title | Louis Alexander Gallery records, 1953-1963 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Correspondence, clippings, and exhibition catalogs, 1961-1963, concerning primarily an exhibition of American drawings held at the Louis Alexander Gallery in the fall of 1962. Included is biographical and related material on a number of abstract painters exhibiting in the show, such as Al Copley, Ross Coates, Charles S. DuBack, William Giles, David Packard, Leo Rabkin, and Athos Zagharias. |
extent | 0.4 linear ft. (on partial microfilm reel).
reel 136 (frames 572-972)
formats | Correspondence Clippings |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | https://sirismm.si.edu/EADpdfs/AAA.louialex.pdf |
record source | https://www.aaa.si.edu/collections/louis-alexander-gallery-records-5684 |
acquisition information | The donor, Paul Cummings, was the co-director of Louis Alexander Gallery. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:27 |