Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Belmont, Alva, 1853-1933

titleVanderbilt Museum of Suffolk County (Centerport, N.Y.) Scrapbooks, logbooks and photo albums, ca. 1885-1952, ca. 1900-ca. 1940 (bulk)
repositoryVanderbilt Museum
descriptionScrapbooks and photograph albums of William K. Vanderbilt II and various members of his family; also logbooks kept by Vanderbilt as captain on voyages aboard his yachts.

Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings contain news about the Vanderbilt family from the 1880s on. Photo albums and scrapbooks document William Kissam Vanderbilt II's homes and estates in Lake Success and Centerport, Long Island; his interest in automobile racing in Europe and on Long Island; his travels around the world on his steam yachts including the Tarantula, the Eagle, the Alva and the Ara; and his interst in marine biology.

Other items of note include a photo album of William K. Vanderbilt III, 1918; an album of photos, clippings and notes about the funeral of Vanderbilt's mother, Alva Smith Vanderbilt Belmont, 1933; and scrapbooks of clippings and letters concerning The Glitter and The Gold, a book written by Vanderbilt's sister, Consuelo Balsan, 1952.

William Kissam Vanderbilt II (1878-1944) was son of William K. Vanderbilt I and great grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt.
extentca. 160 v.
formatsScrapbooks Photographs Notes Ephemera
accessContact repositoroy for restrictions
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleMatilda Young Papers, 1932-1933.
repositoryDuke University Library
descriptionLetters of Miss Young, paid companion of Mrs. Alva Murray (Smith) Vanderbilt Belmont during 1932, commenting on Mrs. Belmont and the Vanderbilt family; together with Mrs. Belmont's memoirs, describing her personal life as a child, in Mobile, Ala., New York City, and Paris, and as a wife, hostess, and militant feminist, social life and the family estates in New York City and Newport, R.I., women's rights, her marriage to and divorce from William K. Vanderbilt, Sr., and marriage to Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont, and her three children, William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., Harold S. Vanderbilt, and Consuelo (Vanderbilt) Spencer-Churchill Balsan.
extent28 items.
formatsCorrespondence Diaries
accessContact Assistant Curator for Reader Services, Manuscript Dept., Duke University Library, Durham, N.C., 27706.
record source
acquisition informationPurchase 1966
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titlePapers of C. E. S. Wood, 1829-1980 (bulk 1870-1940).
repositoryThe Huntington Library
descriptionThe collection consists of letters, manuscripts, documents, diaries, sketches, photographs and scrapbooks related to the lives of Charles Erskine Scott Wood and Sara Bard Field.

Represented in the collection are materials about William Maxwell Wood (1809-1880), C.E.S. Wood's father; papers from C.E.S. Wood's army career, including materials from West Point, Alaska, and the Indian campaigns in the Pacific Northwest; C.E.S. Wood's activities in the development of eastern Oregon (note: there are no papers belonging to Wood's law office); Sara Bard Field's reports on the McNamara case, her life in San Francisco and her associations with journalists, labor leaders, Soviet sympathizers, pacifists, and artists; materials related to Sara Bard Field's work for woman suffrage and women's rights; and C.E.S. Wood and Sara Bard Field Wood's cultural circle, including letters from other writers, critics, publishers, social reformers, artists, sculptors, theatrical figures and musicians.

Persons represented in the collection include: Charles Altschul, Roger Nash Baldwin, Alva Belmont, Albert M. Bender, William Rose Benét, Henriette de S. Blanding, Alfred Brennan, Maurice Browne, George De Forest Brush, Beniamino Bufano, Witter Bynner, Bennett Cerf, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Clarence Darrow, Kenneth Durant, Max Eastman, Gilson Gardner, Inez Haynes Gillmore, William Hanley, Walter Morris Hart, Childe Hassam, Nan Wood Honeyman, O.O. Howard, Robinson Jeffers, Willard Maas, Alexander Meiklejohn, Eugene Meyer, Josephine Miles, Harriet Monroe, Richard L. Neuberger, Frederick O'Brien, Mrs. Fremont Older, Fremont Older, Lemuel Parton, Alice Paul, Lute Pease, Louis Freeland Post, John Cowper Powys, Llewelyn Powys, Alexander Phimister Proctor, John W. Redington, Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, Muriel Rukeyser, Albert Pinkham Ryder, Theodore Spiering, Lincoln Steffens, Walter Steilberg, Doris Stevens, Genevieve Taggard, Mark Van Doren, Mabel Vernon, Langdon Warner, Olin Levi Warner, Julian Alden Weir, Marie de L. Welch, George P. West, Frances G. Wickes, Ella Winter, Emma Wold, Erskine Wood, Art Young, Ella Young.

Charles Erskine Scott Wood (1852-1944) was a U.S. Army officer, lawyer, and author. After graduating from the U.S. Military Academy in 1874, he became an aide to General O.O. Howard in 1877, serving with him in the Pacific Northwest during the Bannock and Paiute and Nez Percé Indian wars. He later attended Columbia University, obtained his law degrees, and established a practice of maritime and corporation law in Portland, Oregon. In addition to his successful law practice, Wood painted, wrote, and was a champion of social justice. Along with Sara Bard Field (1882-1974), whom he later married, Wood was an active supporter of liberal causes and became the center of an artistic and literary circle in the San Francisco area. Wood's publications include The poet in the desert (1915) and Heavenly discourse (1927), as well as various articles for the Pacific monthly and Century magazines.

Associated materials:
Also available in the Manuscripts Department of the Huntington Library is an addenda to the Papers of C. E. S. Wood, which spans the dates 1897-1970.
extentApproximately 30,000 pieces. 312 boxes. 4 oversize folders. 2 rolls.
formatsCorrespondence Manuscript Diaries Sketches Photographs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidUnpublished finding aid available in repository.
acquisition informationmssWD Boxes 1-312
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

repositoryVanderbilt University
descriptionThis collection contains 9 items in 9 file folders that reveal the life of Alva Smith Vanderbilt Belmont, snippets regarding the Smith family, and the Vanderbilt family during the later part of the 19th century, and the first part of the 20th century.

Alva Smith was born in Mobile, Alabama, in 1853 and died in Paris, France, in 1933. She was educated in France. In 1875, she married William Kissam Vanderbilt (grandson of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt), and had three children: Consuelo, William K. Jr., and Harold Stirling. They divorced in 1895.

In 1896, she married Oliver H. P. Belmont, who died in 1908. After his death, Alva Belmont threw herself into the cause of woman’s suffrage. She founded the “Political Equality Association”, sponsored lectures, dances and concerts, and wrote and produced a suffrage operetta. In 1914, she joined the Congressional Union (later the National Woman’s Party). She was referred to as the “Bengal Tiger”.

In 1998, Erik Per Overbey donated these items to Special Collections.
formatsClippings Ephemera
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:48

titleMargaret Floey Papers, 1847-1968 (inclusive) 1909-1929 (bulk)
repositorySchlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
descriptionThe bulk of the collection dates from 1909-1929. Most of the papers were MF's, but some may originally have belonged to Helen Elizabeth Goodnow. While they are a good source of information about the suffrage activities of MF and other suffragists in a variety of states, the papers provide very little information about MF's other paid work, personal life, or family, or about her activities after 1925. Folder titles in quotation marks were apparently MF's; others were supplied by the processor.

Series I: Personal, family, work, etc., #1-22, consists of professional and some personal correspondence, photographs, financial records, calling cards, tickets, minutes, proposals, reports, clippings, and memorabilia, providing somewhat fragmentary information about MF's work as a city official, and about her personal and professional interests and activities besides suffrage. The correspondence in #1 is that of the donor's family and perhaps HEG's. To protect the privacy of former students and staff of the Suffolk Boys School on Rainsford Island, and former foster parents for the City of Boston, #16 was not filmed, and researchers wishing to use this folder at the Schlesinger Library must sign a special form.

Series II: Correspondence/subject files, #23-54, consists mainly of correspondence but also contains clippings, leaflets, greeting cards, and two sketches. These files pertain to MF's suffrage and professional work between 1910 and 1926 and include some personal correspondence. Because it appears that MF herself organized #23-51, the folders and their contents (originally housed in letter boxes) were not rearranged by the processor; items found clipped, folded, pinned, or held together with rubber bands remain together. The arrangement is inconsistent: correspondence from the mayor's office, for example, is filed under "Boston," "Curley," and "Mayor." State suffrage campaigns appear here alphabetically under the names of states, in addition to the material in Series III.

Series III: Suffrage, #55-124+, consists of correspondence, photographs, diaries, notebooks, clippings, suffrage speeches, programs, a scrapbook, memorabilia, and material that MF and others used in their suffrage campaigns, such as maps, flyers, leaflets, permits, pamphlets, and financial records. The memorabilia include posters, banners, sashes, flags, buttons, badges, and a map. This series extensively documents MF's work as a suffrage organizer and speaker, and suffrage campaigns in many states, particularly Massachusetts.

Some datebooks (#57-58) were dismantled for preservation purposes. The clippings in 59-66o came to the library organized in three groups (59-62o, 63, 64-66o) and remain that way even though their contents overlap considerably. In addition to the few speeches and speech notes, newspaper clippings are a source for the texts of some of MF's speeches. Clippings also contain information about MF's activities and her ideas on why women should be able to vote and how suffrage work should be done.

In 1917, while working in New York, MF collected letters to her, and other items, and sent the material in batches to her sister Celia (#87-89); it seems likely that MF collected and forwarded material during other trips in a similar fashion.

Most clippings were discarded after filming.

There is related material at the Schlesinger Library; see Papers of Margaret Foley and Helen Elizabeth Goodnow, 1882-1965 (M-133, reel D4; MC 405) and Margaret Foley papers in the Woman's Rights Collection, 1911-1924 (M-133, reel D4; WRC 62-64af).

Suffragist Margaret Foley (one source only gives her the middle name Lillian) was born on March 19, 1875, in Dorchester, Mass., the daughter of Peter and Mary Foley. She had a sister Celia. MF grew up in Roxbury, then an Irish-American neighborhood, and graduated from Girls' High School in Boston. To finance voice lessons, MF worked in a union hat factory until a family matter called her to California and ended her aspirations as a singer. While in California she taught swimming and gymnastics at resorts. After MF returned to Boston she put her voice to work for the Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association, which employed her from 1906 to 1915 as a speaker and manager of organization work. She was also active in the Margaret Brent Suffrage Guild, a Massachusetts Catholic organization, and was its state chairman of organization in 1919.

Foley and other young Massachusetts suffragists, inspired by the militant tactics used by English suffragettes, undertook open-air speaking tours in 1909. A member of the Hat Trimmers' Union and later of the Boston Women's Trade Union League, MF was probably the only participant in these early tours with a working-class background (see p. 310 of the article by Sharon Hartman Strom cited below). The tension between MF and the middle- and upper-class women she worked with may have been a result of class differences; some of them termed her--perhaps affectionately, perhaps not--a "trouble-maker."

In the summer of 1911 MF and Florence Luscomb attended the International Woman Suffrage Alliance convention in Stockholm and spent a month in London studying English suffrage tactics. Later that year, after she and others trailed Republican candidates through Western Massachusetts publicly questioning their suffrage views, newspapers added "heckler" to the long list of words used to describe her. MF and Teresa Crowley, as members of MWSA's legislative committee, held debates about suffrage with candidates and elected officials.

In 1912, MF began travelling to other states to help organizations campaign in critical referenda and elections. She also went on a number of speaking tours around the country. In 1912 she and Florence Luscomb spent several months in Ohio. Between 1913 and 1918 Foley spent time in Nevada, Pennsylvania, New York, and other states. Usually NAWSA paid MF's travel expenses, while local organizations provided living expenses and assumed her MWSA salary. In 1916 The Woman's Journal sponsored MF's extensive "Southern Trip," which included Maryland, Virginia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Minnesota (Mississippi Valley Suffrage Conference), Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri (Sixth Biennial Convention of the National Women's Trade Union League of America), and Kentucky. MF promoted The Woman's Journal, sold copies and subscriptions, and gave suffrage speeches. HEG apparently accompanied her on part of the trip.

In addition to her suffrage work, MF was Trustee for Children in the Children's Institutions Department of the City of Boston, 1913-1920. During that time she lobbied for a bill that would make vaccination of children non-compulsory, and was involved with issues surrounding the Suffolk School for Boys on Rainsford Island. In 1920-1926 MF was deputy commissioner of the Child Welfare Division in the Institutions Department of the City of Boston. She remained active in local politics and in 1936 worked for Robert E. Greenwood's campaign for U.S. Senate.

Virtually no information is available about Foley's family or her life after the mid 1920s. MF never married and probably lived with her long-time friend and fellow suffragist Helen Elizabeth Goodnow for many years. For biographical information about HEG, see the Margaret Foley and Helen Elizabeth Goodnow Collection (MC 405) in the Schlesinger Library. For more information about MF's place in Massachusetts suffrage history, see Sharon Hartman Strom, "Leadership and Tactics in the American Woman Suffrage Movement: A New Perspective from Massachusetts," Journal of American History 62 (September 1975): 296-315. For additional papers see MC 405, A/F663 and the Foley series of the Woman's Rights Collection.

extent2 cartons; 3 folio, 2 folio+, 3 oversize, and 1 supersize folders
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
acquisition informationThe papers of Margaret Foley were given to the Schlesinger Library in February and March 1981 byMary Goodnow White (niece of MF's friend, Helen Elizabeth Goodnow); in April and July 1967, January 1969, and October 1973 by Leo R. O'Neill; and in January 1990 by Foster M. Palmer. The collection was microfilmed as part of a Schlesinger Library/University Publications of America Project.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:51

titleLaidlaw, H. B. (Harriet Burton), b. 1874. Papers, 1851-1958
repositorySchlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
descriptionThe papers have been divided into seven series: Personal and family, General correspondence, Writings and speeches by HBL, White slavery, Suffrage and other U.S. issues, World War I, and International organizations and issues.

Series I. Personal and family; #1-35
Series II. General correspondence; 36-76
Series III. Writings and speeches by HBL; 77-88
Series IV. White slavery; 89-110
Series V. Suffrage and other U.S. issues; 111-169
Series VI. World War I; 170-174
Series VII. International organizations and issues; 175-205f+

The papers provide information about HBL's youth, education, family, friends, her involvement in woman suffrage campaigns, social and civic reform movements, her dedication to peace and international understanding, and the organizations with which she worked. There is little information about her social life.

There is correspondence in every series, and individuals and issues overlap. Colleagues and associates were also personal friends. Researchers should refer to the Index of Selected Correspondents, which follows the inventory.

Series I, Personal and family, is divided into three sections. The first, Biographical, includes photographs, clippings, a diary, school and college papers, calling cards, and a guest book. The second section consists of papers pertaining to James Lees Laidlaw (JLL), and the third, Family, mainly correspondence, is further sub-divided by writer and recipient.
Series II, General correspondence, is divided into two sections. The first consists of letters from a large number of people; they are arranged chronologically, with undated letters at the end. In the second section letters are grouped by writer and arranged chronologically within each group; three of the men represented here were probably suitors of Harriet Burton. Not all enclosures referred to in the letters are extant.
Series III, Writings and speeches by HBL, is divided into five subject sections, four being the same subjects as those covered in series IV-VII, with miscellaneous subjects in the fifth. The arrangement within each section is chronological, and the series includes works in manuscript, typescript, and print.

Series IV, White slavery, mainly documents HBL's and JLL's support of Rose Livingston, a prostitute turned social reformer, and consists of correspondence (with RL and others), photographs, reports, and writings and speeches by others. There is also a typescript of "My Story: The history of a prostitute's life in San Francisco," by Margaret von Staden. The overall arrangement is chronological, with undated and miscellaneous material at the end.

Series V, Suffrage and other U.S. issues, is divided into the following sections: National American Woman Suffrage Association, Men's League for Woman Suffrage, New York State suffrage campaign, Other suffrage organizations, Other suffrage correspondence, Anti-suffrage material, Labor, League of Women Voters, and Prohibition. The last three subjects are included here because HBL's suffrage activities led naturally to her involvement in related issues. The series consists of correspondence, photographs, minutes, financial records, press releases, bulletins, printed material, lists, reports, speeches, fliers, programs, valentines. The letters from Anna Howard Shaw to HBL discuss personalities and disagreements in the suffrage movement. Each section is arranged chronologically.
Series VI, World War I, includes correspondence, certificates, and printed material re: HBL's activities during 1917-1919. There is also information concerning the status of Army and Navy nurses. The arrangement is chronological.

Series VII, International organizations and issues, includes correspondence, reports, minutes, printed matter, press releases, lists, programs, and statements of purpose. The bulk of the material relates to the League of Nations and organizations supporting it; the remainder is about other international groups with which HBL was affiliated. The arrangement is chronological.

HBL subscribed to a clipping service; these and other clippings were scattered throughout the collection; most were discarded after microfilming.

Collection is available to researchers on microfilm. Request as M-133.
Dates and/or other information have been written on some items by a number of people. In organizing the material, the processor accepted dates added by others and left undated material that was grouped with dated items where it was. All dates and other information added by the processor are in square brackets.

The pages of some items were numbered to aid the microfilmer, the proofreaders, and researchers. These numbers are in square brackets.
The film was proofread by University Publications of America.
Some loose clippings were mounted by the processor.

Some of the material in the collection was difficult to film due to such problems as flimsy paper with text showing through, faded or smudged writing, faint pencil notations, creased and brittle paper, or faded or blurred carbon copies on flimsy paper. The film was carefully produced to insure that these items are as legible as possible.

Letters of one or more pages with either the salutation or the signature missing, as well as portions of letters, have been marked as fragments.
In some cases, magazines, membership directories, and other multiple-paged publications were not filmed in their entirety, but only the pertinent page(s), with the title page where necessary to establish name and date of publication.

All photographs were microfilmed with the collection. They are also available on the microfilm of the Schlesinger Library photograph collection (M-54).

In many cases, the enclosures referred to in letters are missing.

Harriet Burton Laidlaw, suffragist, social and civic reformer, and internationalist, was born on December 16, 1873, in Albany, N.Y., the daughter of Alice Davenport (Wright) and George Davidson Burton. HBL attended public school in Albany, and earned both Bachelor (1895) and Master (1896) of Pedagogy degrees from Albany Normal College. After graduation she moved to New York City, taught in the public schools, and in 1902 earned degrees from Barnard College (A.B.) and Illinois Wesleyan University (Ph.B.). During this time she also took summer courses at Harvard (1900), the University of Chicago (1901), and Oxford University (1903).

She continued to teach and started graduate school at Columbia University, but stopped both when she married James Lees Laidlaw in 1905. A concern with women's rights now blossomed into a remarkably active involvement in a variety of causes and organizations. This life of public service is reflected in the following chronology.
extent10 file boxes, 4 folio, 1 folio+, and 2 oversize folders
accessAccess. CLOSED, USE MICROFILM, M-133.
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record source
acquisition informationThe bulk of the Harriet Burton Laidlaw papers was given to the Schlesinger Library in 1955 by her daughter, Louise Laidlaw Backus. The papers of Louise Laidlaw Backus, given by her daughter, Harriet Backus Todd, in 1973 contained some HBL material, which was transferred to this collection.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:51

titleMilholland, Inez, 1886-1916. Papers, 1906-1916
repositorySchlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
descriptionThese papers include personal and business correspondence, speeches, articles, class notes, and newsclippings.

The personal letters are of particular interest and make up the first half of the collection. They illuminate, often in intimate detail, IM's marriage to EJB and her friendships with Max Eastman, Irving E. Robertson, Upton Sinclair, and others.

The remainder of the collection reflects IM's work as a lawyer and her involvement in various reform causes: the citizenship question, the abolition of capital punishment, the related issues of prison reform and legal aid, and woman's suffrage.

The newsclippings at the end of the collection are arranged in an order parallel to the professional papers. A few are about IM in particular, but the majority were collected by her and deal with her interests and only indirectly with her work..

Inez Milholland was a lawyer specializing in criminal and divorce practice; she zealously advocated a variety of reform causes, including women's suffrage, abolition of the death penalty, and the rights of working people. Born in Brooklyn, New York, she graduated from Vassar College in 1909, and received an LL.B. degree from New York University in 1912. In July 1913, she married Eugen Jan Boissevain, a New York importer, of Dutch citizenship. The resulting change in her citizenship status threatened to exclude IM from law practice, and she quickly became involved in attempts to repeal the offending legislation.

Proclaiming herself a Socialist, IM joined the Women's Trade Union League, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the Fabian Society of England. In 1915, as a war correspondent in Italy, she wrote a series of pacifist articles and as a result was expelled by the Italian government late that summer.

In 1916, IM took part in a garment workers' strike and was instrumental in securing a last-minute reprieve for Charles Stielow, a West Shelby, New York farmer accused of murder and sentenced to be executed in the electric chair.

Concurrently, IM was becoming increasingly active in the women's suffrage movement. She joined the Congressional Union, and, though suffering from pernicious anemia, undertook a speaking tour of the West in support of suffrage. In September she collapsed during a speech in Los Angeles and died ten weeks later, on November 25, 1916. A memorial service was held by her suffrage associates in Statuary Hall, Washington D.C., on Christmas Day, 1916. She was buried at her parents' estate in Essex County, New York.

Some years after IM's death, Eugen Jan Boissevain married Edna St. Vincent Millay. This collection was subsequently passed on to Edna St. Vincent Millay's sister, Norma Millay, from whom it was purchased by the Schlesinger Library.

extent2 1/2 file boxes, 1 oversize folder, 3 reels microfilm (M-80)
accessAccess. Unrestricted. Originals are closed; use microfilm M-80.
record link
record source
acquisition informationThe papers of Inez Milholland were purchased by the Schlesinger Library from Norma Millay in April 1979.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:51

titlePage, Mary H. (Mary Hutcheson), 1860-1940
repositorySchlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
descriptionThis series consists of biographical material, correspondence, photographs, and a scrapbook containing correspondence, photographs, clippings, etc.

The papers date mainly from 1901-1918 and document MHP's suffrage work, the activities and strategies of suffragists in Massachusetts, and the effect of English suffragists' 1909 tour on the tactics used in Massachusetts.

The scrapbook, compiled by MHP for her daughters and arranged chronologically, contains significant letters from a variety of notable suffragists active in Massachusetts, nationally, and in England. There is some documentation of suffrage campaigns in Ohio and New York.

Mary Hutcheson was born in Columbus, Ohio, on March 16, 1860, the daughter of Lucretia (Deshler) and Joseph Hutcheson. When she was nine, the family moved to Europe, where they lived for five years until JH, a young banker in ill health, died; she became an orphan when her mother died a few years later. MH then moved to Boston to attend classes in biology and chemistry as a special student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1890, MH married George Hyde Page; they lived in Brookline, Mass., until 1918, and also had a summer home in Chocorua, New Hampshire. They had four children: Hutcheson, Anne, Katharine, and Richmond.

In addition to founding a discussion club that became the Brookline Equal Suffrage Association, being president of the Brookline Association, and serving as chairman of the Executive Board of the Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association, MHP played a major role in founding the Boston Equal Suffrage Association for Good Government. Chair of BESAGG's Executive Board and later its president, she was known for her fund-raising skills and ability to convince individual women to join the suffrage cause. MHP's interest in suffrage extended to the European campaigns; in addition to making several trips there, she corresponded with several English suffragists and entertained Emmeline Pankhurst during her 1909 visit to Massachusetts. In 1912, MHP and Gertrude Halladay Leonard helped organize the suffrage campaign in Ohio. MHP's daughters were both active suffragists and GHP wrote suffrage plays, poetry, and a prayer. MHP retired from suffrage work in 1918 and the Pages moved to California, where GHP died in 1923. MHP then returned to Massachusetts, where she died in 1940. For additional biographical information, see #653.

extentFolders 653-653b, Volume 23ao
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
acquisition informationThese papers of Mary Hutcheson Page fill three folders and one volume of the Woman's Rights Collection, which was given to Radcliffe College in August 1943 and formed the nucleus of the Women's Archives, later the Schlesinger Library. The material in this series was prepared for microfilming in November 1990 by Kim Brookes. It was microfilmed as part of a Schlesinger Library/University Publications of America project.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:51