Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Taylor, Elizabeth, 1932-2011

titleEdna Reindel papers
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionThe papers of artist Edna Reindel measure 0.8 linear feet and date from circa 1918-1990. The collection contains biographical material, printed material, artist files and photographs that document Reindel's career and her friendships with Hollywood celebrities, art patrons, and artists.
extent0.8 Linear feet
formatsPersonal Papers Photographs
accessUse of original papers requires an appointment and is limited to the Archives' Washington, D.C., Research Center. Contact Reference Services for more information.
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finding aid*&i=0
acquisition informationThe papers of Edna Reidel on reel 1205 were lent for microfilming by Reindel in 1977. The unmicrofilmed material was donated in 1991 by Reindel's estate through executor and friend, Pauline Davidson.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:53

titleThe Louis K. Meisel Gallery selected records
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionThe Louis K. Meisel Gallery selected records measure 0.4 linear feet and date from 1964-2003. The records of this New York gallery consist of correspondence with artists and other individuals, writings by Louis K. Meisel, subject files on Gregory Battcock and Jason Seley, and photographs. Correspondence documents the gallery's dealings with its artists.
extent0.4 Linear feet
accessUse of original papers requires an appointment.
record link
finding aid*&i=0
acquisition informationThe Louis K. Meisel Gallery selected records were donated by Louis K. Meisel in 1990 and 2009.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:54

titleHelen Gurley Brown Papers
repositorySmith College
descriptionPapers include biographical material; personal and professional correspondence; photographs; published and unpublished writings; research files; audiovisual material; and memorabilia. Early material includes memorabilia and writings from her youth. The bulk of the material were produced in the 1960s and provide a comprehensive picture of Brown's intertwined personal and professional lives, as editor, writer, and celebrity. The Cosmopolitan series includes correspondence, editorial files, advertising, and publicity materials. There are also speeches and scripts from her radio and television appearances. A large selection of photographs include images of celebrity friends, some by famous photographers. There is extensive correspondence from celebrities, publishers, fans, and others. Correspondents include Edward Koch, Letty Cottin Pogrebin, and Barbara Walters.
extent28.563 linear feet (58 containers)
record link,sso&db=cat09206a&
finding aid
acquisition informationHelen Gurley Brown donated her papers to the Sophia Smith Collection in multiple donations between 1972 and 2008.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:54