Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Eddy, Jerome Orrell

titleArthur and Helen Torr Dove papers, 1905-1974, 1920-1946.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionThe papers of Arthur and Helen Torr Dove measure 3 linear feet and date from 1905 to 1975, with the bulk of material dating from 1920 to 1946.

Arthur Dove's life as an artist, and his life with the artist Helen Torr, are documented in biographical narratives, personal documents, an audio recording, correspondence, diaries, essays, poetry, notes, exhibition catalogs, clippings, magazine illustrations, pamphlets, receipts, an accounting ledger, tax records, sketches, and photographs.

Biographical materials include a last will and testament, biographical narratives, and other official documents, as well as an audio recording of an interview with William Dove made around 1961 by George Wolfer.

Correspondence includes letters from friends, clients, other artists, and Dove's patron Duncan Phillips. There is also correspondence with family members Helen Torr and Paul Dove. Drafts of outgoing letters from Dove to various correspondents including Phillips and Alfred Stieglitz are found.

Writings are extensive and include diaries, autobiographical essays, essays about art, artists, and other subjects, and poetry by Arthur Dove; as well as essays, reminiscences, and notes of Helen Torr. Printed materials include exhibition catalogs for Dove's shows and the shows of other artists in the Stieglitz Circle, examples of Dove's early magazine illustration work, newspaper reviews of Dove's exhibitions, and various pamphlets related to modern art.

Personal business records include an accounting ledger of the Doves' expenses, sales receipts, tax records, and an undated art inventory. Artwork consists of ten items, mostly sketches in pencil, watercolor, ink, and colored pencil. Photographs are undated and unidentified, but depict mostly family, homes, and coastal scenes.

Bio / His Notes:
Arthur Garfield Dove (1880-1946) and Helen Torr Dove were painters from Geneva and Centerport, N.Y. Born in Canandaigua, N.Y., Arthur Dove settled in New York City in 1903, becoming an illustrator for popular magazines, including Harper's, Scribner's, and Century. Lived in Paris 1907-1909, where he became acquainted with modern art through friend Alfred Maurer. After 1910 Dove began exhibiting frequently at Alfred Stieglitz's gallery and Duncan Phillips became one of his most important patrons. Married painter Helen Torr Weed "Reds" in 1930.

Additional forms:
The bulk of this collection was digitized in 2006 and is available on the Archives of American Art Web site. Materials which were not scanned include duplicate originals, photocopies, tax records, and photographs of artwork. Exhibition catalogs and publications that reference Dove have been partially scanned, including title pages and pages which mention Dove and Torr. Material loaned for microfilming is available on 35 mm microfilm reels 725 and 2803 at Archives of American Art offices, and through interlibrary loan. Loaned material are not described in this finding aid.

Organization: The collection is arranged into 7 series: Series 1: Biographical Materials, 1928-1937, circa 1961 (Box 1; 2 folders) Series 2: Correspondence, circa 1920-1974 (Box 1; 0.8 linear feet) Series 3: Writings, circa 1924-1945 (Boxes 1-3; 1.5 linear feet) Series 4: Printed Materials, circa 1905-1975 (Box 3; 0.3 linear feet) Series 5: Personal Business Records, circa 1921-1965 (Box 3; 0.3 linear feet) Series 6: Artwork, undated (Box 3; 1 folder) Series 7: Photographs, 1909, undated (Box 3; 4 folders)

Cite as:
Arthur and Helen Torr Dove papers, 1905-1975. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.

Funding Note:
Funding for the processing and digitization of this collection was provided by the Terra Foundation for American Art.

extent3.0 linear ft.
formatsBusiness Papers Personal Papers Correspondence Financial Records Photographs
accessUse of original papers requires an appointment.
record link
record source
finding aidThe bulk of this collection was digitized in 2006 and is available on the Archives of American Art Web site.
acquisition informationLoaned by William Dove, Arthur Dove's son, for microfilming in several increments between 1970 and 1975. Subsequently donated by William Dove via the Terry Distenfass Gallery of New York City in multiple accessions between 1982 and 1989, with two major exceptions: 177 letters from Alfred Stieglitz, sixteen letters from Georgia O'Keeffe, and two letters from William Einstein; and Arthur Dove's card catalog of paintings, a photocopy of which had been loaned for microfilming. The papers were digitized in 2006. Location of Original: Ca. 50 early magazine illustrations, reel N70-51, and letters, reel 725: Originals in the possession of William Dove.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleStendahl Art Galleries records, 1907-1971
repositoryArchives of American Art
description254 files on artists, institutions, dealers, and individuals connected with the Galleries. Files include biographical data, correspondence, financial material, exhibition catalogs and announcements, clippings, press releases and photographs. Most of the correspondence is with gallery founder Earl L. Stendahl.

Among the artists and institutions represented are: Federico Beltran-Masses, James Bordrero, Federico Cantú, Jean Charlot, Francisco Cornejo, Couvoisier Galleries, José de Creeft, Demotte Inc., Julio de Diego, Jerome Eddy, Nicolai Ivanovich Feshin, Lillian Genthe, Arthur Hill Gilbert, Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art, George B. Guthrie, Armin Hansen, Rockwell Kent, Joseph Kleitsch, Aston Knight, Alfredo Romos Martinez, Alejandro Mendez, Joan Miró, Carlos Mérida, Roberto Montenegro, José Clemente Orozco, Edgar Alwyn Payne, Ralph M. Pearson, Pablo Picasso, José Martinez Pinazo, William Ritschel, Diego Rivera, Ethel B. Rose, Guy Rose, Walter Elmer Schofield, David Alfaro Siquieros, Ladislas Szecsi, Walter Ufer, William Wendt, Wildenstein and Co., and Ignacio Zuloaga, and others.

ADDITION: An album of clippings regarding artist Edgar Payne, 1920-1928, compiled by Stendahl Galleries.

extent7.0 linear feet (on 10 microfilm reels) Addition: 0.2 linear ft. reels 2716-2725
formatsCorrespondence Financial Records Clippings Exhibition Catalogs Photographs
accessMicrofilm portion must be consulted on microfilm. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires an appointment and is lmited to AAA's Washington, D.C. storage facility.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid available at all Archives of American Art offices.
acquisition informationThe Stendahl Art Galleries records were donated by Alfred Stendahl in 1976. An album of clippings was donated by Stendahl in 1995 via Nancy Moure.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:45

titleCorrespondence from Jerome O. Eddy to Walter Arensberg
repositoryPhiladelphia Museum of Art
descriptionCorrespondence from Jerome O. Eddy to Walter Arensberg.
extent1 letter and 1 envelope
record link
finding aid
updated02/14/2025 10:07:54