Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Ackerman, Louise Sloss, d. 1982
title | Louise S. Ackerman letter from Alexander Calder, 1949 Feb. 7. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | A letter, February 7, 1949, to Ackerman from Alexander Calder, concerning payment for a mobile. |
extent | 1 item (on partial microfilm reel). reel 3134 |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
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acquisition information | The letter was found in Ackerman's papers by her son, James Ackerman, owner of the Calder mobile. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:37 |
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title | Sloss, Ackerman, and Sawyer family papers, 1904-1981 |
repository | University of California, Berkeley |
description | This collection contains materials kept and collected by Anne Ackerman Finnie documenting her siblings, children and Sloss and Ackerman ancestors. It contains no material on her civic and professional activities. The collection includes correspondence, offcial documents, travel diaries, commemorative books, genealogical charts, articles (published and unpublished), photographs, prints, an oil painting, audio tapes, and miscellany. The collection contains few primary documents. It includes a number of articles by Frank H. Sloss (a cousin) on the Sloss Family. It also includes a number of photographs ranging from formal prints by famous photographers to family snapshots and dating from the 1860s-1960s. Collection #: WJHC 1992.005 AR1 RELATED SOURCES & COLLECTIONS 1. Sloss Family Papers, 1918-1944. 92/02 2. Richard Sloss Papers, 1906-1975. 76/01 3. Ackerman Family [Bible]. 1853. 79/02 4. Ernest Lilienthal Papers. 84/09 5. Sophie Gerstle Lilienthal Papers. 67/19 6. Lucius Levy Solomans Papers, 1745-1963. 69/11 7. Isabel Wiel Papers, 1879-1988. 99/15 Oral Histories 1. Alice Gerstle Levison 2. Joseph Sloss, Jr. [Audio Tape Collection/Mount Zion Hospital 92/01] 3. Margaret Sloss (Mrs. Louis III) [Audio Tape Collection/Mount Zion Hospital 92/01] |
extent | 13 linear ft. |
formats | Printed Materials Photographs Correspondence Diaries Writings |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Online and in repository. |
acquisition information | Formerly the Anne Ackerman Finnie Collection (92/05) and the Sawyer (Ackerman-Finnie) Collection (97/16) the collection which documents the Sloss Ackerman and Sawyer families was donated in four parts between February 1992 and June 2000. The first two donations were made by Anne Ackerman Sawyer Finnie in 1992, the second two by her daughter Janet Sawyer in 1997 and 2000. Final processing was completed in 2000 by Julia Bazar. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:44 |
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title | Anne Ackerman Finnie family papers, 1899-1981 |
repository | University of California, Berkeley |
description | The collection consists of family papers, diaries, scrapbooks, and photographs relating to Anne Ackerman Finnie, her parents, Louise Sloss and Lloyd Ackerman, and her grandparents, Bertha Greenwald and Leon Sloss, Sr. Among the materials in the collection relating to Louise Sloss and Lloyd Ackerman are Louise's travel diaries from 1905-1906, two wedding scrapbooks (1909), and a wedding certificate. The collection also includes a scrapbook kept by Louise Sloss about her father Leon Sloss, Sr. and research materials and essays by and on various Sloss family members. Among the photographs are portraits of Anne Ackerman and her siblings, Lloyd Jr. and James (including some by Dorothea Lange, William Dassonville, and William Mortensen), portraits of Louise Sloss and Lloyd Ackerman around the time of their wedding in 1909 (done by Arnold Genthe), photographs of Louise Sloss' and Lloyd Ackerman's 1909 wedding at the Sloss estate in San Rafael, California, and an oversize photograph of Bertha and Louise Sloss (1899). The collection also includes a drawing of 1818 California Street, San Francisco (by Stanton Keeney), a 1975 print depicting the corner of California and Franklin Streets (by J. A. Kendall), San Francisco, and a Testimony of Appreciation from the White House to Leon Sloss, Sr. for his work in the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in 1915. Included Subjects : Finnie, Anne Ackerman -- 1911-1995 -- Archives Ackerman, Lloyd -- 1882-1968 Ackerman, Louise Sloss -- 1888-1982 Sloss, Bertha Greenwald -- b. 1868 Sloss, Leon Ackerman, Lloyd Jr -- 1910-1946 Ackerman, James -- b. 1919 Schlosser family Ackerman family Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915 : San Francisco, Calif.) Jewish families -- California -- San Francisco San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works Formerly: Judah L. Magnes Museum Collection Number WJHC 1992.005. Transfer; Judah L. Magnes Museum; 2010. Associated item: Portrait of Rebecca Ackerman (The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life; WJHC 1992.005.1). Objects, including textiles (clothing, hats, fur, feathers and lace), cassette audio tapes (with an interview of Anne Ackerman Finnie and a recording from the Sloss-Gerstle picnic and family reunion in 1975), and two large rolled family trees (for the Greenbaum-Gerstle family and the Gerstle-Sloss families) transferred to the museum holdings of The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life for separate handling and cataloging. Anne Ackerman Finnie (1911-1995) was the daughter, and second child, of Louise Sloss Ackerman (1888-1982) and Lloyd Stuart Ackerman, Sr. (1882-1968). Louise was the eldest child of Bertha Greenewald Sloss (b. 1868) and Leon Sloss, Sr. (1858-1920). Louise and Lloyd were married in 1909. Anne's brothers were Lloyd, Jr. (1910-1946) and James (1919- ). Anne married Lester Sawyer in the 1940s and had four children: Janet, Christopher, Timothy and Pamela. The Sawyers divorced in 1957 and Anne married Richard S. Finnie in 1965. Anne Ackerman Finnie co-founded the Emeritus College at the College of Marin, served as Executive Director of the San Francisco Suicide Prevention Center, helped establish Huckleberry House, a center for runaway children and teens, and served on the St. Francis Hospital Auxiliary. She also served on the boards of the Marin Child Development Center in Tiburon and Planned Parenthood. Anne Finnie wrote plays, short stories and poetry. She was also actively interested in the history of the Sloss Family, including their involvement in the Alaska Commercial Company and her father's involvement with the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Louise Sloss Ackerman, Anne's mother, was an artist as well as a patron of the arts and Anne continued the family support of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art whose Fine Arts Library was named after her mother. Anne's brother James became an architectural historian. Lloyd Ackerman, Sr. was a Yale graduate and a successful lawyer and his father J.H. Ackerman was involved in a number of retail ventures. Preferred citation: Anne Ackerman Finnie family papers, BANC MSS 2010/735, The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. |
extent | 2 boxes, 3 oversize boxes, 1 oversize folder (1.8 linear feet) |
formats | Personal Papers Diaries Scrapbooks Photographs |
access | COLLECTION STORED, IN PART, OFF-SITE: Advance notice required for use. |
record link |;ff=0;institution=UC%20Berkeley::Bancroft%20Library;query=Anne%20Ackerman%20Finnie%20family%20papers,%201899-1981.;idT=UCb185359632 |
record source | ; |
finding aid | available in onsite and online |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:49 |
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