Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Robinson, Theodore, 1852-1896

titleTheodore Robinson (1852–1896) [Diaries] 1892–1896.
repositoryThe Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library
descriptionv. 1. Mar. 29, 1892 - Feb. 4, 1893 -- v. 2. Feb. 5, 1893 - June 9, 1894 -- v. 3. June 12, 1894 - Oct. 3, 1895 -- v. 4. Oct. 3, 1895 - Mar. 30, 1896.

Patrons must use photocopy.

Call Number
F 113 R567 d
extent4 v.
formatsDiaries Photocopies
accessThese records are open for research under the conditions of The Frick Collection Archives access policy. Contact the Archives Department for further information at
record source
finding aidN/A
updated02/14/2025 10:07:27

titleTheodore Robinson : artist file : study photographs and reproductions of works of art with accompanying documentation [graphic].
repositoryThe Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library
descriptionAssembled file includes b&w photographs, reproductions from books and auction catalogs, and in some cases, negatives. Items may include full views, details, before-and-after restoration views, etc. Documentation may include artist name, title of work, medium, dimensions, provenance, exhibition history, related works, previous attributions, and bibliography.

Frick Photoarchive Stacks

100 Robinson

Call Number
100 Robinson
extent4 boxes [as of 1999] : ill. (some col.) ; 34 cm.
formatsPhotographs Reproductions Ephemera
accessPhotocopies of items and accompanying documentation are available upon request, subject to fees and other current guidelines for reproduction. Photographic prints from the Library's negatives may be ordered subject to copyright requirements.
record source
finding aidN/A
acquisition informationThe Library continues to add to the file.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39