Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Harding, Chester, 1792-1866

titleArtist file: Harding, Chester , 1792-1866
repositoryNational Portrait Gallery Library
descriptionFolder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs.
extent1+ folders (check with repository)
formatsArtist Files
accessFolder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleAlbert Duveen art reference files, [ca. 1831-1950].
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionFiles on ca. 150 American artists and art subjects, selected from Duveen's art reference files. Included are photographs of paintings in other collections, auction and exhibition catalogs, miscellaneous publications.
Files include: Francis Alexander, Washington Allston, William H. Bartlett, Ben-Zion, Thomas Birch, Joseph Blackburn, Ralph A. Blakelock, Charles F. Blauvelt, Peter Blume, Emile Branchard, Albertis D. O. Browere, John G. Brown, Jonathan Buddington, James E. Buttersworth, Carra, Dennis M. Carter, Mary Cassatt, George Catlin, Centurion, Paul Cezanne, Moura Chabor, Marc Chagall, T. Chambers, Jean Charlot, Thomas Cole, John Constable, George Cope, John S. Copley, Ralston Crawford, Jasper F. Cropsey, Arthur B. Davies, Charles Despiau, Roland Detre, Thomas R. Dibble, Enrico Donati, William Doriani, Thomas Doughty, Jessie Drew-Bear, Robert S. Duncanson, Dunlap, Asher B. Durand, George H. Durrie,
Frank Duveneck, Evert Duyckinck, Thomas Eakins, Jacob Eichholtz, Louis M. Eilshemius, Charles L. Elliott, Robert Field, Emil Ganso, Pablo Gargallo, Jan Gelb, Paul Gillman, Christian Gullager, George H. Hall, Chester Harding, William M. Harnett, George Harvey, William J. Hays, George P. A. Healy, Edward L. Henry, John Hesselius, Edward Hicks, Thomas Hicks, Holland House, Charles Fevret de Saint-Memin, Winslow Homer, S. A. Hudson, Daniel Huntington, Henry Inman, George Inness, John W, Jarvis, Eastman Johnson, Henrietta Johnston, John Johnston, Hilde B. Kayn, Dikran K. Kelekian, Fitz Hugh Lane, Ernest Lawson, M. F. Lefferts, William R. Leigh, Abraham Lincoln, George B. Luks, Edward G. Malbone, Alfred H. Maurer,
Louis Maurer, McKay, Alfred J. Miller, Louis C. Moeller, Samuel F. B. Morse, John Neagle, Donald Organ, Bass Otis, Walter Pach, Charles W. Peale, James Peale, Rembrandt Peale, William Penn, Enoch W. Perry, F. E. H. Philippoteaux, Charles P. Polk, T. B. Pope, Rufus Porter, William M. Prior, Walter Quirt, William T. Ranney, Reinhardt, Frederic Remington, Louisa Robins, Severin Roesen, Thomas P. Rossiter, Peter F. Rothermel, Charles M. Russell, Edward Savage, William Sawitzky, Nikol Schattenstein, Christian Schussele, D. Serres, James Sharples, Morris Shulman, John Smibert, Sergei Soudeikin, Haim Soutine, Frederick R. Spencer,
Albert Stewart, Robert Street, William J. Strong, Gilbert Stuart, C. (Charles ?) Sullivan, Thomas Sully, Arthur F. Tait, G. Tirrell, John Trumbull, John Vanderlyn, Pieter Vanderlyn, William Von Schlegell, Samuel L. Waldo, Abraham Walkowitz, George Washington, Elbert Weinberg, Julian A. Weir, Thomas B. Welch, Adolph U. Wertmuller, Benjamin West, Anne Whitney, Arnold Wiltz, William E. Winner, S. Wood, and Thomas W. Wood.
The Saint-Memin, Stuart, B. West and Wertmuller files contain material from Albert Rosenthal relating to the above artists.
extentca. 1000 items
formatsSubject Files Photographs Exhibition Catalogs Printed Materials Artist Files
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
finding aidMicrofilm inventory available in all AAA offices.
acquisition informationLent for microfilming 1958 by Duveen. A few of the items were subsequently donated.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleInterviews of artists and architects associated with the National Academy of Design
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionTranscripts and handwritten drafts of interviews of 86 artists and architects associated with the National Academy of Design, conducted by Lockman. Also included are a few biographical sketches.

Interviewees include: Mrs. Edwin Austin Abbey, Wayman Adams, Robert I. Aiken, Ernest Albert, Alonzo R. Beal, Edward A. Bell, Edwin H. Blashfield, Roy H. Brown, George E. Browne, Arnold Brunner, Alexander S. Calder, Carleton T. Chapman, Benjamin West Clinedinst, Alphaeus Cole, Timothy Cole, Irving E. Couse, Robert B. Crane, Charles C. Curran, B. Franklin De Haven, William R. Derrick, Louis P. Dessar, Thomas W. Dewing, Frederick I. Dielman, Edward Dufner, John W. Dunsmore, Jared B. Flagg, John G. Flanagan, August R. Franzen, Daniel C. French, Sherry E. Fry, Edward Gay, Cass Gilbert, Walter Granville-Smith, Chester Harding, Childe Hassam, Charles W. Hawthorne, William H. Howe, Henry S. Hubbell, William H. Hyde, William S. Jewett, Francis C. Jones, Dora Wheeler Kieth, William Fair Kline, Jonas Lie, Louis Loeb, Will H. Low, Edward McCartan, Frederick MacMonnies, Herman A. MacNeil, Gari Melchers, Francis Luis Mora, H. Siddons Mowbray, Raymond P. R. Neilson, George G. Newell,Robert H. Nisbet,

Ivan G. Olinsky, Willard Dryden Paddock, Walter L. Palmer, Arthur Parton, William McGregor Paxton, Ernest C. Peixotto, Joseph Pennell, Edward H. Potthast, Henry Prellwitz, Wilhelm F. Ritschel, Henry Rittenberg, Frederick Roth, Carl Rungius, Emily Sartain, John Sartain, William Sartain, Henry B. Snell, Robert Spencer, Egerton Swartwout, Douglas Volk, Bessie & Robert Vonnoh, Horatio Walker, Harry Watrous, Adolph Weinman, Charles D. Weldon, William Whittemore, Irving Wiles, Frederick B. Williams, and Cullen Yates.

Bio / His Notes:
DeWitt Lockman was a portrait painter, New York, N.Y. He studied in Europe, 1891-1892 and 1901-1902; a pupil of James H. Beard, Nelson N. Bickford and William Sartain; and was president of the National Academy of Design and records secretary of the New York Historical Society.
extent3 microfilm reels. reels 502-504
formatsMicrofilm Interviews Transcript
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationLent 1973 by the New York Historical Society. Location of Original: Originals and microfilm master negative in New York Historical Society, Manuscript Division.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleChester Harding letter: 1845.
repositoryKentucky Historical Society
descriptionThis single item collection consists of a letter written to Governor William Owsley of Kentucky, by Chester Harding, dated Feb. 15, 1845.

The letter concerns a petition for a portrait of Colonel Boone. The request was to be reviewed by the Kentucky General Assembly. Harding also asks that the answer to the petition be sent to the Galt House in Louisville, Kentucky, where he will be arriving shortly.

If the petition was granted, he asks that the portrait be shipped to the Galt House. Hardin was asking that the portrait be given to him.

Original fragile, use microfilm copy.

Closed Stacks - MSS & Graphic (call slip required)

Call Number:

extent1 item
formatsCorrespondence Microfilm
accessAccess at KHS only, Use microfilm when available
record source
finding aidAvailable in library
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleArtist file. Harding, Chester, 1792-1866.
repositoryThe Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives
descriptionThe file may include any of the following materials: announcements, clippings, photographs, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, small exhibition catalogs, resumés, other ephemeral material.

Cite as
Brooklyn Museum of Art Library Collections. Schweitzer Gallery files.

Brooklyn Artist Files

Call Number
AF Schweitzer H
extent1 folder.
formatsArtist Files
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationSource of acquisition Gift; M.R. Schweitzer; 1990.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleChester Harding : artist file : study photographs and reproductions of works of art with accompanying documentation [graphic].
repositoryThe Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library
descriptionAssembled file includes b&w photographs, reproductions from books and auction catalogs, and in some cases, negatives. Items may include full views, details, before-and-after restoration views, etc. Documentation may include artist name, title of work, medium, dimensions, provenance, exhibition history, related works, previous attributions, and bibliography.

Frick Photoarchive Stacks

Call Number
100 Harding
extent6 boxes and 1 folder [as of 1999] : ill. (some col.) ; 34 cm.
formatsArtist Files
accessPhotocopies of items and accompanying documentation are available upon request, subject to fees and other current guidelines for reproduction. Photographic prints from the Library's negatives may be ordered subject to copyright requirements.
record source
finding aidN/A
acquisition informationThe Library continues to add to the file.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleArtist File. Harding, Chester, 1792-1866.
repositoryThe Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives
descriptionFound In
Clark S. Marlor artist files

The file may include any of the following materials: announcements, clippings, photographs, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, small exhibition catalogs, resumés, other ephemeral material.
Cite as Brooklyn Museum of Art Library Collections. Clark S. Marlor artist files.

Brooklyn Artist Files

Call Number
AF Marlor H
extent1 folder.
formatsArtist Files
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationGift; Dr. Clark S. Marlor; 1992-ongoing.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleLawrence B. Van Ingen papers regarding a portrait of Daniel Boone, 1872-1985.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionSix letters concerning the provenance of the portrait of Daniel Boone by Chester Harding, including a two-page description of the painting and Harding written by George Bingham to Colvin Randall, Dec. 25, 1872, and two letters to Herbert Lee Pratt; a photograph of a detail;

a receipt for the portrait from the Connecticut Valley Historical Museum to Mrs. Donald Bush; an auction catalog for the estate of Colvin Randall with a listing for the portrait; a typed account by unknown author relating to the portrait; and three magazine articles on the painting.

Bio / His Notes:
Lawrence Van Ingen is the grandson of Herbert Lee Pratt, a collector of American art, who bought the portrait at the sale of J. Colvin Randall's estate.

extent13 items (on partial microfilm reel)
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationThe papers have been kept together by successive owners of the Boone portrait.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleThomas B. Brumbaugh collection of 19th and 20th century American artists' correspondence 1831-1979
repositoryFreer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives
descriptionThis collection is an amalgamation of letters written and recieved by prominent figures in 19th and 20th century American art.

Included in the collection is a significant portion of letters from Abbott Thayer to correspondents from his circle of family, friends and art world figures such as Maria Oakey Dewing and Samuel Coleman.

Bio / His Notes:
Beginning in his youth Thomas Brumbaugh collected autographed correspondence. Mr. Brumbaugh’s collecting instincts resulted in a unique collaborative collection providing a glimpse into the lives of a variety of 19th and 20th century American artists, such as Abbott Thayer.

Brumbaugh was a professor of fine arts at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, and author of many articles on American art and artists.
extent73 Letters; 3 Photographs
formatsCorrespondence Photographs
accessAccess is by appointment only, Monday through Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please contact the Archives to make an appointment:
record source
acquisition informationGift of Susan A. Hobbs. Loc. of Assoc. Material: Thomas B. Brumbaugh research material on Abbott Handerson Thayer and other artists, 1876-1994 (bulk 1960s-1994); ‡e Also located at; ‡a Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45