Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893
title | Leland Stanford Papers, 1840-1896 (SC 033A) |
repository | Stanford University Libraries |
description | Correspondence, telegrams; business, legal, financial, and official papers; speeches, journals, and newsclippings; and other materials relating to the construction of the Central Pacific Railroad, Stanford's political career, business and financial interests, and the founding and construction of Stanford University. Notes: Leland Stanford was born March 9, 1824 in Waltervliet Township, New York. He was admitted to the practice of law in 1848 and married Jane Lathrop in 1850. In 1852 Stanford moved to California where he first worked as a storekeeper in Mother Lode mining camps and later became a successful Sacramento businessman. Stanford was a leader in organizing the Republican party in California and was elected governor in 1861 at the age of 37. Early in the 1860s Stanford joined with three other Sacramento merchants--Charles Crocker, Mark Hopkins, and Collis P. Huntington--in the building of the Central Pacific Railroad. In 1884, Leland and Jane founded Leland Stanford Jr. University in memory of their son. Stanford died June 21, 1893 during his second term as United States Senator. |
extent | 5 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Legal Papers Financial Records Journals Clippings |
access | None |
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finding aid | Unpublished guide available (item level inventory). |
acquisition information | Gifts of Jane Lathrop Stanford, Thomas Welton Stanford, David Starr Jordan, Helen Stanford Canfield, David H. Canfield, and others; also includes purchases |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:28 |
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title | California Faces: Selections from The Bancroft Library Portrait Collection |
repository | University of California, Berkeley |
description | Photographers: Various photographers, including: I. W. Taber, Ansel Adams, Edward Weston, Carleton E. Watkins, Moulin Studios, Thomas Houseworth & Co., Bradley & Rulofson, William Shew, Peter Stackpole, Francis P. Farquhar, Johan Hagemeyer, William Keith, F. Gutekunst, Charles McMillan, Silas Selleck, Thors (San Francisco), Stewart & Skelton Studios, Schumacher Portraits, Ken McLaughlin, Sarony & Co., Hirsch & Kaye (San Francisco), and others. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], The Bancroft Library Portrait Collection, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. |
extent | 1,232 images selected from The Bancroft Library's Portrait Collection ; various sizes |
formats | Photographs Notes |
access | Collection is open for research. |
record link |,%20Irving%20Murray,%201837-1903&brand=oac |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
acquisition information | The portraits were acquired from various sources. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | Harrison, Benjamin, 1833-1901. Pacific Coast tour photographs and ephemera, 1891-1987 |
repository | Stanford University Libraries |
description | President Harrison's speech-making tour in 1891 was, at that time, the longest journey ever undertaken by any President while in office. The 9,232 mile rail trip lasted one month and three days. The trip was partly planned and largely financed by the former Governor of California, Leland Stanford. The pioneer railroad builder had invited the President to his ranch in Palo Alto to discuss a professorship at the newly built Stanford University and to participate in the dedication of that institution. Included in the Presidential party were First Lady Caroline Harrison, her secretary and niece Mrs. Dimmick, Russell B. Harrison and his wife, Mary McKee (the Harrison's daughter), Carter B. Harrsion and his wife, Postmaster General John Wanamaker, Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah McClain Rusk, and Marshall Dan Ransdell. Collection number: M0643 |
extent | 1.5 linear ft. |
formats | Photographs Ephemera |
record link |,%20Leland,%201824-1893%20&brand=oac |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | Isaiah W. Lees Collection, 1863-1903 |
repository | California State Library |
description | Title: Isaiah W. Lees Collection, 1863-1903 Box Number: 1548 Creator: Lees, Isaiah W., 1830-1918 Repository: California State Library Sacramento, California Language: English. Administrative Information Access Unrestricted. Conditions of Use Please credit California State Library. Publication Rights Copyright has not been assigned to California State Library. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing. Permission for publication is given on behalf of California State Library as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained by the reader. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Isaiah W. Lees Collection, California State Library. Access Points Lees, Isaiah W., 1831-1902. Law enforcement--California--San Francisco. San Francisco Mining Company (Calif.) California Cygnet Company. Contents San Francisco Mining Company and California Cygnet Company (1863-1902) list of shareholders and legal papers; Investigative files: Robert W. Souter (1973-1876), Charles G. Mugg (1874-1878, Joseph Wrigley (1858-1872), Piper-Baldwin (1863-1900), Fair-Craven Case (1890s); photographs; notes; correspondence; resolution book. Biography Isaiah W. Lees was born in Lancashire, England, December 25, 1830. When he was nine months old, his family settled in Patterson, New Jersey. He sailed to San Francisco aboard the Mary Francis, arriving on December 20, 1848. He joined the San Francisco police force on October 26, 1853. He served continuously forty-seven years, retiring in January 1900. Mr. Lees was promoted to Chief of Police and served as Chief of Detectives. As a criminal officer, he travelled to Scotland Yard several times and his picture hangs there to represent one of the great criminal officers of his day. It was Captain Lees who founded the Rogues Gallery, using his own money to make the original collection of pictures. He died on December 21, 1902, president of the Veteran Police Association. He and his wife had five children, two of whom survived him. Correspondents Bombee, William Bunce, Addie Burr, J.B., Hyde & Company Gagan & Fairchild Harrington, Nellie Harvey, George H. Hatch, Joe F. Heggerty, Charles J. Knight, George A. Mugg, C. K. Pinkerton, Willam A. (William Allan), 1846-1923. Souter, Robert W. Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893. Woods, George L. Wrigley, Joseph. Container List [ Box Box 1548 ] San Francisco Mining Company and California Cygnet Company (1863-1902) list of shareholders and legal papers; Investigative files: Robert W. Souter (1973-1876), Charles G. Mugg (1874-1878, Joseph Wrigley (1858-1872), Piper-Baldwin (1863-1900), Fair-Craven Case (1890s); photographs; notes; correspondence; resolution book |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | Henry Zenas Osborne Papers, 1869-1947 |
repository | University of California, Los Angeles |
description | Henry Zenas Osborne (1848-1923) was the owner of the Evening Republican, and the Evening Express, which he directed until 1897. He served as the receiver of public moneys of the Bodie land district, collector of customs of the Los Angeles district, and U.S. Marshal of the southern district of California. He was appointed commissioner of the board of public works of Los Angeles, elected to Congress in 1916, appointed to the committee on appropriations in 1922, became president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and the Sunset Club and vice-president of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. The collection consists of business and family correspondence, clippings, photographs, manuscripts and related material pertaining to Osborne. Physical location: Stored off-site at SRLF. Advance notice is required for access to the collection. Please contact the UCLA Library, Department of Special Collections Reference Desk for paging information. Collection number: 772 Language: English. Additional Physical Form Available A copy of the original version of this online finding aid is available at the UCLA Department of Special Collections for in-house consultation and may be obtained for a fee. Please contact: Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Henry Zenas Osborne Papers (Collection 772). Department of Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles. |
extent | 19 boxes (9.5 linear ft.) |
formats | Business Papers Personal Papers Correspondence Clippings Photographs |
access | COLLECTION STORED OFF-SITE AT SRLF: Advance notice required for access. |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | Jane Lathrop Stanford miscellaneous papers, 1895-1902 |
repository | Hoover Institution |
description | Photocopy of letter, 1895, relating to the prospects of Stanford University and to a United States government lawsuit against the estate of Leland Stanford; and 3 photograph albums of scenes in Japan, presented to Mrs. Stanford upon her visit in 1902. Biography/Adminstrative History Widow of Leland Stanford; co-founder of Stanford University. Collection Number: XX873 Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Jane Lathrop Stanford miscellaneous papers, [Box number], Hoover Institution Archives. |
extent | 1.2 linear feet |
formats | Photocopies Photograph Album |
access | Collection is open for research. |
record source | |
finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
acquisition information | Acquired by the Hoover Institution Archives Accruals Materials may have been added to the collection since this finding aid was prepared. To determine if this has occurred, find the collection in Stanford University's online catalog Socrates at . Materials have been added to the collection if the number of boxes listed in Socrates is larger than the number of boxes listed in this finding aid. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | Stanford Family Papers, 1839-1964 (SC 033D) |
repository | Stanford University Libraries |
description | The Stanford family papers include letters, telegrams, newsclippings, photographs and photograph albums, genealogical notes, legal and financial papers, pamphlets, and printed materials of Josiah Stanford (1817-1890) and his wife Helen Allyne Barker Stanford (1831-1909), (cont.) Josiah Winslow Stanford (1864-1937) and his wife Alice Herrick Stanford (1858-1940), Charles Stanford (1819-1885), Asa Philips Stanford (1821-1903), DeWitt Clinton Stanford (1826-1864), Thomas Welton Stanford (1832-1918), Welton Stanford (1849-1922), and Welton Stanford, Jr (1878-1947). The Thomas Welton Stanford series includes correspondence, photographs, transcripts of his Psychic Investigation Circle of Melbourne, Australia (10 volumes) and the "HARBINGER OF LIGHT" magazine (1906-1917). The collection also includes records of Warm Springs Ranch and the Warm Springs Hotel near San Jose, California. Notes: The Stanford brothers were born in the township of Watervliet in upstate New York, the sons of Josiah and Elizabeth Stanford. Each of the brothers eventually went west to make his fortune. Josiah and Leland Stanford remained in California and became successful businessmen, and Thomas Welton Stanford continued on to a successful career in Australia. |
extent | 10 linear feet |
formats | Correspondence Photographs Clippings Legal Files Financial Records |
access | None |
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finding aid | Unpublished guide available (item level inventory). |
acquisition information | Gift of Jane Lathrop Stanford, Thomas Welton Stanford, David Starr Jordan, Helen Stanford Canfield, David H. Canfield, and others; also includes purchases. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | Henry Hiram Ellis Papers, 1861-1898 |
repository | University of California, Berkeley |
description | Mainly correspondence to Ellis as Chief of Police, San Francisco. Also miscellaneous papers, invitations, programs and tickets. Biography Henry Hiram Ellis came to California in 1849 from Maine, was a gold miner and captain of several vessels before coming to San Francisco as policeman in 1855. He worked his way up in the Police Force and was elected chief of Police in 1875. Physical Location: For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog. Collection Number: BANC MSS C-B 653 |
extent | 1 box |
formats | Correspondence Ephemera |
access | Collection is open for research. |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
acquisition information | Origination: Ellis, Henry Hiram, 1829-1909 |
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title | Miles, Walter R. Research concerning Eadweard Muybridge, 1928-1932 |
repository | Stanford University Libraries |
description | Miles' correspondence about Muybridge, material about the Semi-Centenial Celebration and the invention of moving pictures, ephemera and published articles about Muybridge, and photographs and negatives including those used by Miles in his articles and publications about Muybridge. Collection number: M0736 Preferred Citation Walter R. Miles Research concerning Eadweard Muybridge. M0736. Dept. of Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, Calif. |
extent | 5 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Printed Materials Ephemera Photographs Clippings |
access | None. |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
acquisition information | Gift of the University of Akron, 1995. |
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title | John Bidwell Papers, 1841-1917 |
repository | California State Library |
description | Correspondence, notes, legal and business papers. Biography John Bidwell was born in Chautauqua, N.Y., August 5, 1819. He came to California in 1841 with the Bartleson-Bidwell party. He was employed at Sutter's Fort in Sacramento and purchased Rancho del Arroyo Chico (now the city of Chico) in1849. An agriculturalist and philanthropist, he was a delegate to the California Constitutional Convention in 1849. He served as State Senator from 1849 to1850 and as California Representative to Congress in 1865/1867. He was a candidate for President in 1892. He died in Chico, April 4, 1900. Box Number: 126-136 Conditions of Use Please credit California State Library. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], John Bidwell Papers, California State Library. |
extent | 10 boxes |
formats | Correspondence Notes Business Papers Legal Papers |
access | Unrestricted. |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | Stanford Ranches and Lands Records, 1838-1896 |
repository | Stanford University Libraries |
description | Abstracts of titles and transcripts of titles to various property holdings of Leland Stanford. Collection number: SC 003 Preferred Citation Stanford Ranches and Lands Records, SC 003. Stanford University Archives, Stanford, Calif. |
extent | 4 linear ft. |
formats | Financial Records Legal Papers Inventories |
access | Collection is open for research; materials must be requested at least 24 hours in advance of intended use. |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
acquisition information | Administrative transfer, President's Office, 1965. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | California State Board of Forestry Records, 1885-1889 |
repository | University of California, Berkeley |
description | The records consist of correspondence, arranged alphabetically, relating to illegal tree cutting on government and school lands, to a survey of forest lands in California, to fires in forest lands, and to proposals for establishing an Arbor Day in California. A few accounts and miscellaneous clippings are also included. Collection Number: BANC MSS C-A 266 Physical Location: For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog. Preferred Citation [identification of item], California State Board of Forestry Records, BANC MSS C-A 266, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. |
extent | 2 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Business Papers Clippings |
access | Collection is open for research. |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | Annie Ellicott Kennedy Bidwell Papers, 1842-1918 |
repository | California State Library |
description | Correspondence, diaries, deeds, maps, newspapers, pictures, testimonials. Biography Annie Ellicott Kennedy Bidwell, born in Meadville, PA, June 30, 1839, was the daughter of Joseph Camp Griffith Kennedy of Washington, D.C. She married John Bidwell on April 16, 1868 and came to Rancho Chico, Butte County. She was a philanthropist and civic leader, especially interested in the local Indians, church affairs, temperance movements, and women's suffrage. She died in Chico on March 9, 1918. Box Number: 30-125, 2024 Conditions of Use Please credit California State Library. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Annie Ellicott Kennedy Bidwell Papers, California State Library. |
extent | Box Number: 30-125, 2024 |
formats | Correspondence Diaries Legal Papers Clippings Photographs |
access | Unrestricted. |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
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title | Marsh family papers 1815-1960 |
repository | University of California, Berkeley |
description | The Marsh family papers, 1815-1960, reflect the life of California pioneer John Marsh and his wife, Abigail Smith Tuck Marsh; their daughter, Alice Marsh Cameron; her husband, William Walker Cameron (also referred to as Camron); and their daughter, Amy Gertrude Cameron; as well as other Marsh and Tuck family members. The collection contains correspondence with prominent figures in California history, including John Augustus Sutter, Charles David Maria Weber, and Thomas Oliver Larkin; writings; materials relating to family genealogies; notes on family histories; scrapbooks; diaries; legal documents; and newspaper clippings. Collection Number: BANC MSS C-B 879 Physical Location: Many of the Bancroft Library collections are stored offsite and advance notice may be required for use. For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Librarys online catalog. |
extent | 2.5 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Scrapbooks Diaries Legal Papers Clippings |
access | Collection is open for research. |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
acquisition information | The Marsh Family Papers were given to The Bancroft Library by Amy Gertrude Cameron on April 1963 and Mrs. Dorothy V. Lyman on June 1965. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | James L. Warren Papers, 1846-1889 |
repository | University of California, Berkeley |
description | Correspondence, accounts, manuscripts and clippings. Relate mainly to Warren's activities as editor of the California Farmer. Also included are papers pertaining to the ship, Sweden, and the Sweden Mining Company, the Sacramento Railroad Company, the California State Agricultural Society and state fairs. Collection Number: BANC MSS C-B 418 Physical Location: For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog. Languages Represented: English |
extent | 7.5 linear ft |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Clippings |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
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title | White, Stephen Mallory. Papers, 1871-1901 |
repository | Stanford University Libraries |
description | Correspondence and other papers relating to White's career as lawyer, Los Angeles district attorney, state senator, and U.S. Senator. Subjects covered include: estate litigation, water rights, incorporations, mortgages, property rights, local and California politics, patronage, tariffs, annexation, pensions, appeals for clemency, the Chinese problem, free silver question, Indian rights, discrimination against Catholics, Negro rights, and the Itata incident. Collection number: M0035 |
extent | 30 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Business Papers |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | Berton W. Crandall Photographs, 1888-1953 |
repository | Hoover Institution |
description | Depicts Stanford University campus and buildings, Herbert Hoover, Lou Henry Hoover, the Hoover family, Leland Stanford, and Jane Lathrop Stanford. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Berton W. Crandall Photographs, [Box no.], Hoover Institution Archives. |
extent | 29 ms. boxes |
formats | Photographs |
access | Collection open for research. |
record link | |
record source | |
finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
acquisition information | This collection of photographs was given to the Hoover Institution Archives in 1960 by the photographer himself, Berton W. Crandall, from Palo Alto, California. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | Waterman Family Papers, 1839-1906 |
repository | University of California, Berkeley |
description | Papers of Robert W. Waterman, governor of California, 1887-1891, his wife Jane, and their six children. Included are letters, diaries, legal and financial records, account books, speeches and clippings. Some papers relate to his governorship and to politics. Letters written by him in the 1850s cover his journey to California and experiences in the mines. The bulk of the papers, however, relate to the family's business interests--mines, railroads, ranch and dairy, and cattle breeding. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Waterman family papers, BANC MSS C-B 491, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. Physical Location: For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog. Collection Number: BANC MSS C-B 491 |
extent | 28 Linear Feet |
formats | Correspondence Diaries Legal Papers Financial Records Clippings |
access | Collection is open for research. |
record link |,%20Irving%20Murray,%201837-1903&brand=oac |
record source | |
finding aid | In repository and on the internet. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | California Ephemera Collection, 1860- |
repository | University of California, Los Angeles |
description | Collection consists of broadsides, clippings, brochures, and other ephemeral materials relating to California. Subjects include: abortion, Alcatraz Island, building and loan associations, California politics and government, Covina, drugs, Fort Ross, Greek-Americans, International Gay and Lesbian Archives, Japanese American National Museum, Hiram Johnson, William Kerckhoff, Los Angeles riots, motion picture theaters, Olympic Games, Rancho Santa Anita, Simon Wiesenthal Center, and others. Collection number: 200 Preferred Citation [Identification of item], California Ephemera Collection (Collection 200). Department of Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA. |
extent | 108 linear ft.) |
formats | Clippings Ephemera |
access | COLLECTION STORED OFF-SITE AT SRLF: Advance notice required for access. |
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finding aid | In repository and on the internet. The online finding aid is not edited. In-house card catalog is available at the UCLA Department of Special Collections for consultation. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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title | Views of San Francisco mansions and streets, ca. 1875-ca. 1889 (issued) |
repository | University of California, Berkeley |
description | Exterior views of San Francisco residences of Leland Stanford, Mark Hopkins, Charles Crocker and David D. Colton. One photo of Powell street with the Baldwin Hotel visible in the distance is also included. Location UC Berkeley Call Number Bancroft BANC PIC 1905.02164-.02168--PIC |
extent | 5 mounted photographic prints : albumen ; 14 x 22 cm. |
formats | Photographs |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:41 |
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