Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Sturges, Jonathan, 1802-1874

titleReed & Sturges Account book, 1833-1835.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionAccount balance book, 1833-1835, kept by the merchant firm of Reed & Sturges of New York City, recording balance totals and sums owed to and by the firm for individual accounts.

New-York Historical Society

Mss Collection

Call Number
BV Reed & Sturges
extent1 v.
formatsAccount Books
accessAccess: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleNew-York Gallery of Fine Arts Records, 1844-1858.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionMinutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, March 11, 1844-April 5, 1852, of this public gallery built on the collection of Luman Reed. The first officers included Jonathan Sturges, Francis W. Edmonds, William H. Johnson and Thomas H. Faile. Inserted in the volume are loose minutes of two meetings in 1854 and one in 1858 which resulted in the transfer of the Gallery's collection to the New-York Historical Society.

New-York Historical Society

Mss Collection

Call Number
(BV NYC Fine Arts Non-circulating )
extent1 v. (56 p.).
formatsAdministrative Records
accessAccess: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleOsborne Family Papers, 1832-1936.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionCorrespondence, diaries, writings, photographs, printed material, newspaper clippings and miscellaneous papers, ca. 1832-1936, of Henry Fairfiled Osborn and his family, residents of New York (N.Y.), Garrison, N.Y. and Fairfield, Conn.

Included in the collection is material relating to the Cady & Sturges families, forebears of Osborn's mother, particularly Jonathan Sturges; hundreds of letters between Osborn, his parents, William Henry and Virginia R. Osborn, his wife, Lucretia Perry Osborn and their children; diaries (46 v.) including travel diaries of Osborn's parents and his own diaries, 1867-1885, 1899-1935; correspondence, 1870s-1935 between Osborn and Prof. H.B.

Scott; typewritten extracts relating to Osborn and the Princeton Scientific Expedition to the West (1877) from "W.B. Scott: Materials for an Autobiography;" correspondence, 1883-1935, between Osborn and Sir Edward B. Poulton; & correspondence,1912, between Osborn and Jacob H. Schiff on the question of immigration restriction. The collection contains much material on Osborn's years at the AMNH including corespondence & papers relating to the "Bumpus Affair" of 1910-1911; material on the Museum's Theodore Roosevelt Memorial (cornerstone laid 1931); papers concerning Osborn's retirement as President of AMNH in 1933; and papers relating to his membership in numerous societies and reception of honorary degrees, medals &decoration. In addition, there are a few letters from Howard Crosby Butler, Charles F. Dawes, Seth Low, John Muir, and Edith Roosevelt.

Historical Note:
Prominent New York family that included Henry Fairfield Osborn (1857-1935), paleontologist, museum administrator & educator. President of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, 1908-1933.

Much of the correspondence and diaries also available in typewritten transcripts.

Related Titles:
American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West and W. 79th St., New York, N.Y. 10024.

New-York Historical Society

Mss Collection

Call Number
(Osborn Non-circulating)
extentca. 5000 items, (26 boxes)
formatsCorrespondence Diaries Writings Photographs Clippings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidUnpublished finding aid available at repository.
acquisition informationOsborn’s official papers as President of the AMNH are located at American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West and W. 79th St., New York, N.Y. 10024.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleOsborn and Dodge family papers, 1726-1983.
repositoryPrinceton University
descriptionConsists of Osborn and Dodge family papers representing mainly three generations of family members, including William Henry Osborn (1820-1894), his wife, Virginia Reed Sturges (1831-1902), and several members of the Sturges family;

their sons Henry Fairfield Osborn (1857-1935, Princeton Class of 1877) and William Church Osborn (1861-1951, Princeton Class of 1883), William’s wife, Alice Clinton Hoadley Dodge (1864-1946), as well as several Dodge family members; the sons of Henry Fairfield Osborn and his wife, Lucretia Perry (1858-1930),

Fairfield Osborn (1887-1969, Princeton Class of 1909) and Alexander Perry Osborn (1884-1951, Princeton Class of 1905); and the children of William Church Osborn and Alice Clinton Hoadley Dodge, Frederick Henry Osborn (1889-1984, Princeton Class of 1910), Aileen Osborn (b. 1892), and William Henry Osborn (1895-1971, Princeton Class of 1916).

The collection contains family correspondence of members of the Osborn, Dodge, and Sturges families; business correspondence (New York City) of William Henry Osborn, much of it concerning the Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Railroad and the Illinois Central Railroad, both of which he served as president;

correspondence relating to the art collection of Frederick Henry Osborn; and letters to Mary Hoadley Dodge by Henry James and the painters John Singer Sargent and Edwin A. Abbey.

Also included in the correspondence are letters relating to the political life of William Church Osborn, who was active in Democratic politics in New York State; letters written from Europe during World War I by Earl Dodge Osborn and William Henry Osborn to their parents; and letters by the philanthropist Evert Janson Wendell (1860-1917) to his boyhood friend William Church Osborn when they were students at Harvard and Princeton respectively.

In addition, there is a diary (1915) kept by Earl Dodge Osborn during the war; documents; wills (1849, 1934); an English deed (1726); receipts, appraisals, and inventories of the art collections of Frederick Henry Osborn and William Church Osborn; photographs of family members, John Singer Sargent, and Edward Robinson, head of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; genealogies of the Osborn, Dodge, and Sturges families; and printed matter.

Frederick Henry Osborn’s papers relating to the Atomic Energy Commission, American Eugenics Society, and population research are with the American Philosophical Society.

Rare Books: Manuscripts Collection (MSS)

Call number:
extent5.6 linear ft. (13 archival boxes, 1 half-size archival box)
formatsBusiness Papers Personal Papers Correspondence Ephemera Photographs
accessA finding aid (18 pp.) is available.
record link
record source
finding aidA finding aid (18 pp.) is available.
acquisition informationOsborn’s papers relating to the Atomic Energy Commission, American Eugenics Society, and population research are with the American Philosophical Society.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleSturges Family Papers, 1707-1954.
repositoryFairfield Museum and History Center
descriptionThe materials in this collection represent individual members of different branches of the Sturges family of Fairfield County and New York City. Determining the relationships within the family is difficult, and no attempt has been made to organize the collection by lineage or family group. Instead, the collection is arranged alphabetically by the first name of the individual. In some cases, material in a folder may actually represent more than one person.

[see online finding aid for full scope and content note]

Biographical/historical note:
Jonathan Sturges was the patriarch of a family active in the social, political and economic life of the town of Fairfield from its earliest settlement. The library owns several published Sturges genealogies. Additional information can be found in Donald L. Jacobus’ book The History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield and in the vertical files.
extent1 linear foot (1 box)
formatsLegal Papers Correspondence Financial Records
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidFinding aid is held in the repository and on the repository's Web site.
acquisition informationMrs. Etting Deyo; Library Purchase
updated02/14/2025 10:07:41

titleDaniel Huntington Study Portrait Collection, ca. 1870-1890
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionTwo years after Daniel Huntington's death, his son Charles Richards Huntington (1847-1915) presented the New-York Historical Society with a collection of 141 portrait photographs used by his father "for his study of the subjects painted by him."

Each of the men (and the single woman, Mary McCrea Stuart) in the collection is represented by one or more portrait photographs which had been blown-up to life-size dimensions, sometimes made from a previously existing negative or one made of an earlier photograph. In the case of sitters who died before the advent of paper photography, images were taken from daguerreotypes. The enlargements were mounted on a stiff paperboard and roughly trimmed almost to the shape of the subject's head.

Each of the portraits has the sitter's surname in pencil on the verso; some have a shorthand clue to an occupation, profession, title, or institutional affiliation. These annotations, if contemporary to Huntington or his son, have been transcribed in the box and folder list that follows.

Many of the photographs have a puncture at their top, most likely from the nail Huntington used to tack them up in view of his easel.

The sitters are familiar to students of nineteenth-century New York: they include prominent bankers, merchants, industrialists, educators, financiers, generals, lawyers, judges, politicians, government officials, and men of the cloth.

The photographs are generally not dated. Several note that they were made from daguerreotypes and a few mention particular photographers, or are mounted on the backs of printed boards from photographers' studios.

The images that are dated range from the 1870s (Henry Potter) to the 1890s (Kelly, Gracie, Schurz, and Sheldon). Photographers mentioned are Bogardus (Adams, Arthur) and Sarony (Tilden), with one annotated by Huntington as having been taken in his studio (Sherman). Eight of the portraits are mounted on the verso of stamped boards from the Rockwood Studio (Brown, Gracie, Johnston, Henry Potter, Taft, and Weir) or Kurtz (Dodge Sr. and Hostetter) in New York.

In addition, the portrait of Henry Codman Potter is mounted on the verso of a large photograph of Calvary Baptist Church, on West Twenty-third Street.

Oil portraits of these sitters are now in the New York Chamber of Commerce Collection at the New York State Museum, the Smithsonian Institution, Metropolitan Museum of Art, the American Museum of Natural History, New York Public Library, Harvard University, Vassar College, and West Point Museum, among other institutions.

The New-York Historical Society owns more than twenty portraits painted by Huntington. Other portraits remain in private collections, including those of social clubs, hospitals, corporations, and the families who commissioned them from the artist.

Biographical Note
Daniel Huntington (1814-1906) was educated at Hamilton College. He studied panting with Samuel Morse and Henry Inman in New York City. He primarily painted portraits and landscapes. Huntington was president of the National Academy of Design, and Vice-President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Preferred Citation
This collection should be cited as: Daniel Huntington Study Portrait Photographs, PR 256, Department of Prints, Photogaphs, and Architectural Collections, The New-York Historical Society.

Call Phrase: PR 256
extent0.42 Linear feet (141 photographs, 12 folders)
accessOpen to qualified researchers
record source
acquisition informationGift of Charles R. Huntington, April 9, 1908.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:48

titleThomas Cole papers, 1821-1863.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionNotebooks; sketchbooks; drawings; letters; manuscript poems; catalogs; paintbrushes.

REEL D40: ca. 575 drawings.

REEL D6: Letters, manuscript poems, catalogs and a sketchbook dated March 10, 1832.

REEL D39: 2 v. of notebooks; 1825, and 18 v. of sketchbooks, 1827-1847. Cole sketches mainly in New York State, The White Mountains, England, Italy, and Catskill, N.Y.

REELS ALC 1- ALC 4: Correspondence with Cole, including letters from friends, family, artists, and others; journals; notes; essays; lectures; poetry; clippings; and financial records.

Correspondents include: William Althorpe Adams, Samuel James Ainsley, Francis Alexander, Theodore Allen, Washington Allston, Thomas B. Ashton, Edwin T. Bennet, Simeon D. Bloodgood, William C. Bryant, Edward L. Carey, Cephas G. Childs, Lewis G. Clark, Thomas S. Cummings, Franklin Dexter, William Dunlap, Asher B. Durand, Robert Gilmor, George W. Greene, Charles C. Ingham, Charles R. Leslie, Jonathan Mason, Samuel F. B. Morse, John L. Morton, Henry C. Pratt, Luman Reed, John P. Ridner, Jonathan Sturges, Ithiel Town, Isaiah Townsend, Charles B. Trego, William P. Van Rensselaer, Cornelius Ver Bryck, Daniel Wadsworth, Samuel Ward, Robert W. Weir, Ambrose Wright, and others.

Biographical/Historical Note

Painter; Catskill, N.Y. Cole lived most of his life in New York City even though he studied abroad. He was elected member of National Academy in 1826.

Location of Originals:
Reels ALC 1-ALC 4: Originals in New York State Library, Albany, New York.
Reels D6, D39, D40: Originals in Detroit Institute of Art.

extent7 microfilm reels.
accessUse of original papers requires an appointment and is limited to the Archives' Washington, D.C., Research Center. Microfilmed materials must be consulted on microfilm. Contact Reference Services for more information.
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationMaterial on reels D6, D39, D40 lent for microfilming 1961 by the Detroit Institute of Art. Material on reels ALC 1-ALC 4 lent for microfilming 1964 by the New York State Library. Paintbrushes were discovered 1964 by S.J. Fishburne, Albany Institute restorer, in basement of Cole's house. He turned them over to the Institute's director, Janet MacFarlane, who donated them to AAA, 1965.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:52