Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Ficke, Charles August
title | Arthur Davison Ficke Papers |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The Arthur Davison Ficke Papers document the life and career of the poet Arthur Davison Ficke. The papers span the years 1865-1971, but the bulk of the material covers the years 1904-45. The papers are organized into seven series: Correspondence, Writings, Photographs, Personal Papers, Business and Legal Papers, Arthur Davison Ficke Foundation, and Artwork. |
extent | 37 Linear Feet ((73 boxes) + 3 broadside folders, 1 art storage item, 1 cold storage) |
formats | Correspondence Writings Photographs Personal Papers Artwork |
access | The materials are open for research. Boxes 67-69: Restricted until 2023 Dec 31. For further information, consult the appropriate curator. Box 70: Restricted fragile papers. Reference surrogates have been substituted in the main files. For further information consult the appropriate curator. |
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acquisition information | The papers came to The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library in 1950 as the gift of Gladys Brown Ficke. Additional material was donated in subsequent years by Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope Blunt Ficke, Alyse Gregory, Belinda Jeliffe, Mary Alice Metzgar, and John Van E. Kohn. One item was purchased in 1965 from Seven Gables Bookshop. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:53 |
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