Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Lamborn, Robert Henry

titleRobert Henry Lamborn Papers, 1878 Feb. 25-1881 Jan. 20s.
repositoryDenver Public Library
descriptionCorrespondence, primarily from Lamborn to General LeDuc regarding the importing of yaks to Colorado to be used as beasts of burden. Also includes a letter in response to LeDuc's inquiries into the rearing of yaks in France by Edward F. Noyes.

Historical Notes:
Lamborn, born in Pennsylvania, was president of the Denver and Rio Grande Railway Co., active in the coal industry and author of books ranging from metallurgy to art.

Other authors:
Le Duc, William Gates, 1823-1917.
Noyes, Edward F., 1832-1890.

Central Library - West Hist & Genealogy STX V

Call Number
C MSS -M919 Rg4;Sec2;Sf4;Bx19
extent24 leaves
accessContact Western History/Genealogy Dept., Denver Public Library, Denver, Colo.
record source
acquisition informationAstoria Books and Prints, purchase, 1990.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titleWilliam Jackson Palmer letters, 1859-1903 (bulk 1859-1867).
repositoryYale University Library
descriptionThirty-one ALS, and a fragment of an ALS, 1859-1867, and thirty-four telegrams, 1863-1865, to his friend, Charles B. Lamborn; five ALS to Robert Henry Lamborn, Charles's brother, 1862-1863; and eleven ALS and one telegram to Emma Taylor Lamborn, Charles's wife, 1864-1903.

Early letters to Charles B. Lamborn concern their friendship, briefly discuss Palmer's work with the Pennsylvania Railroad, and describe the formation of the Anderson Cavalry Troop. Palmer was taken prisoner following the Battle of Antietam; later letters to Charles B. Lamborn discuss Palmer's return to Tennessee after being released, recruitment of the 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry, and subsequent operations of the Regiment in Tennessee.
Charles B. Lamborn joined the Anderson Cavalry Troop as Lieutenant Colonel in 1863.

Telegrams sent to him by Palmer concern ordnance, recruiting, training, and other army business. Letters to Charles B. and Robert Henry Lamborn discuss campaigns, including operations in Tennessee, description of the Shiloh battlefield, G. T. Beauregard's retreat from Corinth, and Palmer's experiences in assisting in the capture of Jefferson Davis. Letters to Emma Taylor Lamborn concern their friendship and family news, including the death of Charles B. Lamborn in 1903, and also briefly discuss Palmer's work with Kansas Pacific Railway surveys.

Also present are three letters to Robert Henry Lamborn, 1862, from William C. Kelley, [C. F.?] Palmer, and F. H. Jackson, William Jackson Palmer's uncle. These letters were written during Palmer's captivity by the Confederate Army and discuss prospects for his return.

A few papers pertaining to the Anderson Cavalry Troop are present: a copy of a letter introducing Palmer, written by an unidentified writer to an unidentified recipient, with a copy of Palmer's plan for creation of the Anderson Cavalry Troop appended, 1861; an incomplete letter written by an unidentified writer, to "Morton," Sep 23, 1862, describing operations by Palmer and the Anderson Cavalry Troop at Hagerstown, Maryland; an order appointing Charles B. Lamborn as Lieutenant Colonel, 1863; a list of officers, 1863; two general orders issued by Palmer, 1864; and an order to Captain Charles H. Irwin, with an ALS from him to Palmer, 1864.

Biographical / Historical note:
Civil War soldier and railroad builder. Palmer became secretary to J. Edgar Thomson, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in 1857. In 1861, he left this position to found the Anderson Cavalry Troop, in which he served as captain. In 1862 he recruited the 15th Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry.

In this regiment, he was promoted to colonel and brevetted brigadier general. After the Civil War, Palmer managed surveys for the Kansas Pacific Railway. He was president of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, 1870-1883, and president of the Rio Grande Western Railway Company, 1883-1901.

During this time he also constructed part of the Mexican National Railway. Palmer was a founder of the city of Colorado Springs, Colorado, and was a founder of Colorado College. He died in Colorado Springs in 1909.

BEINECKE (Non-Circulating)

Call Number:
WA MSS S-2180

Cite as:
William Jackson Palmer Letters. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
extent0.20 linear ft. (1 box)
accessThis material is open for research.
record source
acquisition informationGift of Charles Eberstadt, 1959.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titleWilliam A. Bell Papers, 1871-1872. Part 2, Ms0306
repositoryColorado College Special Collections
descriptionThe Collection contains correspondence between William A. Bell and William Jackson Palmer and others involved in the establishment of the Denver & Rio Grande Railway Co. Included are William P. Mellen, William S. Jackson, Josich C. Reiff, H. C. Hunt, Maurice Kingsley, Arthur W. Bell, Robert F. Fairlie, R. E. Neave, Porter, Bell & Co.

extent2 boxes
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid available in the library and via the Internet, Collections/Manuscript/Bell.html
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titleLester Frank Ward Correspondence, 1865-1913, "King" to "Marcon"
repositoryBrown University, John Hay Archives
descriptionIncludes letters from correspondents "King" to "Marcon"

Forms part of the Lester Frank Ward Papers

Location:ANNEX HAY

CALL #: Ms. 90.23
extentApproximately 5,800 items
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationForms part of the Lester Frank Ward Papers
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titleMexican folk art.
repositoryPhiladelphia Museum of Art
descriptionTitle from cover.

Catalog of an exhibition held at the Downtown Gallery, N.Y., May 10-28, 1948.

"The paintings on view have been selected from the Dr. Robert H. Lamborn collection, owned by the Philadelphia Museum of Art"--P. [1].

Downtown Gallery (New York, N.Y.)
Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Rare Books Oversize

Call. No.
N686 .L22m
extent1 sheet : ill. ; 44 x 28 cm. folded to 22 x 15 cm.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationNBL0007
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titlePrint Collection portrait file. / L / Robert H. Lamborn.
repositoryPrints and Photographs Study Room (308)
descriptionImage Title: Robert H. Lamborn.

Source: Print Collection portrait file. / L / Robert H. Lamborn.

Humanities and Social Sciences Library
Print Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs
extent3 images
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source¬word=&d=&c=&f=&k=0&lWord=&lField=&sScope=&sLevel=&sLabel=&imgs=20&pos=2&e=w
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleDalton Dorr Records, 1876-1904
repositoryPhiladelphia Museum of Art
descriptionDalton Dorr played a key role in the beginnings of the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, now known as the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Dorr was elected Secretary of the corporation in 1880. In 1888 he is listed as both Secretary and Curator. By 1892 he performed the duties of Secretary, Director, and Curator. In 1899 William Platt Pepper took over as Director, although Dorr continued as Curator and Secretary. Dalton Dorr died on February 26, 1901. Shortly after, Edwin Atlee Barber took over Dorr's roles as Secretary and Curator. This collection contains letter books dating from 1876-1904 of Dorr, Pepper, and also Edwin Atlee Barber. The correspondence pertains to Museum collections, acquisitions, exhibitions, staff, Memorial Hall repairs, and overall information regarding the establishment of the Museum and associated schools.
extent4.5 linear feet
accessThe collection is open for research
record link
record source
finding aidAvailable online
updated02/14/2025 10:07:48

titleHistorical and Public Figures: A General Portrait File to the 1920s
repositoryPrint Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs
descriptionOver 30,00 portraits of a wide-range of public figures, including political, religious, cultural, literary and artistic personalities, with an emphasis on the 16th through the 19th-centuries.

Includes some original prints, but is principally printed pictures.

Collection History
In order to help meet picture research needs early in the 20th-century, portraits were culled from the Print Collection and arranged by subject. Formats include original woodcuts, engravings, etchings, lithographs, and, occasionally, photographs, but for the most part the portraits are printed pictures clipped from periodical publications from the mid-19th through the early 20th-century.

The collection includes three digital images of Robert H Lamborn and his collection, see the following web addresses:
extent3 digital images
formatsDigital Collection
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:49