Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Bode, Wilhelm von, 1845-1929
title | A portrait of a young man wearing a turban by Rembrandt : painted on panel, size 22 5/8 x 18 3/4. |
repository | The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art Library |
description | Mounted photograph, t.p., and four letters (two dated July, 1924) authenticating the portrait in the photograph. Letters signed: W.K. Valentiner, W. Bode, Com. Hofstede de Groot, Max J. Friedlander. |
extent | 1 folder |
formats | Correspondence Photographs |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Carl Georg Heise Letters received, 1908-1970. |
repository | The Getty Research Institute |
description | Letters primarily from other German art historians, including Ernst Friedrich Bange, Adolph Goldschmidt, Wilhelm Bode, Kurt Bauch, Georg Graf von Vitzthum, Eberhard Grisebach, Abraham Bredius, Ferdinand Avenarius, Georg Schmidt, Ludwig Grote, and others. The content includes discussion of specific works of art and artists, art historical books and articles, and museum and university politics. Bredius in particular also comments on the general political situation after World War I. Notable are Goldschmidt’s letters from the United States ca. 1930, in which there is discussion of the College Art Association, the Busch-Reisinger Museum and Fogg Museum (Cambridge), and sales and exhibitions of the "Dreyfuss collection" (Paris) at Duveen’s gallery (New York) and "Welfenschatz" of medieval ecclesiastical art at the Reinhart gallery (New York, ca. 1930). Biographical or Historical Notes: German art historian, director of the "Museum fuer Kunst und Kulturgeschichte" (Luebeck, 1920-33), director of the "Hamburger Kunsthalle" (Hamburg, 1945-55). |
extent | 31 items. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Open for use by qualified researchers. |
record link | n/a |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Duveen Brothers Records, 1876-1981, bulk 1909-1964 |
repository | The Getty Research Institute |
description | The records provide an detailed view of the Duveen Brothers business activities in London, Paris, and New York. Although the archive extends from 1876-1981, the bulk of the material dates from Joseph Duveen's tenure as president of the firm, 1909-1939, and the period from 1939 to 1964 when Edward Fowles directed the firm (with Armand Lowengard until 1943). The mass of documents, such as cables and letters, invoices, and ledger and stock books, give a day-by-day account of art dealing, business strategy, and the individuals involved NOTE Series I (ca. 112 linear feet) contains the firm's business records. Stock books indicate where objects were sent for repair, to whom objects were sent on approbation along with the date of sale and the price realized. Invoices include receipts, sales invoices sent to clients, lists of cablegrams and shipment of stock from each branch of the business Series II (ca. 155 linear feet) consists of papers and correspondence which broadly cover the interaction between the Duveen Brothers firm and its clients, business associates, and the public. The correspondence describes art collecting trends among museums and individuals, the availability and purchase of art, art research and authentication, and the firm's general business practices. Eleven boxes of correspondence with Bernard Berenson detail his business relationship with the firm. Also included are records of lawsuits, correspondence between branches (some written in code), correspondence with museums, papers regarding galleries, Edward Fowles' papers, papers concerning exhibitions and loans, and papers regarding major art collectors and consultants. Some records of Kleinberger Galleries (apparently the papers of Harry G. Sperling, president) form a subseries within this series, and contain correspondence Series III (c. 127 linear feet) includes some photographs, indices, negatives, and x-rays. This series represents the Duveen Brother's stock of images. Indices are available for the majority of the negatives in cold storage ("X Book" (Berenson transaction) is the only unique Duveen document not transferred to the GRI. It has not yet been photocopied. The "X Book" details, for a limited number (about 250) of Italian paintings in which Berenson had a financial interest, precise dates of purchase and sale, primarily in the years 1910-27. There is no index.) AAM LOCATION Watson Library Reference CALL NUMBER Microfilm Cabinet |
extent | Ca. 394 linear ft. 584 boxes, glass negative cabinets, and 18 flat file folders. 422 microfilm reels : positive ; 35mm |
formats | Photographs X rays Correspondence Financial Records Inventories |
access | Microfilm of the archive is available for use by qualified researchers. The archive is restricted because of extreme fragility |
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finding aid | Unpublished finding aid available in the repository and on the repository's Web site: folder level control. See the following web page digitization information: |
acquisition information | Edward Fowles donated the Duveen Brothers records to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1968. The Metropolitan gave the records to the Getty Research Library in 1996. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Wilhelm von Bode Letter: Charlottenburg, 1918 May 13. |
repository | The Getty Research Institute |
description | Letter by Bode mentions Rudolf Oldenbourg, and is written on Koenigliche Museen letterhead. |
extent | 1 item. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Open for use by qualified researchers. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Wilhelm von Bode Letter, 1911 April 6, Venice. |
repository | The Getty Research Institute |
description | Letter mentioning a position at the museum. |
extent | 1 item (4 p.) |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Open for use by qualified researchers. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Isabella Stewart Gardner papers, 1760-1956. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters, business records, diary, and photographs. REEL 380-413: Primarily correspondence, mostly Gardner's own, but including family correspondence and Gardner Museum correspondence. Also included are misc. items and printed material. Correspondents include: Edwin Austin Abbey, Lyman Abbott, Brooks Adams, Alexander Agassiz, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, Louis Agassiz, Luigi Agostini, Hamilton Aide, Thomas B. Aldrich, Abram P. Andrew, Boris Anisfeld, George Arliss, Anne L. Balch, George G. Barnard, Grace Edith Barnes, Cecilia Beaux, Martin Birnbaum, William Sturgis Bigelow, William Phipps Blake, Edwin Howland Blashfield, Wilhelm von Bode, Martin Brimmer, J. Appleton Brown, Dennis Miller Bunker, Bryson Burroughs, Theodore Byard, Morris Carter, Paul Chalfin, Conrad Chapman, John Jay Chapman, Alfred Q. Collins, Frederick Shepard Converse, Walter William Spencer Cook, Archibald Cary Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Charles Townsend Copeland, Kenyon Cox, Ralph Adams Cram, Francis Marion Crawford, Raymond Crosby, Sally Cross, Ralph W. Curtis, Howard G. Cushing, Charlotte Cushman, Walter Damrosch, Richard Harding Davis, Elsie De Wolfe, Mary Dexter, Nathan H. Dole, John Donoghue, Ruth Draper, Duveen Brothers, J. S. Dwight, Theodore F. Dwight, Louis Dyer, Charles W. Eliot, Barry Faulkner, Gabriel Faure, Minnie Maddern Fiske, Daniel Chester French, Helen C. Frick, Roger E. Fry, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, John Lowell Gardner, William Amory Gardner, I. M. Gaugengigl, Richard Watson Gilder, Rene Gimpel, Edwin L. Godkin, Leon Gordon, Lady Augusta Gregory, Louise I. Guiney, Edward E. Hale, Mary (Mrs. Richard Walden) Hale, Philip Leslie Hale, Mrs. Philip Hale, Richard Hammond, Walter Hampden, George C. Hazelton, Paul Helleu, Henry Lee Higginson, Thomas W. Higginson, Robert Hinckley, Malvina Hoffman, Edward W. Hooper, Harriet Hosmer, Julia W. Howe, Archer M. Huntington, Vincent d'Indy, Henry Irving, August F. Jaccaci, Clarence King, William Kittredge, Louis Kronberg, Petr A. Kropotkin, Anna C. Ladd, John La Farge, Charles Rollinson Lamb, Charles Lanman, Charles G. Loring, James R. Lowell, Dodge Macknight, Mary L. Macomber, Richard Mansfield, Paul Manship, Frank J. Mather, Francis John McComas, Nellie Melba, Francis Davis Millet, S. Weir Mitchell, Helena Modjeska, Pierre Monteux, John S. Mosby, Gilbert Murray, (cont.)Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Andrews Norton, Lily Norton, Richard Norton, William O'Connell, Kazuzo Okakura, Jean N. Oliver, William O. Partridge, Walter Pater, Anna Pavlova, Waldo Peirce, Joseph Pennell, Harper Pennington, Lilla Cabot Perry, Edward C. Pickering, Sophia L. Pitman, Matthew Stewart Prichard, John Quinn, Robert Reid, Amelie Rives, Elizabeth W. Roberts, Auguste Rodin, Denman Ross, Will Rothenstein, Lillian Russell, Paul J. Sachs, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Ruth St. Denis, Franklin B. Sanborn, Charles Sprague Sargent, John Singer Sargent, J.M. Sears, C. Arnold Slade, Irene Slade, Henry Davis Sleeper, F. Hopkinson Smith, George Warren Smith, Joseph L. Smith, Albert Spaulding, Maurice Sterne, William James Stillman, Julian Story, Thomas W. Story, Henry Swift, John Addington Symonds, Ellen Terry, Celia Thaxter, Abbott H. Thayer, William R. Thayer, Mary A. Tiffany, Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Francis Amasa Walker, Mrs. Humphry Ward, Mrs. Fiske Warren, Edmund March Wheelwright, James McNeill Whistler, Margaret White, Sara de Prix Wyman Whitman, Wildenstein Galleries, Owen Wister, Charles H. Woodbury, Rufus F. Zogbaum, Anders Zorn, Mrs. Anders Zorn, and others. REELS 631-632: Personal papers of Gardner and some records of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum including dealers' files containing invoices, notes, cancelled checks, and letters; a record book, "Prices Paid for Paintings," 1917; a record book, "Prices Paid for Works of Art"; 118 installation photographs of the museum as arranged by Gardner, 1924; a diary kept in Egypt, 1874, with sketches; a diary kept in Shanghai and India, 1883-1884; "Directions for my funeral," 1912; and "Suggestions for Running a Museum," 1913. REELS 696-698: Letters from Bernard Berenson to Gardner, 1887-1924. Letters contain references to literary topics, Berenson's impressions of Europe, various paintings and artists, advice to Gardner on the purchase of paintings and information on their sale. REEL 846: Checklist of Gardner's letters to Bernard and Mary Berenson, 1894-1924; typescripts of personal and official correspondence (originals found on AAA microfilm reels 696-698), 1887-1924. |
extent | 40 microfilm reels. reels 380-413, 631-632, 696-698, and 846 |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Photographs |
access | Microfilm copies. Originals in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, Mass. |
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finding aid | Reels 380-413: Finding aid available at AAA offices. |
acquisition information | Microfilm lent by Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum for duplicating, 1972-1975. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Wilhelm von Bode notes on Botticelli, n.d. |
repository | The Getty Research Institute |
description | See repository for further details. |
extent | item (16 leaves) |
formats | Notes |
access | Open for use by qualified researchers. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Wilhelm Reinhold Valentiner papers, 1853-1977 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Diaries, writings, correspondence, scrapbooks, printed material, and photographs. REEL D31: Diary entries, 1914-1957, describing his service in the German army, 1914-1918, with the War Information Office in Berlin, the overthrow of the monarchy and German politics, relations between Germany and Russia and communist activity in Germany, the administration of Berlin museums and radical artists' activities, his work with the L.A. County Museum, Detroit Institute of Fine Arts, the North Carolina Museum of Art, and private collectors, impressions of friends, including Henry Ford, Carl Hamilton, the Hohenzollerns, Franz Marc, Rainer Maria Rilke, Walter Rathenau, Helen Wills, Benjamin Altman, J. Pierpont Morgan, and recollections of women art collectors, including Mrs. August Belmont, Rita Lydig, and Mrs. Leonard Thomas. REELS 272-276: Documents; correspondence with Valentiner's family, E. Colin Agnew, Chester Holmes Aldrich, William von Bode, Duveen Brothers, Max J. Friedlander, Walter Gropius, John Johnson, John McIlhenny, Erich Mendelsohn, M. Perzynski, Edi Redslob, the Rockefeller family, Maria Sarre, Albert Souvier, and C.F. Williams. Correspondence prior to 1920 concerns World War I and life in Germany; also included are essays and research notes on modern European artists; photographs of Valentiner and his family; and printed material. REELS 2140-2144: 26 diaries, 1904-1958; autobiographical writings; manuscripts and lectures by Valentiner; correspondence with family, friends, authors, museums, galleries, and dealers, including Harry Berotia, Charles Culver, Lyonel and Julia Feininger, Walter Gropius, Paul and Mary Weschler, and Morris Graves; and a scrapbook containing clippings, drafts of speeches, and invitations. REELS 3963-3967: Biographical material including a resume, a family history and family tree; correspondence with family, Kurt Bauch, Guy DeLauney, Walter Friedlaender, Henry Goldman, Liselotte Moser, Maria Sarre, Wolfgang von Eckardt, and Helen Wills; manuscripts of an autobiography, writings on art, and articles by Valentiner; notebooks and notes; diaries, 1884-1939; exhibition catalogs and clippings; scrapbooks; photographs, 1875-1965, of Valentiner, his family, Walter Friedlaender, Giacometti, Maria Sarre, Helen Wills, William von Bode, Diego Rivera, Harry Bertoia, and other artists and art work; and an etching of Heidelberg. |
extent | 6.3 linear ft. (on 16 microfilm reels) reels D31, 272-276, 2140-2144, and 3963-3967 |
formats | Correspondence Diaries Photographs Scrapbooks |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
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finding aid | Finding aids for reels 2140-2144 and 3963-3967 are available at AAA offices. |
acquisition information | From 1972 to 1977, Valentiner's papers were gathered from various sources by historian Margaret Sterne who was researching and writing a biography of Valentiner. Sterne died just prior to publication and the papers were sorted by Archives' staff and returned to the lender when known. After publication of the biography, the bulk of the papers were returned to their respective lenders (primarily the University of North Carolina) and the remaining papers were sorted and accessioned by the Archives. Donors are listed as unknown or anonymous. |
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title | German artists : miscellaneous correspondence, 1848-1927 (M0475) |
repository | Stanford University Libraries |
description | Miscellaneous correspondence between artists, arranged alphabetically by sender. |
extent | 25 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | None. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available online and in Special Collections Reading Room. |
acquisition information | Purchased, 1979. |
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title | Charlotte A Knoch Papers, 1822-1919 (MISC 231) |
repository | Stanford University Libraries |
description | This collection contains brief postcards and letters from German and Swiss writers to Charlotte Knoch, most of them in response to inquiries from Knoch. Four items date from Knoch's trip to Germany in 1913, two date from 1914 and 1919 respectively. |
extent | 8 items, incl. 5 cards and 2 letters, and one document. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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acquisition information | Gift of Charlotte Knoch, 1944. |
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title | Allan Marquand Papers, 1858-1951 (bulk 1878-1950) ©2005 Princeton University Library |
repository | Princeton University |
description | The collection contains the personal papers of Allan Marquand -- including manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, miscellaneous material, and printed matter -- reflecting his career in the art world, especially as an expert and cataloguer of the works of the Robbia family. Included are manuscripts for Decoration of the Ceppo Hospital at Pistoia (1902), Della Robbias in America (1912), "Some Works by Donatello in America" (1913), and Strzygowski and His Theory of Early Christian Art (1910). There is also material dating from his earlier years as a student when his interests were in the field of theology and philosophy, specifically, logic. The papers as a whole contain material for historians of Princetoniana, for there is material both direct and tangential which deals with the life of Marquand the student, founder of the Department of Art and Archaeology, chairman of the department, director of the art museum, and founder of the library that was later named for him. Related material includes the manuscript for "Painting by Hieronymus Bosch in the Princeton Art Museum." Marquand's interests extended into the greater Princeton community, and the collection chronicles the history of the Princeton Battle Monument, culminating in its dedication in 1922. Included in the collection are the papers of Eleanor Cross Marquand, wife of Allan Marquand and an authority in her own right on the identification of plant symbolism in art. Many of the notes, manuscripts, photographs, and slides she used for her articles and speeches can be found here. There are also papers of Marquand's father, Henry Gurdon Marquand, one of the founders and original benefactors of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Biographical Notes Allan Marquand was born on December 10, 1853, the son of Henry Gurdon Marquand, a prominent New York banker who was an original benefactor and co-founder of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Marquand became the salutatorian and president of the Princeton Class of 1874, and studied theology at the Princeton Theological Seminary for three years following graduation. He later received a Ph.D. in philosophy from Johns Hopkins University. During his time at Johns Hopkins, Marquand studied logic and was introduced to “logical machines,” mechanical devices built to follow logical algorithms which are often considered precursors to modern computers. He constructed his own logic machine, on display in Fine Hall library, during his early years as a professor at Princeton. As a professor at Princeton, Marquand founded Princeton's Department of Art and Archaeology. He shares with Charles Eliot Norton of Harvard the distinction of being the first to introduce the serious study of art into the curriculum of the American college. Marquand also became the first director of the Princeton Art Museum and made numerous important gifts to its collection. His own life work was an eight-volume catalogue raisonné of the works of the ateliers of members of the Robbia family, 15th- and 16th-century Florentine sculptors and ceramists. Location: Rare Books: Manuscripts Collection (MSS) Call number: C0269 |
extent | 26.8 linear feet (48 archival boxes, 3 oversize flat boxes, 2 oversize folders) |
formats | Correspondence Writings Manuscript Personal Papers Business Papers |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | In repository and on repository's web site. Finding Aid Published on April 5, 2006, ©2005 Princeton University Library |
acquisition information | Given by Mrs. Douglas Delanoy, daughter of Allan Marquand, over a period of time, from 1952 to 1980. |
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title | Wilhelm von Bode (1845-1929) Archive |
repository | Zentralarchiv |
description | The Central Archives are located on the estate of Wilhelm von Bode (1845-1929). Bode was the Director of the gallery, the sculpture collection, and later Director General of the National Museums in Berlin. The estate contains biographical documents, diaries and notebooks, documents relating to his research work, relationships with clubs and collectors, especially large inputs of letters of his correspondence with persons of politics, history and culture, etc. Bode corresponded with about 6,000 people of his time. There are approximately 40,000 to 50,000 letters in the papers. |
formats | Correspondence Diaries Subject Files Notebooks Ephemera |
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