Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Trumbull, John, 1756-1843
title | Charles Allen Munn collection relating to Charles Willson Peale, John Trumbull and Benjamin West, 1788-1917 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Papers from John Trumbull's paint box including an oval paper pattern for minatures, inscribed "size for maile portraits sight measure 1794" (approximately 3 7/8 x 3 inches); a test of the pigment cassel earth; a printed form letter to members of Congress, April 15, 1822, asking them to seek out portraits of those present at the resignation of General Washington; a handwritten invitation to tea from Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins; specifications and estimate from PB Lamont, New York, August 12, 1821, "for painting of the New York institution outside only"; fragments of 3 circulars issued by Trumbull soliciting subscriptions for engravings of his history paintings; 2 miscellaneous clippings; and a blank bank discount and deposit slip. Bio / His Notes: Painter; New Haven, Connecticut. Born in Lebanon, Ct. Studied under Benjamin West in London. Painted historic portraits and paintings. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel 3589 available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 22 items (on partial microfilm reel) reel 3589 |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Ephemera Financial Records |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | |
record source | |
acquisition information | Deposited 1984 by the National Portrait Gallery. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:38 |
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title | Artist file: Trumbull, John , 1756-1843 |
repository | National Portrait Gallery Library |
description | Folder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs. |
extent | 1+ folders (check with repository) |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Folder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library |
record source | |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Selected art related letters from the Benjamin Franklin papers, 1766-1789. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters to Benjamin Franklin from artists or about art related subjects, including busts, engravings, and portraits of Franklin. Among the correspondents are: Jacob W. Duche, William Temple Franklin, Jean Antonine Houdon, John Jay, Samuel Jennings, Thomas Potts, David Rittenhouse, Philip Syng, John Trumbull, Benjamin West, and Patience Wright. Also included are letters to William Temple Franklin from Jean Jacques Caffieri, Jean Antonine Houdon, and Joseph Wright. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel P37 (fr. 506-543) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 1 partial microfilm reel, reel P37 (fr. 506-543) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Lent for microfilming by the American Philosophical Society, 1955. Location of Original: Originals in the American Philosophical Society. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Letter to Anthony Wayne, 1779 Nov. 9. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel P21 (fr. 124) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 1 item (on 1 fr. of microfilm) reel P21 (fr. 124) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Microfilmed by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for the Archives of American Art, 1955. Location of Original: Original in Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Wayne papers. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Selected art related letters from Historical Society of Pennsylvania's Society Collection, 1760-1935. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters, mainly from artists, and documents selected from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's miscellaneous manuscript collection (Society Collection). Letters are to various people; 46 of them are to Townsend Ward and a few are to John A. McAllister, photographer. Many of the letters refer to paintings, portraits, commissions, and awards. Writers of letters include: Edwin Austin Abbey, Mary Gertrude Abbey, F.W. Bayley, Albert Bierstadt, George Catlin, Joseph Ceracchi, John Gadsby Chapman, John Cheney, James Claypool, James Cox, F.O.C. Darley, Joseph Delaplaine, Humphrey Donnehue, William Dunlap, Pierre Eugene Du Simitiere, S. Eliot, Charles Fevret De Saint-Memin, Charles Dana Gibson, Harold Edgar Gillingham, Horatio Greenough, George Harding, Levi Hollingsworth, William Morris Hunt, Daniel Huntington, Henry Inman, Horatio Gates Jones, James Reid Lambdin, Will Hicok Low, Edward Dalton Marchant, William Henry Moody, John Neagle, Albert Newsam, Bass Otis, Thomas Paine, Charles Willson Peale, Franklin Peale, James Peale, Jr., Mary Jane Peale, Rembrandt Peale, Titian Ramsay Peale, Joseph Pennell, Clement Penrose, Robert Piggot, Thomas Buchanan Read, William Trost Richards, Thomas Prichard Rossiter, Peter Frederick Rothermel, William Rush, John Sartain, Stephen Alonzo Schooff (to Townsend Ward), Russell Smith, Charles H. Stephens, Thomas Sully, Philip Syng, John Vanderlyn, N.P. Willis, Alexander Wilson and Patience Wright. Among the recipients of letters are Archibald Alexander, David S. Brown, William Belcher, Col. Brodhead, B. Burrell, Carey & Hart, Edward L. Carey, Henry C. Carey, Miss Clarke, Mr. Curren, Joseph Delaplaine, John Dickinson, Dr. Dickson, William Dillwyn, William Duane, James B. Elliott, Mrs. Langdon Elwyn, Mantle(?) Fielding, John W. Francis, Charles P. Hayes, David Hosack, Mr. Howell, Major William Jackson, Horatio Gates Jones, John W. Jordan, H.H. Kjmball, C.G. Leland, Joseph Leidy, J.B. Lippincott, George Livermore, James Madison, J. Hill Martin, John McAllister, James McMurtrie, James Monaghan, J. Murray, Albert Cook Myers, Rebecca and Isabella Nathans, John Neagle, C.S. Ogden, John Paca, Charles Willson Peale, Rembrandt Peale, David Rittenhouse, Albert Rosenthal, John Sartain, Jacob Schreiner, James Shrigley, James Ross Snowden, W.D. Snyder, Dr. Sommerville, J.C. Stanbridge, F.D. Stone, Henry Troth, Mr. Vaux, Townsend Ward, William Hill Wells, G.M. Wharton, Thomas Wharton, Henry J. Williams, and Samuel B. Wylie. Other items include a sonnet of S.T. Coleridge by Washington Allston; business card of Pennel Beale; catalog of medals and coins of silver in the possession of Hon. John Smith compiled by Du Simitière, 1772; printed address by Mrs. John C. Montgomery soliciting donations for the repair of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, destroyed by fire, 1845; William Morris Hunt's admission ticket to Peale's Museum, 1836, stating his height and weight; description of objects on display at the Peale Museum, 1820; a photograph and business card of Benjamin Randolph; invitations and notes to Gilbert Stuart; typescript by Frank H. Taylor on lithography, 1923; subscription book for engravings of paintings by John Trumbull; and a page from John Archibald Woodside's daybook, 1802-1803. |
extent | ca. 150 items (on 2 partial microfilm reels) reels P23 (fr. 513-705) & P24 (fr. 1-3) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Ephemera |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
finding aid | Microfilm inventory available at AAA offices. |
acquisition information | Microfilmed by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for the Archives of American Art, 1955. Location of Original: Originals in Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Society Collection. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Letters to Jonathan Potts, 1776 July-Aug. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Bio / His Notes: Trumbull was a painter. Potts was medical director in the Revolutionary Army. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel P20 (fr. 701-703) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 3 items (on 3 fr. of microfilm) reel P20 (fr. 701-703) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Microfilmed by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for the Archives of American Art, 1955. Location of Original: Originals in Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Jonathan Potts Papers. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Selected art related papers from the Simon Gratz Collection, [ca. 1770-1921]. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Selected letters, sketches, writings, clippings and printed material collected by Simon Gratz, primarily from the "Painters, sculptors, and engravers" section (ca. 400 items) of the Cultural life, arts and sciences autograph series. Other sections filmed include Benjamin West correspondence; Charles Thomson correspondence; Joshua Humphreys letters; and one or more letters from the following categories: American miscellaneous, European painters and sculptors, Chaplains colonial wars and revolution, Roman Catholic prelates, British Authors, British literary misc., European explorers and antiquaries, American poets, Univ. presidents, American scientists, American authors, American prose, American literary misc., U.S. Senators, and others. The Painters, sculptors, and engravers section contains ca. 400 items, primarily letters, of prominent eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth century American artists, such as Albert Bierstadt, William Merritt Chase, Thomas Cole, John Singleton Copley, Asher B. Durand, Charles Willson Peale, John Singer Sargent, Gilbert Stuart, Thomas Sully, John Trumbull, and others. Many of the letters are addressed to Albert Rosenthal. Also included are sketches, writings, clippings, and printed material pertaining to the artists. The Benjamin West papers, 1877-1819, (reel P23, fr. 1-85) include letters to West, letters from and about West, and cards, a certificate, and engraving of him. The Charles Thomson papers (reels P21, fr. 800-813 and P22, fr. 1-7) include material relating to craftsmen in New York and Philadelphia, 1784-1787; correspondence with Joseph Delaplaine, 1816-1817, concerning Delaplaine's having a portrait of Thomson painted by Bass Otis; a letter to Thomson from G.P. Norris, Jr., Jan. 26, 1819, referring to Trumbull's painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence; and bills from cabinetmaker Alexander Anderson. The Humphreys' letters are from Charles Willson Peale, Mar. 4, 1795, and William Rush, Apr. 30, 1795. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reels P21 (fr. 773-813), P22 (entire), and P23 (1-84) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | ca. 500 items (on 3 partial microfilm reels) reels P21 (fr. 773-813), P22 (entire), and P23 (1-84) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Sketches Writings Clippings |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
finding aid | Microfilm inventory available at all Archives of American Art offices. |
acquisition information | Lent for microfilming 1955 by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Location of Original: Originals in: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Simon Gratz Collection. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | The Canning collection of papers concerning John Trumbull, 1799, 1818, 1901. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Papers regarding painter John Trumball collected by Mr. and Mrs. Tony Canning, including: a bound volume entitled "Biographical Sketch of John Trumbull, 1756-1843," by Henry A. Smith, 1901, dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bartlett; a letter to the Bartletts from Henry Smith, December 23, 1901; a letter to John Trumbull from John Langdon, member of Congress, and signer of the constitution, June 1, 1799; and a letter from John Trumbull to his wife, November 30, 1818. Bio / His Notes: John Trumball was a patriot and painter of revolutionary war subjects, also portrait painter of prominent figures of the period. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel 3796 available at the Archives of American Art offfices and through interlibrary loan. Cite as: The Canning collection of papers concerning John Trumball. Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Tony Canning. Microfilmed by the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. |
extent | 4 items (on partial microfilm reel). reel 3796 |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Writings Ephemera |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Lent for microfilming 1986 by Mr. and Mrs. Tony Canning. Location of Original: Originals returned to lender after microfilming. |
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title | Robert C. Graham collection of artists' letters, 1783-1935 (bulk 1804-1877). |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Graham, an art dealer and collector, compiled the unrelated letters of several late eighteenth-century and nineteenth-century painters such as Thomas Biddle, Thomas Doughty, G. P. A. Healy, Daniel Huntington, Henry Inman, Emanuel Leutze, Samuel F. B. Morse, Rembrandt Peale, John Singer Sargent, Thomas Sully, John Trumbull, Benjamin West, and others. Bio / His Notes: Graham is an art dealer, and collector; New York, N.Y.; director of the Graham Gallery. Funding Note: The collection was fully digitized in 2007 as part of the Terra Foundation for American Art Digitization Grant. |
extent | 40 items (on partial microfilm reel). reels D23 (fr. 225-352), D294 (does not include West letters), 1236 (Healy letter) |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records |
access | Collection has been digitized and is available via the Archives of American Art's website. [] Selected images [] |
record link | |
record source | |
finding aid | Inventory of the letters available at all Archives of American Art offices. |
acquisition information | Donated by Robert Graham, 1961. Microfilmed and subsequently digitized in 2007. |
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title | Albert Duveen art reference files, [ca. 1831-1950]. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Files on ca. 150 American artists and art subjects, selected from Duveen's art reference files. Included are photographs of paintings in other collections, auction and exhibition catalogs, miscellaneous publications. Files include: Francis Alexander, Washington Allston, William H. Bartlett, Ben-Zion, Thomas Birch, Joseph Blackburn, Ralph A. Blakelock, Charles F. Blauvelt, Peter Blume, Emile Branchard, Albertis D. O. Browere, John G. Brown, Jonathan Buddington, James E. Buttersworth, Carra, Dennis M. Carter, Mary Cassatt, George Catlin, Centurion, Paul Cezanne, Moura Chabor, Marc Chagall, T. Chambers, Jean Charlot, Thomas Cole, John Constable, George Cope, John S. Copley, Ralston Crawford, Jasper F. Cropsey, Arthur B. Davies, Charles Despiau, Roland Detre, Thomas R. Dibble, Enrico Donati, William Doriani, Thomas Doughty, Jessie Drew-Bear, Robert S. Duncanson, Dunlap, Asher B. Durand, George H. Durrie, Frank Duveneck, Evert Duyckinck, Thomas Eakins, Jacob Eichholtz, Louis M. Eilshemius, Charles L. Elliott, Robert Field, Emil Ganso, Pablo Gargallo, Jan Gelb, Paul Gillman, Christian Gullager, George H. Hall, Chester Harding, William M. Harnett, George Harvey, William J. Hays, George P. A. Healy, Edward L. Henry, John Hesselius, Edward Hicks, Thomas Hicks, Holland House, Charles Fevret de Saint-Memin, Winslow Homer, S. A. Hudson, Daniel Huntington, Henry Inman, George Inness, John W, Jarvis, Eastman Johnson, Henrietta Johnston, John Johnston, Hilde B. Kayn, Dikran K. Kelekian, Fitz Hugh Lane, Ernest Lawson, M. F. Lefferts, William R. Leigh, Abraham Lincoln, George B. Luks, Edward G. Malbone, Alfred H. Maurer, Louis Maurer, McKay, Alfred J. Miller, Louis C. Moeller, Samuel F. B. Morse, John Neagle, Donald Organ, Bass Otis, Walter Pach, Charles W. Peale, James Peale, Rembrandt Peale, William Penn, Enoch W. Perry, F. E. H. Philippoteaux, Charles P. Polk, T. B. Pope, Rufus Porter, William M. Prior, Walter Quirt, William T. Ranney, Reinhardt, Frederic Remington, Louisa Robins, Severin Roesen, Thomas P. Rossiter, Peter F. Rothermel, Charles M. Russell, Edward Savage, William Sawitzky, Nikol Schattenstein, Christian Schussele, D. Serres, James Sharples, Morris Shulman, John Smibert, Sergei Soudeikin, Haim Soutine, Frederick R. Spencer, Albert Stewart, Robert Street, William J. Strong, Gilbert Stuart, C. (Charles ?) Sullivan, Thomas Sully, Arthur F. Tait, G. Tirrell, John Trumbull, John Vanderlyn, Pieter Vanderlyn, William Von Schlegell, Samuel L. Waldo, Abraham Walkowitz, George Washington, Elbert Weinberg, Julian A. Weir, Thomas B. Welch, Adolph U. Wertmuller, Benjamin West, Anne Whitney, Arnold Wiltz, William E. Winner, S. Wood, and Thomas W. Wood. The Saint-Memin, Stuart, B. West and Wertmuller files contain material from Albert Rosenthal relating to the above artists. |
extent | ca. 1000 items |
formats | Subject Files Photographs Exhibition Catalogs Printed Materials Artist Files |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
finding aid | Microfilm inventory available in all AAA offices. |
acquisition information | Lent for microfilming 1958 by Duveen. A few of the items were subsequently donated. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Theodore Sizer research material on John Trumbull, 1790-1952. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Papers compiled by Sizer in preparation for THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF JOHN TRUMBULL, PATRIOT-ARTIST, 1756-1843 (Yale University Press, 1953) including correspondence, catalogs, clippings, books, magazines, pamphlets, typescripts of lectures and broadcasts, notes and working papers, photostats, photographs and pictorial reproductions. Bio / His Notes: Art historian; New Haven, Conn. Trumbull was a New York City painter. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reels D172-D175 available at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. Loc. of Assoc. Material: Sizer material on Trumbull paintings also located at Yale University. |
extent | 3.0 linear ft. (on 4 microfilm reels) reels D172-D175 |
formats | Correspondence Catalogs Clippings Printed Materials Ephemera |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Donated 1961 by Theodore Sizer. |
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title | John Trumbull papers, 1787-1843. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Correspondence, travel expenses on the continent, and a letter book. Bio / His Notes: Painter; New York City. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel N26 (frames 1-645) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | Partial microfilm reel. reel N26 (frames 1-645) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Financial Records Letterbook |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
finding aid | Finding aid available at AAA offices, filed New York Public Library, Manuscript Division. |
acquisition information | Microfilmed 1956 by the Archives of American Art with other art-related papers in the Manuscript Division of the New York Public Library. Included in the microfilming project were selected papers of the Art Division and the Prints Division. Location of Original: Originals in the New York Public Library, Manuscript Division. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Charles Allen Munn collection relating to Charles Willson Peale, John Trumbull and Benjamin West, 1788-1917. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | A diary of Charles Wilson Peale, 1788-1789; letters, an account book, 1816, and a letter book, 1809-1810, of John Trumbull; and a brief manuscript autobiography of Benjamin West. Charles Wilson Peale papers include a diary kept in Philadelphia and Annapolis, May 30, 1788-May 5, 1789. In in Peale writes about: working on his drawing machine "for taking perspective views"; people sitting for portraits; techniques in painting; repairing pictures; travel conditions between Philadelphia and Annapolis; the operation of his Philadelphia museum; recipes for preserving birds and animals; business and travel expenses; experiment in making bifocals; social activities and acquaintances. John Trumbull papers include: two unsigned letters, 1819; account with A. C. DePoggi, 1791-1794; correspondence with Houdon; letterbook, 1809-1810; account book containing inventory of prints, 1816; correspondence with Charles Wilkes and Asher B. Durand, 1819-1822; and corrected proof of original manuscript of a description of Trumbull's pictures. The Benjamin West papers consist of an undated autobiography. |
extent | 70 items (on 1 microfilm reel) reel N68-20 |
formats | Correspondence Diaries Account Books Inventories Manuscript |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | |
record source | |
acquisition information | Lent for microfilming 1968 by Fordham University Library. Originals returned to Fordham University Library after microfilming. |
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title | Alfred Williams Anthony papers, [ca. 1880-1930]. |
repository | American Art Archives |
description | Letters, autographs, biographical data, and miscellany collected by Anthony about 19th century artists. Artists include: Edwin A. Abbey, Ernest Albert, Elizabeth A. Allen, Daniel C. Beard, Frank Beard, Samuel G. W. Benjamin, Albert Bierstadt,Nathaniel Blaisdell, Edwin H. Blashfield, Evangeline Blashfield, Charles W. Bolton, Victor D. Brenner, Sydney & Mrs. Burleigh, William M. Chase, Frederic E. Church, Harry Cochrane, William A. Coffin, Timothy Cole, Thomas Cole, Royal Cortissoz, Palmer Cox, Christopher Cranch, Felix O. C. Darley, Frederick Dellenbaugh, Frederick Dielman, Andrew J. Downing, Charles L. Eastlake, George W. Edwards, Daniel C. French, Edmund H. Garrett, Sanford R. Gifford, V. Gribayedoff, Henry W. Herbert, Elbert Hubbard, Daniel Huntington, Laurence Hutton, Ernest L. Ipshen, Norman W. Isham, F. Lynn Jenkins, John La Farge, Edward C. Leavitt, William J. Linton, Benson J. Lossing, Will H. Low, Jervis McEntee, George Merrill, John H. Mills, Thomas Moran, Samuel F.B. Morse, A. R. Mullen, Thomas Nast, National Arts Club, Wilbur F. Noyes,Frederick B. Opper, Mrs. Archie M. Palmer, Erastus D. Palmer, William F. Paris, Carl R. Parker, Hiram Powers, Howard Pyle, Thomas B. Read, Albert Rosenthal, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, John Sartain, Walter Smedley, George F. C. Smillie, Francis H. Smith, Bayard Taylor, Col. Henry S. Taylor, John Trumbull, Henry T. Tuckerman, Union League Club, N.Y., D. B. Updike, Vasili Vereschagen, Charles Vezin, Douglas Volk, D. Everett Waid, John Q. A. Ward, Clara E. Waters, Robert W. Weir, J. Thomson Willing, Ellsworth Woodward, Mabel Woodward, William Woodward, and F. Hammond Wright. Bio / His Notes: Clergyman, educator; Lewiston, Maine. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel N4 (frames 601-1163) & N25 (frames 1131-1132) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 2 partial microfilm reels. reel N4 (frames 601-1163) & N25 (frames 1131-1132) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Ephemera |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy |
record source | |
acquisition information | Microfilmed 1956 by the Archives of American Art with other art-related papers in the Manuscript Division of the New York Public Library. Included in the microfilming project were selected papers of the Art Division and the Prints Division. Location of Original: Originals in the New York Public Library, Manuscript Division. |
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title | Reuben Haines and Haines family selected papers, 1824-1840. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters, legal documents, and account book pages. One 1840 dauguerrotype of Haines's family home, Wyck House by Walter R. Johnson; a letter, 1839, from Jane and Hannah Haines to "dear brother" John S. Haines; and a letter, 1839, from Robert Haines to Reuben describing Johnson's use of dauguerrotype equipment owned by the University of Pennsylvania. Pages from an account book detailing a loan Reuben Haines made to Rembrandt Peale for travel in Europe. [microfilm title: Wyck Family papers]. Letters to Reuben Haines from John J. Audubon (regarding the publication of BIRDS IN AMERICA), Rembrandt Peale, John Trumbull, and Titian R. Peale; and letters from Rembrandt Peale to his wife, Eleanor, describing his 1830 trip to Europe; and two letters to B. Wistar. [microfilm title: Robert Bowne Haines papers]. Bio/History: Art patron; Germantown, Pa. |
extent | 27 items (on 3 partial microfilm reels) |
formats | Microfilm |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Original or duplicate materials: Originals in Wyck House, 6026 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19144. Reel 3657 and 3666: Originals in Haverford College Library, Quaker Collection; Haverford, Pa. Reel 3898:/ Microfilmed 1987 as part of AAA's Philadelphia Arts Documentation Project. |
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title | John Trumbull collection at the Gilcrease Institute, 1820-1831 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | One bound volume containing a letter from Trumbull to Richard Rush regarding the death of Benjamin West; a letter to Sir Thomas Lawrence congratulating him on becoming president of the Royal Academy; a color chart for "Our Saviour Receiving Little Children"; 7 proofs of an engraving of the painting "Surrender of Cornwallis"; and an invitation to a dinner in honor of Daniel Webster. Bio / His Notes: Painter; New Haven, Connecticut. Born in Lebanon, Ct. Studied under Benjamin West in London. Painted historic portraits and paintings. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel 3281 (frames 471-493) available at Archives of American Art offices, the Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 1 v. (15 items on partial microfilm reel) reel 3281 (frames 471-493) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Ephemera |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Microfilmed 1984 along with other selected art related papers from the Gilcrease Institute. Location of Original: Originals in: Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art, Tulsa, Oklahoma. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | John Trumbull collection, 1790-[ca. 1800] |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | A ticket to the American Academy of Fine Arts, undated; a receipt for a subscription, April 27, 1790, signed by Anthony C. Poggi; and a written receipt to A. C. Poggi, March 8, 1800, all signed by Trumbull. Bio / His Notes: Painter; New Haven, Connecticut. Born in Lebanon, Ct. Studied under Benjamin West in London. Painted historic portraits and paintings. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel D10 (fr. 1615-1617) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 15 items (on partial microfilm reel) reel D10 (fr. 1615-1617) |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Ticket and receipt donated 1956 by Charles Feinberg. The Poggi note donated 1958 by Argosy Book Shop. |
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title | W. B. Davidson diary excerpts, 1824-1825. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Diary excerpts relating to American art, mentioning John Trumbull, William Rush, and Rembrandt (?) Peale. Bio / His Notes: Davidson was a member of the Philadelphia bar. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel P30 (249-250) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 1 microfilm frame. reel P30 (249-250) |
formats | Microfilm Diaries |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Microfilmed by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for the Archives of American Art, 1955. Location of Original: Originals in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. |
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title | Charles Roberts autograph collection, 1773-1938. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters of American artists, including Washington Allston, Albert Bierstadt, Thomas Cole, Walt Disney, Asher Durand, Horatio Greenough, Winslow Homer, Peter Hurd, Henry Inman, Thomas Sully, John Trumbull, Benjamin West and many others, with an illustrated letter from Edward Gay and correspondence of the Peale family; a handwritten manuscript by Rembrandt Peale, "Washington and His Portraits"; clippings, announcements, an auction catalog of the John Trumbull collection, and other printed material. |
extent | 1 microfilm reel. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record source | |
finding aid | Microfilm inventory listing the artists in the collection is available at AAA offices |
acquisition information | Lent for microfilming, 1955, by Haverford College Library. Location of Original: Originals in the Haverford College Library, Haverford, Pennsylvania. |
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title | Hopkinson family selected papers, 1765-1859. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters, 1766-1767, from Francis Hopkinson regarding his stay with Benjamin West; letters, 1817-1840, to Joseph Hopkinson from or regarding artists, among them Clevenger, C.R. Leslie, Thomas Sully, Benjamin Trott, and John Trumbull (2 letters regarding sales to the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and the work of Benjamin West); letters from Hopkinson's tenure as President of the PAFA relating to exhibitions, purchases, donations and acquisitions including Murillo's "Roman Daughter" and other works by American and European artists, complaints from artists, loans and gifts from Hopkinson to other collections, the commission of a series of medals of generals based on paintings by Thomas Sully and Moritz Furst; letters relating to Joseph Bonaparte, Count of Survilliers whom Hopkinson represented in legal and art matters, including requests for gifts from the Count's collection; an early biographial sketch of Joseph Hopkinson, and a list of the contents of the Bordentown house. Co-Creator: Trumbull, John, 1756-1843 Hopkinson, Joseph, 1770-1842 Hopkinson, Francis, 1737-1791 |
extent | 1 partial microfilm reel. reel 4560 |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. Authorization to publish, quote or reproduce must be obtained from: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Microfilmed in 1991 as part of AAA's Philadelphia Arts Documentation Project. Bound by the family in volumes, which are not chronological and later donated to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Only the art related materials were filmed from the approximately 6 linear feet of papers. Originals in: The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Charles Henry Hart autograph collection, 1731-1918 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters to John Trumbull from artists, 1806-1835. Forms part of: Charles Henry Hart autograph collection, 1731-1912. Letters to Trumbull from artists regarding their work, requests for copies of paintings, advice, and other topics. Correspondents include: George Cooke, Charles Fraser, Nathaniel Jocelyn, Edward Miles, Alexander Robertson, Henry Sargent, Elkanah Tisdale, Samuel Lovett Waldo, and Benjamin West, Jr. Bio / His Notes: Painter; New Haven, Connecticut. Born in Lebanon, Ct. Studied under Benjamin West in London. Painted historic portraits and paintings. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel D5 available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. Organization: Letters have been merged alphabetically with other artists' letters, and are scattered throughout the letterbooks. Provenance: The letters were collected by Charles Henry Hart and presumably compiled by him in the 2 v. "History of Art in America as Told in a Remarkable Collection of Autograph Letters and Documents of Celebrated American Artists of the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth Century." Other letters in the volumes are written to various individuals, and have been described in separate catalog records under the name of the person to whom the letters have been addressed, including Thomas Benedict Clarke, John Durand, Charles Henry Hart, Charles Lanman, William J. Stillman, and one under the title Miscellaneous Artists Letters. Finding aids: Microfilm inventory available at AAA offices, filed under Hart. Restrictions: Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
extent | 9 items (on 1 microfilm reel) reel D5 |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record link | |
record source | |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Letters and family tree regarding John Trumbull painting, 1884 July 5-31. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters from Hall to various individuals describing how a portrait of George Clinton by John Trumbull came to him through his family; Hall's family tree; and a notarized affadavit identifying the painting. Bio / His Notes: Art collector; Baltimore, Md. Descendant of original owner of a portrait of George Clinton painted by Trumbull. The portrait went to the Regents of the State University of New York. Clinton was the first governor of New York. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel D10 (fr. 1616-1631) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 9 items (on partial microfilm reel) reel D10 (fr. 1616-1631) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Legal Papers |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Purchased from Willis Cheney. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Albert Duveen collection of artists' letters and ephemera, 1807-1946 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Forms part of: Albert Duveen collection of artists' letters and ephemera, 1808-1910. Papers related to the John Trumbull estate, including: a priced inventory of a sale of paintings by Trumbull, December 2, 1844, on the last page is a note from David Lanman to his sister Abby, regarding her share of the sale, December 24, 1844; 7 letters from Benjamin Silliman to Abby Lanman, regarding the Trumbull estate, 1843-1844; and an inventory of the estate of Trumbull presented to probate court. Also included is a letter from Trumbull to Peter Lanman, June 3, 1807. Bio / His Notes: Abby Trumbull Lanman was the niece of painter John Trumbull. Trumbull was born in Lebanon, Ct. He studied under Benjamin West in London and painted historic portraits and paintings. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel D10 (fr. 1587-1614) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 10 items (on partial microfilm reel) reel D10 (fr. 1587-1614) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Inventories Notes |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | |
record source | |
acquisition information | Donated 1956 by Albert Duveen as part of his collection of artists letters and documents. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Charles Henry Hart autograph collection, 1731-1918 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Forms part of: Charles Henry Hart autograph collection, 1731-1912. Prints by unidentified artists from the Charles Henry Hart autograph collection. Included are portraits of artists John J. Audubon (from the painting by Alonzo Chappel), William Dunlap, Asher B. Durand (etching), Daniel Huntington (etching), Benjamin West, and James McNeill Whistler; and engravings of Hiram Powers' sculpture, "The Greek Slave," Gilbert Stuart's portrait of George Washington and John Trumbull's painting, "Battle of Bunker Hill." Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel D5 available at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. Produced: [ca. 1800-1845] General Note: Printmakers unidentified. Other prints have been cataloged separately under printmaker's name. |
extent | 9 prints : 7 engravings & 2 etchings; 18.5 x 13.5 cm., on sheet 26.5 x 19.2 cm., mounted on 36.7 x 21.8 cm. or smaller. reel D5 |
formats | Microfilm Prints |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | |
record source | |
finding aid | Detailed descriptions of the prints are available at Archives of American Art offices in the finding aid for the Charles Henry Hart autograph collection. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Charles Henry Hart autograph collection, 1731-1918 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Forms part of: Charles Henry Hart autograph collection, 1731-1912. Letters to Durand from artists regarding art work, requests for engraving, exhibition of paintings, the National Academy of Design, and requests for loans of paintings. Correspondents include: John B. Bristol, Thomas Cole, Jasper F. Cropsey, Moseley I. Danforth, Anson Dickinson, Thomas Doughty, William Dunlap, Francis W. Edmonds (regarding Samuel F.B. Morse's painting of the House of Representatives), George W. Flagg, Samuel L. Gerry, Chester Harding, Charles C. Ingham, John F. Kensett, Thomas Le Clear, Joshua Shaw (advising Durand against the use of varnish, "the greatest curse which the arts have ever had to complain of"), John R. Smith, Thomas Sully, and John Trumbull. Organization: Letters have been merged alphabetically with other artists' letters, and are scattered throughout the letterbooks. Bio / His Notes: Painter; Albany, N.Y. Trustee of the National Academy of Design. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel D5 available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 18 items (on 1 microfilm reel) reel D5 |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | |
record source | |
finding aid | Microfilm inventory available at AAA offices, filed under Hart. |
acquisition information | The letters were collected by Charles Henry Hart and presumably compiled by him in the 2 v. "History of Art in America as Told in a Remarkable Collection of Autograph Letters and Documents of Celebrated American Artists of the Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Century." Other letters in the volumes are written to various people, and have been described in separate catalog records under the name of the person to whom the letters have been addressed, including Thomas Benedict Clarke, John Durand, Charles Henry Hart, Charles Lanman, William J. Stillman, and John Trumbull, and one under the title Miscellaneous Artists Letters. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Charles Henry Hart autograph collection, 1731-1918 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Forms part of: Charles Henry Hart autograph collection, 1731-1912. Portrait of Gilbert Stuart from miniature painting by Sarah Goodridge, signed by Stuart; portrait of John Trumbull from painting by Waldo & Jewett [Samuel Lovett Waldo and William Jewett], signed by Trumbull; and portrait of George Washington from painting by John Trumbull, Washington signature etched in plate, 1834. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel D5: frames 293; 311; 294 available at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. Produced: [1825-1836]. General Note: Original: Full-length portrait painting of Trumbull Trumbull Gallery, Yale College, New Haven, CT. |
extent | 3 engravings : ink on paper ; 12.3 x 9.7 cm., on sheet 28 x 21.2 cm., mounted on 30.3 x 21.8 cm. or smaller. reel D5: frames 293; 311; 294 |
formats | Microfilm Prints |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | |
record source | |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | "Tuskatche Mico, or the Birdtail King of the Cusitahs. N. York, July 1790, J. T." Jul 1790 |
repository | National Anthropological Archives |
description | Contained in: Glass Negatives of Indians (Collected by the Bureau of American Ethnology) 1850s-1930s Cite as: Negative 1169 L 5, Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives. Local Number: OPPS NEG 1169 L 4 |
extent | 1 5x7 in photograph Black and white copy negative |
formats | Photographs |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
bibliography | Reproduced in Swanton, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 137, Plate 32:1. |
record source | |
acquisition information | Copy from engraving in John Trumbull's Autobiography, Plate 22. Location of Original: Original pencil sketch by John Trumbull in Yale University Art Gallery. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | "Stimafutchki, or Good-Humor -- of the Coosades, Creeks. New York, July 1790, J. T." Jul 1790 |
repository | National Anthropological Archives |
description | Contained in: Glass Negatives of Indians (Collected by the Bureau of American Ethnology) 1850s-1930s Cite as: Negative 1169 L 3, Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives. Local Number: OPPS NEG 1169 L 2 |
extent | 1 5x7 in photograph Black and white copy negative |
formats | Photographs |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
bibliography | Original pencil sketch by John Trumbull lost, according to Theodore Sizer, 1953 edition of Trumbull's Autobiography. |
record source | |
acquisition information | Copy from engraving in John Trumbull's Autobiography, Plate 20. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | "Hysac, or the Woman's Man -- N. York, July 1790, J. T." Jul 1790 |
repository | National Anthropological Archives |
description | Contained in: Glass Negatives of Indians (Collected by the Bureau of American Ethnology) 1850s-1930s Cite as: Negative 1169 L 2, Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives Local Notes: Original pencil sketch by John Trumbull lost according to Theodore Sizer, 1953 edition of Trumbull's Autobiography. Local Number: OPPS NEG 1169 L 2 |
extent | 1 5x7 in photograph Black and white copy negative |
formats | Photographs |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
bibliography | Reproduced in Swanton, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 137, Plate 33:1 (Publ. caption in error; captions of Plate 33, figures 1 and 2 transposed.) |
record source | |
acquisition information | Copy from engraving in John Trumbull's Autobiography, Plate 19. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | "John -- a Creek -- N. York, July 1790, J. T." Jul 1790 |
repository | National Anthropological Archives |
description | Contained in: Glass Negatives of Indians (Collected by the Bureau of American Ethnology) 1850s-1930s Local Notes: This copy negative made from a "foxed" print, but find there is a clearer, cleaner one in the Original Prints file, but from which another negative might sometime be made. - MCB 1959. Cite as: Negative 1169 L 1, Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives Local Number: OPPS NEG 1169 L 1 |
extent | 1 5x7 in photograph Black and white copy negative |
formats | Photographs |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
bibliography | Reproduced in Swanton, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 137, Plate 33:2 (Publ. caption in error; captions of Plate 33, figures 1 and 2 transposed.) |
record source | |
acquisition information | Copy from engraving in John Trumbull's Autobiography, Plate 19. Location of Original: Original pencil sketch by John Trumbull in Yale University Art Gallery. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Theodore Sizer papers, 1679-1992 (inclusive), 1916-1966 (bulk). |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The papers consist of correspondence, writings, drawings for posters, bookplates, Christmas cards, and armorial designs for Yale College. Also included is material related to Theodore Sizer’s service as an officer in the Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Section of the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. Important correspondents are Eric Gill, James Lukens McConaughy, Gifford Pinchot, Neal Lawson Lewis and Sir Edmund Kerchever Chambers. Also in the papers are grade and attendance books from his courses at Yale (1927-1955). Papers relating to the Yale University Art Gallery include correspondence and drafts for a "History of the Visual Arts at Yale, 1701-1957," material on James Jackson Jarves, and correspondence and notes on John Marshall Phillips who succeeded Sizer as director of the Art Gallery. Biographical/Historical note: Theodore Sizer was born on March 19, 1892 in New York City. He received a B.S. degree from Harvard in 1915. He worked in the import-export business from 1915 until 1922 and served as a first lieutenant in the Army in World War I. He was curator at the Cleveland Museum of Art from 1922 to 1927, and a lecturer at Case Western Reserve College from 1924 to 1927. He became an associate professor of the history of art at Yale and associate director of the Yale Art Gallery in 1927. Sizer was a professor of art history at Yale University from 1931 until his retirement in 1957. He was director of the Yale University Art Gallery from 1940 to 1947. An expert on heraldry, he became the first Pursuivant of Arms at Yale University in 1963 and created banners for Yale and the city of St. Louis. Sizer died on June 21, 1967 in West Haven, Connecticut. Location: LSF-Request for Use at Manuscripts and Archives Call Number: MS 453 |
extent | 8.25 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Writings Drawings Ephemera |
access | Gradebooks are restricted until 2030.Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record link | |
record source | |
finding aid | Finding aid is available in repository and on Internet. |
acquisition information | Accession 93-M-28 was the gift of Judith Ryland Sizer, 1992; Accession 99-M-86 was transfer from Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 1999; accession 2000-M-071 was the gift of Theodore R. Sizer, 1999; accession 2000-M-073 was transfer from Arts of the Book Collection, 1999. |
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title | ALS : London, to Samuel M. Hopkins, New York, N.Y., 1800 Sept. 5. |
repository | Rosenbach Museum & Library |
description | Sends some law books and comments on which works are deemed most authoritative in various branches of the law. Bio/History: American painter of historical subjects. From 1793 to 1804 he was engaged in diplomatic and commercial pursuits in England and Europe. Note(s): Address and docket notes on verso. References: Rosenbach, A.S.W. Collected cats.; 17:274 Author(s): Trumbull, John, 1756-1843. Hopkins, Samuel M.; 1772-1837, ; (Samuel Miles),; recipient. Kountze, De Lancey,; d. 1946, ; former owner. Place: England; London. Year: 1800 |
extent | Description: 1 item (2 p.) ; 24 cm. |
formats | Correspondence Legal Papers |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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title | John Trumbull Papers, 1800-1842. |
repository | The Winterthur Library |
description | This collection contains several personal letters with some transcriptions to and from John Trumbull, a London bank draft, a photocopy of an inventory taken by John Trumbull of his wife's estate upon her death in 1824, photocopies of two inventories of houses rented by Trumbull in London, and a portfolio of the history of Trumbull's portrait of George Washington. The portfolio contains a black and white photograph and description of the painting, a detailed provenance of the painting, and several letters of correspondence written by Trumbull to Eliza Parke Custis [Law], the eldest grandchild of George and Martha Washington, who inherited the Washington portrait from her grandmother. These letters concern Trumbull's conservation of the painting in 1829-1830. Biographical and Historical Note American painter John Trumbull, the son of Governor Jonathan Trumbull of Connecticut, was born in 1756. He aspired to be a painter like his hero, John Singleton Copley, against the wishes of his father. Graduating from Harvard in 1773 as the youngest member of his class, Trumbull's career was interrupted by the Revolutionary War. In 1775, he enlisted as an Aide-de-Camp and drew strategic maps for Revolutionary War generals, but resigned after two years to study art in Boston. In 1780, he traveled to London to study art, but soon returned home after being arrested for aiding the execution of John Andre. Trumbull returned to London five years later to study with noted painter Benjamin West. West wanted to create a series of paintings depicting the historical events of the Revolutionary War, but because he feared falling out of favor with the King of England, he instead encouraged and guided Trumbull through the painting of the series. The first of this series is Trumbull's well known work, "Battle of Bunker's Hill." After completing several more paintings in the series, Trumbull returned home in 1789 to paint small portraits of American generals and prominent figures, including the famous portrait of George Washington in 1790. Trumbull would have two more lengthy stays in England. On the first, beginning in 1794, he accompanied John Jay as his executive secretary. While on this trip, Trumbull married Sarah Hope Harvey in 1800, returning with her to New York in 1804, where they lived until 1808. The second trip to England came in 1808. Trumbull and his wife remained in London until 1816 when they returned to the United States. Sarah died in 1824. In 1831, Trumbull sold the works in his studio to Yale University. He died in 1843. Location The Winterthur Library Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera Winterthur, DE 19735. Call Number Col. 391 Associated materials See also at this repository: Pratt autograph collection Letter to L.W. Hopkins from John Trumbull (64x37.62). Concerns land, not art. |
extent | 2 boxes (9 items + 1 portfolio) : ill. ; 46 cm. |
formats | Correspondence Inventories Financial Records Photographs Ephemera |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record link | |
record source | |
finding aid | There is a hard copy index of names for the portfolio. |
acquisition information | Purchased from various sources. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | John Trumbull Papers, 1790-1843. |
repository | The New-York Historical Society |
description | Papers, 1790-1824, containing inventories, letter books, account books, and miscellaneous notes. One volume contains inventories of his engravings and his personal and household possessions, as packed in cases for shipment across the Atlantic in 1803, 1808, and 1813. The same volume contains results of his experiments with colors and paints, and formulas for making paints and varnishes, as well as reciptes for medicines and household cleaning substances. Another volume contains three small account books, two dealing with subscriptions for engravings made from his paintings, the third with proceeds and expenses of the exhibition in 1824 of his painting, the Resignation of General Washington, in various cities in the northeastern United States. A third volume contains accounts, letters and memoranda relating to the management of his lands in the Mount Morris tract of Genesee County (N.Y.). Many of the letters are written to James Wadsworth and Samuel M. Hopkins, apparently his agents there, and include instructions on the rental and management of the land; one letter contains an inventory of a shipment of fruit trees and ornamental trees for planting there, enumerating the different varieties. The volume also includes a narrative, dated 1805, of a subscription taken up to improve the road to Dr. Samuel Willard's house at Stafford Springs (Conn.), and accounts of expenditure on the work done. Some related papers are laid in to this volume. There are also two letter books, 1796-1802, and 1810-1817. The earlier volume deals mostly with his work as commissioner charged with settling the 7th article, relating to American claims, of the Jay treaty between the U.S. and Great Britain, although some letters include general discussions of politics and of his business affairs. Correspondents include Oliver Wolcott, John Jay, Rufus King, and his brother Jonathan Trumbull. The second volume includes 16 letters to Rufus King. Most of the letters in the later volume were written during 1811-1813, when Trumbull was in England. Many of them give his views on the War of 1812, particularly the impressment issue, including one to the Prime Minister, Spencer Perceval, another to Sir Robert Liston, and one which was published in the Morning Post. Other letters deal with business and personal affairs, including his detention in Britain as an enemy alien, and the career in the British Army of his natural son, John Trumbull Ray. There are also letters discussing American politics, and a strong attack on DeWitt Clinton. A list of correspondents accompanies the volume. Historical Note: Artist; U.S. claims commissioner. Location New-York Historical Society Collection Mss Collection Call Number BV Trumbull Note For related material at The New-York Historical Society, see Trumbull, John. Papers, 1776-1842, shelved at Trumbull Papers, and a volume of architectural drawings by Trumbull in the Map and Print Room. |
extent | 5 v. |
formats | Correspondence Inventories Financial Records Ephemera |
access | Access: open to qualified researchers at the New-York Historical Society |
record source | |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | John Trumbull Papers, 1776-1842. |
repository | The New-York Historical Society |
description | Papers, 1776-1842, containing claims related to his work as U.S. claims commissioner, general correspondence, and accounts. The letters cover a wide range of correspondents and subjects; some deal with his work as commissioner, and there is a large cluster of letters to and from Anthony De Poggi, discussing engravings and etchings of Trumbull's paintings. There is a book of letters and accounts concerning his partnership with Daniel Parker for the purchase and sale of paintings, books, and some furniture, including the identification and purchase price of the paintings, and discussion of their final disposition at auction at Christie's. Correspondents include W. Huntington, Charles Bulfinch, George Baker, Jabez Huntington, and his brother, Jonathan Trumbull. A few miscellaneous papers, such as receipts and a bill of lading, are included. The collection also contains papers of other members of the Trumbull family: there is a folder of letters written by another brother, Joseph Trumbull, 1775-1777, and one of letters to and from a cousin, Benjamin Trumbull, 1775-1799, including correspondence with his wife Martha during the Revolutionary War. One of Benjamin Trumbull's letters describes the retreat from New York after the battle of Long Island. Historical Note: Artist; U.S. claims commissioner. Location New-York Historical Society Collection Mss Collection Call Number Trumbull Papers |
extent | 0.8 linear feet (2 boxes). |
formats | Business Papers Financial Records Correspondence |
access | Access: open to qualified researchers at the New-York Historical Society. |
record source | |
finding aid | Cataloged at item level in card catalog at repository. |
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title | New-York Athenæum Secretary’s book, 1824 June-1829 Mar. |
repository | The New-York Historical Society |
description | Secretary's book, 1824-1829, including constitution and records of meetings of the Board of Associates. Some of the members of the Athenaeum were: Henry Wheaton, Samuel F. B. Morse (recording secretary), James K. Paulding, Wm. Gracie, John Trumbull, Hon. James Kent, John H. Hobart, Rev. J. M. Mathews, Gulian C. Verplanck, Hon. Peter Augustus Jay, Dr. Benjamin McVickar, James Renwick, et al. Historical Note: The New York Athenaeum was a society formed for the "cultivation of science, literature, and the arts." It merged into New York Society Library in 1825. Location New-York Historical Society Collection Mss Collection Call Number BV Athenaeum, New York |
extent | 1 v. (85 p.) ; 5 x 8 in. |
formats | Administrative Records |
access | Access: open to qualified researchers at the New-York Historical Society. |
record source | |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | John Trumbull papers, 1750-1961 [microform]. |
repository | Harvard University Archives |
description | The papers consist of correspondence, legal, and financial records, and writings which document the artistic career, business ventures, and personal life of John Trumbull. The papers also include correspondence, diaries, and financial and legal records of other Trumbull family members and of related Huntington, Lanman, Silliman, and Wadsworth family members. Files of Theodore Sizer containing his research material and writings on John Trumbull are also in the papers. Notes: Filmed from originals held at the Manuscripts and Archives Dept. Yale University Library. |
extent | 10 microfilm reels |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Legal Papers Financial Records Diaries |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source ||library/m/aleph|007919607 |
finding aid | Accompanied by a printed guide (30 p.). |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | John Trumbull (1756-1843) |
repository | Fine Arts Library |
description | Work Type: photograph; carte-de-visite Creator: Richards' Photograph and Fine Art Gallery, active mid- to late-19th century, American Date: 1860-1899 |
extent | 1 item |
formats | Photographs |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source ||misc/via|FAL88731 |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | John Trumbull papers, 1750-1961 (inclusive). |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The papers consist of correspondence, legal and financial records, and writings which document the artistic career, business ventures, and personal life of John Trumbull. The papers also include correspondence, diaries, and financial and legal records of other Trumbull family members and of related Huntington, Lanman, Silliman, and Wadsworth family members. Files of Theodore Sizer containing his research material and writings on John Trumbull are also in the papers. Biographical Sketch John Trumbull was born in Lebanon, Connecticut in 1756. He graduated from Harvard College in 1773. From 1775 through 1779 Trumbull served with the revolutionary forces in various capacities, including a brief appointment as an aide-de-camp to George Washington. During the 1780s Trumbull studied and painted in London and on the Continent and began the works on historical subjects which would eventually earn him the reputation of painter of the Revolution. In 1824 Trumbull installed his paintings in the United States Capitol. A collection of Trumbull's work became the center around which the Yale Art Gallery was formed. Trumbull also served as a private secretary to John Jay during negotiations which ended in Jay's Treaty. In 1817 he became president of the American Academy of Fine Arts. Trumbull died in 1843 in New Haven, Connecticut. Available in other formats: The entire collection is available on microfilm (9936 frames on 10 reels, 35mm.) from Scholarly Resources, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware. Cite As John Trumbull Papers. Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library. Location: LSF-request at Use in MSSA only. Call Number: MS 506 |
extent | 5.25 linear ft. (17 boxes) |
formats | Correspondence Legal Papers Financial Records Writings Diaries |
access | The entire collection is available on microfilm. Patrons must use FILM HM 221 instead of the originals. |
record link | |
record source | |
finding aid | The finding aid is available in the repository and on the Internet. |
acquisition information | Gift of Maria Trumbull Dana, 1938-1939; and from others and through purchases, 1939-1984. |
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title | John Trumbull papers, 1784-1830 (inclusive), [microform] |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The papers consist of miscellaneous letters, receipts, and memoranda relating to John Trumbull’s painting and print-making. Occupation: Painters. Location: SML, Microform (Non-Circulating) Call Number: FILM MISC 729 |
extent | 21 reel |
formats | Microfilm |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source | |
finding aid | Unpublished guide available in Microform Reference. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | John Trumbull papers, 1792-1826 (inclusive), [microform] |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The papers consist of correspondence, accounts, and a manuscript copy of rules to be observed by students in the Antique Academy. Occupation: Painters. Notes: Microfilm. New York, New York, New York Public Library. 1952. 1 reel, 35mm. Microfilm made for Theodore Sizer. Originals in the New York Public Library. Location: SML, Microform (Non-Circulating) Call Number: FILM MISC 330 |
extent | 1 reel. |
formats | Microfilm |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source | |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | John Trumbull papers, 1818-1828 (inclusive), [microform] |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The papers consist of correspondence with Charles Bullfinch (1818), a report to the Speaker of the House of Representatives (1828), and an approval for placing pictures (1820). Occupation: Painters. Notes: Microfilm. Washington, D.C., Library of Congress. 1949. 1 reel, 35mm. Film made for Theodore Sizer. Originals at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Location: SML, Microform (Non-Circulating) Call Number: FILM MISC 327 |
extent | 1 reel. |
formats | Microfilm |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | John Trumbull papers, 1820-1826 (inclusive), [microform] |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The papers consist of thirteen autographed letters from John Trumbull to various correspondents. Occupation: Painters. Notes: Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Michigan, University of Michigan, 1949. 1 reel, 35mm. Film made for Theodore Sizer. Originals in the Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Location: SML, Microform (Non-Circulating) Call Number: FILM MISC 328 |
extent | 1 reel. |
formats | Microfilm |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | John Trumbull papers, [microform] |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The papers consist of material from five repositories relating to artist John Trumbull, and include letterbooks and business correspondence. Major correspondents include Rufus King, Horatio Gates, Thomas Jefferson, and Trumbull family members. Notes: Microfilm. 1936. 5 reels, 35mm. Film made for John Richard Hersey. Originals at the New York Historical Society, Connecticut State Library, New York Public Library, Library of Congress, and Yale University. Occupation: Painters. Location: SML, Microform (Non-Circulating) Call Number: FILM MISC 329 |
extent | 5 reels. |
formats | Microfilm |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | John Trumbull papers, 1786-1841 |
repository | Library of Congress |
description | Correspondence, diary, and notebooks concerning painting. Correspondents include Timothy Pickering, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and Elbridge Gerry. Local Shelving No.: MMC-2200 Oversize 0102 Repository: Library of Congress Manuscript Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA dcu CALL NUMBER: Oversize 0102 Request in: Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101) CALL NUMBER: MMC-2200 Request in: Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101) |
extent | 2 container plus 1 oversize. |
formats | Correspondence Diaries Notebooks |
access | Open to research. |
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acquisition information | Gift, Thompkins McIlvaine, 1924. Transfer, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, 1950. Purchase, 1904-1944. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | John Trumbull papers, 1780-1840. |
repository | New York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division |
description | Papers contain correspondence, 1787-1840; papers related to Trumbull's service as commissioner to England under Jay's Treaty to settle American spoliation claims, 1796-1803; papers as President of the American Academy of Fine Arts, 1817-1834; accounts, 1780-1834; copies of letters sent; and traveling expenses in Europe, 1797. Biography John Trumbull (1756-1843) was an American painter and diplomat. Research Call Number MssCol 3038 |
extent | 1 v. |
formats | Correspondence Administrative Records Financial Records |
access | Restricted access; Manuscripts and Archives Division; Permit must be requested at division indicated. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | Wynant Van Zandt, Jr. papers, 1784-1828, bulk (1804-1807). |
repository | New York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division |
description | Collection consists of correspondence, accounts, legal records, alderman papers, and family materials. Correspondence, 1787-1828, concerns business, political, family, and personal matters. Van Zandt's correspondence, 1803-1807, when he held public office an an alderman includes topics such as New York City regulations and real estate. Also, accounts, 1784-1820; shipping papers, 1788-1811; miscellaneous legal papers; council resolutions; photograph of portrait of Van Zandt; and family tree. Biography Wynant Van Zandt (1767-1831) was a New York City merchant and alderman. He founded the Zion Episcopal Church in Little Neck (now Douglaston), New York. Research Call Number MssCol 3146 |
extent | .6 linear foot (2 boxes). |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Legal Papers Business Papers Personal Papers |
access | Restricted access; Manuscripts and Archives Division; Permit must be requested at the division indicated. |
record link | |
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finding aid | Collection guide available in repository and on internet. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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