Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827

titlePennsylvania Hospital art related records, 1760-1884.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionVisitors' book to Benjamin West's painting "Christ Healing the Sick," and related correspondence and printed material, 1817. Minutes and excerpts relating to American art and artists; correspondence with Benjamin West; material relating to the loan and donation of art works from West, Thomas Sully, James Traquair and others, Gilbert Stuart and Charles Willson Peale deciding where to hang West's painting "Christ Healing the Sick," the commission of art works, and the facilities for exhibiting work at the hospital.
extent2 partial microfilm reels.
formatsMicrofilm Correspondence
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy
acquisition informationMaterial on reel P24 microfilmed by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for the Archives of American Art, 1955. Material on P87 lent for microfilming 1955, by the Pennsylvania Hospital. Location of Original: Reel P87: Originals in the Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleCharles Roberts autograph collection, 1773-1938.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionLetters of American artists, including Washington Allston, Albert Bierstadt, Thomas Cole, Walt Disney, Asher Durand, Horatio Greenough, Winslow Homer, Peter Hurd, Henry Inman, Thomas Sully, John Trumbull, Benjamin West and many others, with an illustrated letter from Edward Gay and correspondence of the Peale family; a handwritten manuscript by Rembrandt Peale, "Washington and His Portraits"; clippings, announcements, an auction catalog of the John Trumbull collection, and other printed material.
extent1 microfilm reel.
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record source
finding aidMicrofilm inventory listing the artists in the collection is available at AAA offices
acquisition informationLent for microfilming, 1955, by Haverford College Library. Location of Original: Originals in the Haverford College Library, Haverford, Pennsylvania.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titlePeale family Papers, 1784-1864 (Col. 396)
repositoryThe Winterthur Library
descriptionThis collection contains original documents and approximately 70 historic black and white photographs of paintings of and by Peale family members. Original documents are from Charles Willson, Rembrandt, and Rubens Peale. Most documents are business letters concerning exhibits, transportation of paintings, and works in progress. Photostats of two letters from Charles Willson to Thomas Jefferson and a copy of Practical Treatise on Painting in Oil Colors, London: B. and J. White, 1795, annotated by Rembrandt, are included. Of particular interest is a manuscript in Rembrandt's hand of his lecture entitled "Washington and his Portraits." In this lecture, delivered several times between 1858-1860, Rembrandt describes George Washington and the circumstances in which various artists, including himself and his father, painted him.

9 C 3
extent2 boxes
formatsBusiness Papers Correspondence Photographs Writings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationMaterials are from various sources.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titleCharles Allen Munn collection relating to Charles Willson Peale, John Trumbull and Benjamin West, 1788-1917.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionA diary of Charles Wilson Peale, 1788-1789; letters, an account book, 1816, and a letter book, 1809-1810, of John Trumbull; and a brief manuscript autobiography of Benjamin West.

Charles Wilson Peale papers include a diary kept in Philadelphia and Annapolis, May 30, 1788-May 5, 1789. In in Peale writes about: working on his drawing machine "for taking perspective views"; people sitting for portraits; techniques in painting; repairing pictures; travel conditions between Philadelphia and Annapolis; the operation of his Philadelphia museum; recipes for preserving birds and animals; business and travel expenses; experiment in making bifocals; social activities and acquaintances.

John Trumbull papers include: two unsigned letters, 1819; account with A. C. DePoggi, 1791-1794; correspondence with Houdon; letterbook, 1809-1810; account book containing inventory of prints, 1816; correspondence with Charles Wilkes and Asher B. Durand, 1819-1822; and corrected proof of original manuscript of a description of Trumbull's pictures.

The Benjamin West papers consist of an undated autobiography.
extent70 items (on 1 microfilm reel) reel N68-20
formatsCorrespondence Diaries Account Books Inventories Manuscript
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record link
record source
acquisition informationLent for microfilming 1968 by Fordham University Library. Originals returned to Fordham University Library after microfilming.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleCharles Willson Peale Letterbooks, 1767-1827.
repositoryAmerican Philosophical Society
descriptionBusiness and personal correspondence on a wide variety of topics with a great many persons. Subjects include events in Philadelphia; the Philadelphia Museum, its exhibits, and Peale's hopes for its acquisition by the city or state; the exhumation and exhibition of the mastodon; construction and promotion of the polygraph; agricultural concerns, including the operation of his farm Belfield; natural history; false teeth, etc. Correspondents include, among many others:

Sir Joseph Banks
Joel Barlow
John Beale Bordley
John Dickinson
James De Peyster
William Duane
Peter S. Du Ponceau
Andrew Ellicott
Benjamin Franklin
Robert Fulton
Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
John Hawkins
Michael Hillegas
Joseph Hopkinson
David Hosack
Thomas Jefferson
Marquis de Lafayette
Benjamin Henry Latrobe
Henry Laurens
Thomas McKean
Rembrandt Peale
Titian R. Peale
Franklin Peale
Mrs. Angelica Robinson
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
David Ramsay
Thomas Jefferson Randolph
William Smith
Thomas Sully
John Vaughan
George Washington
Volume 19 (1825) of the letterbooks is missing. There is a 3-vol. calendar and an index, as well as the extensive index with the microfiche.

Charles Willson Peale was an artist and naturalist.
extent18 v.
formatsCorrespondence Microfilm
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidIn respository
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleMary Jane Peale and Peale family selected papers, [ca. 1815]-1897.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionMary Jane Peale's diaries and letters, and papers collected by Peale relating to Rubens Peale, Mrs. Rubens Peale (Eliza Burd Patterson Peale), and the Peale family.

REELS 3900-3901: 10 volumes of Mary Jane Peale's diaries which contain domestic and social news as well as discussions of Mary Jane's paintings.

REEL 3904: The bulk of the material relates to Mary Jane Peale including correspondence; a list of paintings by Peale as well as a list of paintings owned by Peale; a volume on oil painting; and Peale's will. The materials relating to the family include letters between Rubens Peale and his wife; letters from Rubens Peale to Franklin Peale; letters from Mrs. Peale to friends and family; and an inventory of pictures in the parlor.

Bio / His Notes:
Painter; Philadelphia, Pa. Daughter of painter Rubens Peale, neice of Rembrandt Peale, and grandaughter of Charles Willson Peale.
extent1.0 linear ft. (on 3 microfilm reels) reels 3900-3901 and 3904
formatsMicrofilm Diaries Correspondence
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
finding aidFinding guide prepared by American Philosophical Society on reel 3904.
acquisition informationMicrofilm reels 3900-3901 purchased from American Philosophical Society. Material on reel 3904 microfilmed 1987 by Archives of American Art as part of AAA's Philadelphia Documentation Project. The collection was assembled primarily by Mary Jane Peale, who copied or had copied many family documents. Only original materials were microfilmed. Location of Original: Originals in the American Philosophical Society.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleCharles Willson Peale diaries and exhibition announcement, 1765-1826.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionDiaries and an exhibition announcement.

REEL 3899: 26 volumes of diaries including daily entries relating to family, business, travels, sittings, Peale's museum and other topics.
REEL D9: A handwritten announcement for the exhibition of Peale's "Christ at Bethesda," March 20, 1821.

REEL N86/20: A diary kept in Philadelphia and Annapolis, May 30, 1788- May 5, 1789. Peale writes about working on his drawing machine "for taking perspective views"; about people sitting for portraits; techniques in painting repairing pictures; travel conditions between Philadelphia and Annapolis; the operation of his Philadelphia museum; recipes for preserving birds and animals; business and travel expenses; experiment in making bifocals; social activities and acquaintances.

Bio / His Notes:
Painter, engraver, naturalist; Philadelphia, Pa.

Additional forms:
35mm microfilm reel 3899 available at Archives of American Art offices, through interlibrary loan and at the American Philosophical Society.
35mm microfilm reels D9 and N68/20 available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
extent1.0 linear ft. (on 3 partial microfilm reel) reel 3899 reels D9 and N68/20
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationMicrofilm of 26 diaries (reel 3899) purchased in 1987 from the American Philosophical Society as part of AAA's Philadelphia Arts Documentation Project. Material on reel D9 donated 1955-1962 by Charles E. Feinberg, an active donor and friend of AAA. Material on reel N68/20 lent for microfilming 1968 by Fordham University Library. Location of Original: Reel 3899: Originals in: American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, except for volume 3 (Huntington Library, San Marino, CA) and volumes 7 and 9 (Fordham University Library, New York, NY). Reel N68/20: Original in: Fordham University Library.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleArtist file: Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827
repositoryNational Portrait Gallery Library
descriptionFolder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs.
extent1+ folders (check with repository)
accessFolder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titlePhiladelphia Museum Company (Peale’s Museum)
repositoryPennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
descriptionNewspaper clippings, 1785, 1804 (1 folder)
Correspondence book, 1821 (1 volume)
Charter and bylaws, 1828, 1834 (Lambdin pamphlet collection (q.v.), vol. 1)
extentSee repository for further details
formatsClippings Correspondence Ephemera Administrative Records
accessSee repository for further details
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:43

titleCharles Wilson Peale's portrait of George Washington, at Princeton, with Nassau Hall in the background.
repositoryThe Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library
descriptionBy Freund, Karl.
"This picture is in the FARL file as painted by C.P. Polk, 121-10g."

Call Number
extent6 leaves
record source
finding aidN/A
updated02/14/2025 10:07:53

titleCorrespondence purporting to relate to the full-length portrait of George Washington, painted by C.W. Peale in 1781, now owned by Yale University.
repositoryThe Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library
descriptionThe 7 letters bearing Peale's signature, are probably copies made by his granddaughter, Mary J. Peale, who wrote 3 letters in this lot. Mr. Sellers believes that only the 19th century letters refer to the Yale portrait.
extent1 volume
record source
finding aidN/A
updated02/14/2025 10:07:53