Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Clubb, Laura A.

titleCzarina Conlan Collection. Dates Unknown
repositoryOklahoma Historical Society
Box 1 [Box 1]
Persons - Laura Clubb, a painting by H. R. Bruner, 1929.

Collection includes manuscript and photographs.
extentcontact repository for details
formatsManuscript Photographs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleJoseph Thoburn Collection. 1862-1940
repositoryOklahoma Historical Society
descriptionThe Joseph Thoburn Collection contains correspondence, writings, and newspaper articles which include the following subjects:



Soil Conservation )

Early Oklahoma pioneer history (Collecting history stories prior to statehood 1836-1907)

Writing history books (working with publishers)

Beginning of the Oklahoma Historical museum (collecting museum items)

Beginning of the Oklahoma Historical Society (archive collections)

History of the Oklahoma Historical Society 1902-1940

Studying museums across the country to learn how to set up the Oklahoma Historical Museum and Library

Working with Library of Congress and Smithsonian

Politics of the day

Race Relations

History of the Methodist church (working toward unification of 2 different Methodist churches)

Beginning of the Epworth University (Methodist) (currently Oklahoma City University)

Discussion of how in the early days there were too many universities started and the need to combine some of them as the state couldn't support so many.

Biographical Data: Read a biography of Joseph Thoburn from the Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture (
extent49 boxes, 1 oversize large box
formatsCorrespondence Writings Clippings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45