Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Washington, George, 1732-1799

titleGeorge Washington collection, 1749-1806, (bulk 1757-1799).
repositoryThe Huntington Library
descriptionCollection of George Washington's letters and manuscripts assembled at the Library. The core of the collection are the respective portions of Grenville Kane, William K. Bixby,and Elihu D. Church collections and other purchases made by Henry E. Huntington and augmented by later acquisitions and items transferred from the papers of Richard Clough Anderson, Baldwin family, Nathanael Greene, John Campbell, the 4th earl of Loudoun, James McHenry and the collections of Robert A. Brock and Kane Americana.

The collection contains Washington's surveys in Fairfax, Stafford, Spottsylvania, Culpeper, and Frederick Counties; documents of Washington's land holding and transactions, including the Mount Vernon Tract and and his involvement with the Dismal Swamp (including the "Appraisment of Slaves sent to the Dismal Swamp" (1764, July); "Pocket-day book and Cash Memorandums," (1774, Mar. 25 -- Oct. 23), and incoming and outgoing letters documenting Washington's military leadership during the French and Indian War and the War of Independence, his poltical career, and family life.

Also included is the volume containing George Washington's correspondence with Sir Isaac Heard (1730-1822), the Garter king of Arms, regarding the genealogy of the Washington family: copies of Sir Isaac Heard's letters from George Washington to Washington of Dec. 7, 1791 and Aug. 9, 1793 (copied from Heard's letterbooks); the autograph of Washington's reply of May 2, 1792, with an attached genealogy of his family, letters to Heard from William Gates, the deputy registrar to the bishop of Petersborough (1793, Aug. 16) and Rev. Richard Wykham, vicar of Sulgrave (1793, Aug. 15); Heard's genealogical chart of the Washington family; newspaper clippings from the Morning Chronicle (1800, Jan. 22 -- Mar. 22) covering the death of George Washington and a printed leaflet with an inscription for the Washington monument (London, printed by G. Woodfall, Pater-noster Row, 1800. ) The volume was assembled by James Pulman, a fomer clerk of Heard's and the Clarenceux king of arms between 1848 and 1856.

The collection also contains nine letters from Martha Washington to her niece Frances Bassett Washington Lear (1794, Mar. 23 - 1795, May 24) and her letters to "Miss Ramsay" (1774, Jan. 14), Abigail Adams (ca. 1794), and John Trumbull (1797, Jan. 12), a copy of her 1789, Nov. 26 letter to Mercy Otis Warren endorsed by Benson J. Lossing, the letter to her from Jonathan Trumbull (1799, Dec. 30) and a poem "Sympathy to Mrs. Washington on the death of her illustrious husband" attributed to Joseph Ward.

Biog. Note
In April 1913, George D. Smith purchased 170 letters and manuscripts belonging to Grenville Kane (1854-1943), a New York banker, yachtsman, and collector.

Two years later Smith bought another group of Washington manuscripts from an unidentified collector. Both collections ended up in the collection of Henry E. Huntington, one of the leading Washington collectors of his day.

In 1918, when Huntington purchased William K. Bixby's Americana collection, he added a group of Washington's letters to Tobias Lear. In 1923, The Huntington Library purchased a collection of Alexander McDougall's letters to Washington from A.S.W. Rosenbach, and later a group of Martha Washington's letters was acquired from J. F. Meegan. Smaller lots were also purchased at various sales by the Anderson Gallery, Maggs Bros, and other auction houses between 1920 and 1923.

Cite As
George Washington collection. The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

extentApprox. 450 pieces.
accessAutograph letters and manuscripts only available for research use with the curator's permission. All inquiries regarding this collection should be directed to Norris Foundation Curator of American Historical Manuscripts.
record source
acquisition informationThe correspondence with Sir Isaac Heard was acquired with the collection of Elihu D. Church.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titleGeorge and Martha Washington papers, 1750-1802.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionNotes: Summary: Correspondence and documents, 1750-1802, mostly signed by George Washington, or pertaining to him or his estate. There are twelve letters to William Fitzhugh, several letters to George Clinton, as well as single letters to Elisha Boudinot, Dr. John Cochrane, Richard Varick, Generals Nathanael Greene and Henry Knox, and others; there are also an invoice, commissions and other official documents signed by Washington, and accounts of his estate kept by his executor, Lawrence Lewis, dated 1800, as well as nine bonds dated 1802 and related to his estate. There are also two notes exchanged between Martha Washington and Cornelia Tappen Clinton, George Clinton's wife, and a draft of a letter to Martha Washington from her niece, Mrs. Frances Bassett Washington. A poem by Simeon Ladd, dated 1799, mourns George Washington's death. A nineteenth-century copy of a letter sent to Major Billings of Poughkeepsie contains locks of George and Martha Washington's hair. Accompanied by an oversize box of photostats, copies, etc.

Location: New York Historical Society Manuscripts Dept.
Call Number: Mss CollectionWashington
extent0.6 linear feet (2 boxes, 1 oversized)
accessPlease contact repository for access and restrictions.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:41

titleRichard John Levy and Sally Waldman Sweet Collection, 1766-1935
repositoryThe New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
descriptionThe Richard John Levy and Sally Waldman Sweet Collection contains letters and documents signed

by prominent political figures, military leaders, authors and scientists. The date span of the collection is from 1766-1935, with the bulk of the items being from the 19th century. Notable individuals include Susan B. Anthony, Robert Browning, Henry Clay, Charles Darwin, George Gissing, Ernest Hemingway, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, James Monroe, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Daniel Webster and Woodrow Wilson.

There are many items of exceptional content, such as a letter by Thomas Jefferson regarding financial support for a female slave freed by Jefferson's lifelong friend George Wythe, a letter by Robert Browning on the subject of Darwinism, a letter by Charles Darwin concerning his book On The Origin of Species and a letter by Susan B. Anthony on women's suffrage.

According to Sally Waldman Sweet, the items in this collection were acquired primarily by her first husband, Richard John Levy, and mostly by purchase from various manuscript dealers and auction houses. The donors reported that they added no items to the collection for several decades prior to its acquisition by The New York Public Library in 2000.

Preferred Citation
Richard John Levy and Sally Waldman Sweet Collection, Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations.
extent1 linear ft. (2 boxes)
formatsCorrespondence Manuscript
accessCollection is open to research.
record source
finding aidBoth in the repository and on the repository's website.
acquisition informationGift of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sweet, 2000.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:49

titleJeremiah Colburn autograph collection, 1629-1881.
repositoryMassachusetts Historical Society
descriptionAutographs and engravings collected by Jeremiah Colburn of Boston, Mass. Includes personal and legislative papers of Massachusetts governors (New Plymouth Colony), 1629-89, signers of the Articles of Confederation, 1778, and Constitution, 1787; related to the American Revolution including the Boston Tea Party and Battles of Concord and Lexington; and presidents and their cabinet members, 1789-1881, including George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, and Rutherford B. Hayes.

The collection was arranged by the Bostonian Society.

Arranged topically: Vol. I. Governors of Massachusetts, 1629-1689, Colonial, A-C; Vol. II. Colonial, C-R; Vol. III. Colonial, R-W, Tea Party; Vol. IV. Signers of the Confederation, 1778, and Constitution, 1787, Lafayette; Vol. V. Concord and Lexington, Bunker Hill, Revolution, A-Q; Vol. VI. Revolution, R-W, Old Congress; Vol. VII. George Washington, John Adams and their cabinets; Vol. VIII. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe and their cabinets; Vol. IX. John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren and their cabinets; Vol. X. Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor and their cabinets; Vol. XI. Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan and their cabinets; Vol. XII. Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield and their cabinets.

Call number(s):Special Colls. Bostonian Society

extent12 volumes.
accessContact repository for further details.
record source
finding aidFinding aid is available and some items are individually described in the MHS manuscript catalog.
acquisition informationPart of collection formerly cataloged as "Colburn." See also Jeremiah Colburn autograph collection additions.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:49

titleAndre De Coppet collection, 1566-1942 (bulk 1770-1865).
repositoryPrinceton University
descriptionThis collection represents the American history-related collecting activities of Andre De Coppet (Princeton Class of 1915), one of the foremost American collectors of his generation. Ranging in period from the Spanish colonization of Florida (1566) to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first term, the collection is comprised of letters, documents, manuscripts, and printed materials from hundreds of important American historical figures.

Though it spans centuries, the collection has three major foci in American history: the Revolutionary War, the Federal Period, and the Civil War. Most prominently represented are the presidents of the United States, including all from Washington through Truman. The amount of material affiliated with each individual or subject varies widely, though there are a number significant larger groups:

A group of letters and documents written by George Washington (1732-1799) spans his entire adult life and includes over 150 items. The earliest items are Virginia land surveys conducted in the 1750s. The bulk of the material dates from the years of the Revolutionary War (1775-1783).

Many of the letters detail the countless important decisions Washington was forced to make as commander of America's revolutionary forces, from issues of staffing and rank to how to adequately provision soldiers with clothing and food. Also included are letters and documents from Washington's time as president, including two and a half pages of an undelivered inaugural address, and letters debating the extent of constitutional and congressional powers.

The collection includes an equally rich group of personal and professional correspondence from Washington’s trusted general Nathanael Greene (1742-1786). The Greene correspondence, dating from 1775-1785, is primarily focused on his service in the Revolutionary War, from the difficulties he experienced as quartermaster general to his appointment as commander of the Southern Army.

His letters to Washington and other army officers communicate troop locations and various successes and failures of the war. In addition, they highlight the difficult conditions experienced by many Continental soldiers who lacked appropriate shoes, clothing, and food. Personal correspondence between Nathanael and his wife, brothers, and cousin reveal the family's investment in multiple privateering ventures, as well as the family ironworks, which was occasionally commissioned to make weapons for the war.

Additional materials related to the Revolutionary War abound. Correspondence and documents from dozens of American officers are filed under their respective names. A United States Continental Army file includes official muster rolls, payrolls, warrants, and ration receipts from various New England companies. A general American Revolutionary War file includes correspondence from unknown or lesser known individuals who were involved in the war or lived during the time period, as well as two lengthy manuscripts written by unidentified Englishmen, one in favor of the revolution and the other opposed.

The Asa Waterman correspondence chronicles the failures of the early commissariat system, which was established during (and in response to) the Revolutionary War. Waterman (1743-1789), originally a ship merchant, served as assistant commissary in Rhode Island from 1777 to 1780. Comprised of approximately 100 items, his correspondence highlights the difficulty of provisioning the troops with adequate, nutritious food due to a scarcity of staples (most often flour) and the problem of shipping goods at the risk of enemy seizure. His letters also address the frequent reorganization of the commissariat system and its negative effect on both the commissary officers and the troops they served.

In addition to papers of various official military officers, the collection includes the business papers of Samuel White and John Cushing, merchants and privateers during the American Revolutionary War. Privateers were sanctioned by the government to aid in the war effort by capturing enemy ships, known as "prizes." Privateers played a significant role in the war, outnumbering government-owned vessels by more than ten to one and capturing nearly 600 British ships over the course of the war. Cushing & White invested in multiple vessels that sailed along the North American coast and to the West Indies throughout the course of the war.

The collection also contains significant holdings from the post-war Federal period. Correspondence from John Adams (1735-1826) is largely focused on his role as diplomat for the newly formed American nation in the years before he became second president of the United States. His letters include strong viewpoints on the American government and his role within it. He laments the "insignificance" of his position as vice president (under George Washington), discusses the growth of democracy in various states, and complains that the American people have little tolerance for hardship.

Third U.S. President Thomas Jefferson has over 100 items in the collection. His correspondents are a veritable who's who of early American leaders. Topics range from subjects of personal interest (e.g., what materials should be used to decorate Monticello, his Virginia estate) to American agriculture, foreign diplomacy, and relations with Native Americans. Not one to mince words, Jefferson strongly states his opinions on political rivalries, government policies, and international relations, often touching on multiple issues within single letters. The letters also provide a glimpse of his scientific and inventive pursuits including a diagram for an improved water wheel and his establishment of a nail manufactory.

The collection also contains significant holdings from the American Civil War. Correspondence from Union general (and eighteenth U.S. President) Ulysses S. Grant Grant dates from 1858-1884. Many of the letters were sent directly from the battlefields of the Civil War. His correspondence with other generals and army officers captures the fevered pace and constant strategizing of the war. The progression of certain battles can be traced through the many notes he sent throughout the same day, week, or month. Telegraph notes marked "cipher" highlight the threat of enemy interception. Many of his letters in this collection were written from City Point, Virginia, the Union headquarters and base of supplies during 1864 and 1865.

Additional Civil War materials include select letters and documents from other prominent Civil War officers including Union general William T. Sherman and Confederate general Robert E. Lee, as well as a large group of official papers from the United States Army of the Potomac consisting of orders, regulations, appointments, and official correspondence. A general American Civil War file contains items relating to relatively unknown men who served in the war and wrote about their experiences; collectively, they provide a glimpse of the impact of the war on average soldiers and their families. The Frederic A. Waterhouse correspondence, between a young Union soldier and his family in Pennsylvania, vividly traces one family’s experience of the war and follows Frederic through battles, injury, and eventually death in the field.

The papers of sixteenth President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) form one of the largest groups in the collection. The earliest items date from Lincoln’s time as a lawyer. Included are legal briefs from all three of his formal law partnerships as well as cases from his time on the Illinois judicial circuit. Correspondence includes letters both to and from Lincoln; a handful of letters deal specifically with the Civil War. Documents from his time as president mainly consist of memoranda, discharges, pardons, commissions, and orders.

Other well-represented American presidents include Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), whose letters reflect many of the positions he held before being elected president, and Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), whose correspondence demonstrates his lifelong passion for the study of government and history.

Hundreds of other American individuals and subjects are covered by the collection. There are significant letters from Americans of the stature of Samuel Adams, John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, Benjamin Franklin, and Patrick Henry, and informative and characteristic ones of such diverse personages as John Wilkes Booth, Robert Fulton, and Thomas Paine. A large group of papers from eighteenth and nineteenth-century Massachusetts is filed by town and contains many legal documents in the form of land deeds, writs, and tax forms.

Researchers should note that Andre De Coppet saved many clippings from the auctions and dealers where he purchased the items in this collection. These clippings and provenance files are available in Boxes 43 and 44.

Collection Creator Biography

Andre De Coppet (1892-1953) was an American broker and collector of Americana. He was born in New York in 1892 to Edward J. and Pauline De Coppet. A 1915 graduate of Princeton University, he inherited a position in the family stock exchange firm of De Coppet & Doremus after the death of his father in 1916. In 1920 he wed Clara Barclay Onativia in New York. In the mid-1920s he took an interest in Haiti and invested in a sisal plantation there. Through the 1920s and 1930s, De Coppet amassed a significant collection of European and American manuscripts, which were bequeathed to universities upon his death in 1953.

Preferred Citation:
Andre De Coppet Collection; 1566-1942 (mostly 1770-1865), Manuscripts Division, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library.

Storage note:
This collection is stored at Firestone Library and Firestone Library.

This collection is stored onsite at Firestone Library. Boxes 18-19, 21-22, 36-38, and 47 are stored in special vault facilities.

Requests will be delivered to Manuscripts Division, RBSC Reading Room .
extent23 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Manuscript Ephemera
accessCollection is open for research use. Researchers may be required to use surrogates of collection items stored in special vault facilities.
record link
record source
finding aidOnline and in repository.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:49

titleFoster family autograph collection, 1621-1930.
repositoryMassachusetts Historical Society
descriptionThe Foster Family Autograph Collection consists of 30 document boxes, 2 volumes and 4 oversize boxes organized into four series: I. Foster Family Autograph Collection, II. Foster Family Papers, III. Foster and Estabrook Legal Records, and IV. Abbott Lawrence Papers.

Series I. Foster Family Autograph Collection, 1621-1917 comprises the bulk of the collection and contains autograph letters and notes, diaries, printed documents, broadsides and other ephemera collected by the families of Joseph Dwight (1702-1765), Jedediah Foster (1726-1779), and his son Dwight Foster (1757-1823), with additions from several generations of their descendants.

Included in the Foster Family Autograph Collection are documents and letters of United States presidents and many members of their cabinet from the administrations of George Washington through Ulysses S. Grant. Of particular interest is a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Roger Sherman's grandson giving Jefferson's high opinion of Sherman, a letter from Jefferson to Dwight Foster with original drawings of Jefferson's patent new mould board with accompanying description; and correspondence between John Adams and Roger Sherman in which the new federal constitution is contrasted with the British government. Also, a letter from Secretary of War James McHenry relating to the Northwest Territory and accounts of surveys of the territory, letters from James Munroe, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and many others. The collection also includes autographs of the signers of the Declaration of Independence (including Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Josiah Bartlett, Charles Carroll, George Clymer, Francis Hopkinson, Samuel Huntington, Robert Morris, and others).

The Foster Family Autograph Collection includes material related to the French and Indian War such as the orderly book of Gen. David Wooster, 1759; and material related to the Revolutionary War, such as a letter from Gen. Rufus Putnam, March 26, 1783, detailing his ideas on government, military and civilian responsibilities and Putnam's eyewitness account of the "Newburgh Conspiracy."

The Foster Family Autograph Collection includes material related to the French and Indian War such as the orderly book of Gen. David Wooster, 1759; and material related to the Revolutionary War, such as a letter from Gen. Rufus Putnam, March 26, 1783, detailing his ideas on government, military and civilian responsibilities and Putnam's eyewitness account of the "Newburgh Conspiracy." Other themes represented in the Foster Family Autograph Collection include members of the Continental Congress (including James Bowdoin, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, John Jay, and Rufus King, among others); United States congressmen (including De Witt Clinton, Fisher Ames, John Randolph, James Hillhouse, Jefferson Davis, among others); governors and senators, mostly of Massachusetts but some from other colonies and states, ca. 1700-1870 (such as Rufus Choate, Benjamin Goodhue, Harrison Gray Otis, Sir Francis Bernard, Simon Bradstreet, Thomas Hutchinson, Thomas Pownall, William Shirley, Daniel Webster, among many others); Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court justices, including Samuel Sewall. Literary figures, scientists, and economists are represented by letters from Thomas Prince, Horace Greeley, William Cullen Bryant, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Washington Irving, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and others.

There are also there are letters, autographs and documents of notable persons involved in the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era, with some earlier and later French autographs. These include generals, ministers, royalty, scientists and literary figures, and the autographs of Henry III, and Louis XIII and Louis XIV of France.

Series II. Foster Family Papers, 1648-1915 includes personal, legal and military papers kept by generations of the Foster and related Dwight families of Massachusetts including Joseph Dwight (1703 1765), Dwight Foster (1757-1823), Jedediah Foster (1726 1779), and Dwight Foster (1757 1823). This series also includes a diary kept by Joseph Dwight during the French and Indian War, 1756. There are letters of autograph value in this series as well, just as there are letters received by members of the Foster and Dwight families in the first series.

Series III. Foster and Estabrook Legal Records consist of legal correspondence kept by Dwight Foster (1828-1884) while serving as a lawyer with the firm Foster and Estabrook in Worcester, Mass., 1856-57.

Series IV. Abbott Lawrence Papers, 1836-1891 contains personal papers and correspondence, accounts, and legal documents related to family estates managed by Abbott Lawrence of Boston, Mass.

Biographical Sketch
Judge Joseph Dwight (1702-1765) was a member of the Massachusetts Colonial Council and trustee of the Indian school in Stockbridge, Mass. He served as brigadier general of the Ancient and Honourable Company of Artillery of Boston, second in command of the colonial troops in the expedition against the French at Louisbourg in 1745, and commanded a brigade of Massachusetts Militia at Lake Champlain. He married Mary Pynchon and their daughter Dorothy Dwight married Jedediah Foster (1726-1779).

Judge Jedediah Foster (1726-1779) was a member of the Worcester County Convention and delegate to the Provincial Congress in 1774, a member of the convention that framed the constitution of Massachusetts, and a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. His children were: Theodore Foster (1752-1828), Theophilus Foster, (1754-1838), Abigail Foster (1756-1779), Dwight Foster (1757-1823), and Peregrine Foster (1759-1804).

Judge Dwight Foster (1757-1823) was a chief justice of Worcester County, Mass., a member of the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, the Massachusetts Legislature, and the Massachusetts Executive Council, and was a U.S. senator serving as a Federalist from 1800 to 1803. He married Rebecca Faulkner and his children were Lydia Stiles and Alfred Dwight Foster (1800-1852).

Alfred Dwight Foster (1800-1852) was a representative on the Massachusetts General Court, and was involved with various civic organizations including the Worcester town council, Massachusetts Governor’s Council, Leicester Academy, Amherst College, the State Lunatic Asylum, and the State Reform School. He was the father of Dwight Foster (1828-1884) and grandfather of Alfred Dwight Foster (1852-1932).

Call number(s): Special Colls. Foster

Local notes: Photographs removed to the Foster family photographs (Photo. Coll. 500.76).

extent30 boxes, 4 oversize boxes and 2 volumes.
formatsPersonal Papers Legal Papers Correspondence Diaries Printed Materials
accessContact repository for use restrictions.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid available at:
acquisition informationThe Foster Family Autograph Collection was donated to the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1984 by Mrs. Maxwell Foster.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:49

titleThe George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress, 1741-1799.
repositoryLibrary of Congress
descriptionThe complete George Washington Papers collection from the Manuscript Division at the Library of Congress consists of approximately 65,000 documents.

This is the largest collection of original Washington documents in the world. Document types in the collection as a whole include correspondence, letterbooks, commonplace books, diaries, journals, financial account books, military records, reports, and notes accumulated by Washington from 1741 through 1799.

The collection is organized into nine Series or groupings. Commonplace books, correspondence, and travel journals, document his youth and early adulthood as a Virginia county surveyor and as colonel of the militia during the French and Indian War. Washington's election as delegate to the First and Second Continental Congresses and his command of the American army during the Revolutionary war are well documented as well as his two presidential administrations from 1789 through 1797.

Because of the wide range of Washington's interests, activities, and correspondents, which include ordinary citizens as well as celebrated figures, his papers are a rich source for almost every aspect of colonial and early American history.

In its online presentation, the George Washington Papers consists of approximately 152,000 images. This project is funded by Reuters America, Inc. and the Reuters Foundation.

formatsCorrespondence Diaries Printed Materials Digital Collection Electronic Resource
accessContact repository for further information.
record source
finding aid
updated02/14/2025 10:07:49

titleDigital Edition: The Papers of George Washington
repositoryUniversity of Virginia
descriptionA landmark in historical scholarship, The Papers of George Washington encompasses five separate series and the complete diaries. This digital edition offers the complete Papers to date in one online publication. The search may be conducted on full text and by date, author, or recipient across all volumes and series. The exceptional indexing of the individual print volumes is combined here into a single master index, and all internal document cross-references are linked. (from website)

The digital edition of the Papers of George Washington, edited by Edward G. Lengel, include Diaries (11 March 1748–13 December 1799), Colonial Series (7 July 1748–15 June 1775), Revolutionary War Series (16 June 1775–14 January 1779), Confederation Series (1 January 1784–23 September 1788), Presidential Series (24 September 1788–30 April 1794), Retirement Series (4 March 1797–13 December 1799)
Cite as: The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition, ed. Theodore J. Crackel. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, Rotunda, 2008

Cite as: The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition, ed. Theodore J. Crackel. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, Rotunda, 2008
extentSee repository for details
formatsElectronic Resource
accessDocuments in this publication are viewable by registered users only. Guest users have access to all documents in the Founders Early Access publication.
record source
finding aid
updated02/14/2025 10:07:49

titleThe Papers of George Washington
repositoryUniversity of Virginia
descriptionThe Papers of George Washington include:
Colonial Series (1744–1775)
Revolutionary War Series (1775–1783)
Confederation Series (1784–1788)
Presidential Series (1788–1797)
Retirement Series (1797–1799)

In order to take advantage of recent acquisitions and new archival technology, The Papers of George Washington is currently conducting a document search to update our holdings.

If you have any Washington-related manuscript material or information about such material, please contact our office ( | 434-924-3569).
extentSee repository for details
formatsPersonal Papers Legal Papers Correspondence
accessSee repository web site for details.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:49