Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Ffoulke, Charles M.

titleFrench & Company stock sheets and ledgers, 1909-1968.
repositoryThe Getty Research Institute
descriptionStock sheets, stock books, ledgers, and assorted papers document the objects, primarily decorative arts pieces, bought and sold by this New York dealer. Photographs and negatives formerly part of these papers can be found in the repository’s Photo Study collection.

Stock sheets, 1909-1968, provide descriptions of objects and record of all movements, including origin, eventual purchasers, and prices. Many stock sheets are accompanied by slides or photographs. Stock numbers were assigned roughly by date of acquisition, although the 70,000-80,000 range of stock numbers chronologically procede the numbers in the 50,000 range. Ca. 39 linear ft.

Stock and ledger books contain control numbers for art objects and object photographs. Six stock books contain stock numbers. Many entries include references to negative numbers. Some of the entries include a brief description of the object. Five ledger books record photographic negative numbers, ca. 1919-1968, where they exist. A line book records object types, stock numbers and negative numbers. Lists of photographs on loose ledger sheets, in stock number order, record stock numbers (1-81,475 and A100-M321), object descriptions and negative numbers. Ca. 6 linear ft.
Assorted papers, ca. 1920-1968, comprise nearly 1 linear ft. of inventory sheets dating from 1958, ca. 150 sheets of cost records which record clients and stock sold, dated 1957-1968. Also assorted descriptions of stock, ca. 20 sheets, 1920, n.d.

One large drawing, pencil on tracing paper dated 1946, details a custom closet design for an unidentified client’s home in Pittsburgh (in flat file folder**).

Biographical or Historical Notes:
American art dealer of New York, specializing in the decorative arts. Clients included J. Paul Getty and William Randolph Hearst.

Additional Formats:
Two ledgers of negative numbers (box 99 and box 100, negative numbers 1-15,600) available on microfiche.
extent45 linear ft.(108 boxes) 12 fiche : positive.
formatsMicrofiche Financial Papers Inventories Business Papers Microfiche
accessOpen for use by qualified researchers
record link
record source
finding aidUnpublished finding aid, available in the repository; folder-level control.
acquisition informationAcquired in 1971
updated02/14/2025 10:07:44

titleFrench & Company photographs, 1915-1998 (bulk 1950-1969)
repositoryThe Getty Research Institute
descriptionThe collection contains the assorted photographs and negatives of French & Company that were still in the possession of Spencer A. Samuels & Company in 1999.

The collection comprises photographs of works of art, primarily paintings and drawings, that were sold by or passed through French & Company, for the most part between 1950 and 1969.

Call Number:

Related collection:
French & Company photographic archive, 1920-1968, accessioned as a separate collection, Accn. no. 71.P.1.

Stock sheets and ledgers of French & Company, 1909-1968, accessioned as a separate collection, Accn. no. 840027.

French & Company Records, 1911-1998 (bulk 1950-1969), accessioned as a separate collection, Accn. no. 990051.
extent21 linear feet
accessUnprocessed collection; contact repository for information regarding access.
record linkn/a
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:44

titleRecords of the Director's Office: Frederic Allen Whiting, 1913-1930
repositoryThe Cleveland Museum of Art
descriptionThe records of the Director's Office are the primary source for understanding the decisions made and actions taken at the highest level of the museum's administration.

In addition, the records constitute one of the most valuable, unified resources for researching the early history of the museum and its art collection; initial construction and expansion of the museum building;

changes in the museum's administrative hierarchy; personalities and activities of individual staff members; artistic and social movements of the first half of the twentieth century; and the museum's relationship with civic, cultural, and educational institutions throughout the country and the world.

The records from Frederic Allen Whiting's tenure as director are divided into four main series: I. Numbered Administrative Correspondence, II. Unnumbered Administrative Correspondence, III. Biographical Materials, and IV. Index to Numbered Administrative Correspondence.

The Cleveland Museum of Art Archives, Records of the Director's Office: Frederic Allen Whiting, date and short description of document [e.g., letter from Whiting to Kent, 6 June 1916].
extent22.6 cubic feet, 72 boxes
formatsAdministrative Records Writings Correspondence Notes
accessAt the end of the restricted period, the records will still be subject to the review of the archivist before access is granted.
record link
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleMorgan Collections Correspondence, 1887-1948
repositoryPierpont Morgan Library Archives
descriptionMorgan Collections Correspondence, 1887-1948 holds the following pertinent archives:

Title: Autograph letter signed : to Belle Greene,
Date of Writing: 1910 Feb. 14.
Description: 1 item.
Summary: Again asking for appointment.
Call Number: F Misc Ffoulke, S. C. (Mrs. Charles M. 1910 02 14

Title: Autograph letter signed : to Pierpont Morgan,
Date of Writing: 1910 Feb. 8.
Description: 1 item.
Summary: Asking for an appointment to discuss reproducing his tapestries in her late husband’s book which she is completing.
Call Number: F Misc Ffoulke, S. C. (Mrs. Charles M. 1910 02 08

Title: Copy of act,
Date of Writing: Undated.
Description: 1 item.
Summary: Establishing an Academy and Gallery of Art in Washington, D. C.
Call Number: F Misc Ffoulke, S. C. (Mrs. Charles M

Author/Artist: Ffoulke, S. C. (Mrs. Charles M.)
Title: Copy of Belle Greene’s reply,
Date of Writing: 1910 Feb. 14.
Description: 1 item.
Summary: Asking for more information.
Call Number: F Misc Ffoulke, S. C. (Mrs. Charles M. 1910 02 14

Title: Copy of Belle Greene’s reply,
Date of Writing: 1910 Feb. 16.
Description: 1 item.
Summary: Saying cannot be done until Pierpont Morgan’s return in Fall.
Call Number: F Misc Ffoulke, S. C. (Mrs. Charles M. 1910 02 16

Title: List of tapestries with photographs,
Date of Writing: no date.
Call Number: F Misc Ffoulke, S. C. (Mrs. Charles M.)

Dept./Collection: Pierpont Morgan Library Archives

Location: Morgan Collections Correspondence, 1887-1948
extentsee repository for details
formatsCorrespondence Inventories Photographs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45