Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Keppler, Joseph Ferdinand, 1838-1894

titleKeppler Family Collection, Manuscript Collection 331
repositoryStony Brook University
descriptionThe Collection contains many photographs of Mr. Keppler, his wife, Mrs. Pauline Keppler, his children, and extended family. The Keppler Collection also includes various photographs (interior and exterior views) of the Keppler family residence on East 79th Street, NY, NY.

This home was renowned at its time for housing a multitude of antiques and artwork. Also included is a scrapbook that belonged to Mrs. Pauline Keppler, which contains correspondence between herself and an unknown artist. In addition to these letters, the scrapbook also holds photographs, newspaper clippings, menus, and playbills.

This scrapbook is a truly captivating commentary, providing much insight into societal life of a woman living during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
extent8 cubic ft.
formatsCorrespondence Photographs Scrapbooks
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies
record source
finding aid
acquisition informationThe Keppler Family Collection was gifted to the Department of Special Collections by Mr. Leighton Coleman, III in 1999.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titleKeppler family papers, 1840-1956.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionPapers, 1840-1956, of Joseph Keppler, cartoonist and founder of the magazine "Puck," and of his son, Udo J. Keppler, later known as Joseph Keppler, Jr. They consist of correspondence in English and German, dealing with "Puck," cartoons, personal and family matters, and a wide range of other papers and printed ephemera.

There are legal and financial papers, some dealing with the affairs of "Puck," including share certificates, accounts, bills of exchange, and a printed announcement of the first issue of "Puck". Personal papers of Joseph Keppler include a school report, certificates of attendance at various art schools in Vienna, his contract when he was employed as an actor in Vienna in 1864, his smallpox vaccination certificate, and his Austrian and U.S. passports.

There are also prompt books and a commonplace book in German, and some printed books (plays, and cartoons by Wilhelm Busch), as well as a broadsheet in German announcing a puppet show, probably late eighteenth or early nineteenth century. Udo Keppler's papers include correspondence, school reports, his passport, a sketch by him, and a commonplace book.

The correspondence deals with reminiscences of "Puck" and cartooning, personal and family matters, and Udo Keppler's interest in Native American affairs (he was adopted by the Seneca under the name Gyantwaka). It includes letters and cards from Theodore Roosevelt, Joseph Pulitzer, Charles A. Dana, William Jennings Bryan, Grant E. Hamilton, Samuel W. Lambert, Hermann Urban, Art Young, and Joe Scheuerle; the Young and Scheuerle material includes some original sketches, and there are several of Art Young's Christmas cards.

There are numerous clippings, obituaries, and miscellaneous pieces of printed matter.

Some letters sent to Udo Keppler's widow Vera are mostly related to her donations of his papers and property to various museums, but it includes a number of letters from Draper Hill about his thesis on Joseph Keppler. There are also copies of the last German edition of "Puck," and Pucks Volkskalendar für 1879; some photographs, including a tintype of Udo Keppler as a baby; and numerous condolence cards and letters on Udo's death. An autograph album belonging to E. Jennie Miller dates from the 1880s.

Historical Note:
Father and son, both named Joseph Keppler, were cartoonists for the magazine "Puck".

Library Holdings:
New-York Historical Society

Call Number:
Mss CollectionKeppler papers

For related material at the New-York Historical Society, see the Joseph Keppler cartoon collection, in the Department of Prints, Photographs and Architectural Collections, and drawings, paintings, and other material in the Departiment of Paintings, Sculpture, and Decorative Arts.

extent1.3 Linear feet (3 boxes)
formatsBusiness Papers Personal Papers Clippings Correspondence Ephemera
accessOpen to qualified researchers at the New-York Historical Society.
record link
record source
finding aidOn line and in repository.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titleAutograph letter signed from Joseph Ferdinand Keppler to Augustin Daly [manuscript], [1892].
repositoryFolger Shakespeare Library
descriptionLocation: Deck C-Rare Stacks
Call Number: Y.c.4368 (1)
Folger Accession: Daly
extent1 item.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:46

titlePolitical magazine collection, Puck, Judge, Jingo, 1881-1885, bulk 1884.
repositoryGeorge Washington University
descriptionThe collection has some issues of Puck, Jingo, and Judge magazine, 1881-85.

Puck magazine, a weekly, founded by cartoonist Joseph Keppler, began publication in March 1871. The original Puck publication had both English and German editions. Puck started as a German-language weekly but an English version appeared the following year in March, 1877.

For several years the English language magazine operated at a loss and was subsidized by the German version. However, circulation gradually increased and by the early 1880s Keppler was selling over 80,000 copies a week. Typical 32-page issues contained a full color political cartoon on the front cover and a color non-political cartoon or comic-strip on the back cover dealing with social issues. There was always a double-page color centerfold, usually on a political topic.

There were numerous black & white cartoons used to illustrate humorous anecdotes. A page of editorials commented on the issues of the day, and the last few pages were ads. Some of Keppler's main targets were women's suffrage, trade unions, and religious hypocrisy. Keppler died in 1894 and his son, Joseph Keppler, Jr. assumed control. Harry Leon Wilson became editor until being replaced in 1904 by John K. Bangs, the former editor of Harper's Weekly.

The English magazine continued for over forty years under several owners and editors until it was bought by the William Randolph Hearst company in 1916 (or 1917). The publication continued for two more years, and the last edition was distributed in September 1918. Jingo and Judge are similar to Puck in layout and content.-- Adapted from an article in Wikipedia, and the Spartacus Educational website (

extent1.25 linear feet.
formatsPrinted Materials
accessSome material may be copyrighted or restricted. It is the patron's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other case restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in the collections.
record link
record source
finding aidArranged chronologically by publication.
acquisition informationPurchased from Edward Cohen in 2007 and 2008.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:46

titleJoseph Keppler 1837-1894 biographical file.
repositoryOhio State University Libraries
descriptionBiographical file may contain one or more of the following: "Biographical Registry" form filled out by the cartoonist including information about education, career history, awards, signature example, and family information; biographical essays or sketches of the cartoonist; articles by or about the cartoonist; examples of the cartoonist's work in the form of clippings or photocopies.

Collected at The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum.

Location: CGA Stacks
Call Number: SPEC.CGA.VF.BIO.1956

extentvertical file; size varies
accessFor research use in the library only.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:46

titleJoseph Keppler Jr. Iroquois papers, 1882-1944.
repositoryCornell University Libraries
descriptionPrimarily letters to Keppler, including a record of events and people at the Tonawanda and Cattaraugus reservations, among others, over the first part of the twentieth century. Well known correspondents include noted Seneca scholar, Arthur C. Parker; artist Jesse Cornplanter; and Mohawk poet E. Pauline Johnson.

Other parts of the collection include newspaper clippings on Iroquois subjects, government documents, Seneca vocabulary collected by Keppler, and other miscellaneous documents related to the Iroquois and the Six Nations. Newspaper clippings, obituaries, pamphlets, photographs, and notes are included with the correspondence.

Other information includes correspondence about the collection itself, biographic information about the correspondents, clippings and documents regarding New York State land claims by the Caughnawagas and Saint Regis Indians, The New York State Museum, genealogic information, obituaries, clippings about the Wanamaker National Indian Memorial, photographs of a silver cross pendent, and correspondence regarding Iroquois masks.

Udo Keppler was a political cartoonist for Puck Magazine, and an avid collector of Indian artifacts as well as being an Indian activist. He changed his name to Joseph Keppler, Jr. in honor of his father. He was elected honorary chief of Seneca and given the name Gyantwaka.

He actively promoted Iroquois lacrosse teams, and his connections with the railroad enabled him to procure discount railroad passes for New York Indians, especially those travelling to Canada on Confederacy business. On the national scene, Keppler worked with others to defeat or substantially modify proposed legislation to allot the New York State reservations.

Preferred citation:
Joseph Keppler Jr. Iroquois papers, #9184. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library./ Provenance: Huntington Free Library. Gift to HFL from Joseph Keppler, 1943.
extent3 cubic ft. ; 3 boxes.
formatsClippings Correspondence Financial Records Legal Papers Photographs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies
record link
record source
acquisition informationHuntington Free Library. Gift to HFL from Joseph Keppler, 1943.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:46

titleJoseph Keppler cartoon collection [graphic]
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionCollection includes ca. 350 cartoon chromolithographs and black-and-white cartoon prints, ca. 80 cartoon drawings, ca. 2 photograph albums, ca. 50 loose photographs, some black-and-white cartoon prints, clippings, ephemera, and a copy of Keppler's book A Selection of Cartoons from Punch (New York: Keppler & Schwarzmann, 1893).

Material pertains chiefly to Keppler's career as a cartoonist for "Puck" but also touches on his work in the theater and the artistic career of his son Udo Keppler (a.k.a. Joseph Keppler, Jr.). Keppler's satirical cartoons ridiculed Ulysses S. Grant, James G. Blaine, Benjamin Harrison, Tammany Hall Democrats, the tariff, Prohibition, radical labor unions, and the Catholic Church, among other topics. He supported Grover Cleveland, civil service reform, and open immigration.

His son joined the staff of "Puck" in 1891 and contributed as a cartoonist until the early 1910s when he sold the magazine. Several hundred chromolithograph proofs or tear sheets are for cartoons in "Puck". There are also some cartoons from "Leslie's" and other magazines; ca. 80 cartoon drawings by Keppler, Sr. and Jr., Frederick B. Opper, and Art Young; "Puck" imitations; portrait photographs of Keppler family members and friends; and programs from Keppler Sr.'s theatrical career in the 1860s-1870s.

Historical Note:
Joseph Keppler (1838-1894), of Vienna, Austria, was a formally trained artist who became a cartoonist and successful actor. In the late 1860s he emigrated to St. Louis, Missouri. After several failed theatrical and publishing ventures, Keppler moved to New York to work as a cartoonist for Frank Leslie's publications. In 1876, he and Adolph Schwarzmann launched his second "Puck", a German weekly humor magazine. An English edition soon followed and became one of the most influential journals in the United States during the 1880s. His color cartoon covers and double-page center spreads prompted imitation by other magazines in chromolithograph illustration, and a generation of cartoonists trained under his eye.

New-York Historical Society
Print Room (PR-029 Non-circulating )

The Manuscripts Dept. of The New-York Historical Society has papers of both Keppler Sr. and Jr. The Department of Paintings, Sculpture, and Decorative Arts has non-cartoon drawings and paintings by both men, the elder Keppler’s death mask, and other material.
extentca. 350 prints : mostly chromolithograph..; ca. 80 drawings..; ca. 50 photographic prints
formatsPrints Drawings Photographs
accessAccess: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society.
record source
finding aidIndexes: A set of reference photocopies is available in repository.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:46

titleTheodore Roosevelt Collection: Political cartoons: Original cartoon drawings, 1896-1942.
repositoryHoughton Library
descriptionOriginal political cartoons depicting American president Theodore Roosevelt.

Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University

Location: pf

Call No.: MS Am 1895

Call No.: MS Am 1895.1
extent21 boxes (5.25 linear ft.)
accessChecklist compiled by Gregory Wilson and edited by Wallace Dailey.
record link
record source|library/m/aleph|008177701
finding aid
acquisition information*71M-115. Gift of the Theodore Roosevelt Association; received: 1943and later years. *83M-66. Gift of the Theodore Roosevelt Association; received: 1982.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:46

titleScrapbook of political cartoons [manuscript], 1896-1898.
repositoryUniversity of Virginia Library
descriptionCartoons and clippings relating chiefly to the Spanish American War and the acquistion of Cuba by the United States and to other events and personalities prominent in this period.

Topics include August Belmont, Grover Cleveland, Jay Gould, Marc Hanna, William McKinley, J. P. Morgan, J. D. Rockefeller, and John Sherman. Also the silver standard, the election of 1896, Tammany Hall and New York City politics, and civil service reform.

Cartoonists include Berryman, C. G. Bush, Louis Dalrymple, Homer Calvin Davenport, R. Edgren, Grant Hamilton, U. Joseph Keppler, Thomas Nast, J. S. Pughe, and W. A. Rogers.

Cite as
Scrapbook of Political Cartoons, ca. 1896-1898, Accession #4630, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va.

Special Collections SC-STKS-F ; Call #: MSS 4630

extent1 v.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies
record source
acquisition informationGift; Dr. Sherwood Moore; c/o John Waller; Steelville, Mo.; Gift through : Evelyn L. Moore; 23 Easton Avenue, Lynchburg, Va.; 1954 February 4.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:46