Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 1851-1928

titlePapers of Elihu Root, 1863-1937 (bulk 1899-1937).
repositoryLibrary of Congress
descriptionCorrespondence, memoranda, speeches, notes, reports, subject files, financial papers, calendar and appointment books, invitations, and printed materials.

Chiefly correspondence and letter books relating to Root’s service as U.S. secretary of war (1899-1904), member of the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal (1903), U.S. secretary of state (1905-1909), U.S. senator from New York (1909-1915), president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1910-1925), U.S. counsel at the North Atlantic fisheries arbitration, Hague, Netherlands (1910), member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (1910), chairman of the board of trustees of Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. (1912-1937), chairman of the Republican National Convention (1912), chairman of the board of trustees of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (1913-1937), president of an international tribunal of arbitration concerning church property (1913), president of the New York state constitutional convention (1915), ambassador extraordinary at head of a special diplomatic mission to Russia (1917), member of the International Commission of Jurists reporting on a plan for a Permanent Court of International Justice (1921), commissioner plenipotentiary at the Conference on the Limitation of Armament, Washington, D.C. (1921-1922), and member of the League of Nations Committee of Experts to Revise the World Court Statute (1928-1929).

Correspondents include Henry T. Allen; Chandler P. Anderson; Hamilton Fish Armstrong; Newton Diehl Baker; Mabel Thorp Boardman; Charles J. Bonaparte; William Edgar Borah; William Jennings Bryan; James Bryce, Viscount Bryce; Nicholas Murray Butler; Andrew Carnegie; Joseph Hodges Choate; Bainbridge Colby; Calvin Coolidge; George B. Cortelyou; Josephus Daniels; George W. Davis; Charles Dick; Grenville Mellen Dodge; Sir Eric Drummond; Walter E. Edge; George Augustus Finch; Nathaniel Foote; Lindley M. Garrison; Carter Glass; A.W. Greely; Edward Grey, Viscount Grey of Fallodon; Lloyd Carpenter Griscom; Hermann Hagedorn; Warren G. Harding; John Hay; Will H. Hays; Oliver Wendell Holmes; Edward Mandell House; Manley Ottmer Hudson; Charles Evans Hughes; Cordell Hull; Philip C. Jessup; J.J. Jusserand; Frank B. Kellogg; Frederick P. Keppel;

Philander C. Knox; Franklin K. Lane; Robert Lansing; Henry Cabot Lodge; William Loeb; John Davis Long; Seth Low; William Gibbs McAdoo; Charles Follen McKim; William McKinley; John Bassett Moore; Walter G.F. Phillimore, Baron Phillimore; Orville Hitchcock Platt; Thomas Collier Platt; Redfield Proctor; Theodore Roosevelt; Elihu Root; Thomas Fortune Ryan; Wm. Cary Sanger; James Brown Scott; Leslie M. Shaw; John Sherman; Francis Lynde Stetson; Henry Lewis Stimson; Oscar S. Straus; William H. Taft; James Wolcott Wadsworth; Henry White; George W. Wickersham; Henry Lane Wilson; Huntington Wilson; James Wilson; Woodrow Wilson; Bronson Winthrop; and Leonard Wood.

Biographical/Historical Data:
U.S. secretary of state, U.S. secretary of war, U.S. senator from New York, and statesman.


Call Number:
Request in:
Request in: Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101)

Call Number
Small backlog (Unprocessed ac. 22,856)
Request in:
Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101)

Call Number
Oversize 0114L
Request in:
Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101)

Oversize 5:7
Request in:
Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101)
extent87 linear feet.
formatsCorrespondence Ephemera Writings Subject Files Financial Records
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source 79038307
finding aidFinding aid available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room.
acquisition informationGifts, Elihu Root, Elihu Root, Jr., Philip C. Jessup, Mrs. Chandler P. Anderson, and others, 1919-1972. Transfer, U.S. Dept. of State, 2001.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titlePapers of Raoul Heilbronner, 1887-1914 (MSS25650)
repositoryLibrary of Congress
descriptionCorrespondence; letterbooks; business records including invoices, inventories, notebooks, address book, records of purchases and sales, deposits, and consignments; and historical notes and clippings relating to particular objects. Individuals represented in the collection include George Grey Barnard, Samuel R. Bertron, Mrs. Chauncey J. Blair, Edson Bradley, Charles T. Crocker, Mrs. Edward H. Harriman, William Randolph Hearst, Mrs. William H. Klapp, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Thomas Fortune Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, and Henry Walters.
extent9,000 items. 9 containers.
formatsCorrespondence Business Records Financial Records Notes Ephemera
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidFinding aid available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room./
acquisition informationGift, Tudor Wilkinson, 1952.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titlePapers pertaining to Thomas Fortune Ryan
repositoryUniversity of Virginia Library
descriptionThe collection consists of copies (1903-1981) of contemporary New York Times articles regarding Ryan together with chapters from books and other articles discussing the Irish-American financier born in Nelson County, Va.

Cite as:
John D. Forbes Papers Pertaining to Thomas Fortune Ryan, 1984-1985, Accession #9231-ac, Special Collections Dept., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.

Special Collections
Call Number
Special Collections SC-STKS

Special Collections
Call Number
MSS 9231-ac Box 1 1 MANUSCRIPT
Special Collections SC-STKS

extent150 items.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleCorrespondence with Theodore Dreiser, n.d.
repositoryUniversity of Pennsylvania
descriptionContained in:
Theodore Dreiser Papers, ca. 1890-1965. Folder 5374.

Comprises 1 item to Dreiser.

Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts
Call Number:
Ms. Coll. 30
extent1 item (1 leaf).
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleJohn Skelton Williams Papers, 1884-1926
repositoryUniversity of Virginia Library
descriptionThe collection contains the business, political and family papers of Williams, president of the Seabord Air Line Railway, asst. Secretary of the treasury, 1913, comptroller of the currency, 1914-21, and treasurer of the American Red Cross.

The business papers contain correspondence, legal documents, financial statements, and stockholder lists, most of it from the railway and Williams's struggle to consolidate and maintain control of it. Papers from additional business interests including other railroads, investment banking, soil, fertilizer and mining companies are also represented.

Political papers contain correspondence, minutes, reports, memoranda and court testimony. Chief topics are the Federal Reserve Board and Williams's opposition to its deflationary policies, efficient running of railroads in World War I, price fixing charges against the railroads and coal and steel operators.

Other topics include his lawsuits against the Riggs National Bank for irreqular practices and the Senate controversy over his confirmation as comptroller. The papers also reflect his work as treasurer for the Red Cross and some of his Richmond civic and charitable activities.

Family papers contain correspondence and legal papers, of Williams, his wife, and sons. There are also blueprints from the construction of their home, photographs, poetry and a commonplace book of John Langborne Williams. Many of Williams's speeches on financial and business topics are included as are news clippings documenting his entire career.

Special Collections
Call Number
MSS 10040

Cite as:
John Skelton Williams Papers, 1884-1926, Accession #10040, 10040-a, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va.
extentca. 40 ft.
formatsBusiness Papers Personal Papers Correspondence Legal Papers Financial Records
accessThere are no restrictions.
record link
record source
finding aidGuide available.
acquisition informationAccession #10040, 10040-a
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleOscar Wilder Underwood papers, 1876-1962.
repositoryAlabama Department of Archives & History
descriptionUnfortunately Underwood did not save copies of his letters until he was elected to the U.S. Senate; thus the papers in the House of Representatives series consist almost entirely of letters addressed to him.
The first series, Personal Life, 1876-1962, includes biographical and genealogical material.

The second series, which is mostly letters written to Underwood while he was in the U.S. House of Representatives (1895-1914), are extensive, and reflect a meticulous attention to his constituents' requests. A major topic of concern is the postal service. Other topics include Ala. banks and banking, the oleomargarine bill, the Philippine Islands, Ala. politics, labor legislation, railroad legislation, immigration and alien labor, the sale of public lands, patronage, good roads legislation, federal aid for agricultural schools in Ala. colleges, and the Panama Canal.

Additional topics include the 1904 Democratic National Convention and presidential election, freight rates, the 1906 Senate election, the rivers and harbors bill, cotton trade, Negro disfranchisement, dams on Ala. rivers, the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, and prohibition, as well as the tariff issue and free trade listings, the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Esch-White Phosphorus Match Act, the Canadian reciprocity treaty, customs collection, pure food and drug legislation, the merchant marine, and currency issues.

Correspondents prominent in this series include lawyers, bankers, politicans, businessmen, editors, and journalists, as well as corporate entities. Specifically, they are listed as added entries.
The third series includes the correspondence and letters that document Underwood's years in the U.S. Senate, 1915-1927. NOTE: There is, however, a gap between 1915 Nov. and 1918 Apr. where there are no papers. Among the topics discussed are immigration and alien labor, prohibition, equal suffrage, good roads, Ala. banking, the Panama Canal, Lycurgus Breckinridge Musgrove, judgeships, labor legislation, the merchant marine, Ala. politics, the League of Nations, political campaigns, the Muscle Shoals dam, Woodrow Wilson, the Ku Klux Klan, tariff issues, railroad regulation, the federal income tax bill, Ala. Power Company, the Interestate Commerce Commission, and the 1928 presidential election.
The final group of records in this series concerns the Muscle Shoals Project, 1921-1928, which was an unsuccessful attempt by the government to dispose of the Muscle Shoals hydroelectric power plant on the Tenn. River to private interests. Prominent correspondents in this series are listed in the added entries below.

The fourth series, Speeches, 1907-1925, is a collection of Underwood's speeches, most of which are in pamphlet form.

The fifth series, Political Campaigns, 1894-1924, contains correspondence, letters, photographs, financial records, scrapbooks, clippings, and, in the case of the 1924 presidential nomination campaign, lists of delegates, county chairpersons, and state Democratic Executive Committees. The material for the 1924 campaign is copious, and reflects the Underwood campaign throughout the country. Prominent correspondents are listed in the added entries below.

Both presidential nomination campaigns have substantial publicity material.
The sixth series is Retirement, 1927-1929, and it includes correspondence and letters, the Drifting Sands of Party Politics manuscript, clippings, scrapbooks, and printed ephemera. There are letters, reports, printed material and photographs documenting the Sixth International Conference of American States in Havana, 1928, to which Underwood was a delegate.

The seventh and final series is a book entitled The Story of the Democratic Party (1928) by Henry Minor who inscribed it to Underwood.

Organized in seven series: A. PERSONAL LIFE, 1876-1962; B. U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 1895-1915; C. U.S. SENATE, 1915-1927; D. SPEECHES, 1907-1925; E. POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS, 1894-1924; F. RETIREMENT, 1924-1929; G. BOOK, 1928.

Cite As:
Oscar Wilder Underwood papers, LPR29, Alabama Dept. of Archives and History.

Closed Stack
Call Number:
LPR 29

Related materials:
Related materials in Ala. Dept. of Archives and History: Museum Division.
extent75 cubic ft.
record sourcehttp://
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titlePapers of James Taylor Ellyson, 1865, 1896-1910.
repositoryUniversity of Virginia Library
descriptionThe collection contains correspondence, news clippings, financial papers, political papers, Civil War service papers, invitations and papers pertaining to the 1907 Jamestown Exposition.

Business and political correspondence discuss the Democratic Party in Virginia; Ellyson's successful campaign for Lieutenant Governor in 1905; the Tennessee Railroad Company; the Southern Commercial Congress; the Old Dominion Building and Loan Association; the Joseph Bryan Memorial Association; Richmond College; the Jefferson Davis Memorial Association; the Jamestown Exposition of 1907; the United Confederate Veterans; the Y. M. C. A.; the Southern Baptist Convention and the Baptist General Association of Virginia.

Civil War Papers include the last muster roll of 2nd Comany, Richmond Howitzers, Appomattox, Va., 1865, listing killed, wounded, prisoners, deserters and "faithful."

Correspondents include Edwin Anderson Alderman, Wyndham Bolling Blanton, F. W. Boatwright, Stith Bolling, John Thompson Brown, Philip Alexander Bruce, John Stewart Bryan, William Jennings Bryan, Joseph Button, Richard Evelyn Byrd, B. F. Buchanan, George C. Cabell, James Alston Cabell, William Ewan Cameron, J. Lawrence Campbell, James Cannon, Jr., Charles Creighton Carlin, J. C. Carpenter, Julian S. Carr, J. C. Carrington, William E. Carson, James R. Caton, J. A. C. Chandler, W. D. Chesterman, Lucian Howard Cocke, and Walter Scott Copeland.

Also John Warwick Daniel, Charles Hall Davis, T. J. Downing, Melville Egleston, Sydney P. Epes, Clement A. Evans, Elbert W. R. Ewing, H. C. Featherston, Henry Delaware Flood, H. W. Flournoy, Douglas Southall Freeman, W. W. Fuller, D. C. Gallaher, James Mercer Garnett, William A. Garrett, John T. Goolrick, Armistead Churchill Gordon, Bennett Taylor Gordon, Reuben Lindsay Gordon, Raleigh T. Green, Don Peters Halsey, James Hay, William Paul Hilton, Henry Holt, Jedediah Hotchkiss, Edmund Wilcox Hubard, Eppa Hunton, and J. Hallett Hyatt.

Also Robert Tate Irvine, Claggett Bennett Jones, William Atkinson Jones, Thomas S. Kenan, George B. Keezell, Charles W. Kent, John W. Kincheloe, C. W. Koiner, John Lamb, Francis Rives Lassiter, Joseph T. Lawless, Greenlee Davidson Letcher, Henry Thompson Louthan, J. B. McCabe, William Gordon McCabe, Marshall McCormick, William T. McCue, Richard McIlwaine, Norman Mack, William Hodges Mann, Thomas Staples Martin, Wyndham Robertson Meredith, Kate Minor, R. C. L. Moncure, Andrew Jackson Montague, H[enry?] L[ymnan?] Morehouse, Thomas Taylor Munford, and Albert Cook Myers.

Also Beverley Bland Munford, Peter Johnston Otey, Rosewell Page, Thomas Nelson Page, Camm Patteson, Howard Pyle, Cuyler Reynolds, Randolph P. Rixey, Floyd H. Roberts, Bird Robinson, Thomas Fortune Ryan, Charles Hill Rylnad, George Scott Shackelford, G. T. Shepperd, Abram P. Staples, Edward L. Stone, J.. Taylor Stratton, Aubrey Ellis Strode, Henry Carter Stuart, Claude Augustus Swanson, George Braxton Taylor, Alfred P. Thom, Henry St. George Tucker, Whitmell P.Tunstall, John P. Turpin, James Hoge Tyler, John C. Underwood, Legh Watts, Junius Edgar West, Irving P. Whitehead, William E. Wiatt, Joseph Willard, E. W. Winfrey, James Blair Winston, and Clinton Rogers Woodruff.

Biographical note:
University of Virginia alumnus, Confederate soldier, businessman and mayor of Richmond, Va., chairman of the Virginia State Democratic Committee and Lt. Governor, 1906-1918, and governor for the Division of History, Education, and social Economy for the Jamestown Exposition.

Preferred citation:
James Taylor Ellyson Papers, 1896-1910, Accession #4130, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va./ Guide available
extent1,500 items.
accessThere are no restrictions.
record link
record source
finding aidGuide available.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titlePapers of Henry Delaware Flood, 1870-1921 (bulk 1901-1921).
repositoryLibrary of Congress
descriptionCorrespondence, legislative bills, resolutions, newspaper articles, and other papers relating chiefly to political affairs in Virginia.

Subjects include bills introduced, army and military matters, campaign materials, diplomatic and foreign affairs, the establishment of the national fertilizer development center at Muscle Shoals, Ala., prohibition, revenue and taxes, roads, tariff, War Dept. matters, and agricultural legislation. Correspondents include Harry F. Byrd, Richard E. Byrd, John Quinn, Thomas F. Ryan, Elbert Lee Trinkle, and Robert W. Woolley.

Biographical/Historical Data:
Lawyer, state legislator, and U.S. representative from Virginia.


Additional Formats:
In part, typewritten transcripts.

Local Shelving No.:
Library of Congress Manuscript Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA dcu

Request in:
Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101)
extent89 containers.
formatsCorrespondence Business Papers Clippings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source 78020859
finding aidFinding aid available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room.
acquisition informationGift, Mrs. Henry Flood and her son, 1951. Transfer, Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Austin, Texas, 1980-1981.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titlePapers of Thomas Henry Carter, 1883-1917.
repositoryLibrary of Congress
descriptionCorrespondence, writings, memoranda, clippings, notes, invitations, photographs, and financial papers, relating primarily to Montana and Republican Party politics and to tariffs, conservation, Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, public lands, Indian affairs, postal system, and other issues of concern to Carter while serving in congress. Includes papers relating to Carter’s activities as a Roman Catholic layman and as a member of the American-Irish Historical Society.

Correspondents include R. A. Ballinger, Edwin Beattie, Joseph M. Dixon, Charles W. Fairbanks, James R. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, O. M. Lanstrum, Boies Penrose, Charlie Pray, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas F. Ryan, and William Howard Taft.

Biographical/Historical Data:
Lawyer and U.S. representative and senator from Montana.

Collection material in English.

Request in Manuscript Reading Room (Madison LM101). Material stored offsite--advance notice of one to two business days required for retrieval.
-- Request in: Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101)

-- Status: Not Charged


CALL NUMBER: Microfilm 13,271-1P
Genealogical and biographical notes.
Copy 1
-- Request in: Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101)

-- Status: Not Charged


CALL NUMBER: Microfilm 17,139-16P
Copy 1
-- Request in: Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101)

-- Status: Not Charged


CALL NUMBER: Oversize 3:10
-- Request in: Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101)

Additional Formats:
Microfilm edition available, no. 17,139.

Microfilm edition of genealogical and biographical notes available, no. 13,271-1P (4,544-1N).

Microfilm produced from originals in the Manuscript Division. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, 1977.
extent9.6 linear feet.
formatsCorrespondence Writings Ephemera Clippings Photographs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source 76015305
acquisition informationGift, John Galen Carter, 1932-1933.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

title[Home of Thomas Fortune Ryan at Fifth Ave. and 12th St. in New York City] [graphic], 1906.
repositoryLibrary of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division
descriptionForms part of: New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).

CALL NUMBER: LC-USZ62-126537 (b&w film copy neg.)
Request in: Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)

NYWTS - BIOG--Ryan, Thos. Fortune, Sr.--& Mrs.--& Residence [item]
Request in: Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)
extent1 photographic print.
accessNo information on creator or on reproduction rights found with the image, 2000.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleThomas F. Ryan funeral from the church of St. Jean Baptist[e] [graphic].
repositoryLibrary of Congress Prints & Photographs Division
descriptionHeavily veiled women being led out of church as onlookers watch after funeral of Thomas F. Ryan.

Forms part of: New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).

LC-USZ62-126542 (b&w film copy neg.)

Request in:
Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)

NYWTS - BIOG--Ryan, Thos. Fortune, Sr.--& Mrs.--& Residence [item]
Request in: Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)
extent1 photographic print.
accessNo information on creator or on reproduction rights found with the image, 2000.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleRyan Estate [graphic], c1910.
repositoryLibrary of Congress Prints & Photographs Division
descriptionThomas Fortune Ryan, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly right.

CALL NUMBER: LC-USZ62-126535 (b&w film copy neg.)
Request in: Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)

CALL NUMBER: NYWTS - BIOG--Ryan, Thos. Fortune, Sr.--& Mrs.--& Residence [item]
Request in: Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)

extent1 photographic print.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleT.F. Ryan [graphic].
repositoryLibrary of Congress Prints & Photographs Division
descriptionCALL NUMBER:
LC-USZ62-119717 (b&w film copy neg.)
Request in:
Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)

BIOG FILE - Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 1851-1928
Request in:
Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)

extent1 photographic print.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

title[Thomas Fortune Ryan, full-length portrait, walking on street, facing right] [graphic], c1910.
repositoryLibrary of Congress Prints & Photographs Division
descriptionCopyright Registration No.:
J140112 U.S. Copyright Office.

Other System No.:

Reproduction No./Source:
LC-USZ62-119716 DLC (b&w film copy neg.)

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA dcu

LC-USZ62-119716 (b&w film copy neg.)
Request in:
Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)

BIOG FILE - Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 1851-1926
Request in:
Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)
extent1 photographic print.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

title[Cardinal Désiré Mercier and Thomas F. Ryan, standing, full-length portrait] [graphic], c1920.
repositoryLibrary of Congress Prints & Photographs Division
descriptionCALL NUMBER:
LC-USZ62-119721 (b&w film copy neg.)
Request in:
Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)

BIOG FILE - Mercier, Cardinal
Request in:
Prints & Photographs Reading Room (Madison, LM337)

extent1 photographic print.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleThe London company of Virginia; a brief account of its transactions in colonizing Virginia, ...
repositoryUniversity of Pennsylvania

New York London, 1908.

Rare Bk & Ms Library RBC

Call Number:
Folio F229 .V92 1908
extent21, [49] p., [23] leaves of plates : ports ; 30 cm.
formatsPrinted Materials
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42