Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Reed, Luman, -1836

titleLuman Reed Papers, 1820-1895.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionCorrespondence, mostly letters received, and some papers, 1820-95. Included are letters from the following artists: Thomas Cole (2); Asher B. Durand (5); and George W. Flagg (5). Also included are 6 letters from James H. Hackett, the actor; a 69 p. reminiscence, 1884, of Reed by George Barker; family letters and papers concerning Reed's estate; and invitations, bills.

Historical Note:
Merchant; art patron, New York (N.Y.)

New-York Historical Society

Mss Collection

Call Number
Reed Box
extent51 items.
formatsCorrespondence Invitations Estate Papers
accessAccess: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society. This collection is owned by The New-York Historical Society.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:28

titleMinutes of the New-York gallery of the fine arts records, 1844-1858.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionContains abbreviated record, 28 p., of the meetings of an association formed to purchase art collection of Luman Reed with intention of forming a permanent art museum, The New-York Gallery of the Fine Arts. In 1858 the association was dissolved and the art collection transferred to the New York Historical Society. Also included are 4 additional loose pages of minutes, and a New-York Gallery of the Fine Arts Life Membership card for F.B. Elliot.

Additional forms:
35mm microfilm reel 2209 available at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
extent1 v. (on 1 microfilm reel).
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record source
acquisition informationLent for microfilming 1981 by the National Academy of Design. Location of Original: Originals returned to the lender, the National Academy of Design, after microfilming.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleLuman Reed papers, [ca. 1844-1865].
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionBiographical material, correspondence, financial data, legal material, and photographs. [1 family photo was remicrofilmed on reel 3829.]

Bio / His Notes:
Art patron; New York, N.Y.; b. 1787.
extent1 microfilm reel. reels 2934 & 3829
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record source
acquisition informationMaterial on reel 2934 lent for microfilming 1983 by Margaret P. Symonds, great-great granddaughter of Luman Reed. She donated a photo of the family (subsequently remicrofilmed on reel 3829). The remainder of the papers were donated to the New-York Historical Society after microfilming. Location of Original: Originals in: New-York Historical Society.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleAsher Brown Durand papers, 1812-1883.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionLetters, diaries, printed matter and miscellany.

Reels N19-N21: General and family correspondence, a few testimonials, broadsides, diary pages, and miscellany. Correspondence relates to Durand's engraving business, painting commissions, tour of Europe in 1840-1841, cholera epidemic in New York, 1831-1832, his presidency of the National Academy of Design, 1848-1862, and family matters. Among the correspondents are Peter Maverick, Michael Pekenino, Carey & Lea, Luman Reed, Thomas Cole, and others.

Reel N25: Three letters to Durand, 1825-1835, one each from Thomas Sully, Thomas Doughty, and George Jones.

Bio / His Notes:
Painter; Albany, N.Y.

Additional forms:
35mm microfilm reels N19-N21 and N25 (frames 1141-1144) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
extentca. 1000 items (on 4 microfilm reels) reels N19-N21 and N25 (frames 1141-1144)
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record source
finding aidFinding aid available at AAA offices, filed New York Public Library, Manuscript Division.
acquisition informationMicrofilmed 1956 by the Archives of American Art with other art-related papers in the Manuscript Division of the New York Public Library. Included in the microfilming project were selected papers of the Art Division and the Prints Division. Reproduction: Reel N25: Letters are typescripts. Location of Original: Originals in the New York Public Library, Manuscript Division.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleThomas Cole papers, 1821-1863.
repositoryArchives of American Art
description Notebooks; sketchbooks; drawings; letters; manuscript poems; catalogs; paintbrushes.

REEL D40: ca. 575 drawings.

REEL D6: Letters, manuscript poems, catalogs and a sketchbook dated March 10, 1832.

REEL D39: 2 v. of notebooks; 1825, and 18 v. of sketchbooks, 1827-1847. Cole sketches mainly in New York State, The White Mountains, England, Italy, and Catskill, N.Y.

REELS ALC 1- ALC 4: Correspondence with Cole, including letters from friends, family, artists, and others; journals; notes; essays; lectures; poetry; clippings; and financial records.

Correspondents include: William Althorpe Adams, Samuel James Ainsley, Francis Alexander, Theodore Allen, Washington Allston, Thomas B. Ashton, Edwin T. Bennet, Simeon D. Bloodgood, William C. Bryant, Edward L. Carey, Cephas G. Childs, Lewis G. Clark, Thomas S. Cummings, Franklin Dexter, William Dunlap, Asher B. Durand, Robert Gilmor, George W. Greene, Charles C. Ingham, Charles R. Leslie, Jonathan Mason, Samuel F. B. Morse, John L. Morton, Henry C. Pratt, Luman Reed, John P. Ridner, Jonathan Sturges, Ithiel Town, Isaiah Townsend, Charles B. Trego, William P. Van Rensselaer, Cornelius Ver Bryck, Daniel Wadsworth, Samuel Ward, Robert W. Weir, Ambrose Wright, and others.

Bio / His Notes:
Painter; Catskill, N.Y. Cole lived most of his life in New York City even though he studied abroad. He was elected member of National Academy in 1826.

Additional forms:
35mm microfilm reels D6, D39, D40, and ALC 1- ALC 4 available at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
extent7 microfilm reels. reels D6, D39, D40, and ALC 1- ALC 4
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
finding aidList of contents of reel D39 and list of correspondents on ALC 1-ALC 4 available at Archives of American Art offices.
acquisition informationMaterial on reels D6, D39, D40 lent for microfilming 1961 by the Detroit Institute of Art. Material on reels ALC 1-ALC 4 lent for microfilming 1964 by the New York State Library. Paintbrushes were discovered 1964 by S.J. Fishburne, Albany Institute restorer, in basement of Cole's house. He turned them over to the Institute's director, Janet MacFarlane, who donated them to AAA, 1965. Location of Original: Reels ALC 1-ALC 4: Originals in New York State Library, Albany, New York. Reels D6, D39, D40: Originals in Detroit Institute of Art.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleAsher B. Durand papers, 1812-1886 (MssCol 865)
repositoryNew York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division
descriptionCollection consists of general and family correspondence, biographical materials, journals, and other Durand papers. Correspondence, 1812-1884, relates to Durand's engraving business; painting commissions; tour of Europe in 1840-1841; cholera epidemic in New York in 1831-1832; presidency of the National Academy of Design, 1848-1862; and family matters. Also, biographical sketches of Durand; travel journals; addresses, 1846-1847, by Durand; print of an engraving; and printed matter.

Asher Brown Durand (1796-1886), the American engraver and painter, began his career as the pupil and partner of Peter Maverick. After 1835 Durand devoted himself to painting, producing figure pieces, portraits and then landscapes. He and Thomas Cole started the Hudson River school of painting. He founded the National Academy of Design and served as its president from 1845 to 1861.
extent2 linear feet (6 boxes and 1 v.)
formatsCorrespondence Journals Business Papers Diaries Printed Materials
accessMicrofilm must be used in lieu of originals.
record link
record source
finding aidCollection guide available in repository and on internet:,1,1,B/l856~b2933498&FF=&1,0,,1,0
acquisition informationCharles Henry Hart, Gift 1921
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleReed & Sturges Account book, 1833-1835.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionAccount balance book, 1833-1835, kept by the merchant firm of Reed & Sturges of New York City, recording balance totals and sums owed to and by the firm for individual accounts.

New-York Historical Society

Mss Collection

Call Number
BV Reed & Sturges
extent1 v.
formatsAccount Books
accessAccess: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleNew-York Gallery of Fine Arts Records, 1844-1858.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionMinutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, March 11, 1844-April 5, 1852, of this public gallery built on the collection of Luman Reed. The first officers included Jonathan Sturges, Francis W. Edmonds, William H. Johnson and Thomas H. Faile. Inserted in the volume are loose minutes of two meetings in 1854 and one in 1858 which resulted in the transfer of the Gallery's collection to the New-York Historical Society.

New-York Historical Society

Mss Collection

Call Number
(BV NYC Fine Arts Non-circulating )
extent1 v. (56 p.).
formatsAdministrative Records
accessAccess: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40