Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Stotesbury, Edward Townsend, 1849-1938

titleInventory of the contents of Whitemarsh Hall, Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, E.T. Stotesbury, Esq., August, 1925.
repositoryClark Art Institute
Compiled by Duveen Brothers.

Collection sold at auction at Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, Nov. 18, 1944. - cf. Art News, Nov. 1, 1944, p. 28.

Call # N5298 S888 1925
extent163 leaves 34 cm.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:41

titleDuveen Brothers Records, 1876-1981, bulk 1909-1964
repositoryThe Getty Research Institute
descriptionThe records provide an detailed view of the Duveen Brothers business activities in London, Paris, and New York. Although the archive extends from 1876-1981, the bulk of the material dates from Joseph Duveen's tenure as president of the firm, 1909-1939, and the period from 1939 to 1964 when Edward Fowles directed the firm (with Armand Lowengard until 1943). The mass of documents, such as cables and letters, invoices, and ledger and stock books, give a day-by-day account of art dealing, business strategy, and the individuals involved

NOTE Series I (ca. 112 linear feet) contains the firm's business records. Stock books indicate where objects were sent for repair, to whom objects were sent on approbation along with the date of sale and the price realized. Invoices include receipts, sales invoices sent to clients, lists of cablegrams and shipment of stock from each branch of the business

Series II (ca. 155 linear feet) consists of papers and correspondence which broadly cover the interaction between the Duveen Brothers firm and its clients, business associates, and the public. The correspondence describes art collecting trends among museums and individuals, the availability and purchase of art, art research and authentication, and the firm's general business practices. Eleven boxes of correspondence with Bernard Berenson detail his business relationship with the firm. Also included are records of lawsuits, correspondence between branches (some written in code), correspondence with museums, papers regarding galleries, Edward Fowles' papers, papers concerning exhibitions and loans, and papers regarding major art collectors and consultants. Some records of Kleinberger Galleries (apparently the papers of Harry G. Sperling, president) form a subseries within this series, and contain correspondence

Series III (c. 127 linear feet) includes some photographs, indices, negatives, and x-rays. This series represents the Duveen Brother's stock of images. Indices are available for the majority of the negatives in cold storage

("X Book" (Berenson transaction) is the only unique Duveen document not transferred to the GRI. It has not yet been photocopied. The "X Book" details, for a limited number (about 250) of Italian paintings in which Berenson had a financial interest, precise dates of purchase and sale, primarily in the years 1910-27. There is no index.) AAM

Watson Library Reference

Microfilm Cabinet
extentCa. 394 linear ft. 584 boxes, glass negative cabinets, and 18 flat file folders. 422 microfilm reels : positive ; 35mm
formatsPhotographs X rays Correspondence Financial Records Inventories
accessMicrofilm of the archive is available for use by qualified researchers. The archive is restricted because of extreme fragility
record link
record source
finding aidUnpublished finding aid available in the repository and on the repository's Web site: folder level control. See the following web page digitization information:
acquisition informationEdward Fowles donated the Duveen Brothers records to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1968. The Metropolitan gave the records to the Getty Research Library in 1996.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:41

titleFiske Kimball Records, 1908-1955, n.d. (bulk 1925-1954)
repositoryPhiladelphia Museum of Art
descriptionFrom 1925 to 1955, Fiske Kimball (1888-1955) served as director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, steering the institution from what he described as "a minor provincial position to become one of the leading museums of America."

The Fiske Kimball Records document Kimball's efforts in achieving this transformation in collaboration with the Museum's officers, staff, and the Fairmount Park Commission, and with the assistance of private benefactors and City funding. Comprised primarily of correspondence, these records also include ephemera, clippings, notes, legal documents, reports, minutes, press releases, publications, floor plans, installation drawings, and photographs, mostly of objects, rooms and architectural elements offered for purchase.

Kimball's correspondents include preeminent leaders of art museums, universities, auction houses and professional affiliations, as well as government representatives, private collectors, scholars, and artists. Kimball's often successful courting of potential donors of objects and contributors of funds is well represented, as well as his efforts to secure labor funded by the Works Progress Administration.

In addition to the refinement and expansion of the Museum's holdings, the development of various departments and offices is also documented, and to a lesser extent other related facilities.
extent94.5 linear feet
formatsCorrespondence Clippings Ephemera Legal Papers Photographs
accessThe collection is open for research. Certain fragile material may only be consulted with permission of the Archivist.
record link
record source
finding aidAvailable online
acquisition informationBequeathed by Fiske Kimball, 1955.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:48

titleEdwin Atlee Barber Records, 1901-1916
repositoryPhiladelphia Museum of Art
descriptionBarber's correspondence is arranged in two alphabets, 1901 to 1911 and 1912 to 1916. Some Barber correspondence with Museum people was kept separately. Extensive correspondence with John T. Morris, Board of Trustees Vice President and a collector; John Story Jenks, also a collector and a Vice President of the Board; Leslie W. Miller, Principal of the School; and James L. Allan, Assistant Treasurer make up a series.

extent19 linear feet
accessThe collection is open for research
record link
record source
finding aidAvailable online
updated02/14/2025 10:07:48