Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Chrystie, Thomas Ludlow

titleMary Chrystie Receipt book, 1800-1806.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionRecords payments made by Mrs. Mary Chrystie and Thomas Chrystie for numerous accounts including purchases of china and glassware as well as many unspecified transactions. Includes extra pages both loose and attached.

Historical Note:
China and glass dealer, New York City; widow of Capt. James Chrystie.

Location: New-York Historical Society
Collection: Mss Collection
Call Number:BV Chrystie, Mary
extent1 v. (320 p.) ; 9 x 5 in.
formatsAccount Books
accessAccess: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40