Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Vogel, Ilse Margret

titleIlse-Margret Vogel Papers, 1964-1987.
repositoryUniversity of Minnesota
descriptionIlse-Margret Vogel was born June 5, 1914 in Sybillenort, Germany [now Poland]. She was educated in Germany and studied art in Berlin prior to World War II; she later studied art in Basel, Switzerland after the war.

In the 1940s, Ilse-Margret Vogel co-founded and co-owned the Rosen Art Gallery, the first modern art gallery in Berlin. She came to the United States in 1950 and in 1954 began writing for Humpty-Dumpty's Magazine for Little Children.

Ilse-Margret Vogel wrote and illustrated her first book for children The Don't Be Scared Book: Scares, Remedies and Pictures, a picture book about fears, in 1964. During her long career, Ilse-Margret Vogel has illustrated many picture books including several for Golden Books. She has also written and illustrated several books for older readers such as The

The collection contains production material for eleven titles published between 1964 and 1984. Production materials include both manuscript and illustrative materials. Manuscript materials include typescripts, proofs, front matter, a dummy, and notes. Illustrative materials include illustrations, sketches, and studies done in a variety of media, pieces of text proof, and an ink calligraphy. The collection also contains miscellaneous materials including some art done for Humpty-Dumpty's Magazine for Little Children and other sketches, and some general miscellaneous material including a photograph, reviews including one in German, and some correspondence dating up to 1987. The materials are arranged by title with folder and box level control.

Biographical and Historical Note
Rainbow Dress, and Other Tollush Tales (1975) and Dodo Every Day (1977) that draw on her experiences with her grandmother and the stories she heard from her as a child.

In 1984, Ilse-Margret Vogel published Tikhon, a story about a young German girl and the Russian soldier she and her family befriend in post-World War I Germany. In 1992, she published Bad Times, Good Friends: A Personal Memoir that told of her life in Berlin during World War II.

extent.4 linear ft. (Manuscript and miscellaneous materials), .3 cubic ft. (Illustrative and miscellaneous art materials)
formatsBusiness Papers Ephemera Drawings
accessCollection is non-circulating, in-house use only.
record source
finding aidOnline and in repository
acquisition informationIlse-Margret Vogel gave this collection to the University of Minnesota in 1970 and placed additional materials in the collection in 1987.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:36

titleIlse-Margret Vogel papers, circa 1924-2001
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionLetters, photographs, exhibition catalogs, writings, an interview, printed material and miscellany regarding Vogel's career as a children's book illustrator and gallery owner.

Approximately 100 letters and postcards from J. B. Neumann; photographs of Vogel, J. B. Neumann, Howard Knotts, Markus Krause and others; catalogs published by Neumann’s gallery New Art Circle at 41 East 57th Street in New York City and several catalogs published by Galerie Gerd Rosen, Berlin; two annotated books, "Galerie Gerd Rosen: Die Avantgarde in Berlin, 1945-1950," by Markus Krause, 1995, and "What I Believe by Bertrand Russell, 1925"; a 1985 interview on cassette of Vogel conducted by Lily Harmon; newspaper clippings.

Biographical and Historical Note
Children's book illustrator and gallery owner; New York, N.Y. Prior to moving to the United States from Berlin, Vogel opened the Galerie Gerd Rosen, the first modern art gallery in Berlin in the 1940s.
extent0.6 linear ft.
formatsPhotographs Interviews Sound Recording Correspondence Writings
accessUse requires an appointment.
record link
record source
acquisition informationHoward Knotts donated his wife's papers to the Archives of American Art in 2007, c/o Nancy Lindbloom.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:36

titleLily Harmon papers, 1930-1996.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionPrimarily research files and notes, subject files, interview tapes and transcripts, correspondence, writings, and other materials compiled by Harmon for a never-published biography of art dealer J.B. Neumann, titled The Art Lover.

Found are photocopies of J.B. Neuman's correspondence with Karl Nierendorf, Clifford Odets, Elsa Schmid, and Alfred Stieglitz; photocopies and other materials from the J.B. Neumann Collection at the University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Humanities Center, including photocopies of the magazine published by Neumann titled Art Lover Library, 1930-1957 (volume 1, 1930 is original bound volume), copyprints and photocopies of photographs of Neumann, his family, and of other subjects; interview transcripts and audio tapes with numerous artists conducted in the mid-1980s; research notes and files; and subject files on numerous artists (all photocopies).

Harmon's personal papers include resumes; copies of letters from friends, family, dealers and others; photographs of Harmon's paintings; writings, including poems, excerpts from diaries, autobiographical essays, and her autobiography FREEHAND; photocopies of various mss. drafts of Harmon's biography of Neumann, The Art Lover, and related writings by Harmon, including The Art Dealer and the Playwright, and Synopsis of Art Lover, ca. 1987-1990 ; a transcript of an interview of Harmon conducted by Karl Fortress, 1967; magazine and newspaper clippings; exhibition announcements and catalogs; and miscellany.

Interviewees include: Dore Ashton, Sally Avery, Alfred Barr, Phillip Bruno, Al Copley, Dorothy Dehner, Bettina Drew (about Nelson Algren), Elsie Driggs (also found is a video interview and transcript of Driggs by Merryman Gatch, n.d.), Ben Hertzberg, Leonard Hutton, Lewis Isaacs, Max Kahn, Katharine Kuh, Johanna Neumann Lamm, Frances Manacher, Peter Neumann, Albrecht Neumann, Nolbert Rothbaum, Margarete Schultz, Joseph Solman, Margarete Sapanel, Hugh Stix, Ilse Vogel with Howard Knotts, and Edward M.M. Warburg.

Bio / His Notes:
Painter and sculptor; New York City. Harmon worked for the influential art dealer J.B. Neumann, and spent several years preparing a biography of him which was never published. As an artist, she lived in Europe in the early part of the century, and worked on WPA art projects in the 1930s.
extent6.0 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Interviews Writings Notes
accessUnmicrofilmed: use requires an appointment.
record linkn/a
record source
finding aidPartial box inventory is available.
acquisition informationDonated 1983 and 1998 by Lily Harmon.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:36