of that organization. As chair of letters of the National Council of Women (1933-1938), she established the Biblioteca Femina, a collection of 2,000 volumes by women from all over the world. The collection was later donated to the Northwestern University Library. She also belonged to the Women’s National Republican Club, Pen and Brush, the Society of Woman Geographers, and other organizations.

Seton traveled widely during the 1920s and 1930s, visiting remote parts of Japan, China, Egypt, India, South America, and Indochina, and wrote five books about her adventures, including A Woman Tenderfoot in Egypt (1923) and Poison Arrows (1938). Captivated by mysticism and eastern religions, she published The Singing Traveler (1947), a collection of poems expressing these beliefs. She died in Palm Beach, Florida, in 1959. For further biographical information, see Notable American Women: The Modern Period (1980).

Other forms :
Biographical and suffrage material (#20, 178-184) has been published on microfilm by University Publications of America, Bethesda, Md.

Biographical and suffrage material (#20, 178-184) is available on microfilm (M-133, reel D49, 35 mm.) at the Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College.
extent6 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Diaries Financial Records
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College.
record link
record source
finding aidElectronic finding aid available Finding aids : Published guide to microfilm edition available at the Schlesinger Library and from University Publications of America, Bethesda, Md. Unpublished finding aid; most Schlesinger Library finding aids are also available in the National Inventory of Documentary Sources in the United States (Chadwyck-Healey, 1984- ).
acquisition informationGift of Grace Thompson Seton, 1953, and her daughter, Anya Seton, 1989.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleLee Kaufer Frankel Collection, n.d., 1889-1931.
repositoryCenter for Jewish History
descriptionThe collection contains correspondence, documents, and newspaper clippings relating to the life and activities of Frankel in the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company as well as in other social welfare Jewish organizations.

Includes biographic and bibliographic data, as well as manuscript and printed copies of his writings and speeches on the subjects of health, insurance and Jewish affairs, and miscellaneous personal correspondence especially with Milton Rosenau.

Contains also extensive correspondence and other material pertaining to Frankel's activities at the Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., of which he served as manager of the Industrial Department and vice president (1909-31), including his reports about European social welfare developments, his activities on behalf of company nurses and general employee welfare, correspondence with public and private organizations, his efforts to develop and spread dependents', group, health and home building insurance (of special interest is his correspondence with Kesher Shel Barzel regarding group insurance), his educational and welfare activities for company policy-holders and the general public (of special interest are the company's educational pamphlets, exhibits and public campaigns), his studies and surveys of unemployment, sickness and burial (of special interest are the experimental health experiment at Meriden, Conn., 1917-18), the Memphis Sanitary Study (1917-19), the influenza study (1918-22), the Boy Scouts survey (1924-25) and the Bellevue-Yorkville health demonstration (1925-30); his interest in company sponsored research and social welfare projects, and his lobbying on behalf of company supported legislation.

Contains, in addition, papers concerning his activities on behalf of the American Public Health Association (1909-20, President 1919); Boy Scouts of America (1913-28); Council of Jewish Communal Institutions (1905-09); Council of National Defense (... 7-19); International Congress on Social Insurance (1908-17); Natio-Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis (1909-17); National Civic Foundation (1909-19); National Conference of Charities and Corrections (1909-17); National Conference of Jewish Charities (1912); National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives at Denver (1912); State Board of Charities (commissioner, 1918-31); Training School of Jewish Social Work; and the United Hebrew Charities of New York (manager, 1899- ...), among others. Also includes extensive correspondence and documents on Frankel's relief work in the Joint Distribution Committee (1918-31), the American Jewish Relief Committee Special Commission to investigate conditions in East European countries (1922) and the United American Jewish Campaign (1925-26) as well as his Zionist work in the Palestine Economic Corporation (1924-29), the Non-Partisan Survey of Palestine (1927-28) and the Jewish Agency (1929-31).
extent10.5 linear feet.
formatsCorrespondence Clippings Memoranda Printed Materials Writings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleTypewritten letter signed, dated : New York, 6 June 1933, to Louis Wiley, 1933 June 6.
repositoryPierpont Morgan Library Archives
descriptionInviting him to dinner on 29 June, the opening night of the Stadium Concerts.

James Fuld Collection (FULD)
extent1 item
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleHouse Plan Association Records, (1935-1989) 1935-1970.
repositoryCity College Archives, Morris Raphael Cohen Library
descriptionThe records of the House Plan Association at City College includes the certificate of incorporation, constitution and bylaws, financial and other reports, correspondence and publications. Also material documenting some dinners and, leadership institutes. Includes material on Arthur M. Lamport House. Adolph Lewisohn House and Edward M. Shepard House, with a photograph of the latter, as well as material reflecting instrumental role of Dean Morton Gottschall in establishment and ongoing activities of House Plan Association.

Biographical and Historical Note
House Plan Association grew out of a suggestion made by Mortimer Karpp (Class of 1930), Freshman Advisor to the Class of 1938, and its first director. Established in 1936 as a membership corporation, House Plan Association of the City College was concerned with the development of students’ physical, social and intellectual life and also aimed to promote personal relationships between students and instructors. Students were organized into small groups called Houses; the Association was student run and sponsored a variety of social, educational, athletic programs of which the biggest was the annual Carnival. The Association operated out of houses it owned near the College until 1955 when it moved to the College’s first student union, the John H. Finley Student Center. At its peak, over 2,000 students were active in over 100 Houses. The Human Relations Program was initiated in 1960.
extent2 linear feet.
formatsAdministrative Records Financial Records Correspondence Printed Materials Photographs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidInventory available in reading room folder level control.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleAdolph Lewisohn Memorabilia, [ca. 1917]-1933.
repositoryCity University of New York. City College. Archives, New York, NY.
descriptionCollection consists of clippings concerning Lewisohn's activities at City College.
extentca. .5 cubic ft.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleFranklin D. Roosevelt President's Personal File
repositoryFranklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library
descriptionFile Lewisohn, Adolph

See repository for further information.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationForms part of: Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers as President of the United States.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titleM. Knoedler & Co. records, approximately 1848-1971
repositoryThe Getty Research Institute
descriptionThe records of M. Knoedler & Co. document the business of the prominent American art dealer from the mid-19th century to 1971, when the Knoedler Gallery was acquired by Armand Hammer. The archive traces the development of the once provincial American art market into one of the world's leading art centers and the formation of the private art collections that would ultimately establish many of the nation's leading art museums, such as the Frick Collection and the National Gallery of Art.

It brings to the foreground the business side of dealing as artworks shuttled back and forth among Knoedler, fellow dealers, and collectors, documenting developments in art connoisseurship, shifting tastes, the changing role of art in American society, and the essential role of private collectors in the formation of public American art collections.

The records provide insight into broader economic, social and cultural histories and the nation's evolving sense of place in the world. The Knoedler Gallery became one of the main suppliers of old master and post-Impressionist paintings in the United States. Financial records of the firm provide crucial provenance information on the large number of artworks in American museums that were sold by the gallery. The archive includes stock books, sales books and commission books; correspondence with collectors, artists, art dealers and other associates; photographs of the artworks sold by the gallery; records from the firm's offices in London, Paris and other cities; exhibition files; framing and restoration records, and records of the firm's Print Department.

Selected portions of the archive have been digitized and made available online. Connect to selected digitized portions of the archive.

Arranged in 14 series:
Series I. Stock books;
Series II. Sales books;
Series III. Commission books;
Series IV. Inventory cards;
Series V. Receiving and shipping records;
Series VI. Correspondence;
Series VII. Photographs;
Series VIII. Exhibition files;
Series IX. American Department records;
Series X. Framing and restoration records;
Series XI. Print Department records;
Series XII. Other financial records;
Series XIII. Library cards, scrapbooks, and research materials;
Series XIV. Knoedler family papers

Biographical/Historical Note:
M. Knoedler & Co. was a successor to the New York branch of Goupil & Co., an extremely dynamic print-publishing house founded in Paris in 1827. Goupil's branches in London, Berlin, Brussels, and The Hague, as well as New York, expanded the firm's market in the sale of reproductive prints.

The firm's office in New York was established in 1848. In 1857, Michael Knoedler, an employee of Goupil and a manager for the firm, bought out the interests in the firm's New York branch, conducted the business under his own name, and diversified its activities to include the sale of paintings. Roland Knoedler, Michael's son, took over the firm in 1878 and with Charles Carstairs opened galleries in Paris and London.

In 1928, the management of the firm passed to Roland's nephew Charles Henschel, Carman Messmore, Charles Carstairs and Carstairs' son Carroll. In 1956 Henschel died, and E. Coe Kerr and Roland Balaÿ, Michael Knoedler's grandson, took over. In 1971 the firm was sold to businessman and collector Armand Hammer. The gallery closed in November 2011.

extent3042.6 linear feet (5550 boxes, 17 flat file folders).
formatsAuction Catalogs Business Records Correspondence Financial Records Ephemera
accessOpen for use by qualified researchers, with the following exceptions. Boxes 77, 262-264, 1308-1512, 1969-1974, 3592-3723 are restricted due to fragility. Box 4468 is restricted until 2075.
record link
record source
contact informationContact gallery's archivist
finding aidAt the Getty Research Institute and over their website.
acquisition informationAcquired in 2012.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:44