Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: McMurtrie, James
title | Selected art related letters from Historical Society of Pennsylvania's Society Collection, 1760-1935. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters, mainly from artists, and documents selected from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's miscellaneous manuscript collection (Society Collection). Letters are to various people; 46 of them are to Townsend Ward and a few are to John A. McAllister, photographer. Many of the letters refer to paintings, portraits, commissions, and awards. Writers of letters include: Edwin Austin Abbey, Mary Gertrude Abbey, F.W. Bayley, Albert Bierstadt, George Catlin, Joseph Ceracchi, John Gadsby Chapman, John Cheney, James Claypool, James Cox, F.O.C. Darley, Joseph Delaplaine, Humphrey Donnehue, William Dunlap, Pierre Eugene Du Simitiere, S. Eliot, Charles Fevret De Saint-Memin, Charles Dana Gibson, Harold Edgar Gillingham, Horatio Greenough, George Harding, Levi Hollingsworth, William Morris Hunt, Daniel Huntington, Henry Inman, Horatio Gates Jones, James Reid Lambdin, Will Hicok Low, Edward Dalton Marchant, William Henry Moody, John Neagle, Albert Newsam, Bass Otis, Thomas Paine, Charles Willson Peale, Franklin Peale, James Peale, Jr., Mary Jane Peale, Rembrandt Peale, Titian Ramsay Peale, Joseph Pennell, Clement Penrose, Robert Piggot, Thomas Buchanan Read, William Trost Richards, Thomas Prichard Rossiter, Peter Frederick Rothermel, William Rush, John Sartain, Stephen Alonzo Schooff (to Townsend Ward), Russell Smith, Charles H. Stephens, Thomas Sully, Philip Syng, John Vanderlyn, N.P. Willis, Alexander Wilson and Patience Wright. Among the recipients of letters are Archibald Alexander, David S. Brown, William Belcher, Col. Brodhead, B. Burrell, Carey & Hart, Edward L. Carey, Henry C. Carey, Miss Clarke, Mr. Curren, Joseph Delaplaine, John Dickinson, Dr. Dickson, William Dillwyn, William Duane, James B. Elliott, Mrs. Langdon Elwyn, Mantle(?) Fielding, John W. Francis, Charles P. Hayes, David Hosack, Mr. Howell, Major William Jackson, Horatio Gates Jones, John W. Jordan, H.H. Kjmball, C.G. Leland, Joseph Leidy, J.B. Lippincott, George Livermore, James Madison, J. Hill Martin, John McAllister, James McMurtrie, James Monaghan, J. Murray, Albert Cook Myers, Rebecca and Isabella Nathans, John Neagle, C.S. Ogden, John Paca, Charles Willson Peale, Rembrandt Peale, David Rittenhouse, Albert Rosenthal, John Sartain, Jacob Schreiner, James Shrigley, James Ross Snowden, W.D. Snyder, Dr. Sommerville, J.C. Stanbridge, F.D. Stone, Henry Troth, Mr. Vaux, Townsend Ward, William Hill Wells, G.M. Wharton, Thomas Wharton, Henry J. Williams, and Samuel B. Wylie. Other items include a sonnet of S.T. Coleridge by Washington Allston; business card of Pennel Beale; catalog of medals and coins of silver in the possession of Hon. John Smith compiled by Du Simitière, 1772; printed address by Mrs. John C. Montgomery soliciting donations for the repair of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, destroyed by fire, 1845; William Morris Hunt's admission ticket to Peale's Museum, 1836, stating his height and weight; description of objects on display at the Peale Museum, 1820; a photograph and business card of Benjamin Randolph; invitations and notes to Gilbert Stuart; typescript by Frank H. Taylor on lithography, 1923; subscription book for engravings of paintings by John Trumbull; and a page from John Archibald Woodside's daybook, 1802-1803. |
extent | ca. 150 items (on 2 partial microfilm reels) reels P23 (fr. 513-705) & P24 (fr. 1-3) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Ephemera |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
finding aid | Microfilm inventory available at AAA offices. |
acquisition information | Microfilmed by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for the Archives of American Art, 1955. Location of Original: Originals in Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Society Collection. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:43 |
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title | Charles Coleman Sellers papers, [ca. 1940]-1978. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Artists files containing photographs and correspondence on artists Henry Benbridge, James Claypoole, George Washington Conarroe, John Singleton Copley, Joseph Delaplaine, Jacob Eichholtz, Erastus Salisbury Field, Francis Guy, Lowell Birge Harrison, Robert Charles Leslie, James McMurtrie, Mihaly Munkacsy, Robert Edge Pine, Severin Roesen, Charles Rudy, William Rush, John Smibert, John Vanderlyn, and John Wollaston. Also included are correspondence files pertaining to artistic subjects with the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the Detroit Institute of Arts, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Peale family descendents (about Peale family artists), and others. Bio / His Notes: Art historian; Carlisle, Penn. Died 1980. Author of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IN PORTRAITURE (1962) and MR PEALE'S MUSEUM: CHARLES WILSON PEALE AND THE FIRST POPULAR MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCE AND ART (1980) and other works. Loc. of Assoc. Material: Charles Sellers papers also located at Dickinson College. |
extent | 2.2 linear ft. (on 2 microfilm reels) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Photographs Subject Files |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Lent for microfilming 1987 as part of AAA's Philadelphia Arts Documentation Project. The papers were donated to the American Philosophical Society by Sellers' estate. Originals in the American Philosophical Society. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:49 |
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title | Henry Inman letter to James McMurtrie, 1838 Feb. 8. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Inman, writing from New York to his patron James McMurtrie, discusses various matters concerning his work and incidentally asks "MsMurtrie" to find for him the best canvas obtainable in Philadelphia and send it on as he has no time to "run about after canvass." He describes his portrait of James M. Campbell, formerly of Philadelphia, and considers the composition of a painting in progress of a bishop. Bio / His Notes: Painter, portrait painter; New York, N.Y. |
extent | 1 item (3 p. on partial microfilm reel) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | |
acquisition information | Purchased 1956 from Albert Duveen. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:49 |
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title | Photographic Index of American Art and Design, Visual Resources, Winterthur Library. |
repository | The Winterthur Library |
description | Folders contains photographs and information sheets related to paintings signed or attributed to artists whose most active years fall between 1825 and 1850. Information may include the title of work, owner, additional provenance, date, dimensions, and medium. Most photographs are black-and-white and of professional quality. Note(s): For paintings catalogued before 1999, an in-house index file related to the persons and places depicted in the images gives additional access to the collection; there is no topical subject index available. For paintings catalogued after 2000, an in-house electronic database, SeeDAPC, is available. Records on SeeDAPC are also available through the "Multimedia Link" below. This record lists the artists in the M-N section. |
extent | Approx. 40 folders. |
formats | Photographs |
record source | |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:49 |
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