Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Odets, Clifford, 1906-1963
title | Clifford Odets papers, 1926-1963 (*T-Mss 1981-008) |
repository | Billy Rose Theatre Division |
description | The papers of Clifford Odets consist of scripts, notes, correspondence, journals, photographs, research materials, scrapbooks, and clippings that document his career as a playwright. The papers are divided into different aspects of his work in order for the researcher to appreciate the development of his plays and other writings. The papers provide an overview of Odets' artistic and technical writing process. The strength of this collection is in the abundant amount of his writings and notes, which exhibit Odets' creative writing techniques. These notes and written annotations in the scripts illuminate Odets' work habits and show his artistic progression. The papers illustrate Odets' change in writing style during the course of his career. Overall, the collection provides ample material for the researcher to gain an insight into Odets as a playwright and a person. Bio/History: Clifford Odets, playwright, poet, and actor, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 18, 1906. |
extent | 17.6 lf. (51 boxes). |
formats | Correspondence Diaries Artwork Photographs Scrapbooks |
access | Collection is open to the public. Photocopying prohibited. Advance notice may be required. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available in repository and guide on repository's web site:,1,1,B/l856~b2516171&FF=tclifford+odets+papers&1,1,,1,0/startreferer//search/tClifford+Odets+papers/tclifford+odets+papers/1,1,1,B/frameset&FF=tclifford+odets+papers&1,1,/endreferer/ |
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title | Bethel Leslie in an evening of Clifford Odets [videorecording] / [Video prod. company] Character Generators Inc. ; [video producer] Theatre on Film and Tape Archive, Betty L. Corwin, director. (NCOW 211) |
repository | Billy Rose Theatre Division |
description | Actress Bethel Leslie conducts a tribute to playwright Clifford Odets in which she reads a number of his letters, including several concerning his play The country girl. Ms. Leslie also reads a short story he wrote but never published, an obituary essay about Mr. Odets written by critic Brooks Atkinson, and a response to the essay by playwright Robert Anderson in which the status of playwrights in contemporary theater, and the profession's attitude towards them, is criticized. Tape incomplete: Ms. Leslie's reminiscences of working in television in the early 1960's with Clifford Odets on The Richard Boone Show, whose scripts he supervised, were not recorded in their entirety. |
extent | 1 videocassette (62 min.) |
formats | Video recording |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | none |
acquisition information | Incomplete: conclusion of program not recorded. Videotaped by The New York Public Library's Theatre on Film and Tape Archive at The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts' Bruno Walter Auditorium, New York, N.Y., April 27, 1998. |
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title | Letters to Edith Rand, 1928-1929 (*T-Mss 1995-015) |
repository | Billy Rose Theatre Division |
description | The collection consists of 10 letters on 17 pages (9 typed and signed Clifford, one with an original drawing enclosed, and one, a handwritten note, unsigned) from a young Odets to his girlfriend, Edith Rand of the Bronx, New York. Odets was working as an actor in stock companies in his native Philadelphia at this time, rehearsing for a new Maxwell Anderson play, GODS OF THE LIGHTNING in New York City, and also working on a book, "One of These Days," which was never published. The letters are rich in personal and literary content as he was very frank in his feelings and poetic in their expression. Note Playwright, poet and actor, Clifford Odets burst into the public eye in 1935 when four of his plays including the critically acclaimed AWAKE AND SING! and WAITING FOR LEFTY were produced on Broadway. Other plays followed including GOLDEN BOY (1937), THE COUNTRY GIRL (1950) and THE FLOWERING PEACH (1954). He was also a screenwriter for THE GENERAL DIED AT DAWN (1936) and other movies, and spent most of the 1940s in Hollywood. Note Additional materials found in: The Clifford Odets Papers, *T-MSS 1981-008, at The Billy Rose Theatre Collection of The New York Public Library. |
extent | 10 letters (1 portfolio). |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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acquisition information | Additional materials found in: The Clifford Odets Papers, *T-MSS 1981-008, at The Billy Rose Theatre Collection of The New York Public Library. |
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title | Alfred Stieglitz / Georgia O'Keeffe Archive |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The Alfred Stieglitz/Georgia O’Keeffe Archive contains correspondence files, manuscripts, documentary ephemera, photographs, art and realia related to the lives and careers of Alfred Stieglitz and Georgia O’Keeffe, his second wife, and to other members of Stieglitz’s family. The first subgroup, Alfred Stieglitz Papers, consists of material documenting Stieglitz’s life’s work: correspondence with artists, photographers, and writers; manuscripts by Stieglitz and others describing the art movements of the early twentieth century; scrapbooks; an autograph collection; prints of photographs by Stieglitz and other noted photographers; awards given to Stieglitz for his work; several works of art such as four poster portraits by Charles Demuth; and notebooks assembled posthumously to record the contents of Stieglitz’s extensive art collection before it was dispersed following his death. The second subgroup, Georgia O’Keeffe Papers, consists primarily of correspondence from O’Keeffe’s friends and family along with a number of fan letters, subject files, and business correspondence addressing rights and reproductions of O’Keeffe’s works. This subgroup also includes files of documentary ephemera and a number of awards and medals given to O’Keeffe. The third subgroup, Stieglitz Family Papers, consists of correspondence, documentary ephemera, and drawings from Stieglitz family members, principally Alfred’s parents, Edward and Hedwig. Notes: Chiefly in English, many letters in German. Available in other formats: Available on microfilm from Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. Location: BEINECKE (Non-Circulating) Call Number: YCAL MSS 85 |
extent | 168 Linear Feet |
formats | Artworks Correspondence Ephemera Scrapbooks Photographs |
access | Restricted Fragile Papers in Boxes 247-256 may only be consulted with permission of the appropriate curator. Preservation photocopies for reference use have been substituted in the main files. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available online and in repository. |
acquisition information | Alfred Stieglitz Papers: Gift of Georgia O’Keeffe, 1949-53, with subsequent gifts and purchases from various parties, 1953-1980. Georgia O’Keeffe Papers: Bequest of the Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation, 1992, along with several earlier gifts from O’Keeffe. Stieglitz Family Papers: Gift of Flora Stieglitz Straus and Sue Davidson Lowe. Associated material: Stieglitz Family Papers (YCAL MSS 89) Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. |
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title | Lily Harmon papers, 1930-1996. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Primarily research files and notes, subject files, interview tapes and transcripts, correspondence, writings, and other materials compiled by Harmon for a never-published biography of art dealer J.B. Neumann, titled The Art Lover. Found are photocopies of J.B. Neuman's correspondence with Karl Nierendorf, Clifford Odets, Elsa Schmid, and Alfred Stieglitz; photocopies and other materials from the J.B. Neumann Collection at the University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Humanities Center, including photocopies of the magazine published by Neumann titled Art Lover Library, 1930-1957 (volume 1, 1930 is original bound volume), copyprints and photocopies of photographs of Neumann, his family, and of other subjects; interview transcripts and audio tapes with numerous artists conducted in the mid-1980s; research notes and files; and subject files on numerous artists (all photocopies). Harmon's personal papers include resumes; copies of letters from friends, family, dealers and others; photographs of Harmon's paintings; writings, including poems, excerpts from diaries, autobiographical essays, and her autobiography FREEHAND; photocopies of various mss. drafts of Harmon's biography of Neumann, The Art Lover, and related writings by Harmon, including The Art Dealer and the Playwright, and Synopsis of Art Lover, ca. 1987-1990 ; a transcript of an interview of Harmon conducted by Karl Fortress, 1967; magazine and newspaper clippings; exhibition announcements and catalogs; and miscellany. Interviewees include: Dore Ashton, Sally Avery, Alfred Barr, Phillip Bruno, Al Copley, Dorothy Dehner, Bettina Drew (about Nelson Algren), Elsie Driggs (also found is a video interview and transcript of Driggs by Merryman Gatch, n.d.), Ben Hertzberg, Leonard Hutton, Lewis Isaacs, Max Kahn, Katharine Kuh, Johanna Neumann Lamm, Frances Manacher, Peter Neumann, Albrecht Neumann, Nolbert Rothbaum, Margarete Schultz, Joseph Solman, Margarete Sapanel, Hugh Stix, Ilse Vogel with Howard Knotts, and Edward M.M. Warburg. Bio / His Notes: Painter and sculptor; New York City. Harmon worked for the influential art dealer J.B. Neumann, and spent several years preparing a biography of him which was never published. As an artist, she lived in Europe in the early part of the century, and worked on WPA art projects in the 1930s. |
extent | 6.0 linear ft. |
formats | Research Files Notes Subject Files Interviews Correspondence |
access | Unmicrofilmed: use requires an appointment |
record link | n/a |
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finding aid | Partial box inventory is available |
acquisition information | Donated 1983 and 1998 by Lily Harmon. |
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title | Letter, 1935, to Lewis Mumford. |
repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | Archival/Manuscript Material Contained in: Lewis Mumford Papers, ca. 1905-1987. Folder 3675. Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 2 |
extent | 1 item (1 l.). |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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acquisition information | In: Lewis Mumford Papers, ca. 1905-1987. Folder 3675. |
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title | Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1935-1944. |
repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | Archival/Manuscript Material Contained in: Theodore Dreiser Papers, ca. 1890-1965. Folder 4622. Notes: Comprises 10 items to Dreiser and 5 items from Dreiser or his representative. Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 30 |
extent | 15 items (19 leaves). |
formats | Correspondence |
access | The Theodore Dreiser Papers may be examined by researchers in the reading room of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania. Permission to quote from and to publish unpublished materials must be requested in writing from the Curator of Manuscripts. |
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acquisition information | Gifts with some additional purchases, received: 1942 through 1991. |
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title | Artist file: Odets, Clifford; miscellaneous uncataloged material. |
repository | The Museum of Modern Art |
description | The folder may include announcements, clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, small exhibition catalogs, and other ephemeral material. Locattion MoMA Queens Artist Files Call Number Odets, Clifford |
extent | 1 folder |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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title | Margaret Barker Papers, ca. 1800-1989 (bulk 1930-1989) (*T-Mss 1992-003) |
repository | Billy Rose Theatre Division |
description | This collection of personal and family papers, correspondence, production files, scripts, writings, and ephemera provide a wealth of documents on the life of actress, producer and director, Margaret Barker, a founding member of the Group Theatre, and her family. Biography Actress, director, writer, and producer, Margaret Taylor Barker was born in Baltimore, Maryland on October 10, 1908. The daughter of a prominent physician, Dr. Lewellys Franklin Barker, and Lillian Halsey Barker, she had two siblings, John H. Barker, who was institutionalized after a disease left him mentally retarded, and William “Halsey” Barker, who became a physician. |
extent | 19.61 linear ft. (46 boxes) |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Legal Papers Diaries Photographs |
access | Collection is open to the public. Photocopying prohibited. Advance notice required |
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finding aid | The finding aid is in the repository and on the repository's web site:,1,1,B/l856~b7651618&FF=tmargaret+barker+papers&1,1,,1,0/startreferer//search/tMargaret+Barker+papers/tmargaret+barker+papers/1,1,1,B/frameset&FF=tmargaret+barker+papers&1,1,/endreferer/ |
acquisition information | This collection was donated to the Billy Rose Theatre Collection by Laura Fernandez and Lewellys F. Barker in 1992. |
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title | Brooks Atkinson Papers, 1904-1980. (*T Mss 1968-001) |
repository | Billy Rose Theatre Division |
description | The Brooks Atkinson papers contain correspondence, awards, personal papers, photographs, ephemera, scrapbooks, datebooks, clippings and subject files and document his life and career as a drama critic for the New York Times. The papers span the years 1904-1980. Significant in the correspondence are letters from notables figures of the theater community including writers, actors, scholars and other journalists. Included in these are Sean O'Casey, Tennessee Williams, Thornton Wilder, Eugene and Carlota O'Neill, Robert W. Anderson, Maxwell Anderson, Clifford Odets, Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman, to name a few. The papers give a detailed look at most aspects of his personal and professional career and contain not only letters he received but often carbon copies of his responses. Issues of the day are reflected not only in his articles and columns but also in his correspondence to his readers and friends. Prominent in his files is correspondence dealing with Joseph McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee. Atkinson writings include diaries from his time as a correspondent in China, as well as a manuscript copy of Once Around the Sun. Other items of note are examples of his early writings and publishing attempts when he was a child. Biographical Note: Justin Brooks Atkinson was born in Melrose, Massachusetts in 1894. His interest in writing became apparent at an early age when he began writing and publishing his own newspapers. He continued throughout high school and some of the publications include: The Bay State Amateur, The Coagent, The Melrose Record and The Olympian. Atkinson graduated from Harvard University and from there taught English at Dartmouth. After a working as a reporter in Massachusetts newspapers, Atkinson joined the army in 1918. In 1922 he joined the staff of the New York Times. |
extent | 11.25 linear feet |
formats | Correspondence Subject Files Scrapbooks Writings Manuscript |
access | Collection is open to the public. Photocopying prohibited. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available in repository and on Internet:,1,1,B/l856~b3531306&FF=tbrooks+atkinson+papers&1,1,,1,0/startreferer//search/tBrooks+Atkinson+Papers/tbrooks+atkinson+papers/1,1,1,B/frameset&FF=tbrooks+atkinson+papers&1,1,/endreferer/ |
acquisition information | The Brooks Atkinson papers were received by the Billy Rose Theatre Collection in two separate donations. The papers and correspondence were received in 1967 and appraised by Laurence Gomme in 1968. An additional donation was made in 1982 at the request of his wife, Oriana Atkinson. This donation contained scrapbooks and datebooks documenting his career. The collection was reprocessed in 1993-1994. |
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title | Michael Loew papers, 1930-1997. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Biographical material, correspondence, notes, writings, a contract, a scrapbook, printed material, and photographs document the career of painter and educator Michael Loew. Biographical material, 1957-1967, includes 5 biographical sketches, a bibliography of Loew's publications, and an artist's statement. Correspondence, 1935-1968, is with colleagues, galleries, and educational institutions. There are one or two letters each from colleagues Josef Albers, Willem de Kooning, Adolph Gottlieb, Philip Johnson, Richard Lahey, George L.K. Morris, and Clifford Odets. Nine letters relate to Loew's work for the U.S. Works Progress Administration and the New York World's Fair. Writings, 1966, consist of several drafts for essay "Is It the Function of the Artist to Communicate with his Audience." A contract, 1938, is between Loew and Willem de Kooning and the New York World's Fair 1939 Inc. Printed material, 1944-1968, consists of exhibition announcements and catalogs. Photographs, 1960-1964, are of Loew and his art works. Notes consist of 2 undated notebooks and a typescript concerning Josef Albers. A scrapbook, 1938-1965, contains 4 photographs of art works, clippings, and exhibition announcements and catalogs. Correspondence, 1944-1990, is with galleries, including the Holland-Goldowsky Gallery, educational institutions, including the University of California at Berkeley, and colleagues including Dorothy Dehner, Burt Hasen, and Aaron Siskind. Correspondence, 1956-1957, with Rockwell Kent concerns the rental of Kent's Monhegan Island cabin. One letter, 1959, includes 3 photographs of Loew, Louis Kahn, Allan Kaprow, and George McNeil. Lecture notes are for an Artists Equity symposium, 1956, and a panel discussion on painting, 1968. Writings, 1968-1979, consist of 3 essays by Loew and tributes written to Sarah Freedman McPherson by Loew and others. Printed material, 1932-1992, consists of clippings, exhibition announcements and catalogs, and a book "The Artist's World" by Fred W. McDarrah. Photographs, 1930-1979, are of Loew, his friends, and his art works. One photograph is of Alfred Jensen, Theodore Schempp, Max Schnitzler, and Loew in Tunis, 1930. 8 x 10 in. color photograph of Loew and Willem de Kooning in de Kooning's studio, 1984, by Rose Slivka. |
extent | Michael Loew papers, 1930-1997. |
formats | Correspondence Notes Writings Legal Papers Sketches |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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acquisition information | 0.8 linear ft. (on 2 microfilm reels) |
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title | Ben Shahn papers, 1879-1990 (bulk 1933-1970) |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Biographical material, letters, project files, business records, notes, writings, art work, source files, interview transcripts, audio-visual material, printed material, photographs, and artifacts. REELS D143-D148: Letters, 1933-1963, primarily to Shahn, from publishers, art organizations, galleries, and colleagues, among them Leonard Baskin, Alexander Calder, Joseph Hirsch, Clifford Odets, Robert Osborn, Robert Rauschenberg, Diego Rivera, Selden Rodman, David Alfaro Siqueiros, James Thrall Soby, Raphael Soyer, and William Carlos Williams. Also, lists of works, some priced; writings, including essays, poems, and typescripts; printed material, 1956-1961, such as clippings, exhibition catalogs, and press releases; an interview transcript, 1960; and a photograph, 1955, of Shahn's residence in Truro, Massachusetts. REEL N70-6: Writings, 1949-1966, including addresses and essays by Shahn; 7 royalty statements; and 3 letters from publishers, 1965-1966. REELS 133-135: Letters received, 1946-1969, from publishers, art organizations, and colleagues, including Alexander Calder, Leo Lionni, Archibald MacLeish, Robert Osborn, and Jerome Robbins. One from David Alfaro Siqueiros, 1968, contains photographs of Siqueiros, his wife, and his art works. Printed material, 1936-1968, includes clippings, exhibition catalogs, brochures, and miscellaneous announcements; 2 biographical accounts, poems, typescripts of reviews, and an etching. REELS 5006-5027: Biographical material, 1924-1984, includes biographical sketches for Ben and Bernarda Shahn, a passport for Shahn and his first wife, Tillie, membership cards, award certificates, and a birth certificate for Jonathan Shahn. Letters, 1929-1990, are from Shahn's children, publishers, art organizations including the International Graphics Society and the National Institute of Arts and Letters, schools including Famous Artists Schools and the Skowhegan School, galleries including Downtown Gallery, and colleagues, notably Leonard Baskin, Alexander Calder, Walker Evans, Fred Friendly, George Nakashima, Robert Osborn, Rudy Pozzatti, and Jerome Robbins, and one letter each from Montgomery Clift, Rennie Davis, Dong Kingman, Dorothea Lange, Pablo Picasso, and Pete Seeger. The collection also contains a Christmas card in the form of a sock printed with a Christmas greeting. Project files, 1933-1975, contain letters, notes, printed material, and photographs concerning 23 of Shahn's commissions, including a proposed movie about the "Greenbelt" community, murals for the Jersey Homesteads Community Center, and for the S.S. SHALOM, a set design for Jerome Robbins' "New York Export--Opus Jazz," and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial designed by Jonathan Shahn and the Ben Shahn grave monument designed by Bernarda Shahn. Legal documents, 1879-1988, consist of indenture papers for members of the Nettlefold family, and divorce papers concerning Tillie Shahn. Financial records include banking, tax, social security, and medical records, loan agreements, consignment records, and miscellaneous receipts. Writings, 1935-1988, are by Shahn and by others, including Alan Dugan, W. H. Ferry, Theodore Gusten, and John Bartlow Martin, and 3 play scripts by Thornton Wilder. Included in the Notes series are an engagement calendar, an address book, 3 notebooks, lists, and reports and minutes of meetings of various organizations. Art works, 1952-1970, consist of a sketchbook and 17 unbound sketches by Shahn, and drawings and prints by others, including Shahn's children and Stefan Martin. Source files, 1919-1964, contain printed material and photographs relating to topics depicted by Shahn in his art work, such as children, dams, farm strikes, industry, war workers, women, Louis Armstrong (contains 79 photographs concerning the musician's 1956 visit to the Gold Coast), Thomas Edison, Sidney Hillman, Thomas J. Mooney, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Notable in both "Campaign 1944," and "Women in Politics" are photographs of Dorothy Parker, and in files entitled "dust," "farming,", "miners," "slums," "war," and "workers" photographs by Shahn, Dorothea Lange, Russell Lee, Arthur Rothstein, John Vachon, and Marion Post Wolcott. Interview transcripts, 1943-1968, from 10 radio, television, and motion picture interviews of Shahn. Audio-visual material, 1959-1968, consists of a reel of 16mm motion picture film, transferred to VHS, from the BBC-TV program "Monitor", and 3 reels of audio tape interviews of Shahn by Tony Schwartz and Arlene Francis. Printed material, 1910-1988, includes clippings, 14 issues of Art Forum, exhibition announcements and catalogs, press releases, prospectuses, brochures, pamphlets, publications illustrated by Shahn and by others, and reproductions of art work. Photographs, ca. 1900-1969, are of family members including Bernarda Shahn; friends and colleagues, including Alexander Calder, Martha Graham, Jerome Robbins, Charles Sheeler, David Smith, and William Zorach; of works of art by Shahn and others; and photographs taken by Shahn for the Farm Security Administration in the 1930s. Bio / His Notes: Painter, printmaker, photographer, illustrator; Roosevelt, N.J. Shahn immigrated from Lithuania to the United States in 1906. He apprenticed as a lithographer, 1913-1917, and studied at the National Academy of Design from 1919 to 1922. He had his first solo exhibition at the Downtown Gallery in 1930. Shahn took photographs of rural areas for the Farm Security Administration between 1935 and 1938. During the 1940s, he made posters for the Office of War Information. Language Note: 107 letters are in French. 36 letters are in Italian. |
extent | 24.3 linear ft. (on 32 microfilm reels) |
formats | Correspondence Business Papers Writings Artwork Photographs |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available at AAA offices. |
acquisition information | Material on reel N70-6 lent for microfilming 1969 by Shahn's widow, Bernarda Bryson Shahn. All other materials donated by her, 1967-1991. Material on reels 5006-5027 microfilmed in 1995 with funding provided in part by a grant from the Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Trust. |
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title | J. B. Neumann papers, 1905-1967 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Correspondence, writings, printed material, and photographs relating to Neumann's work as a well-known art dealer in New York City during the second quarter of the century. REELS NJBN 1-NJBN 5: Correspondence with many notable American and European artists, art critics, museum directors and others. [Correspondents are listed according to reel number]. REEL NJBN 1: Correspondents include George Ault, Milton Avery, Alfred Barr, Leonard Baskin, Maurice Becker, Eugene Berman, George Biddle, Oscar Bluemner, Ilya Bolotowsky, Adelyn Breeskin, Henri Burkhard, Bryson Burroughs, Alexander Calder, Mary Callery, Jean Charlot, Sheldon Chaney, Alfred Churchill, Joseph Cornell, Andrew Dasburg, Stuart Davis, Marcel Duchamp, Albert E. Einstein, Louis Eilshemius, Juliana R. Force, Arnold Friedman, Lee Gatch, Adolph Gottlieb, Thomas Handforth, George O. (Pop) Hart, Leon Hartl, Marsden Hartley, Alonzo Hauser, Zolton Hecht, Carl Holty, Ilonka Karasz, Bernard Karfiol, Karl Knaths, Benjamin Kopman, Walt Kuhn, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Clare Leighton, Jean Liberte, Richard Lippold, Jacques Lipchitz and Louis Lozowick. REEL NJBN 2: Loren MacIver, George L.K. Morris, Robert Motherwell, Ben Nicholson, Isamu Noguchi, George O'Keeffe, Jose C. Orozco, Walter Pach, Henry Poor, Abraham Rattner, Man Ray, Ad Reinhardt, Boardman Robinson, Arnold Ronnebeck, Anne Ryan, Jimmy Savo, Josef Scharl, Charles Sheeler, Joseph Solman, Moses Soyer, Eugene Speicher, Maurice Sterne, Alfred Stieglitz, Mark Tobey, Franklin C. Watkins, Max Weber, James L. Wells, Warren Wheelock, Arthur Young, Carl Zigrosser and William Zorach. REEL NJBN 3: Josef Albers, Max Beckmann, Jean Charlot, Joseph Cornell, Sidney Delevante, Lee Gatch, Carl Holty, W. & Mrs. Nina Kandinsky, Karl Knaths, Marie Menken, Carl Milles, E. R. Robinson, Clifford Odets, Amedee Ozenfant, Hila Rebay, Abraham Rattner, Bernard Reder and Curt Valentin REEL NJBN 4: Alexander Archipenko, Hans Arp, Marcus Behmer, Heinrich Campendonk, Marc Chagall, Lovis Corinth, Lyonel Feininger, Lion Feuchtwanger, Paul Gangolf, Marcel Gromaire, George Grosz, Gerhardt Hauptmann, Martin Heidegger, Jean Hélion, Emil Jannings, Wasily Kandinsky, Felix Klee, Manfred Lehmbruck, J. C. Orozco, Ida Rapaport-Chagall, Hilla Rebay, Claude Roger-Marx, Georges Rouault, Galka Scheyer, Gino Severini, Alfred Stieglitz, Ernst Toller, Forbes Watson, Max Weber and Stefan Zweig. REEL NJBN 5: Jankel Adler, Josef Albers, Hans Arp, Alexander Archipenko, Baader, Hans Beckmann, Marcus Behmer, David Burliuk, Alexander Calder, Else Cassirer, Heinrich Campendonk, Marc and Ida Rapaport-Chagall, Lovis Corinth, Otto Dix, Katherine Dreier, Dulberg, Albert Einstein, James Y, Ewers, Lyonel Feininger, Lion Feuchtwanger, Conrad Felixmuller, Alfred Flechtheim, Leonard Frank, Eduard Fuchs, Paul Gangolf, Dr. Will Grohmann, Marcel Gromaire, Walter Gropius, Waldemar George, Stefan Grossman, Karl Glaser, Paul Guillaume, Wolfgang Gurlitt, R. Becker, Olaf Gulbansson, Peggy Guggenheim, George Grosz, Richard Harlfinger, H. Haller, Jean Hélion, Fritz Huf, Ludwig Hardt, Hofer, Jakob Hegner, Erich Heckel, Martin Heidegger, F. M. Jansen, Dr. Robert Jungk, R. Janthur, Jaeckel, Max Jacob, Emil Jannings, Wassily Kandinsky, Ernst L. Kirchner, Erich Klossowski and Oskar Kokoschka. REELS N69/93-N69/94: Correspondence, including letters from William Valentiner; writings; clippings; obituary notice; New Art Circle catalogs, announcements; photographs of Neumann by Helen Balfour Morrison (ca. l950), Clarence White (1925), and Hans Namuth (ca. 1950), of Neumann with his wife by Foka, New York (ca. 1935), and one of Edvard Munch, 1905; and posters. REEL 3533: Papers relating to Wassily Kandinsky, who was represented by Neumann, including a postcard from Kandinsky, 1921; correspondence with Nina Kandinsky; receipts, 1927 and one 1936 for a Kandinsky painting sold by Neumann; lists of works; exhibition announcement, 1936; and a clipping. [All but printed material and postcard were filmed on NJBN 3, fr. 130-164.] REEL 3947: A scrapbook. 1925-1967, containing printed material, a letter, and a drawing, possibly by Neumann; and printed material. UNMICROFILMED: Primarily printed material, including: announcements and catalogs for New Art Circle, 1924-1957; Artlover, "J.B. Neumann's Bilderhefte," and Artlover publications: exhibition catalogs and announcements, 1927-1967; 2 bound editions of World House Galleries catalogs, 1958-1960; 10 issues of "Americana," 1932-1933; "Art Front," 1936 March; and "New Masses," 1934 May 29 and 1936 Dec. 15. Also included are a few letters; "Obituary for Curt Valentin," 1954; and a guestbook, 1929-ca. 1935. |
extent | 5.0 linear ft. (on 9 microfilm reels) reels NJBN 1-5; N69/93-94; 3533; and 3947 |
formats | Correspondence Photographs Clippings Scrapbooks Exhibition Catalogs |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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acquisition information | Neuman's wife, Elsa Schmid and The Museum of Modern Art lent the Archives of American Art material for microfilming in 1966-1967. The rest of the J.B. Neumann papers were donated in several installments between 1973-2007 by Eva Lee (family friend), Joy Weber, Max Weber's daughter, Neil Richmond, and Hellie Neumann, J.B. Neumann's granddaughter. |
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title | Clifford OdetsCollection, 1942-1967. |
repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | Comprises 15 letters from Odets to his cousin, Frank Lubner (1947-1963); 5 letters from Odets' biographer Margaret Brenman Gibson to Lubner (1964-1967); 2 photographs of Odets (1942 & 1943); newspaper obituary (1963); and four scripts by Odets: "The Big Knife" (1949), "The Country Girl" (1951), "The Flowering Peach" (1954), and "The Story on Page One" (1959). Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 377 Other Contributors: Odets, Clifford, 1906-1963. Lubner, Frank. Gibson, Mary Brenman. |
extent | 27 items. |
formats | Correspondence Photographs Clippings Printed Materials |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies |
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title | Thornton Wilder letters, 1927-1965. |
repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | The collection consists of thirty items, including two letters to Mrs. Knopf in regard to his publishing commitments; a letter to playwright Clifford Odets hoping to see several plays in New York; to Carl Schiffeler discussing his novel The ides of March; to Mr. Carroll regarding the dramatization of a Wilder novel; a long chatty letter to friends mentioning a Streetcar named desire, Myrna Loy, and Charles Laughton; typewritten letter to Mr. Carroll from Wilder's sister Isabel; two papers discussing Wilder's correspondence. Also, eight letters and cards to Lucy Tal, his German literary agent, often discussing rights to performing his plays; a letter and a card to Mrs. J.R. Buchbinder concerning music; four letters to actress Maria Fein; and other rather personal letters to friends, Alfred Noyes and Edmund Wilson. Bio/History: Thornton Wilder was a successful American novelist, dramatist, and academic. His Puritan roots were reflected in a style that was innovative, technically adept, intellectual, and accessible. He is the only writer to receive the Pulitzer Prize for both novels and plays. |
extent | 30 items. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Unrestricted access |
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acquisition information | In: Allison-Shelley manuscript collection |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | William Kapell Papers, 1935-1989 bulk 1944-1953. |
repository | University of Maryland College Park Libraries |
description | Programs, reviews, advertisements, promotional materials, correspondence, photographs, interviews, published and manuscript scores, sound recordings, home movies, videotapes, calendars, scrapbooks, and diaries. Correspondents include Abram Chasins, Aaron Copland, Walter Hendl, Myra Hess, Eugene Istomin, Clifford Odets, Eugene Ormandy, Olga Samaroff, Leopold Stokowski, and Virgil Thomson. Additional correspondence, articles, interviews, and other materials relate to commemoration of Kapell after his death. Published music owned by Kapell includes scores annotated by him and by Olga Samaroff. Also present are rare editions of works by Heitor Villa-Lobos. |
extent | 5.5 linear ft. |
formats | Printed Materials Ephemera Correspondence Photographs Interviews |
access | Access to diaries restricted until 2003 |
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finding aid | Unpublished finding aid available in the repository. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Correspondence with Franz Werfel, 1943. |
repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | Concerns Odets’s work on an adaptation of Werfel’s play Jacobowsky and the Colonel. In his letter to Odets Werfel expresses his conception of the characters and of the balance between tragedy and comedy in the play. Contained in: Mahler-Werfel Papers. Folder 885. Notes: Includes a carbon copy of 1 letter from Franz Werfel. Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 575 |
extent | 6 items (8 leaves). |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:38 |
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title | Artist file: Odets, Clifford |
repository | National Portrait Gallery Library |
description | Folder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs. |
extent | 1+ folders (check with repository) |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Folder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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