Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Brimmer, Martin, 1829-1896
title | Martin Brimmer letters, 1880-1896. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Sarah Wyman Whitman was a Boston painter and patron of the arts, born in Baltimore in 1842. She died in Boston in 1904. Primarily letters written by Brimmer to Sarah Wyman Whitman, written from London, Paris, Rome, and elsewhere, and referring to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and to contemporary artists such as George Fuller, John LaFarge, William Morris Hunt, John Singer Sargent, and James A. McNeill Whistler. In addition, there are letters from Henry Lee Higginson, Owen Wister, and other friends of Brimmer, referring to Brimmer's death. |
extent | 0.4 linear ft. (45 items on partial microfilm reel) reel D32 |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | Donated 1956 by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston via Mrs. Haven Parker, an Assistant in the Department of Paintings. The Museum owns several paintings by Whitman. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:28 |
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title | Papers of Martin Brimmer. |
repository | Harvard University Archives |
description | Biographical and Historical Note Martin Brimmer (1829-1896) earned his Harvard AB 1849 and served Harvard as a Fellow and as an Overseer. Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUG 1234 [] |
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access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:33 |
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title | Isabella Stewart Gardner papers, 1760-1956. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters, business records, diary, and photographs. REEL 380-413: Primarily correspondence, mostly Gardner's own, but including family correspondence and Gardner Museum correspondence. Also included are misc. items and printed material. Correspondents include: Edwin Austin Abbey, Lyman Abbott, Brooks Adams, Alexander Agassiz, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, Louis Agassiz, Luigi Agostini, Hamilton Aide, Thomas B. Aldrich, Abram P. Andrew, Boris Anisfeld, George Arliss, Anne L. Balch, George G. Barnard, Grace Edith Barnes, Cecilia Beaux, Martin Birnbaum, William Sturgis Bigelow, William Phipps Blake, Edwin Howland Blashfield, Wilhelm von Bode, Martin Brimmer, J. Appleton Brown, Dennis Miller Bunker, Bryson Burroughs, Theodore Byard, Morris Carter, Paul Chalfin, Conrad Chapman, John Jay Chapman, Alfred Q. Collins, Frederick Shepard Converse, Walter William Spencer Cook, Archibald Cary Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Charles Townsend Copeland, Kenyon Cox, Ralph Adams Cram, Francis Marion Crawford, Raymond Crosby, Sally Cross, Ralph W. Curtis, Howard G. Cushing, Charlotte Cushman, Walter Damrosch, Richard Harding Davis, Elsie De Wolfe, Mary Dexter, Nathan H. Dole, John Donoghue, Ruth Draper, Duveen Brothers, J. S. Dwight, Theodore F. Dwight, Louis Dyer, Charles W. Eliot, Barry Faulkner, Gabriel Faure, Minnie Maddern Fiske, Daniel Chester French, Helen C. Frick, Roger E. Fry, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, John Lowell Gardner, William Amory Gardner, I. M. Gaugengigl, Richard Watson Gilder, Rene Gimpel, Edwin L. Godkin, Leon Gordon, Lady Augusta Gregory, Louise I. Guiney, Edward E. Hale, Mary (Mrs. Richard Walden) Hale, Philip Leslie Hale, Mrs. Philip Hale, Richard Hammond, Walter Hampden, George C. Hazelton, Paul Helleu, Henry Lee Higginson, Thomas W. Higginson, Robert Hinckley, Malvina Hoffman, Edward W. Hooper, Harriet Hosmer, Julia W. Howe, Archer M. Huntington, Vincent d'Indy, Henry Irving, August F. Jaccaci, Clarence King, William Kittredge, Louis Kronberg, Petr A. Kropotkin, Anna C. Ladd, John La Farge, Charles Rollinson Lamb, Charles Lanman, Charles G. Loring, James R. Lowell, Dodge Macknight, Mary L. Macomber, Richard Mansfield, Paul Manship, Frank J. Mather, Francis John McComas, Nellie Melba, Francis Davis Millet, S. Weir Mitchell, Helena Modjeska, Pierre Monteux, John S. Mosby, Gilbert Murray, (cont.)Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Andrews Norton, Lily Norton, Richard Norton, William O'Connell, Kazuzo Okakura, Jean N. Oliver, William O. Partridge, Walter Pater, Anna Pavlova, Waldo Peirce, Joseph Pennell, Harper Pennington, Lilla Cabot Perry, Edward C. Pickering, Sophia L. Pitman, Matthew Stewart Prichard, John Quinn, Robert Reid, Amelie Rives, Elizabeth W. Roberts, Auguste Rodin, Denman Ross, Will Rothenstein, Lillian Russell, Paul J. Sachs, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Ruth St. Denis, Franklin B. Sanborn, Charles Sprague Sargent, John Singer Sargent, J.M. Sears, C. Arnold Slade, Irene Slade, Henry Davis Sleeper, F. Hopkinson Smith, George Warren Smith, Joseph L. Smith, Albert Spaulding, Maurice Sterne, William James Stillman, Julian Story, Thomas W. Story, Henry Swift, John Addington Symonds, Ellen Terry, Celia Thaxter, Abbott H. Thayer, William R. Thayer, Mary A. Tiffany, Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Francis Amasa Walker, Mrs. Humphry Ward, Mrs. Fiske Warren, Edmund March Wheelwright, James McNeill Whistler, Margaret White, Sara de Prix Wyman Whitman, Wildenstein Galleries, Owen Wister, Charles H. Woodbury, Rufus F. Zogbaum, Anders Zorn, Mrs. Anders Zorn, and others. REELS 631-632: Personal papers of Gardner and some records of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum including dealers' files containing invoices, notes, cancelled checks, and letters; a record book, "Prices Paid for Paintings," 1917; a record book, "Prices Paid for Works of Art"; 118 installation photographs of the museum as arranged by Gardner, 1924; a diary kept in Egypt, 1874, with sketches; a diary kept in Shanghai and India, 1883-1884; "Directions for my funeral," 1912; and "Suggestions for Running a Museum," 1913. REELS 696-698: Letters from Bernard Berenson to Gardner, 1887-1924. Letters contain references to literary topics, Berenson's impressions of Europe, various paintings and artists, advice to Gardner on the purchase of paintings and information on their sale. REEL 846: Checklist of Gardner's letters to Bernard and Mary Berenson, 1894-1924; typescripts of personal and official correspondence (originals found on AAA microfilm reels 696-698), 1887-1924. |
extent | 40 microfilm reels. reels 380-413, 631-632, 696-698, and 846 |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Photographs |
access | Microfilm copies. Originals in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, Mass. |
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finding aid | Reels 380-413: Finding aid available at AAA offices. |
acquisition information | Microfilm lent by Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum for duplicating, 1972-1975. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:33 |
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title | Letter from M. Brimmer to E.W. Hooper, 1894 August 22. |
repository | Harvard University Archives |
description | Location : Harvard Archives UAV 402.394 hd [] |
extent | 1 folder |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Access may be restricted. Details available at the repository. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available in repository. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:33 |
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