Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Eastman, George, 1854-1932

titleGeorge Eastman papers, 1802-1956, 1864-1932 (bulk).
repositoryUniversity of Rochester
descriptionLetters of George Eastman, 1864-1932, mostly to his mother Maria Kilbourn Eastman and his niece Ellen Dryden; letters, itineraries, guest lists, and maps from his trips; account and order books; and correspondence of Eastman's father George W. Eastman.

Also letters and telegrams of condolence on Eastman's death; awards, citations, passports; reminiscences of Eastman by friends and associates, compiled by Oscar N. Solbert, c.1939-42; material on Eastman memorials and postage stamp; and genealogical data.

Photographs of George Eastman, his homes in Rochester and North Carolina, his relatives and friends, facilities of Eastman Kodak Company, and trips in U.S. and abroad.

extent13 cu. ft.
formatsCorrespondence Ephemera Photographs
accessRegister available on the Internet
record link
record source
finding aidRegister available on the Internet
acquisition informationGift of the International Museum of Photography at the George Eastman House, 1976.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:51

titleEastman-Butterfield Collection, ca. 1890-ca. 1962.
repositoryUniversity of Rochester
descriptionNotes of interviews with business associates, employees, and others who knew George Eastman, made by journalist Roger Butterfield; also notes on Eastman's family and career.

Notebooks of excerpts from business and personal correspondence of George Eastman and his family, 1839-1918; clippings and pamphlets; two photographs of George Eastman. Also correspondence and contracts for projected biography of Eastman, never published.

Background and Scope of Collection:

The Eastman-Butterfield Collection consists of a series of notes in nine notebooks, four boxes, and one package. Roger Butterfield assembled the notes in the early 1950s to serve as the resource material for a proposed biography of George Eastman. Although Butterfield never wrote the Eastman biography, he did publish an article, "The Prodigious Life of George Eastman," in the April 26, 1954 issue of Life magazine.

The first eight notebooks contain notes and correspondence arranged in chronological order. These notebooks cover the period from c.1830 until George Eastman's death in 1932. The ninth notebook is comprised of a subject file of key elements of Eastman's life.

Researchers using the notebooks can determine the sources of Butterfield's information by looking at the initial code in the upper left-hand corner of each page. Butterfield's general information came either from the Eastman House (EH) or from the Eastman Kodak Company (EK) files. Material from either of these sources that was derived from examining letters (correspondence) can be distinguished by the presence of an L before the main initials (i.e. LEH and LEK).

The Eastman Kodak Company further divided Eastman's letters into personal correspondence boxes and general (mostly business) correspondence boxes. LB stands for Letter Box, the general file, while PLB denotes the Personal Letter Box. Much of the Eastman Kodak Company correspondence collection had already been excerpted and transcribed by Kodak employees before Butterfield began his research. Butterfield notes in the text of the notebooks which letters he has only seen in incomplete transcribed versions. The Eastman House files were transferred to the Department of Rare Books, & Special Collections and can now be found in D.138, the Eastman (George) Papers.

The collection also contains four boxes and one package. The first three boxes include interviews, notes, newspaper clippings, pamphlets and other research materials. The first box contains a series of interviews and interview notes gathered by Butterfield. The interviews shed light on Eastman's private and public life, on his management of the Eastman Kodak Company, and on the continuing development of the Company since his death. The second box contains Butterfield's notes and printed materials having to do with George Eastman himself.

The third box contains notes and clippings about the development of photography in general, and some specific information about the Eastman Kodak Company. This box also contains printed material distributed by Eastman Kodak to its stockholders. The last box contains copies of Butterfield's book contracts for the writing of the Eastman biography and correspondence pertaining to the proposed book.

The Eastman-Butterfield Collection is one of five collections of materials relating to George Eastman in the Department of Rare Books & Special Collections. The other four collections are:

D.85, the George Eastman House Construction Papers, 1902-1906, which consists of correspondence, including some to and from George Eastman, agreements, contracts, etc., relating to the construction of the home of George Eastman at 350 (now 900) East Avenue, Rochester, New York;

D.137, the Bachmann (Lawrence) Papers, a collection of notes and a draft of a proposed biography of Eastman; and
D.138, the Eastman (George) Papers, composed of Eastman's correspondence, printed ephemera, and over 4,000 photographs and negatives depicting George Eastman, his family, his friends, his homes in Waterville and at 900 East Avenue, and early Kodak factories and workers.

D.139, Eastman Research Materials, is a collection of miscellaneous items, including scrapbooks, taped oral histories, photographs, and an extensive newspaper clipping file. As relevant material is acquired, it will be added to this collection.

extent1.0 cubic ft., 9 v.
accessContact repository for use details.
record link
record source
finding aidRegister available on the Internet
acquisition information1.0 cubic ft., 9 v.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:51

titleEastman Research materials.
repositoryUniversity of Rochester
descriptionThis collection houses a variety of items directly related to George Eastman (1854-1932). There are several scrapbooks, the drafts and a final copy of

The University of Rochester Library Bulletin issue from the Spring of 1971, devoted entirely to Eastman, taped oral histories, and an extensive newspaper and serial file that continues to be accumulated. The scrapbooks contain newspaper obituary articles and other articles about George Eastman and about the Eastman Kodak Company. Two of the scrapbooks belonged to Katherine Waring (Mrs. George H.) Whipple. These scrapbooks chronicle the Whipples' friendship with George Eastman.

Included with the Whipple scrapbooks is an explanatory key written by Mrs. Whipple and later published in the Fall 1965 Library Bulletin. The collection also contains a set of Mrs. Whipple's childhood reminiscences, Childhood in Charleston in the Not-So-Gay Nineties, published in 1960, and an addition to these memoirs.

Two boxes contain the drafts of articles and the final copy of the Spring 1971 Library Bulletin issue about Eastman. Contributors to this issue include Marion Folsom, Howard Hanson, Harold Gleason, and Marion Gleason, among others, as well as a recipe for Eastman's famous lemon pie filling. The newspaper and serial clipping file includes a large number of 1954 articles commemorating the centennial anniversary of Eastman's birth.

In addition, there are many other articles, some published while Eastman was still alive. This clipping file has been continually updated until the present, and as new clippings are acquired they are added to the clipping file. There is a small collection of memorabilia, including the menu for a dinner given by Colonel and Mrs. Oscar Solbert aboard the U.S.S. Leviathan in 1928. The menu bears Eastman's signature. Another dinner menu, for the Society of the Genesee dinner given in honor of Eastman in 1931, is also included.

There is also a collection of photographs that was assembled for the centennial celebrations in 1954.

Background and Scope of Collection:
This collection houses a variety of items directly related to George Eastman (1854-1932). There are several scrapbooks, the drafts and a final copy of The University of Rochester Library Bulletin issue from the Spring of 1971, devoted entirely to Eastman, taped oral histories, and an extensive newspaper and serial file that continues to be accumulated.

The scrapbooks contain newspaper obituary articles and other articles about George Eastman and about the Eastman Kodak Company. Two of the scrapbooks belonged to Katherine Waring (Mrs. George H.) Whipple. These scrapbooks chronicle the Whipples' friendship with George Eastman.

Included with the Whipple scrapbooks is an explanatory key written by Mrs. Whipple and later published in the Fall 1965 Library Bulletin. The collection also contains a set of Mrs. Whipple's childhood reminiscences, Childhood in Charleston in the Not-So-Gay Nineties, published in 1960, and an addition to these memoirs.

Two boxes contain the drafts of articles and the final copy of the Spring 1971 Library Bulletin issue about Eastman. Contributors to this issue include Marion Folsom, Howard Hanson, Harold Gleason, and Marion Gleason, among others, as well as a recipe for Eastman's famous lemon pie filling.

The newspaper and serial clipping file includes a large number of 1954 articles commemorating the centennial anniversary of Eastman's birth. In addition, there are many other articles, some published while Eastman was still alive. This clipping file has been continually updated until the present, and as new clippings are acquired they are added to the clipping file.

There is a small collection of memorabilia, including the menu for a dinner given by Colonel and Mrs. Oscar Solbert aboard the U.S.S. Leviathan in 1928. The menu bears Eastman's signature. Another dinner menu, for the Society of the Genesee dinner given in honor of Eastman in 1931, is also included. There is also a collection of photographs that was assembled for the centennial celebrations in 1954.

The Eastman Research Materials is one of five collections of materials relating to George Eastman in the Department of Rare Books & Special Collections.

The other four collections are:
D.4, the Eastman-Butterfield Collection, a set of notes, interviews and printed information gathered as the resource material for a proposed biography of Eastman;
D.85, the George Eastman House Construction Papers, 1902-1906, which consists of correspondence, including some to and from George Eastman, agreements, contracts, etc., relating to the construction of the home of George Eastman at 350 (now 900) East Avenue, Rochester, New York;
D.137, the Bachmann (Lawrence) Papers, a collection of notes and a draft of a proposed biography of Eastman; and
D.138, the Eastman (George) Papers, composed of Eastman's correspondence, printed ephemera, and over 4,000 photographs and negatives depicting George Eastman, his family, his friends, his homes in Waterville and at 900 East Avenue, and early Kodak factories and workers.

extent8 boxes, 1 package
accessThe Eastman Research Materials is open for research use.
record link
record source
finding aidRegister available on the Internet
acquisition informationThe gift of Mrs. George Hoyt Whipple, 1965 and consolidated from various files on George Eastman in the Department of Rare Books & Special Collections, 1980; Audley D. Stewart travel diaires were the gift of his son Dr. James M. Stewart, 2004.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:51

titleGeorge Eastman: artist file.
repositoryUniversity of Kansas
descriptionFolders may include brochures, exhibition catalogs and other ephemeral material.

Compiled by the University of Kansas Murphy Art & Architecture Library.
extent1 folder
accessContact the repository for use restrictions.
record link
record source
acquisition informationCompiled by the University of Kansas Murphy Art & Architecture Library.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:51