title | Cushing Galleries records, 1966-1979. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | 58 artists' files, containing announcements, biographies, catalogs, clippings, correspondence, price lists, receipts, invitations, invitation lists, photographs and press releases; 45 artists' financial files; correspondence; writings; photographs; clippings; Gallery invitations; and a history of the Cushing Galleries. |
extent | 4 microfilm reels.
reels 2332-2335
formats | Exhibition Catalogs Clippings Financial Records Correspondence Photographs |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | https://www.aaa.si.edu/collections/cushing-galleries-records-7572 |
acquisition information | Lent for microfilming 1981 by Ann Cushing Gantz.
Microfilmed as part of the Archives of American Art's Texas project.
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:27 |