Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Pantzer, Kurt F. (Kurt Friedrich), 1892-1979

titlePapers of Kurt F. Pantzer, 1914-1979.
repositoryHarvard Law School Library
descriptionCorrespondence, notes, memoranda, reports and printed matter relating primarily to Pantzer's activities in Harvard Law School alumni affairs.

History notes:
Lawyer. Harv. Coll., 1914; Harv. Law School, LL.B., 1917, S.J.D., 1920. Attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. Member: Indiana Commission on the Proposed Uniform Commercial Code, Editorial Board of the Uniform Commercial Code. Active in American Law Institute, A.B.A. President, Bar Ass'n. of the Seventh Federal Circuit, 1951-1952. Author and lecturer on Draftsmanship, and on Corporate, Partnership, and Commercial Forms. Active in H.L.S. alumni affairs.

Cite as:
Papers of Kurt F. Pantzer, Harvard Law School Library.

Harvard Depository

Call No.:
HOLLIS 601631
extent14 boxes.
formatsCorrespondence Ephemera Printed Materials
accessGift of Kurt F. Pantzer estate.
record source
finding aidElectronic finding aid available []
acquisition informationAccess to these papers is governed by the rules and regulations of the Harvard Law School Library. This collection is open to the public, but is housed off-site at Harvard Depository and requires 2-day advance notice for retrieval. Consult the Special Collections staff for further information.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleKurt Pantzer Papers, 1878-1979.
repositoryIndiana State Library
descriptionPolitical papers (1940s-1970s) relating to Pantzer's involvement in state and national Republican Party politics, and especially party finances, presidential campaigns of Robert Taft (1947-1952), Barry Goldwater (1964), and Richard M. Nixon (1968, 1972), support for Supreme Court appointment of Sherman Minton, involvement with foreign affairs organizations, including American Committee on United Europe and Council on Foreign Relations, and anti-communist work in Indiana and United States; legal papers, including those relating to his role in a dispute (1940s-1960s) between New York and New Jersey over Delaware River water rights, involvement with the writing of Uniform Commercial Code, work with National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, work with American, Indiana, and Indianapolis bar associations, settlement of estate of Meredith Nicholson, Jr., and law classes which he taught at Indiana University School of Law; and civic work papers, including material relating to conversion of Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, to a peacetime military base, and to various Indianapolis and Indiana civic and educational organizations,

including Art Association of Indianapolis, Associated Colleges of Indiana, Butler University, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis Theatre Association, John Herrin Art Institute, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Meridian Street Foundation, Tudor Hall School, and Wabash College.

Also includes family papers, including Pantzer's correspondence as a student at Wabash College and Harvard University (1909-1920), and as an army officer serving in Louisville, Ky. (1917-1919), and letters (1878-1930s) from family members in Germany. Correspondents include George N. Craig, William E. Jenner, Sherman Minton, Richard M. Nixon, and Robert A. Taft.

Biographical Note:
Lawyer, politician, and civic leader, of Indianapolis, Ind.
extent50 linear ft.
formatsBusiness Papers Correspondence Ephemera Financial Records Legal Papers
record source
finding aidFinding aid in the repository.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40