Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Clark, Francine, -1960

titlePhotographs Separated from the Director's Office Records, 1955-1998
repositorySterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
descriptionThese photographic materials were removed from the following series: CAI ARC 2007.01 The Records of the Director's Office 1955-1977; CAI ARC 2007.03 Director's Office Records of Trustees' Meetings; CAI ARC 2007.04 The Director's Office Records of Receptions, Events, Lectures; CAI ARC 2007.06 The Records of David Brooke; and CAI ARC 2007.07 The Director's Office Records of Loan Requests.

The subjects of the photographs, negatives and slides is diverse and includes artwork, objects, events, the Clark campus, and much miscellaneous material. See the Archivist for a detailed listing of individual photos

Preferred Citation:
[Cite the item (as appropriate)], Photographs Separated from the Records of the Director's Office, 1955-1998, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Records, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts

Related Materials:
Related or similar material can be found in the following series in the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Records, Williamstown, Massachusetts: The Records of the Director's Office 1955-1977; Director's Office Records of Trustees' Meetings; The Director's Office Records of Receptions, Events, Lectures; The Records of David Brooke; and The Director's Office Records of Loan Requests

Biographical and Historical Note:
In 1950 Sterling and Francine Clark chartered the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute as a home for their extensive art collection. Opened to the public in 1955, the Institute has built upon this extraordinary group of works to become a highly respected art museum and one of the few institutions in the United States that combines a public art museum with a complement of research and academic programs, including a major art history library

CAI ARC 2007.08
extent1.46 linear ft
accessRestrictions on Access: This material is currently restricted
record source
finding aidArrangement of the Records: As each photo was removed, it was assigned an individual number and housed by size in archival photo boxes. Each photo resides in its own sleeve and the series, box and folder numbers, and title of the folder from which the photo was removed are written on the sleeve. Identification of the subject matter is also written on the sleeve, to the extent it could be determined, either from the folder contents, reference in the records to the picture, or annotations on the photo itself
acquisition informationCustodial History: These materials resided in records stored in Storage A. They were removed from various series between March and May 2007
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleSterling and Francine Clark Papers
repositorySterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
descriptionRobert Sterling Clark was an heir to the Singer sewing machine fortune. After graduating from Yale in 1899 with a degree in Engineering, he joined the United States Army. His service took him to China where he helped quell the Boxer Rebellion. In 1908 and 1909 he led an expedition to a remote area of northern China to conduct geographical, ethnological, and zoological exploration. Shortly thereafter Sterling settled in Paris where he began collecting art and met Francine Clary, whom he would marry in 1919.

Sterling kept extensive diaries, which trace the development of his taste in art, his idiosyncratic approach to collecting, his political views, and his interest in breeding thoroughbreds. His horse, Never Say Die, won the Epsom Derby in 1954.

Also included in the Papers are inventories for insurance purposes of artworks, jewelry, rare books, and wine; correspondence with various friends and business colleagues, including Arthur de C. Sowerby, Clark’s partner in the expedition to China; and personal materials such as wills, favorite recipes, passports, and photographs. There are a number of objects in the collection, including a saddle and several sets of spurs, military uniforms, and firearms.
extent112 linear feet
formatsCorrespondence Diaries Financial Records Appraisals
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidUnprocessed
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleInstitutional Records of the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
repositorySterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
descriptionThe Institutional Record of the Clark, for the period 1950–1994, includes historical materials related to the Clarks’ decision to locate their collection in Williamstown; founding documents, such as incorporation papers, early board minutes, and engineering studies and architectural plans; and records that document a fifty-year history of the Clark, including its governance, collections, exhibitions, and the development of the Clark Library and its research and academic program.
formatsAdministrative Records Business Papers Exhibition Files
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidUnprocessed
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38