description | Biographical material, correspondence, notes, writings, research files, teaching files, artists' files, subject files, financial records, minutes, printed material, clippings, reviews, audio recordings (ca. 4.0 linear ft.) and videotapes related to Ruth Bowman's career as art historian and educator.
Documented are Ruth Bowman's affiliations with Grey Art Gallery, the Jewish Museum (NY), Museum of Modern Art, New York University, Newark Museum as well as with various arts organizations; also files pertaining to Sunrise Semester, KUSC radio station in Los Angeles, CA.
Included are Bowman's interviews with artists and art professionals; among her interviewees are Benny Andrews, Dore Ashton, Will Barnet, J. Carter Brown, Rosa Esman, Peggy Guggenheim, Thomas Hoving, Robert Indiana, Alex Katz. Bowman's masters thesis and related research on Thomas P. Anshutz; also research material on Cezanne, Thomas Eakins, and Picasso.
access | Use requires an appointment.
Research material including correspondence, writings and notes, photographs, and printed material on Cezanne, Thomas Eakins, and Picasso: Authorization to publish, quote or reproduce must be obtained from: Ruth Bowman, 200 East 66th Street, Apt. B-2101, New York, NY 10021. |