Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 1873-1942

titleCornelius Vanderbilt Papers, 1901-1928 (bulk).
repositoryYale University Library
descriptionChiefly correspondence, memoranda, a notebook, and memorabilia relating to Vanderbilt's service as an officer in the U.S. Engineers during World War I. Also included are technical notebooks on mathematics, chemistry, and engineering (1897-1926).

Of particular note are two illustrated manuscript volumes: one by Joseph Lyddell Peyton outlining a course of instruction for British naval officers, and the second by John Burnell showing the headlands of various coastlines in Europe and Africa.

Also in the papers are checkbooks, guestbooks, a nurse's record of Vanderbilt's case of typhoid fever (1902-1903), and inventories of the Vanderbilt library in New York City, and of his yacht.

Cornelius Vanderbilt: capitalist; A.B., Yale, 1895, Ph.B., 1898, M.E., 1899; officer in the U.S. Engineers, 1917-1918.

Preferred citation:
Cornelius Vanderbilt Papers. Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.

Sterling Memorial Library
Call Number:
MS 1181
extent3 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Ephemera Notebooks
accessThe materials are open for research.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid is available in repository and on Internet.
acquisition informationGift of Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt and the Vanderbilt estate, 1944-1945; and Donald Wing, 1968
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42

titleLetter to Col. Robertson, 1901 June 18.
repositoryUniversity of Virginia Library
descriptionCover letter for a letter to Mr. Wilgus, chief engineer of the New York Central Railroad.

Forms part of the Clifton Waller Barrett Library.

Cornelius Vanderbilt III, September 5, 1873-March 1, 1942. Born New York. AB Yale 1895, PhB 1898, ME 1899. Worked for Illinois Central Railroad. In 1901, he was made a Second Lieutenant in the Twelfth Infantry Regiment of the New York National Guard and remained a member of the military for 33 years.

Fought in the border wars with Mexico in 1916, and in World War I served overseas as commander of the 102nd Engineers. Rising through the ranks to Brigadier General, he was placed in command of the 25th Infrantry Brigade. His 1896 marriage to Grace Graham Wilson estranged him from some family members. He was an avid yachtsman.

Preferred citation:
Cornelius Vanderbilt Letter, 1901, Accession #13227, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va.

extent1 item.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:42